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A solitary cottage that sets off by itself, away from the main settlement. It's a simple place of only four rooms, and it was probably the island home of one of the higher-ups on the military base at one time. Outside sits a small well that it's hard to see the bottom of, even in the middle of the day. Overall, the place has a peaceful atmosphere... one that begs to be destroyed.
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Post by Theseus* »

He was in there.

Lenny Priestly.

Elizabeth Priestly's twin brother.

Elizabeth was frozen, unsure of her position. It seemed now things had changed, and everyone probably wanted to go. Fear was spreading through the group. Elizabeth's brother, the murderer was very close.

Even though Elizabeth was happy to know that he was close, she was torn inside. What should she do? She couldn't just keep moving on without her brother, but what would happen if she called out to him? He wouldn't hurt anyone, no, that wasn't Lenny. He was always protecting her. He would listen to her. Right? Yes, right.

Elizabeth looked at her group and said, "I'm sorry guys...he's my brother."

With that, Elizabeth shouted towards the cottage.

"Lenny! Lenny! It's me Elizabeth! Are you ok? I'm fine! Just a little hurt from the beach. Don't hurt anyone I'm with! I promise they've been taking care of me!"

Elizabeth took a step back, waiting for his reply.

Lenny Priestly, sitting silently heard his sisters voice flood through the room.

It's me Elizabeth! I'm fine! I promise they've been taking care of me!

Lenny perked up, and looked outside the window, and he vaguely made out the shapes of a group.

Elizabeth, his sister was safe!

Lenny stood up and looked at the gun in his hand. They stole her from him. They were kidnappers. Should he? No...Elizabeth told him not to hurt them. She said they treated her well. While Lenny wanted to make them pay for what they put him through, he couldn't disobey his sister. She was the reason he was still alive. She was the reason he was fighting.

Lenny stepped into the door frame of the cottage and looked at everyone. His gun was down at his side.

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"Lulu," Anna whispered, looking to her friend. "Now I want you two to leave, right now. I want you to run as fast as you can...."

Anna had a very horrible feeling about this. Talking to Lenny, the killer... how was he going to react? This was inevitable, the meeting with Lenny but if there was something bad about to happen then she wanted Lulu at least to be as far away as possible. She wanted to speak to Lenny... but finding the right words to use without making the guy even more mad than he was right now. She sighed, not even checking to see if Lulu had left or not before speaking again.

"Lenny..." She said without any hesitation. "I've realized that... what I did was wrong, taking your sister. But I did it with the best of intentions..."

She squinted her eyes. "Do you understand what you've become? What you're doing? I'm not here to lecture you on what's right and wrong - everyone that has met you has done that. I doubt you'll let me persuade you into changing your mind. But do you understand what point in the game is this? All the killers are still alive - all of those monsters who think killing is fun. AND all the people who aren't playing - they aren't going to trust you one bit. They'd try to kill you before you can kill them Lenny. You're a danger to her Lenny. Everyone is out to get you. Some people won't rest until they kill you Lenny.

"There are about 1000 different ways that could have brought you to this point Lenny. I'm in the exact same position as you and I haven't killed, I haven't tried to kill anyone. And while yes at this point I feel that if I am to win I will have to do someone in... this certainly doesn't mean I have to take it to the extreme. Like you.

"Like you did when you killed Lauren.

"So no. I'm not here to make peace with you. If Elizabeth," she looked over at the girl standing next to her, "wishes to take the path that isn't going to land her in places she doesn't want to go, she can come with me. If she doesn't then that's fine, I don't care. I'll just leave and I will never bother you ever again."
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Lenny looked at Anna, and listened to what she said. He took her words in, all of them, and when she was done speaking he contemplated her words. Anna, the girl who kidnapped his sister, had the guts to tell him that he was a danger to his own sister. This girl, this pathetic excuse for a human being was telling him, Lenny Priestly, what kind of person he was.

"People that won't rest until I'm dead? Bring them on."

Lenny took some steps forward.

"I killed Lauren? I'll kill plenty more before my time's up."

Lenny took more steps forward.

"Your right your going to let my sister go. Because you are in no position to bargain with me."

