A View to a Kill

The lookout tower sits atop a large hill and is shrouded in trees. It's an unimpressive building, but it used to be the primary defense post on the island. Maybe it can be your eye in the sky as well? It'd be a great place for a small group to rally together and hide from the island's baddies, and an even better place for those baddies to snipe the rest of the competition from above.
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Post by Sona* »

Day had broken, it seemed. And the fifth announcement came on. It was... horrible. More people died, lots more. Danya had blown the heads off of four people because of a few cameras. It was... horrible. Nineteen deaths! A veritable chunk of the student body had disappeared that day, and would never come back. And the new dangerzones! The hospital. The lookout tower. The cottage. The kinds of places he would have gone. And, he guessed, so would many other people. So they had to escape. Run. Vamoose, even.
Dorian suggested the barracks. They were free from danger now, right? That's where he should go.

"C'mon, Jake. Uhm, we gotta go. And..." Jake looked down at Matt. He almost didn't recognize the guy at first, sitting on the ground. "M... Matt. Right? We have to get out of here. I... I don't know what SADD is all about, other than that it's some opposition to Danya. But this group... Isn't at fault. Uhm, it's... Well... It's Danya's fault, right? He put us in this game so... Well.. Um, y'know... Let's go." Ivan tried his best to be some convincing speaker, but it just wasn't natural to him. And he was scared. They had a little less than ten minutes to get away from the tower. They had to leave!

"I... Jake, we have a better chance of... Of finding Trish... If we get out of here. She heard the announcements, right? This is a d... danger zone! We have to move!" Ivan was getting frantic. He took one last look around. There were people up in the tower, right? They could get out, he hoped. So he pulled his map out of his bag, and found the barracks. ~Ugh.~ And he had just barely caught his breath from hurrying to the tower. So he took off, at first at a run, to get away from the place. He figured he could slow down when he got nearer to the meeting place.

(Ivan Roeghmills continued elsewhere)
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Post by Heatwizard* »

Oh shit.
Dennis sat slumped against the wall, woken up.
There was no way in a very cold hell Danya would let this go, but this was serious. Ugh, and Neil's sure to get blue-screen'd, won't that be awesome. And it'd probably take quite a bit of talking to keep everyone else from quitting.

He stood up, collecting stuff into his bag. "Cmon guys, barracks. Let's get moving, Danya's killed enough people today."

(The epic journey of Dennis McDonald will be continued elsewhere)
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Post by dinah_shore* »

"I don't...I don't have time!" exclaimed Jake.

He looked around nervously, as the members of SADD moved past him to clear the dangerzone.
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Post by Ciel* »

Why does everything have to be so difficult? There's always that one kid that has to make things hard. I guess I have to do everything.

She sipped the tea that she had left on the table she had been sitting by. She pocketed the cup, picked up her bag and proceeded to walk towards the door slowly. She shook her head at Corbin for a brief second as she walked past him. "Let's... just go. Try to keep up, you're the only one who has a real gun and knows how to use it. Wake Neil, he has to leave too." As she was leaving, it was almost impossible for her to ignore the boy off to the side, sobbing like a baby. Matthew was gay, that was obvious, but if there was one thing Dominica knew it was that no feminine boy would be acting like this. She frowned...

... and slapped the boy across the face.

"Please... just SHUT up."

She slapped him again, her voice very grim.

"Really, just shut up. We're NOT THE REASON they died, they died because Dayna wants to psyche us out. And that McKay character, the one you're crying over... she had that coming. She killed someone else, SHE chose the option to kill someone. She chose to play, and she died. Stop crying over spilled milk, alright? It's not your problem. And..."

The third slap across the face was more her just enjoying slapping him around, but no one would guess that. "The FACT that he's killing people proves that we're doing something right. He hasn't done something along this magnitude before, believe me I've watched this show before. No matter what happens, he won't just up and blow people's head off, because he told us before that 'that' is a bad thing. Obviously he cares about money, and if he just blows a collar up for every camera we destroy, he's going to lose money. We still have this game in the pocket, we have a chance to win. Trust me, I want to believe in Neil. I want to, Matthew, but with you whining about every death, it's... hard for me to believe it.

