#3: Students Against Destructive Decisions

Trees shoot up from the ground, weaving this way and that. Foliage intertwines and in some places, is so dense that you can't see the sky above you. The jungle is a daunting place, encompassing most of the island. Even if you don't find yourself lost for days, you still have the animals to worry about...
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#3: Students Against Destructive Decisions


Post by Theseus* »

((Neil Sinclair continued from The Science of Selling Yourself))

Neil Sinclair was lost.

The darkness of the night was made even more dark by the thick canopy of the jungle. He questioned how smart it was for him to leave the safety of his group at the chapel to go off in search of Matt and Dominica, but he knew it was the right decision. It had to be done. They were out there somewhere, and Neil would find them. Then he would return to the chapel and S.A.D.D would be re-united and they would escape.

He would give a big fuck you to Danya as he rode into the sunset or whatever was going to happen. Neil Sinclair went from being the naive punk rocker singing songs about Danya with two others on day one to the leader of the group that was going to escape from this island.

Though first he had to re-organize. Find the lost members.

Actually, he had to find where he was himself. Traveling in the jungle at night wasn't a good idea, though that should be common sense.

Neil kept his M16 in front of him and he pressed through the darkness, stumbling, tripping, and hurting himself. Though he had to press on. If he found out something bad happened to Matt and Dominica he couldn't live with himself. He let them go off on their own to collect the weapons. They shouldn't have went.

Though it's not like it mattered now, Neil was lost in the jungle, searching for a way out.
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

Damn it.

Damn it.

God Fucking Damn It.

Six days of wandering around in the wilderness, knife in hand, watching her back lest she be killed, and surviving on nothing but water and crackers, was hardly the vacation Rio had in mind when she signed up for trip...which, lucky for her, turned out to be her one-way ticket into hell.

She hadn't gotten any action, but she'd sense it nearby time and time again, and each time, she'd run off in the complete other direction.

If she kept running...if she kept avoiding other people, then maybe, just maybe she'd survive. Maybe even just long enough until she could find her brother again....


She had company.

Looking towards Neil Sinclair, Rio Koizumi slowly extended her knife defensively...but the decided that it was a bad idea considering the weapon he was wielding at the moment.

She was covered in sweat, her appearance looked haggard, her knee was scraped and it was obvious that she was worn down to the last nerve. And yet she still had a rather defensive expression on her face.

"Hey. Neil. I've heard the announcements, but tell me for real. You playing or not?" She asked him roughly.
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It was hard to describe Marnie Yaguchi's feelings. Emotions were running rampant through the tiny girls mind while she trudged through the damp jungle. On top of all the mixed emotions, Marnie was also hopelessly lost.

Dante had ended up ditching her, which quite honestly didn't surprise her. She obviously wasn't happy that Dante had taken most of her supplies, but Marnie didn't have time to worry about trivial things like that. The one person she wanted to see the most was still lost to her. As much as she tried to stay positive, hope was slowly dwindling down.

What little hope she had left was quickly demolished when the announcements blared over the island. In the announcement routine, Marnie listened intently for Dorian's name, while attempting to not dwell on her past peers who were now dead. She was in for a horrible surprise this time around, however.

Corbin Arlen.

The boy she hosted the Southridge Radio Show with. The boy who she used to goof around with during study hall.

All of the sudden she felt numb. It was as if someone had knocked the wind out of her and she just couldn't get it back. It was one thing when someone she wasn't close with died- almost as if it wasn't happening. But the realization that someone she was close with was dead finally knocked all sense into Marnie. They were all going to die, everyone except that one person who was willing to kill.

There was no way she and Dorian were going to be able to get off the island together.

Marnie didn't have much time to dwell on her recent realization. She could hear two voices a small distance away. She was absolutely terrified, but she pushed the feeling to the back of her mind and investigated.

Neil Sinclair and Rio Koizumi.

What an amazing stroke of luck. If anyone was going to be able to get off the island; it was Neil. Her spirits were already rising.

Pushing some brush away with her spear, the little dancer emerged in front of two students.