Lenny swung his handgun around, aiming it at all the girls, except his sister.

"I could take you all out right now. Easy as that. I wouldn't even break a sweat and three more pests would be gone. Three more obstacles before the end. No, I'm not going to be that nice though."

Lenny wanted to hurt them so bad. Especially Anna.

Lenny felt the rage, that feeling, creeping over him. If only he could get a chance at Anna.


Elizabeth said to leave them alone. Lenny couldn't betray his sister, not now.

Elizabeth looked at Anna and her brother.

"I'm sorry Anna, I got to...I got to go with my brother."

Elizabeth started to take a couple steps forward when Lenny said, "Stop."

Elizabeth stopped, fear shooting through her body. Lenny raised his handgun and aimed it at Anna.

"Liz, this girl kidnapped you. I'll spare the other two, but she would have killed you if it wasn't for me. If it wasn't for the fact that she knew I would hunt her down, you'd be dead by now Elizabeth. You just got to say yes, let me put her out of her misery. It's better for her this way anyways. She wants to tell me who I am, what I am and am not capable of, well I'll show her who I am."

Elizabeth looked at her brother, and wanted to say no.

She tried so hard to say no, but she looked at Anna, then back to her brother. Elizabeth was caught in her brothers spell. He was doing what was best for her, right? Right?

Elizabeth looked down, unsure.

She then looked up at Anna.

"I'm sorry Anna."
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Lulu stood in frozen silence, unsure of whether she should start running or stay still. She noticed that Elizabeth was frozen as well. Before Lulu knew what was going on, Elizabeth began shouting at Lenny in the cottage.

Lulu winced. Now was the moment of truth. That boy, the murderer, the one who had murdered Lauren in front of her very eyes...was now aware of their position. Aware that his sister's kidnappers were right at his fingertips.

Even though Elizabeth asked Lenny not to hurt the people she was with, Lulu still remained doubtful. fear was obvious on her face. She was positive that Lenny was going to burst through the door, guns a blazing.

She watched as Lenny opened the door and was completely relieved that she wasn't immediately shot. In fact, his gun wasn't even in his hands. He just seemed relieved to have his sister back. "Aha..what a happy reunion..huh?" she chattered nervously, taking a step back.

Then Anna told Lulu to leave. Lulu shook her head, wondering if she had actually heard this at all. Did Anna really tell her to leave? Did she imagine it? When Lulu convinced herself that Anna had really uttered these words, she knew the answer almost immediately. No. She couldn't leave Anna or Madison, the injured girl. She couldn't leave Elizabeth either. Running away would be a cowardly thing to do. "No...I can't.." Lulu whispered, giving a sideways glance in Anna's general direction. She shook her head. "I can't."

Instead, she listened to what Anna had to say, being as quiet as possible. How would Lenny take what Anna said? Would he be angry? She sure hoped not. She wanted everything to be hunky dory.

At first, she thought he wasn't going to react at all. But her head began to spin as he took steps forward in their direction. Talking about killing people and taking his sister back. Lulu began backing up, not even taking note that Lenny was pointing his gun at Anna, Lulu and Madison. She felt like a coward. Shaking like this. But all the same, she couldn't run. Even if she wanted to, her legs felt like brittle sticks.

She felt like her time was up. Lenny wanted to kill them and it was understandable. They had kidnapped his sister, which inevitably made Lenny angry. Lulu had this fancy delusion worked up in her head that they would never bump into Lenny and Elizabeth would be safe from his clutches. But now, it all back fired. Why did they come upon this cottage, Lulu wanted to ask herself.

When Elizabeth proclaimed that she wanted to be with her brother, Lulu didn't even give a second thought towards it. Sure, go ahead! Go with your brother! Have fun. Frolic. But please, just don't shoot me! These were all thoughts that Lulu's frantic mind was conjuring up and she just wanted to scream.

That's when she finally processed some of Lenny's words. Spare the other two...Madison and Lulu...kill Anna? No, no...This couldn't be happening!