She smiled nonchalantly. "If you feel so bad about how you killed those girls, then sure, go ahead. Kill yourself if that'll make you feel better. You want to make yourself out to be a monster for no reason then that's fine by me. If you want to live, then stop acting like such a woman and just follow us. Unless if you want to stay here and die, then go ahead, I don't care. I couldn't care less what you do. Just don't rub those bad emotions off on me, because that'll just make me mad. You wouldn't want to see me mad."

Dominica sighed loudly, then looked over at Jake. "You don't have time to walk away? That's very lazy of you, you know."

She walked ahead, pushing into Jake's shoulder as she passed. "Come on, don't get left behind. The barracks is our only chance for shelter, and I want out of this rain."

(continued else-

Dominica wanted to leave, she really did, but something made her stop in her tracks. A very loud, familiar sound. Something that nearly pierced the side of her shoulder. It was a bullet, and while Dominica wanted to deny it, it was pointing straight at her. It nearly hit, but she was lucky. Very lucky. She turned quickly to look at who it was... What she saw was a very familiar face. Oh, a very familiar face.

"No... Noo...."


((Continued from One by One, We All Fall Down))

Nathaniel Harris, aka Blood Boy, gave Dominica Shapiro a very lecherous smile, a smirk that she could quite see but could barely imagine what it looked like. His hand was pointing at her, the gun aimed at her head.

"Oh, damn," he grinned. "Missed. Of all the times to miss."

Dominica's face turned even whiter, and this was the fuel that was keeping the boy going. One day without seeing anyone, without any conflict. He felt tired, very tired, and bored, oh so very bored. And the first person he saw was the girl that he had seen last. Oh, how lucky was he. He could finally finished what he started. That spear had scared the living hell out of him, it was the closest anyone had ever gotten to dying, and if he wanted to live he had to kill her back. Plus, he quite liked the scared deer-in-the-headlights look upon her. It suited her pasty-white face. She was slowly walking away from him, but he didn't move. He wouldn't move. That's how he's survived for so long.

Dominica looked on the verge of tears, and she started to scream. "Uhh... guys? T-T-There's somebody here!!!!"

"Hey." Blood Boy told her. "Why so scared?"

Dominica bit her lip. "G-Get away from me!" She ran in the opposite direction, then fell on the ground, into the mud. Blood Boy laughed. She was so afraid of him, it was hilarious. A second ago she was acting like a lion, and now she was a mouse. It made Blood Boy happy to see the bitch get what she deserved. Then there was that other boy, sobbing to himself. That gay boy, Matthew Wittany and... that other boy. Blood Boy couldn't remember who he was, but he just suddenly found out that he didn't like him. Good. More sheep for the slaughter. He pulled out the Taurus Millennium, the gun he had been holding so tightly for so long, and pointed them at both of the boys.

"So, gentlemen, I know that neither of you know who I am and I barely know either of you. I will say, however, that the girl is right. You should get out of here, after all this is going to be a dangerzone after all..." Blood boy chuckled. "You should know, you two were crying the whole time. However, I'm very bored, and my friends Jaws and Viper are restless. Bored and restless is a bad mix, let me tell you. Why don't you show them a good time, hmm?"

He laughed loudly, a cold laugh, before sending the especially cold guns to do their dirty deeds. Twelve bullets went flying towards the two boys standing nervously, ready to kill them on first hit. All the while Blood Boy smirked, a shiver going up his spine. Finally... it's showtime. There isn't any Adam Dodd saviors that's going to save you now, boys.

(We're going at ludicrous speed to get this done in the time allowed. Stay tuned kids!)
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Matt felt the sting of the harsh slap before he even realized what was coming. He gripped his cheek, and looked up to the girl in complete awe. Dominica was so quiet…. He'd have never expected something like that from her. The second slap was even more painful than the first, but her words cut much deeper into the boy than her slaps. It hurt, because she was absolutely right.

Danya had said consistently for the previous two seasons that he hated to lose ratings on blown collars. It was all just to stop them from doing something potentially harmful to his program. He only killed those girls to keep them from trying anything else.