"Hey.." She said with faux cheerfulness.
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Post by dinah_shore* »

((Denise continued from The Science of Selling Yourself))

Denise wondered if she was stupid for heading back into the jungle and getting hopelessly lost...again. She probably was. What was worse than being an idiot, was being an idiot who was in the throes of nicotine withdrawls. There was enough rain to prevent her from smoking since she left the chapel, and Denise felt herself getting more and more irritable.

She'd had enough with her fucking bag, though. She hadn't a chance to cook or eat the hare she'd found in a trap a few days ago, and it (and the large bear trap it was caught in) was weighing her down far too much.

Dreading the smell, she slowly unzipped her bag and dumped the contents on the ground.

"Oh...fuck! Jesus Murphy! F--fffffack!" she retched, stumbling away from the stench. Bracing herself, Denise went back to gather what she wanted to keep. Problem was, everything now smelled like corpse. The inside of her bag, her clothes...and her food.

Sighing, Denise took a seat on the ground, drawing her legs into her chest. She was making far too many bad decisions. It was going to cost her her daughter and her husband. It would take a fucking miracle to see them again.

Resting her forehead on her knees, Denise began to sob. Crying was something she'd been taught not to do, lest she wanted to experience a hard, open-palmed slap in the face. It was always an uncomfortable experience, crying, even after she'd moved out of her parent's house. But there was no staunching the flow of tears that soaked the knees of her dirty jeans. She felt herself slip into despair.
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Post by Theseus* »

Neil Sinclair was glad for light. Though that only meant the morning announcements were coming, and he would soon know the fate of those of S.A.D.D that got separated. Mainly Matt and Dominica. He hoped they were ok. He needed to get them back to the chapel and S.A.D.D would push once again towards escape.

Then appeared Rio Koizumi. The Asian tomboy stood before him, holding a knife, and simply asked him if he was playing or not. She heard the announcements, so she probably knew about Blood Boy and S.A.D.D and the four girls dying indirectly because of the group.

"No, I'm not playing."

Neil lowed his M16 looking at the girl. She wasn't a killer, she couldn't be. He refused someone like Rio could now be playing the game.

"I hope you're not either."

Then another girl broke into the scene. Marnie. The tiny girl who was a DJ alongside Corbin and also a dancer. He knew her and Corbin were good friends.

Keeping his M16 lowered to let them all know he wasn't a threat, he just said, "Marnie, hey."

He had talked to her a couple times, mainly just in class. He remembered one time he tried to get her to dance with him before class when he was singing his latest song for his band into his pencil.

There was no more singing anymore.

He felt better being in the company of these two girls. Maybe he was too trusting, but he thought they were good people. Maybe possible recruits into S.A.D.D. Then he heard the sound of Denise cussing and causing a ruckus, but he couldn't figure out where the voice was coming from. She could be in trouble.

Instinctively, Neil Sinclair raised his M16 and said to the two girls he was with, "Denise! She might be in trouble." Hurrying through the jungle, he pushed past trees and vines and bushes and whatever obstacle lay in his way to help the girl. He then almost ran into her.

He looked at the girl, who was sitting on the ground crying. The game was getting to her, it was getting to everyone. Slinging his M16, Neil sat down next to her and put his arm around her, praying that she wouldn't think he was using her sadness to try to score or something crazy like that.

"Hey...it's going to be ok. I promise. I got us all this far didn't I? Why did you leave the chapel Denise? Is everyone ok?"
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Post by LadyMakaze* »


Just what she needed.

More people.

They were literally coming out of the workout. Defensive as Rio was, she couldn't help but wonder if they just all decided to pop out at once or they were seriously planning on ganging up on her.

She assessed her odds of surviving what could possibly be a 2-to-1 fight.

Okay, this is not good. Me, with this dinky little knife, vs. THAT,(She looked nervously towards Neil's M16) a spear, and lastly.... good GOD, what is that funky SMELL?

She blanched. Something was DEFINITELY rotting in the state of Denmark.

Shaking her head to clear the smell Rio looked towards Neil again... She relaxed slightly, ever so slightly.

"Heh. Oh yeah? Good. Then I'm not." Rio lowered the knife a bit, but still looked rather defensive.