" way!! Please, no! Elizabeth, look..Anna..she would never hurt you! Anna would never hurt...'nor kill anyone! Please, your brother..he's lying! Anna's good, don't shoot her!" Lulu begged with wide eyes. She felt a little like a pathetic, useless animal. That everything she was doing would have no effect on anything.

This wasn't fair.
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(*Godmodding approved by Jeremy ahead of time*)

Anna turned her head to look at Lulu, sighing. "Listen, Lulu. I want you..." She stared at her, then shook her head. "Ughh... I'm sorry. I..."

It looked like Lenny was perfectly ready to kill all of them without a second's notice. Anna's heart was pounding when he started talking and she didn't finish her sentence. She wasn't scared - just shocked. Wasn't he supposed to be happy?

It wasn't Elizabeth's fault. It wasn't her fault at all. Anna was mad though. She did it to help Elizabeth and - yeah maybe Lenny would have found them sometime but Anna didn't give a shit about that. In fact, as far as she was concerned, she had been as nice as a person could be in this situation. She barely thought of herself, and now all that she's done is being turned around on her. She's being made out as the bad guy, by a bad guy. This made her angry.

"I'll spare the other two, but she would have killed you if it wasn't for me. If it wasn't for the fact that she knew I would hunt her down, you'd be dead by now Elizabeth. "

Which, to Anna, this all meant "You're wrong - I'm right. No matter what you do, you're the one at fault."

"You just got to say yes, let me put her out of her misery. It's better for her this way anyways. She wants to tell me who I am, what I am and am not capable of, well I'll show her who I am."

To Anna, this meant "You're a bitch who assumes, I'll just kill you and then kill your friends. And then I'll rape your parents and kill them. And then when I'll see you in hell, I'll make you suffer." This made her snap.

You don't even know the meaning of pain. You don't know who I am.

When Anna spoke, it was deep. Very deep.

"Don't flatter yourself. You don't fucking scare me. Let me show you the kind of person I am."

Anna gave up the idea of there being a god. Because there wasn't one, or at least one that loved. There could never be someone who loved someone and allowed something like this to happen. The SOTF act, so many people being hurt physically or mentally. People being killed suddenly for no reason other than being different. So many different acts of violence happening that it was almost mindboggling. And if there really was a god that approved of such things then Anna knew that he was not the god for her.

Never. Never. Never, she had told herself. She would never become a murderer. Even if the temptation was so high, she would never harm someone. That was until Lenny showed her that even death would come for everyone, and that killing was the only way to get your point across.

And never in her entire life would she have imagined how great it would feel.

It wasn't that hard. Elizabeth fell quite easily when she fell to the ground, landing face first in the mud. The next part was a blur and Anna had a hard time recalling what happened, but she knew the gist - that pretty katana of hers, the blood covered one, went right through the girl's chest as though it was made of paper. It was easier than she thought. One huge hole in Elizabeth's chest.

It came out easily. Then Anna giggled, then pointed the sword at Lenny.

"Death doesn't scare me. YOU don't scare me. I've given in to death days ago. Your killing me would do nothing I'd rather someone deserving life to win. Not someone like you, someone who has never felt the pain others have felt. I hope you rot in hell next to your sister, where you belong. Because I assure you, I will be far away from you."

Why did it feel so good? Maybe she was supposed to be a killer, what fate had intended. Or maybe it was the shocked expression on Lenny's face that made her feel so good. She didn't know, nor did she care. It all felt good. The screaming from Elizabeth made her guilt-ridden... she was remorseful but not regretful. She wanted to hurt Lenny. She wanted him to cry. Sob. Carry on like a little baby.

She turned her head to the side, in a way that suggested that nothing at all had happened.

"What was it that I told you a few minutes ago Lulu? To run as fast as you can? Now would be the best time to do that. Like right now."
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Post by Theseus* »

Elizabeth didn't have time to process anything.

Down on the ground, the pain shot through her body like electric shots. Was she dying? What happened? Elizabeth managed to move her head to see her entire front covered in blood. Stabbed. She had been stabbed.

Lenny was right. They were all liars and cheaters.

Elizabeth looked up at the darkening sky. Her head then rolled to look up at the cottage, to see her brother. Except he wasn't at the door anymore.