And Mary… Mary had indeed killed Guy. She… dismembered him if he heard the announcements correctly. How could Mary… sweet Mary… how could she do something so disturbing? Dominica had said it right. She chose to play. She chose to kill. It was her own fault that she died. That much was certain. But it still didn't make Matt feel good about it.

The third slap was a tad bit unnessesary, but Matt assumed she was trying to prove a point. Her nonchalant smile made him boil. She was laughing at him. Even in this situation where they were supposed to be allies, she had the nerve to laugh at his emotions. Even if everything she said was true, it gave her no leeway to tell him he was acting the fool. He had a right to be sad. A right to feel for these people.

She just couldn't see past herself, and her own ambitions. That was the horrible truth of it.

Matt stood shakily, and began to follow after Dominica, but he first turned to Jake.

"You were looking for a girl named Trish right? I-I think I saw her in the chapel… I'm not sure you'd want to run into her though…." He sighed, and then followed after Dominica, determined to stay alive. However… things were never quite that easy, were they?

Dominica stopped in her tracks, and a bullet planted itself in her arm. Matt's eyes went wide. She began to scream and run towards the tower, but tripped and fell in the mud not too far from him. Matt didn't know what the hell was going on. He looked. It was frightful.

The boy shot at him and Jake. Over and over Matt heard the bullets rip from the guns. He didn't even think. He just dove. Two of the bullets pierced his left arm before her made it to the ground, but the rest whizzed over his head. He landed near Dominica.

"Who the hell is that?!"
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Post by Theseus* »

"Daaannnnyaaaa! You stupid little cow!
Dannyyaa! We're coming for youuuu!
Danya we think you really suck -
You are one sick fuck!
Though you've put us in this game
We're not a fire that you can tame!
I'm not much a singer, that is true,
But what is it that we're coming for you!"


Neil was dreaming of the song he sang on the coast with Evan and Ric.

That was day one when SADD was forming. When they had no real plan except to smash cameras. The topic came up what would happen if Danya retaliated against the camera smashing. Though there was nothing that could be done. It was the only plan they could thing of. Danya's voice woke Neil up.

All around him, like god's voice. Danya read the morning announcements. Neil slowly opened his eyes and listened. There had been a lot of kills over the course of the day. Jodene was dead. That was the girl that killed Khrysta.

Corbin looked over the armbands he made for SADD. He looked at the white t-shirt which he hoped to make into a flag. When dawn broke he heard the voice of Danya boom to life, and with that, Corbin started to put the armbands and everything back in his pack. It would be his turn to go downstairs and rest. He looked at the S.A.D.D armband that was on his left arm. He was proud of it. He was proud of what he would offer his teammates down below. When he was done packing he stood up listened to the names. Jodene. She was dead. Someone else got her. Khrysta's death was avenged.

Corbin smiled a little and listened for the names.

Mary McKay. She killed someone. Not only did she kill someone, she mutilated them!

She then died too.

Neil felt sick. He couldn't believe it. Him and Khrysta risked their lives to save Mary. They took her in, and even once Khrysta died Corbin promised to protect her. She got separated. That's what happens when you're on your own. Is it though?

Then the danger zones were listed. When Corbin heard the lookout tower he slung his pack over his shoulder and while holding his M16, headed down towards the main room to meet up with everyone else who would no doubt be in a panic.

Neil sat up when he head that the lookout tower became a danger zone. He listened as Danya mentioned his name.

Then the screams.

Four girls.

Four explosions.

Danya accused Neil of killing them.

Neil Sinclair stood up and shouted.

"Danya! You sick mother fucker!" Neil never felt so much rage before. Just because he destroyed some cameras. Just because he formed a group and smashed cameras. Four girls were dead. More would die if Neil continued to smash cameras.

Neil watched as the lookout tower became a chaotic room as Dorian made a statement about heading to the barracks, and headed off. Neil watched as others left as well. So that's where S.A.D.D would re-group. Where they would re-organize.

At the barracks. Neil heard Matt crying, and while he wanted to comfort him, he found himself putting his pack together and watching as Dominica slapped him. Neil listened closely to the girl. She had faith in Neil. She was right after all. Danya wouldn't just kill off four girls for no reason. It seemed that S.A.D.D was really making an impact.

Neil slung his back over his shoulder and watched as Corbin came down the stairs looking around. Neil looked at everyone who was still here and shouted.

