The Tenth Announcement

Herein are contained the announcements from Version Three of SOTF, as well as any midmonth rolls containing fiction.
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The Tenth Announcement


Post by Crash* »

"Sir!" One of the terrorists called urgently, rousing Danya from his somewhat comatose state. He'd been fervently monitoring the status of his terrorist squads for the better part of twenty four hours and had eventually fallen asleep.

"What?" Danya groaned, rubbing the irritation out of his eyes and rising from his chair.

"You have to see this..." Came the shrill voice of Cecily from the back of the room, and in almost immediate response Danya made his way over to her. The sight that met his eyes filled him with an almost inconsumable rage, as well as a severe apprehension.

"G62's collar has been removed," she stated in flat awe.

"No kidding!" He roared uncharacteristically, which almost floored Cecily. "Get the squads to move faster. I want it all searched and taken care of. Get on it."

"Y-yes sir!" She mumbled in a mix of fear and shock, turning back to her computer and picking up her handheld radio before mumbling a few hurried commands into it. Even her orders sounded less severe. Ever since her colleague called her out on her mistakes during the test run she'd been bordering paranoid, her eye constantly over her shoulder in a futile attempt to make sure Danya didn't catch wind of what she'd done.

Right now, none of that mattered. All of them were dead if they didn't fix this.


"Good morning, children!" The eerily calm voice of Danya rang out over the P.A system, signifying the start of the morning announcements. "There's less than fifteen percent of you left now. Can you believe it's been a week and a half!? Version two was already finished at this point! You kids sure are tenacious," He commended, audibly clapping a few times into the microphone before clearing his throat and returning to his position at the helm. "I wonder who died yesterday? I'm excited! Aren't you?" The twisted satisfaction Danya wove into the words was sure to drive the kids wild...but after all, wasn't that the point?

"First off is our resident tough boy Warren Pace, who was cut down to size by Mark Tavarian. Though, I guess karma bit our little backstabber in the ass when he was attacked and killed by Jordan Redfield, making Mark Tavarian the next to go down. Maybe Miss Lauper's death wasn't an accident after all, Mr. Redfield!" Chuckling a little, the sinister terrorist casually continued down the list.

"Next up is Dawn Beckworth, killed by John Rizzolo. Must've been pretty hard to take out the deaf girl, B58! I'm so proud of you! Amanda Redder was the 161st student to die, by the hands of Adam Reeves. Keep up the good work, Mr. Reeves! I've yet to find an Adam I can stand. Next up was Becky Holt, killed by Kathy Holden, then Velvet Retsiloh killed by J.R. Rizzolo. Now she was a bit feistier, wasn't she? That's more like it."

Pausing for a moment, Danya disappointedly shuffled the papers and sighed a little.

"I'm quite disappointed to announce that the 164th student to die was Bobby Jacks. Our biggest contender thus far decided to add another name to his list...his own! Well, I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles. Nobody cares, Mr. Jacks," Danya intoned, smirking a little to himself before continuing. "Next was Johnathan Lancer, marking the fifth kill for Alexis Machina. Then Morgan Ackland, who was stupid enough to get her collar detonated! I have to say, her and Mr. Ellet were the most explosive couple I've ever seen." Danya relished in his own inappropriate joke, breaking into hysterics for a good ten or fifteen seconds before regaining his composure. "I hope that ends up in the bonus material in the DVD! Next up is...well well well, Adam Reeves struck again! Kathy Holden, deceased!"

Flipping to another page, Danya continued on with the names.

"Mr. Priestly earned another check on his kill list by ousting Anna Kateridge. I guess that's what you get for coming between those twins, huh Anna? Kimmy Redmond was the 169th to die, courtesy of Morgan Green. And here's a shocker, Lenny Priestly's own twin sister is dead! Elizabeth Priestly has left the island, ladies and gentlemen. She got shot up pretty bad by Gabe McCallum. How's that for motivation, Lenny?" Part of Danya couldn't help but wonder exactly what the newly invigorated cutthroat would get up to, and after signalling for one of the terrorists to keep an eye on him he continued on. "Up next is Madison Conner who died by the hands of one of our island pacifists, Dorian Sanders, who in turn was quickly shot down by Miss Altaire. I'm sure your grandmother would be proud of you, Louise. I know I am."

"So, for today's danger zones! All of yesterday's still apply, and to that list you'll be adding the Field of Flowers, Babbling Brook, Overgrown Trail, Hollow Tree, Swinging Bridge, Marsh, Lookout Tower and Jailhouse. Be careful, everyone."

After going over the list of kills one more time, Danya looked back up into the microphone. "Oh, and Mr. Reeves, you've been the most impressive of the day. Please head to the Sea Cliffs to collect your prize."

"Have a good day, children!"

The P.A went silent.


First off, I have to say, this month's deaths were absolutely fantastic. Three or four of you all deserve a prize, but unfortunately it doesn't work that way. This month's BDA winner was GameMaker, who will be receiving a roll nullification card for his efforts! Congratulations!

Okay, so for the out of character stuff. Ten rolls were conducted this time. As usual you have three days to declare whether or not you're saving either one of your characters or someone else's. You also have three days to get your characters out of a danger zone. So, by Thursday, February 5th at midnight your characters must be clear, at which point the deaths will be finalized. Everyone has until Friday, February 13th to complete their deaths. That's almost two weeks, and it's more than generous. No extensions will be granted unless dire circumstances prevail.

On a related note, inactivity will now be STRICTLY monitored. I'll give everyone a few days to post with their characters who might be bordering/slightly past the two week margin, but after this it will be both watched and acted upon by the staff and I. The end of the game is nigh, and that's the last reason it should be held up.

And now, without further ado, here are the doomed!

Quincy Archer
Eris Marquis Nullified
Noah Jacobs
Rick Holeman
Renee Valenti
Emma Babineaux
Shameeca Mitchell
James Brown Nullified
Jordan Redfield Nullified
Steve Digaetano Gabe McCallum

You know the drill, everybody. We're getting closer to the end - keep the great scenes coming!
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