Lenny Priestly made his way from the cottage to the betrayal with his hatchet pulled out in his left hand, and his handgun in his right. Aiming at Lulu and Madison, Lenny pulled the trigger three times before focusing all of his attention on Anna.

The girl that dared touch his sister.

Aiming his handgun at her as he approached her he kept glancing down at Elizabeth.

So much blood.

"Are you ok Liz?"

Elizabeth wanted to say yes, but that would be a lie. She looked up at her brother, her hero.

"K..kill...kill her..."

That was all Lenny needed.

Tucking his handgun into his pants, Lenny switched his hatchet to his right hand and swung the flat side towards Anna's face.

"I'm going to be honest with you. No matter what you say now. No matter how much you beg. It won't help. I'm going to make this hurt. I'm going to make this last. You're going to regret this day for the rest of your life, which isn't much longer."

Lenny's emotions, feelings, thoughts, once again couldn't be put in words. They were colliding and exploding in his head like a fireworks show gone bad. His mind was like a storm, an ocean full of waves that were taking out ships, sucking up sailors.

Lenny's thoughts were colors once more.

Lenny's thoughts were red and black.

He was the blackness.

He would turn Anna red.
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At that moment Anna was laughing. What was so funny? Why was she laughing so hard? Was it just nervous tension, or had she seriously lost it? Even at the sight of the gun, even at the sight of the hatchet, Anna felt the need to smile. To laugh. Even when the hatchet connected against her cheek, making a deep cut. She laughed then rammed her whole weight into Lenny's arm before swinging the sword. And then she laughed all the more.

"That's right Lenny! Yes, kill me! Humiliate me! Rip me apart, I dare you!" She laughed again. "You coward! Coward! I bet you ten-to-one that that 'slut' of a sisster dies before I do!"

She was trying her best to intimidate him. Whether it was working or not she didn't know, her mind wasn't focused enough to think of that. She suddenly swung her whole body with all of her strength, the edge of the sword ramming against Lenny's back. For this she laughed even more. "Come on Lenny, you wanna feed me with all that holier-that-thou bullshit?!! You want to kill me so badly? Then do it! Do it!"

She stumbled back, slumping. She couldn't keep this going - at some point Lenny was going to go in for the kill, but she didn't care. She wanted him to scream as loudly as he could. "Come on now, do it!DOOO IT!!!!"

Lulu didn't leave yet. Why didn't she? Why didn't she take a chance to run away? This was meant to be a diversion but... most of all, Anna wanted to prove something. Lenny was a monster. He was a monster, and if it took her blood to allow him to see that then so be it.
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Post by Theseus* »

Lenny felt Anna slam against him, and through his adrenaline pumping through his body which covered the pain of it, he only felt the cut of a sword in his back.

"Don't worry. I'll gladly kill you."

Lenny brought his left hand down retrieving the handgun from his pants, and as quickly as he could he aimed the gun at Anna's left leg and pulled the trigger and moved to her right leg and pulled the trigger.

Elizabeth, laying on the ground, looked up at everything that was going on. Nothing made sense anymore, and she coughed, and when she coughed blood came out of her mouth. The only thing she could think of was how Lenny was right. How this whole time he was her protector, and she felt guilty for doubting him. For her doubt led to her laying here, with a whole in her stomach, coughing up blood.

Lenny had put his handgun back in his pants, and held his hatchet in his right. If Anna became immobile, he would grant her wish.

He would kill her.


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Lulu turned her head, staring at Anna as she used a deep voice, one that Lulu had never heard before. It was a little strange and haunting. She felt almost like it was imprinted in her mind.

But Lulu hadn't the time to think about Anna's words. It all happened so fast and so slowly at the same time.

Anna, the girl who had sworn against killing anyone...just stabbed Elizabeth, their friend, right through the chest.

Lulu's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. She kept looking from Anna to Elizabeth, back to Anna and then over at Lenny. This couldn't be good. "A..Anna.." she managed to murmur.