"Everyone out! SADD, get your asses in gear! Everyone meet at the barracks! Got that? Everyone meet at the barracks! This isn't over! I swear to god he'll pay for what he's doing! This isn't over!"

Neil didn't want to just leave yet. He had to make sure everyone got out. They had to hurry. Corbin made his way by Neil and said, "Come on, we got to get out of here."

Neil watched as Dominica made her way out of the tower and said, "We got to get everyone out! Jake, come on, get your ass out of here man! The barracks!"

That's when the first shot rang out. Neil ducked down, and so did Corbin. Rushing to the window, they saw Nathaniel Harris outside.

Neil looked at Dominica. He was threatening her, and now he had two guns out, pointed towards Matthew (who was practically gone from the area anyways, hopefully heading to the barracks) and Jake.

Neil and Corbin ducked again at the sound of twelve shots going off.

Neil shouted outside towards Dominica, "It's going to be ok! We'll get ya!"

Corbin already had his M16 up, but didn't lean out yet to take a shot afraid of the armed boy outside. A fight at a lookout tower which was becoming a danger zone.

This was not how Neil Sinclair imagined his final day at the lookout tower would be. With most of S.A.D.D already gone headed towards the barracks, there was no backup. It was just them and Nathaniel.
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Post by Ciel* »

Dominica looked up from the ground, staring at Matthew. She was lucky, the bullet didn't hit her. Matthew had been unlucky to feel such pain, but he looked like he was trying to cope. "S-Shut up. Pretend you're dead."

While she was speaking, Blood Boy reloaded. He was rather upset, Matthew had ran away like a coward at the sight of him and fallen right next to the girl, which was even better than the reaction he received from the scared girl only minutes ago. And now... it appeared as though Dominica was dead. Good, he was glad. Quite glad. He heard voices coming from the building...

""Everyone out! S.A.D.D., get your asses in gear! Everyone meet at the barracks! Got that? Everyone meet at the barracks! This isn't over! I swear to god he'll pay for what he's doing! This isn't over!"


"You see, there's a little pain in the ass group of students on the island that calls themselves S.A.D.D., and this little pain in the ass group has been going around, destroying my cameras."

S.A.D.D.? Students Against Drunk Driving? Yes, what a perfect name for an escape team. Nathaniel Harris wasn't stupid. He could connect the dots just as easily as anyone else, and while he at first didn't notice the connection, when he heard Neil's voice again it became quite clear. Blood Boy chuckled, pointing at the only window built in the lighthouse. The gold mine, he figured, was right here.

"Oh? So You're Neil Sinclair? I'm surprised. Quite. You hiding like a coward whilst you use your friends as meat shields. How... noble of you. Cowards make such great heroes." Blood Boy shrugged, turning towards Matthew. "How about this. I have a little deal for you Neil. I'm looking to make a dent in this game, I'm looking to be remembered. So, if you don't show your face in the next couple of seconds, I'LL start killing people. First the queer kid, and then freckles. You hear that Neil? If you let me kill you, I let the rest live. If you don't, well, it's pretty obvious what I'll do." He turned to look at the window again. "After all, this place is going up in smoke in a few minutes, so you better not hesitate."

He neared Matthew, putting one of his guns away. "Ohh... who the hell am I? WHO in the HELL am I? Ohoh, don't you know? I'm insulted." He flipped Matthew up, pushing the Taurus Millennium against his jaw.

And, with his other hand, pulled one of his faces off.

"Hehehahaha.... Oh, now I think you'll be remembering me for a very. Long. Time."

The fleshy pieces of flesh moved upward in some sort of movement, but no one could ever guess that it was a smile. "Say... Do you want to hear how my face got this way." Nathanial cackled loudly. "Well, there were these two people, my mother and fater. My mother was a slut, a dirty whore. My father was....a drinker, and a fiend. They made me... I was an accident. My mom, she didn't want me. She wanted to leave, but my father... well, he wouldn't have that. Oh no, he wouldn't. He couldn't stand to see me, but he wanted my mother, oh how he did.