Oh, and then the boy was running off....what now, Rio thought? =_= Look at me when I'm talking to you.

"Whatever." She looked towards Marnie, up and down her petite dancer figure. As she did with most other girls, Rio felt rough, stocky, and awkward in comparison.

"Hey." She said as a blunt reply. "So how HAVE you been doing these past.... I don't know, is it six days already? Seven...? Anyways...have you seen my idiot brother Sato? I'm looking for him."

Not....Not that she was WORRIED about him or anything....no, not at all. >_> Cause who knows what sort of trouble the spineless bleeding moron could be in right now.
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Post by Mimi »

Marnie watched as Neil ran off in the direction of the crying. He said something about Denise before he had run off, but for some reason she doubted that she was truly owner of the crying. From what little Marnie knew of her, she had never seemed the type to cry, but they were in a game where you could die any second of the day. Then Marnie remembered that Denise was a mother and her heart ached. She couldn't imagine what Denise was going through.

As much as she wanted to go comfort the young mother, Marnie didn't want to leave Rio behind. She felt a strange sense of comradery with the taller girl, like they understood each other. When Rio spoke up, Marnie focused her attention on her.

"So how HAVE you been doing these past.... I don't know, is it six days already? Seven...? Anyways...have you seen my idiot brother Sato? I'm looking for him."

Marnie smiled softly at Rio, though on the inside her heart ached even more. Despite the fact that Rio was acting as though she didn't care for him, Marnie could tell she was genuinely worried about Sato. It was heartbreaking what this game was doing to people.
Breaking up parents and children, siblings,... best friends.

Trying to hold back tears as she imagined what might have happened to Dorian, Marnie looked up towards the sky as she spoke to Rio.

"H-he's probably fine.." Marnie didn't know whether it was about Dorian or Sato, but she tried to comfort Rio anyways. "How 'bout we g-go and check on Denise?"
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Post by dinah_shore* »

Denise turned her head to face Neil. Fat, hot tears fell wordlessly from her tired brown eyes. There were so many things that she wanted to tell him, if she could only get her crying under control. She would tell him to get his fucking arm off of her. She was too proud to admit that she'd felt as though a bit of weight had been lifted off her chest as he embraced her. Denise steeled herself as she met his gaze, ready to say everything she'd wanted to tell him since leaving the chapel earlier.

She found there was nothing.

His eyes looked into my eyes so far
Whenever the words ran dry.

Of course Neil didn't know what he was doing. Did any of them, really? She saw genuine concern in his expression and was reminded of Elizabeth Priestly, who had helped her when she fainted in the jungle. It was the same selflessness that may have saved her life days ago.

And his eyes said me, and his eyes said you
And my eyes said, let us try.

Sighing, Denise let go of her frustration with Neil. It wasn't that she wasn't strong in her convictions, she was simply tired of pushing everyone away. She had to admit to herself that she needed support, that she didn't want to continue alone anymore.

"It's a long story," she choked out before breaking contact with his understanding blue eyes. Struggling to find her composure, she stared at her things scattered on the ground.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.
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Post by Theseus* »

"It's ok. We're going to be ok."

Neil took his arm from Denise and stood up, looking around. It was still dark, and he wondered when the morning would come with it's announcements. It couldn't be far away. Matt and Dominica. Where were they? He knew he needed to get back to the chapel, and bring everyone with him.

Were they ok there?

"We're over here!" Neil called over to the two girls, guiding him to him and Denise.

"Everything's ok! I'm with Denise."

Neil thought about what to do next. He could return to the chapel, and just hope Matt and Dominica come back, and plan S.A.D.D's next assault against Danya. Or he could continue his journey to find the missing S.A.D.D members, which would result in the group being split up.

However, he owed Matt and Dominica his life. They saved him, and he would save them if they were in trouble.

Sitting back down next to Denise he whispered, "I'll follow through on my promises for S.A.D.D. I swear everything will be ok."