She slumped to her knees, her eyes still fixated on Anna. Had she completely lost it? Had the game claimed her mind? Lulu had a thousand things to say, but didn't have the voice to say it. Her heart was heavy because she had a bad, sinking feeling that they were all about to be murdered.

But did that really matter? Anna just killed someone that they had decided to save! Anna was the one who came up with the plan to kidnap Elizabeth, to keep her safe from her brother!

Was this how Anna felt when she watched Lulu murder Liam? Lulu didn't know. Liam was also a friend. Sort of. He was apart of their little group, until they were torn apart. If she thought deeply enough about who had torn apart their group, it was Lenny.

Her thoughts were swimming and she realized that she wasn't making much sense in her head. The fact was that Lulu just couldn't put this against Anna, since Lulu had murdered herself. They were both murderers.

But once again, that didn't matter. Who truly cares about who killed who, when their lives were on the line?

Anna's voice shook Lulu out of her thoughts. She had been staring at the grass. She slowly lifted her head and looked over at Anna. "Y..y...y..yeah..I'll run.." she managed to croak out. But she didn't get up. She didn't move. She couldn't.

She did manage to see Lenny coming at them with a hatchet in one hand and a gun in the other. Her eyes widened again as he aimed at them. This was it. Death. He was going to kill them!

Lulu felt a little self centered. At that moment, she didn't even think about anyone's safety except her own. She didn't think about poor concussed Madison or even Anna, her best friend.

So when Lenny fired those three shots, Lulu screamed and flailed around, falling from her knees onto her bottom. Covering her head with her hands, she took a breath. The damage was done. She felt a sharp pain in her lower thigh and looked down so see blood blossoming against her tan capris, which were torn. It looked like the bullet had grazed her leg. It hurt like hell but she felt thankful to know that she wasn't going to die.

It would all be okay. Probably. These were the thoughts that Lulu was thinking as she wrapped her small, spindly fingers around her thigh, to calm the blood flow.

That's when Lulu finally snapped out of her self centered little bubble and turned her head to see how Anna was faring.

But as Lulu looked over, she heard something. Very soft. Was it...Elizabeth? Lulu's heart sunk as she heard Elizabeth say those terrible words. Kill her. And if Elizabeth wanted Anna dead, Lenny would surely go through with it.

Lulu wanted to scream and beg. She didn't want Anna to die. She was her only friend and companion. But she didn't want to speak up either. She didn't want Lenny to start shooting at her and Madison again. She was already lucky that she had only gotten grazed. Once again, she felt utterly and completely self centered. There was nothing she could do for Anna if Lulu valued her own life. And she did. It was human nature to want to live.

That's when Lulu saw Lenny smack Anna with the hatchet. He looked angry. No, angry was an understatement. He was furious. He told Anna that he was going to make it hurt and last. How Anna would regret this.

Would Lulu be able to watch that? She didn't think so. She didn't want to. She wanted to get up and run. But she just didn't want to leave Anna behind...

She couldn't leave her.

"I'm sorry Anna..I'm so sorry..I don't know what to do..I just don't know what to do anymore..I'm sorry.." Lulu thought to herself quietly, squeezing her eyes shut.

She could hear Anna laughing and screaming at Lenny to kill her. All of this was going so wrong. Lulu was seriously considering running away at that moment. She wanted to. But could she? Even though it looked very grim for Anna, Lulu still did not want to leave her behind.

Lulu fought an internal battle, as she listened to everything going on with shut eyes. She could hear gunshots. Shakily standing up, she tugged on Madison's sleeve. "M..Madison? W..we gott..we gotta go.." Lulu whispered, her whole voice quivering.
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Post by Ciel* »

"No, say it louder Lenny! SAY IT LOUDER!" She screamed. "For lord's sake Lenny, are you just going to swing that hatchet at me!"

Of course when she said this Lenny had to pull out his handgun and blow a hole in Anna's left leg. The shot towards the right leg missed indefinitely but she still felt pain in it. But for this, all of this Anna laughed even more, as though nothing had happened.

"Hahaha.... come on, stop with the bullshit Lenny. If you want to kill me then go ahead - kill me... but here, wait, why don't I just finish your sister off. And then you can do whatever you want with me... heheh."