"So, he loses it one night. He tries to strangle her, corners her, tells her that if he can't have her no one will. Mommy screams, she cries. This screaming... it wakes me up, and I go into the kitchen. She gets the kitchen knife to defend herself. Daddy doesn't like that. Not. One. Bit. So, me watching, he throws the knife away, and takes her hypodermic needle to her, laughing while he does it. In and out, in her eye. I watch him rip the life away from her, scared, wimpering..."

"And then... He turns to me and he says, with this crazy grin, "Why so serious?" Comes at me with the knife,"Why so serious?" And then..."

Blood Boy motions to his face. "He does this. Everybody SAYS he died to save me, but I know the truth. If he loved me, he wouldn't do this to me. He wouldn't do this to me, he couldn't do this to me, no one would do this to me. No one, not even you, not even Dayna would subject me to the pain I've felt for so many years. Having no friends... Being mocked in the middle of the hallway, punched, humiliated. Oh, my father never loved me. No one has. NO ONE LOVES me. Not even the girl who I loved truly loved me. She thought I was a freak, just like the rest of them!"

The gun pointed at Matthew's eye. "And no one loves you, Matthew. I should know. No one loves anyone anymore, it's all insincerity. And that's why I always have this mask on. Because I want to smile, I WANT TO SMILE, I WANTED TO BE LOVED but no one would ever know, because I LOOK LIKE THIS AND THEY TREAT ME LIKE I'M THE FREAK! So, Matthew, you think you have it bad? You think you have it tough, your friends dying... Hehe.... You wouldn't even know. You WOULD NEVER know. That's why I kill you too... because I want to teach you a lesson. I want to teach you all a lesson that no one loves you. At the end of the day, YOU'RE just a liability, and they'll just throw you away. No one... No one but me seems to understand that."

Blood Boy cackled. "So... let's play a little game Matthew. I'll let you live, fine, I'm perfectly fine with that. You've got to be my friend though. You've got to say how pretty I am. Huh, Matthew? Am I pretty?"
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Post by Theseus* »

Neil and Corbin both peered back through the window and watched as Matthew went down next to Dominica.

Damnit! That crazy boy shot him!

Corbin stood up and was about to lean out of the lookout tower and send as much lead as he could towards Nathaniel but he was too late. Blood Boy was standing over Matthew with his gun at the boys face.

Before he made it to Matthew though, he gave Neil Sinclair a choice.

If he was to die, he could save Matt and Dominica. Neil felt the fear in him. This wasn't like anything he had ever been apart of on the island. His journey on the island never prepared him for this. His sudden leadership of the now notorious group called S.A.D.D never got him ready for this moment. They were in a danger zone, and there was a kid outside with guns, threatening to shoot Neil's allies.

Neil looked at Corbin Arlen and said, "We don't have much time. He's right, we're all going to go boom in a matter of minutes. I got to do this man."

Neil stood up and looked at the door which would lead him outside. He was scared. He was no hero. He was just a punk rocker wearing tight black jeans and a studded belt. He wanted to be back on stage singing. Playing his guitar. His guitar was still slung over his shoulders. Though the rain destroyed the built in amp, it still would work acoustically. It didn't matter anymore. Neil Sinclair was a dead man.

Neil said to Corbin, "You get Matt and Dominica to the barracks ok? Understand? Get them to the barracks, get SADD back together ok? Dorian. He's the man now. If he wants the job that is. Get off this island Corbin. Get off this damn island."

Corbin Arlen was scared too. What would Khrysta do? What would she tell him to do now?


Keep everyone alive.

Corbin looked out the window and said, "There's got to be another way man."

Neil said, "If you shoot, he'll kill Matthew. When he goes for me, kill him. Ok? Then get out of here. We don't have ---



Neil Sinclair walked out of the lookout tower and raised his hands.

"Ok! I'm here! Do what you want to me! Leave them alone though!"

Corbin Arlen made his way to the doorway, kneeling down and aiming his M16 at Nathaniel, blood boy, waiting to take his shot. Waiting.
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Matt tried to keep as still as possible, but the wounds on his upper arm were making it very difficult. Dominica didn't appear to be hit, which was good, and she began to play possum. Matt looked towards the masked boy. What was he doing?! He was walking closer to Matthew, saying he wanted to make a deal with Neil. That didn't sound good. He said he was going to kill them unless Neil came outside. Starting with him. That made Matt's breach catch in his throat.