That was all he could offer. His promise that S.A.D.D would get off the island. That they would win.
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

Rio looked uncomfortable as Marnie looked at her. Somehow she felt as though the more delicate-looking girl understood her better than Rio was comfortable with. She looked away, hiding a slight grimace.

"....Yeah, whatever." Enough talk about her brother, she can worry about the damn fool later...

She bit her lip, wondering what sort of trouble he'd gotten himself into by now.

"Anyways, let's go see where that Sinclair's run off to. ....Maria, wasn't it?" Rio frowned, not too sure what the other girl's name was. "Well whatever...let's get going then..."

It didn't take long until she'd found Neil, regardless of whether that Margie person or whatever followed, and apparently he'd picked up some new friends... The guy was a magnet for helpless, fragile girls, it seemed. Not including Rio of course.

Though suddenly, she frowned more deeply at the mention of...


Remembering the announcement, Rio's fist tightened against the blade she held. "...That's....that's right.... you were the guys who caused all that trouble. I don't know what exactly you were up to, but I doubt going around trashing the cameras was the half of it. Regardless... whatever you're up to, it's gotten people killed for no good reason what-so-fucking-ever."

She was probably digging something of a trench for herself, but Rio just couldn't let it stand by. Everyone had heard. Trinity Sparks. Jazzlyn, Wednesday, Melissa. The screams, the explosions. Rio had heard, and not once had it ever left her mind since then.

"...So what's going on, Sinclair?" She asked in a shaking voice. "Are you going to get all of us killed too?"
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Post by Mimi »

The tears had been suppressed, but Marnie didn't know how long she could keep pushing them away. Some might have called her weak, but she knew she wasn't. Everything was just piling up and it was getting harder and harder for her to take. Whether it was having to watch her back every second of the day, or worrying about Dorian, or trying to get over the fact that she'd be dead in a few days. It was just all too much for her and time was still ticking by.

"Anyways, let's go see where that Sinclair's run off to. ....Maria, wasn't it?"

"..Marnie," She corrected.

Marnie followed Rio through past large trees and brush towards Neil, dragging her spear behind her and staring up at the back of Rio's head. She couldn't help but to admire the taller girl. Despite being in a death game with her own brother, Rio somehow managed to stay strong and Marnie admired that.

Marnie and Rio emerged into the clearing where the other two students were and Marnie's eyes immediately fixated on Denise. It was strange to see someone like Denise crying, like watching a dog walk on it's hind legs. It was something girls like her didn't do, but Marnie didn't blame her. She had someone back home who depended on her like no one else had.

Marnie walked out from behind Rio and slowly walked over to Denise, not knowing how the girl would react. Denise needed someone to comfort her and Neil just didn't have the maternal ability. She perched beside, but before she had a chance to say anything, Rio had started accosting Neil.

It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair that Rio was holding that against Neil. It was Danya who did it, not Neil. Sure, it wasn't fair that those girls died either, but Neil wasn't the one who killed them.

"Are you going to get all of us killed too?"

The atmosphere was thick with hostility, which in turn made things incredibly uncomfortable. Holding something like that against Neil was horrible and probably made the boy feel horrible for something he didn't even do, right? She was conflicted and scared. She didn't know whether or not she could forgive Neil for what he did, even though it was an accident. It still got four girls killed.

"It wasn't his fault, Rio. Danya killed them, not Neil." Marnie started, still perched beside Denise. "And honestly, you're just scaring people for no reason. Neil isn't going to kill anyone.. he's a good guy who made a mistake."

Yeah, just a good guy who made one huge mistake, but she trusted him not to do it again.
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Post by dinah_shore* »

Denise's head hurt. Her sniffling built up pressure in her sinuses and it was difficult to think. Everyone was talking, talking...

Massaging her temples, she said, "Can we just get the fuck out of this jungle?" in a scratchy, tired voice. She closed her eyes tightly as her headache throbbed a little more violently. Rio wouldn't have to go if she didn't want to, but Denise was sick of everything the jungle had to offer (mostly bugs).