She smiled, stumbling backward. But oh no, it wasn't because she was trying to get away from Lenny no, it was because Elizabeth was just behind her. Oh no, she wanted Lenny to do this right in front of her precious sister.

Meanwhile Madison was beginning to see much clearly. The first thing she felt was confused, very very confused. What the hell was going on? Where was she? Was... oh, it was that girl from before. What was she doing? Jesus, why was there blood all over her. Did she... oh shit. Did she just kill someone? Oh no. Oh no. Where was Anna? She was at the storehouse, sitting in a lonely room with Anna... wait, Anna killed herself. O-Okay, but what was happening right now? Did something happen to her? She felt a huge bump on her head... it hurt badly.

There was this girl telling her that they had to get moving. Who was she... Madison's seen her before. "L-Lulu?" she said, coughing loudly. "W-Where am I? W-Where are we going?"
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Post by Theseus* »

Lenny couldn't figure Anna out.

She was outguned and surely she knew she was going to die for what she did to Elizabeth, but yet she continued to laugh. She continued to act like she had something to prove. Lenny watched as she stumbled back towards Elizabeth and shouted, "Get away from her!"

With that, Lenny slammed into Anna, hoping to push her away from his sister. Kneeling down, he looked at Elizabeth. The girl he was going to protect. The girl he swore he'd get off this island.

"Just hang in there a bit longer, ok Liz? I swear you'll be ok. I swear. I..I just got to finish this up. I promise. Me and you til the end, ok?"

Elizabeth looked up at her brother, fighting the pain in her body she nodded and managed to choke out, "H..Hurry..."

Lenny nodded and stood up and faced Anna.


He hated this girl with every fiber in his being.

Without saying anything, Lenny walked slowly towards the laughing girl and swung his hatchet at her. Not once, not twice, not even three times, but four times, in quick succession, each swing he put all his strength and hatred into, all his anger.
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And even when Lenny slammed into Anna, she laughed even more. She laughed as hard as her tired lungs could manage, obviously finding her eminent death something of a joke. She smirked once she noticed that her own katana made a huge cut in her left leg, blood beginning to run down. Why didn't it hurt? Why did the hatchet hurt and this huge thing didn't? She laughed even more.

And then the hatchet blows. Oh yes those hurt, digging into her chest with the strength of a thousand men. And this made her laugh. Pretty much everything was a reason to laugh. The expression on Lenny's face made her giggle, the angry one... he didn't see what she did. She knew something that he didn't.

Elizabeth still had open cuts. In fact, the would Anna had patched up had probably opened. She was dead. As good as dead.

No matter what Lenny did, he couldn't change that.

Anna giggled.

"Hey Lenny..."

She smiled at him rising to her own feet, tasting metal in her mouth, the kind of taste that you feel when you have blood in your mouth. She wobbled once, like she was about to fall over dead.

"Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

She chuckled, with an almost insane look on her face.

"Your sister's going to die. She's lost too much blood."

She smiled. "I tried to help her, the kind of help you never were. But deep inside, I hate being the good guy. Now that I think about it, I much rather like being the bad guy, but that's why I don't mind you killing me. I don't want to be you."

And then she made a cough, a deep one in the back of her throat... and then spat in Lenny's face.

"I hope you recognize me in hell... if there is one."

It looks like Anna was about to find out.

She raised her hand, motioning Lenny forward. "Well, come on. If you're going to do it then do it. Don't be a pussy about it - your parents would be ashaimed if they were watching this and found out that they're son is a toothless coward."

I'm certainly not going to be remembered for being killed because I attacked him. That means someone could chalk it upto self-defense.
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Post by Theseus* »

Lenny didn't want to hear Anna tell him that his sister was going to die.

The girl was crazy. Laughing like a lunatic, acting like she was enjoying the punishment he was dealing out.

Lenny looked at Anna curiously. She was odd. Lenny had taken many lives so far, and each time it seemed the people would react differently. Anna reacted by laughing. Being crazy. She was the insane one. Not him.

She told him she'd see him in hell.

Lenny didn't doubt that at all.