The masked boy flipped him onto his back, and he let out a cry of pain when his arm hit the ground. He felt to cold steel of the Taurus Millenium against his jaw, and he realized, he was probably going to die. That thought scared the hell out of him. But… he couldn't be afraid. He had to be strong. He couldn't let this boy get the best of him. The boy reached up with his free hand. He removed his mask.

Matt began to tremble in fear. This wasn't a human…. There was…. No skin. It was the most revolting sight he'd even seen. Matt couldn't move. He was too scared. The boy began to laugh. He asked him if he wanted to know how his face got that way. Matt desperately wanted to say no, but he couldn't find his voice. His mouth was dry.

Nathanial told a terrifying tale. It made Matt want to tear out his eardrums so he didn't have to hear anymore. He wanted to rip out his eyes so he didn't have to see that FACE. Nathanial started to rant and rave. Nobody loved him, nobody wanted to understand him. He couldn't even approach the person he loved because of his FACE. Matt felt a tear run down his cheek. He was going to be killed by a raving lunatic. But… he reminded him of himself just a bit… Alone… Unloved… The person everyone saw and everyone ignored. It was such a similarity… but Matt would never stoop this low. This boy was crazy. No other explanation.

He said he wanted to teach Matt a lesson. Matt trembled beneath the boy. The gun was now pointed at his eye. He said that in order to live, he had to be his friend. He had to tell him he was ‘pretty'. Matt didn't know what the hell was wrong with this boy. But… he knew what had to be done.

"Y-y-you're v-very p-p-pretty… V-very…" He stammered. "P-p-please… st-stop… i-it doesn't h-have to end th-this way…" He tried to breathe, but felt his chest tighten up. "I-I'll be y-y-your friend… j-just st-stop…." He begged.

Then he heard Neil's voice call out to Nathanial. Matt didn't understand. What was Neil thinking?! He had to lead the others at the barracks… he couldn't die here! And where was Corbin? This was insane… their collars were all about to explode… What was going to happen now?

"Neil…" Matt mumbled under his breath. He wasn't possibly considering killing himself for them…. Was he?
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Post by Ciel* »

Blood Boy appeared as though he was frowning. "Hey... Matthew. Why aren't you saying anything. Huh, Matthew... I can't understand you, you're not making sense. Say I'm pretty. Say I'm the prettiest boy you've ever seen!" He pressed his gun against Matthew's eye roughly. "SAY IT, MATTHEW! SAY IT! SAY IT OR I'LL-"

"Ok! I'm here! Do what you want to me! Leave them alone though!"

Blood Boy looked up at Neil, a crooked disgusting smile on his face. "Ahh, Neil, you aren't a complete coward. I am surprised." he pointed to his face. "What says you? Am I looking alright today? Trust me, I've never asked anyone that? I want to know... how horrifying I really am. I've had to deal with this face for all my life, and now... NOW I'm embracing it. But.. why am I telling you that? Why? Because..." he pulled his Taurus out. "It's going to be the last one you'll ever see."

That's when he saw Corbin, standing in the doorway. This... upset Nathaniel. It upset him very much. "Oh... Neil, now that isn't right. You promised you'd let me kill you, and you can't even trust me? I only kill people I feel NEED to be killed, nothing more, nothing less. But, now that you've sicked your hounddog, I... feel that you don't even deserve my trust."

And with that, Blood Boy fired the gun at Corbin, cackling loudly. "HAHAHA!"

Dominca Shapiro was frozen with fear for a long time, but now was the time to move. She couldn't wait anymore. She unzipped her dufflebag and took her speargun out. I want to take this sick bastard out.... I've only got one shot left, so I've got to make it count. Please... don't miss. She pulled the rubber band back and clicked it in place, aiming it at Blood Boy's head. Can't miss... Can't miss. Neil's counting on me to hit him.

She fired.
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Post by Theseus* »

Everything was happening so fast.

That was a statement used a lot. Neil had used it before in his mind at parties.

everything was happening so fast.

It was not that he truly understood that meaning though. Here, at a danger zone where their necks threatened to explode, he was risking his life to save Matt and Dominica. He was hoping to cause a distraction for Corbin to take a shot.