She pulled herself up off the ground, not bothering to collect her things. It all smelled like shit anyways, no way she could make herself ingest or wear anything that stunk like that. The only thing she had was her butcher's knife, and the very plausible idea that she would starve to death.
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Post by Theseus* »

Neil wasn't even surprised when Rio confronted him, holding her knife, accusing him of causing a lot of trouble on the island. True, it was S.A.D.D's attempt at escape that got innocent girls killed, but Neil had no way of knowing that would happen. After the announcement he ceased that plan to come up with a new, more effective way to escape.

His days on the island however, instead of making him cynical and pessimistic, made him even more optimistic about the human spirit. Rio wouldn't attack him. She was scared, just like everyone else. He didn't aim his M16 at her, as he only said, "I'll explain if you let me get my notebook."

He was grateful for Marnie.

She was defending him, and it was good to have an ally near him. Especially since he was away from his closest friends right now. Poor Marnie, she must have been through a lot. She must be sad about Corbin.

Wasn't Dorian looking for her?

He would tell her later, but now he had to deal with Rio, and Denise who only wanted to get out of the jungle.

Kneeling down, he rummaged through his pack until he took out his notebook, which was full of writing and bent and torn. Opening to a blank page he quickly scribbled down some words.

S.A.D.D's trying to escape. We thought that by bringing the cameras offline Danya would be forced to send in techs to fix them. Then we would ambush them. We had a pretty large group until the...incident. He made our hiding spot a danger zone and now we're spread out all across the island. I'm looking for Dominica and Matt right now, but some of us are back at the chapel waiting. I WILL get us off this island.

Neil tossed Rio the notebook and said, "please, read it."
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Post by Theseus* »

Neil Sinclair waited as Rio read the notebook and looked around the jungle. They would have to keep moving on. Dominica and Matthew were out there, not to mention Dorian, and the rest of S.A.D.D. Neil would have to regroup, re-plan. Though he wasn't out of tricks yet. Neil would go down fighting, and his stay on the island only served to harden him, make him hate Danya more.

Make him want to escape more.

Neil looked at everyone and said, "Ok everyone. Saddle up. It's time we hit the road here and keep pushing on. Marnie, Rio, if you guys want in, consider yourselves the new official S.A.D.D inductees. Denise, we'll get you back with everyone soon. We just got to find ourselves a way out of this jungle."

Neil started to walk forward, his M16 ready, his guitar and pack slung across his back.

He really did make an odd, unlikely leader.

((Neil Sinclair continued at Freedom or Bust))
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Post by Mimi »

(Let's just pretend this was before the announcement :x)

Marnie curiously watched as Neil scribbled in his notebook. She wasn't entirely sure why he was writing something when he could just say it out loud, but she kept her mouth shut. It was probably just Neil's way of doing things. He walked to the beat of his own drummer, but that was one of the reasons Marnie liked him.

Neil handed the tablet over to Rio and Marnie craned her neck, attempting to read the writing. She couldn't help but notice that Neil didn't have the best penmanship, though some of it was legible. Something about cameras, Dominica and Matt, but it was the last sentence that captured Marnie's eyes.

I WILL get us off this island.

That kind of thinking was incredibly far fetched, but it was uplifting to find something who was still so optimistic. If she was lucky, maybe some of it would rub off on her. She was due for some, as the last few days had drained her of all optimism. The fact that only one person would live at the end of it was always present in the back of her mind, though, so any optimism that came her way would instantly be replaced by that very thought.

The solemn silence that had taken over the jungle was broken when Neil stood up.

"Ok everyone. Saddle up. It's time we hit the road here and keep pushing on. Marnie, Rio, if you guys want in, consider yourselves the new official S.A.D.D inductees. Denise, we'll get you back with everyone soon. We just got to find ourselves a way out of this jungle."

A member of SADD... it was something that had never crossed Marnie's mind before. She didn't want the heartbreak of joining a group and watching them all be killed off, but the offer sounded surprisingly nice. And who knew, maybe if she joined SADD, she'd have a better chance of finding Dorian.

"I'd like that!" Marnie yelled to Neil as he proceeded into the jungle. Looking down at Rio and Denise, Marnie smiled. "C'mon, let's go,"

(Marnie Yaguchi continued in Freedom or Bust)
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