"You want me to finish it? You want me to put you down like the rodent you are? Fine."

Lenny was done with Anna. The image of him pulling out his handgun, and emptying his cartridge on her flashed through his mind.


She deserved a more bitter ending. Something more painful for what she did to his sister.

Lenny approached Anna, just like she wanted. Throwing his hatchet to his left hand, he let his right hand jab at her face, then he switched the hatchet back to his right hand. Using his left hand, he grabbed Anna's arm and pulled it towards him.

"Laugh about this."

He swung the hatchet down at Anna's wrist. He swung over and over, hoping to take off her hand. Then he swung the hatchet at her neck.
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Post by Ciel* »

"Your sister is going to die like a dog... you're just afraid that everything I said is going to be proven right once she dies, because you'll have absolutely no purpose. No reason to hold back. heheh... you bastards are all the same. I bet your parents don't even love you. I bet they're glad you're hear... you know all of this..."

Anna felt the edge of the hatchet crossing against her wrist. Even through it was all coming to a bitter end, Anna leaned her head further into the hatchet. Like she wanted this to happen. Yes, she was insane, but it had taken her years to lose it. Not like Lenny. Lenny was probably the worst villain on the island - he just lived in his own world. His sister was as good as dead...

"... you just won't admit it."

As the hatchet grazed against her neck, Anna thrusted the katana downward, aimed right for Lenny's calf in one final movement that was meant to leave a large mark. Anna was tired, oh so tired but even when the hatchet made a huge gaping hole in her neck she still let out a soft laugh before, eventually, looking over at Lulu and mouthing a message to her. One single message.


And when Anna was finally being laid to rest, feeling her body heaving back with the weight on her shoulders pushing her down, she let one last cry.


Female Student no. 54 : Anna Kateridge - DECEASED
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Joined: Sat Sep 01, 2018 6:29 am


Post by ZombiexCreame* »

"We're..." Lulu said, about to tell Madison that they were leaving, but she got distracted. She was staring at the fight against Lenny and Anna, unable to do anything. Like a mouse trapped in a cage.

She watched every slash of Lenny's hatchet and listened to Anna's every laugh. Everything was crashing down before Lulu and she just couldn't get it through her head.

The words Lenny and Anna passed between each other, Lulu couldn't wrap her head around. It was all like strange mumbling to her. Another language. It sounded very far away. But she couldn't tear her eyes away from this scene. This terrible, murder scene.

But Lulu noticed something. Anna had looked right at her, mouthing something. R..Run? Run! That's what Lulu had planned to do earlier but got a little distracted. Lulu nodded and turned back to Madison. "Yes, we're leaving!" she said urgently, picking up her stuff. At the time, Lulu hadn't noticed that Anna had a large gash in her neck. Her leg still hurt a little, but it was bearable. "Can you stand?" she asked Madison but flinched.

Anna just yelled something. About loving her mom. Lulu looked over and saw Anna motionless on the ground. Was she...dead?, this couldn't be! Not Anna...Lulu fell to her knees again, staring at Anna's corpse. "" she mumbled, tears slipping down her face.

"No!! Anna, get up!" Lulu cried, wiping her eyes from behind her glasses. "I didn't do anything for her..I couldn't.."

Lulu felt a pain in her heart that she was sure would never leave. Even though she had only known Anna for a few days, it felt like years. And now she was dead.

Lulu had always thought that it would be the other way around. Wasn't this game called Survival of the Fittest? Anna was more fit than Lulu was! "Why am I alive and she's dead..?" she thought bitterly to herself.

Lulu wanted to keep crying over Anna, but she knew she had to leave. She had to. Anna had made it a point, even while dying, to tell her to run. She couldn't just ignore that.

Lulu stood up, her hand gripped tight on her scythe. She helped Madison stand and started walking away. She glanced over at Lenny before she left.

"You're know that? You made it a point to murder Anna before you tended to your own sister! Why is that? Answer me, why is that?! So Anna's death was more important than the health of your sister? Or maybe you just knew that Elizabeth is doomed and she's dying. I'm sorry Elizabeth. But bastard.."
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