Neil watched as Nathaniel showed his twisted, distorted face to him. Neil felt sick. He was going to die here, and because of this sick fuck. How could one sick, twisted student manage to bring down this many from S.A.D.D? Yet here he was, keeping them practically all hostage at a danger zone. The worst place to be. The worst place to fight.

Then Nathaniel saw Corbin. Neil barely had time to react when he watched as Nathaniel fired at Corbin.

Corbin was about to pull the trigger. He was about to fire. Though he couldn't pull the trigger in time. Before he could get ready, get in position, Nathaniel had saw him. Not only did he see him, he shot at him. Not at Neil. Corbin felt the bullet hit his chest, and he gasped.

So this was what it was like to get shot huh?

It didn't...hurt. It burnt. Though, Corbin's adrenaline, and the fact that his body was now going in shock kept him from feeling any pain. He just felt the impact. His vision started to swirl, and he managed to pull the trigger of his M16, though his shots were high, and would go straight over Blood Boy. Corbin Arlen stood up using his M16 as a brace, and let out a scream.


Neil heard the sound of the speargun going off, Corbin didn't. He didn't hear anything but his own scream.

He couldn't aim straight. He couldn't focus. He had to cause a distraction for everyone else. He was already shot, there was nothing left for him.

He raised both his hands in the air, both holding the M16. It was like a scene out of platoon as he did his best to charge at Nathaniel.

If Corbin had time to think, he would have wondered what Paul Smith would have thought of the spectacle.
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Matt didn't understand. Nathanial turned his attention away from him, but the gun was still placed roughly in his eye. Blood boy started to rant again. Matt was trying to look. Nathanial seemed to have gotten angry. He fired, not at Neil, but at the only person in their immediate group with a gun.

Corbin Arlen.

Matt couldn't take it anymore. He heard the scream. He screamed to, and with all his might, slammed his fist into the back of the deranged boy's head, moving his arm away from his skull, and rolling away from the boy. He heard the spear gun go off, and heard Corbin charging. It was all happening at light speed to Matt. Their collars were already starting to beep. They had to get out of here.
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Post by Ciel* »

(Got Mitsu's permission for this. ^_^)

Blood Boy knew that Matthew had gotten up, and he knew he was charging him. Blood Boy had fought so many people on this island, and Matthew was probably the most pathetic of them all. Nathaniel twisted around and looked at Matthew with his bloodshot eyes, then grabbed the boy's hand mid-punch. Blood Boy flashed his fangs, looking directly into Matthew's eyes. "Hey... [font=Courier]Why so serious?"[/font]

He brought his leg up and swung it directly at Matthew's kneecap with all his might, laughing as he did.

"[font=courier]Why So Serious?!![/font]"

He brought his leg down again, shattering Matthew's knee.

"Huh? You see what happens when a friend backstabs ME? I make them wish they never fucked with ME!"


Blood Boy's left arm went limp for a moment, which felt rather strange to him. Hmm... what's this? It feels... my arm feels strange. It feels strange. What's this feeling? It burns. Oh, it burns so much, it makes me want to scream. Oh, lord, is that a spear in my arm? Oh lord, this is what pain feels like. It- Wait, what?


Dominica had hit. She had saved Matthew from a certainly painful death, and she felt rather accomplished. The spear had went right through the bastards arm, in between his elbow. It fell limp, dropping the Taurus Millennium that had been clenched in his hand so tightly. Dominica's aim was perfect, and from the screams coming from the ugly freak it looked like Dominica hit him where it hurt. One for the team. Dominica grinned. Haha... I feel rather proud.

That smile didn't last very long on Dominica's face, as Blood Boy kicked Matthew on his back and drove two bullets into her arm. She screamed, rolling on her side.

"I knew I should have killed you before. I should have chased after you. But no, this is my mistake. Well, now I've finally killed you. You should have never came out of your mother's womb, you CUNT."

Corbin was coming after Blood Boy. He could sense this. With one arm, Blood Boy dropped the JAWS (and a rather small vial) onto the ground and pulled his Ida out in one quick swipe. His fleshy mouth showed a smirk as he waved the Ida in front of him. "Huh, boy. You wanna take me? Huh? Well go ahead. Hit me."

He swung the Ida to the left, walking forward. "Go on, hit me."

He grinned. "You think you're tough, you think you could kill me? Take me down mother fucker? Huh? HUH? Ooohhh. You want to play? Come on!" Corbin was shooting into the air, but he was missing. Blood Boy had been using the Ida too much to ever miss. Oh, he wouldn't miss. He swung again. "Come on, I want you do it, I want you to do it. Come on, hit me."

He finally swung the sword right at Corbin, charging at the boy with a force he thought never possible. "HIT ME!"
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Matt knew he should have worked out like his father said. Nathanial grabbed his fist before it even made contact with his head. Matt swallowed nervously. He had no idea what this boy could be capable of when angry. He started screaming at him. Matt tried to say something to calm him down.

"N-now… just wai- AHHHHHHHH!" His sentence was cut short as Nathanial drove his foot into the side of Matt's right knee. He screamed in pain. Next thing he knew, he was bawling as Blood boy slammed his foot down upon that very same kneecap, very near shattering the bone. Matt screamed in agony, and felt for sure this was it for him.

However, it seemed as if Dominica came to his rescue. The spear stopped Nathanial from doing any more damage to him. It lodged into his elbow, and the boy screamed in pain. He kicked Matt in the small of his back, and Matt let out a yelp of pain. Blood boy shot Dominica twice, and then went after Corbin, dropping the VIPER JAWS not too far from Matt. He grabbed it with his right hand.

Matt pointed it at Nathanial.

"Hey, asshole." He smiled weakly. "Why so serious?" Matt fired the gun at the boy, the recoil slammed his arm into the ground, but he was sure it did the job.
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Post by Theseus* »

Neil watched, frozen in place as Matthew attacked Nathaniel but was quickly overpowered. Neil watched as before Nathaniel, Blood Boy, whatever or whoever he was, managed to cause even more damage to Matt, Dominica's spear pierced right through his arm. The boy screamed and shot more, and Neil watched as the bullets hit Dominica. He had to act. This was getting out of hand.

Beep Beep

They didn't have long. Neil was about to charge forward when he saw that Corbin was already doing the same thing. Though Corbin had been shot. It was all Neil's fault. If he had told Corbin to stay put, hidden, Neil would have died. He could have sacrificed himself for his friends survival. No. He couldn't do that. He had to try to be tricky. He had to have Corbin watch his back. The result was Corbin shot in the chest, Matthew beaten up, and Dominica now shot. It was only a matter of time before all their collars blew. Neil Sinclair should have run away.

Though he didn't. He was the leader of S.A.D.D. He was going to get everyone to the barracks. He would find a new plan. A new way to get off this island. Neil shouted as Corbin and Nathaniel clashed.


Corbin Arlen watched as Nathaniel Harris charged at him. While the twisted student charged at him, Corbin brought down his M16 ready to aim and fire. Though everything was a blur to him. He was starting to feel the pain of the bullet, and it burnt. Oh how he wished to be back on air for the school radio. Oh how he wished to be making movies again. Though he wasn't.

He felt the sword cut into his chest and Corbin screamed in agony and felt his hands drop down, which were now aiming his M16 at Nathaniel's legs. Corbin felt nothing but pain and anger. He vaguely heard more gunshots. Whose? It didn't matter. He felt his fingers pulling against the trigger of his M16 with his shaky hands. Though if the bullets did hit the target, they would only hit Nathaniel's legs and feet.

Corbin felt himself stumbling backwards, and he started to fall. He used the M16 as a crutch before he completely collapsed, and he coughed up some red blood.

Neil Sinclair watched as Nathaniel cut Corbin, and Matthew fired with Nathaniel's own guns from behind him, and Corbin managed to get off a couple shots before falling back defeated. Neil used this as his chance to run forward to Corbin Arlen. Neil grabbed under his armpits and pulled him back towards Dominica and said, "It's going to be ok man." Neil watched as Corbin kept a hold of the M16 as he was being dragged away, and looked up towards Nathaniel, to see the next action. To see what would happen. To see if he would have to use the M16.

Beep Beep Beep

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