Method Air

An endless shoreline spans the western portion of the island. The shore itself is quite desolate and is in desperate need of a bit of color on its pale white sands. Located on the western shore is a marina filled with boats and other water crafts. Shame they're all out of gas.
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Method Air


Post by Ares »

Holy shit I'm hungry. I hope the hotel has good food.

The first thoughts of B55 Robert Adams as he emerged from unconciousness, oblivious to what awaited him when he woke.

Wait a second. This aint the fucking Bahamas. And where the hell is my backpack? My good hat was in that damn backpack.

The boy stood up, frantically searching for the backpack. After all, whats a boy to do without his hat? After realizing it was not around, he finally noticed that a much different bag had been placed next to where he woke up. Robert knelt down next to the bag and unzipped it. The first thing he noticed was something shiny.

Hell yeah, they gave me some silver He thought as he pushed the other contents of the bag away so he could grab whatever this shiny silver thing was.

His hand slowly withdrew after grasping the object. Robert froze for a brief moment, after realizing that this shiny silver object was the body and barrel of a Desert Eagle handgun. He'd only ever seen this gun once in his life. After all, it was his favourite close range weapon from Counter-Strike.

A Deagle? What do I need a Deagle for? Does this mean I have to hunt my own food on this island?

After inspecting the gun further (and finding out it was .357, 9 shot model), Robert decided to glance at the book lying in the bag. Once he completed reading the book a thought came to him

This can't be. I mean, I remember seeing bootleg video of this competition, but we can't really be in it? Nah, this is a joke, I'll bet this gun isn't even real.

With that, he loaded and primed the gun and fired a shot. The noise nearly blew his eardrum out.

Oh fuck. Well, I guess it is real. Shit. How'd I end up in this. I mean, what the hell did I ever do? I know the terrorists that run this thing don't like American's, but come on, this is ridiculous. And hey, I'm not even American really. I'm from fucking London, Ontario.

Robert tossed the book in the bag, and sat down to try clear his head. He finally came to the embrace the horrible truth that he was in this game.

Well Bobby, you're in one hell of a shithole. Best thing you can do right now is try to find someone, and hopefully they won't shoot you.

Robert then zipped up the bag, and started to head east.
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Post by baby_g* »

Matthew had a hell of a headache when he finally woke up. He couldn't remember much, but from it all he knew only one thing... he really needed a smoke. He looked around for his bag, yet couldn't see it. It's kind of hard to miss a hemp bag with a green dude on it. Thankfully, he kept the most important stuff on him. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a rolled J.

"Mother fucking..."

What Matthew forgot was, while the joints were important, he left the lighters in his bag. Hence, there was no point to it at all. He began cursing himself and everything he saw around him for it. The two things Matthew loved most in life, drugs and woman, with neither of the two around, he layed back down asleep hoping to wake up somewhere else. It was in mid daydream of a happier place that he heard the foot steps of someone.

"Hey! Hey, you!"

He could see the boys' face, and he seemed so familliar to him.

Rob... no... Dan... no... Steve... no... Ad..Adam... yea! Adam I think!!

"Hey Adam! It's me, Matty!"

Though Matthew didn't know him too well, it was well enough to talk to him and try and figure out what the hell was going on.
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Post by Ares »

Adam? Who the hell is Adam?

This boy whom incorrectly indentified Robert was Matthew Drew. He went to the same school is Bobby. They'd had a few conversations in the past, so they weren't enemies, but needless to say they weren't best friends. Drew was always looking to get high or some stupid thing like that and based on what he was still holding in one of his hands, he was even hoping to get high in this fucking game.

"Um. Matt, I'm not Adam. I'm Rob. Rob Adams." He said, emphasising the s in his last name.

Fuck, this kid is prolly stoned right now. Stoned could mean a lot of good or bad things right now.

With this thought on his mind, Robert slipped one hand in his bag, and found the handle of his gun. Just in case.
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Post by baby_g* »

Adam... Adams.. same deal...

"Sorry man." Matthew began. "But hey, I remember you from school. How've you been... I can't understand what the fuck is going on. This doesn't look like the hotel we were promised. Fuck, my bag is gone..."

Putting the joint to his lips, he asked if Rob had a light on him.

"I swear, I haven't had anything, but it still feels like I'm tripping out. Seriously dude, what the fuck is going on?"

Matthew made no attempt to move from where he was standing. He figured, that until he found out what the deal was, he'd rather stay put. It's not like it was all that bad. In the distance he heard some weird noises that he couldn't really figure out... like a blast of some sort. Either way, the further those blasts were from him, the better.
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Post by Ares »

"Check your bag man, theres a book explaining what the hell is going on."

Rob gave Matthew a few moments to read over the book. After a few minutes Rob spoke again.

"Worst part is, that whole thing ain't just bullshit. Its real. I remember getting bootleg video of this competition before." Rob said calmly.

The flashes of violence he'd seen in the videos came back to his mind as he continued.

"Oh, and no I don't hve a light. I don't smoke...anything." He said with the slightest hint of disgust.  After all, weed was just another stupid way to fuck yourself up.
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Post by baby_g* »

Matthew removed the J from his lips and placed it behind his ear.

Maybe next time...

As he turned to look for the bag, that appearently had the 'tell all' book in it, he listened to Adams as he continued to speak. Truth be told, he was kind of blown away by the fucked up idea of setting kids against one another. To make matters worse, his assigned weapon was a fucking blade on a stick with a half moon on the bottom which was also sharp.

"This this is heavy as fuck!" He said, addressing the weapon. There was no need to carry a huge thing like itself, so Matthew began searching for something he could break it in half with.

"Here, help me with this." He said, as he placed his foot in the middle of the staff in attempts to break it in half.

"You know, Adams... *grunt*... this island is probably sworming with chicks... you know.. chicks that most likely don't want to die a virgin... maybe if we're lucky there'll be some hot lookin' girls along our path like. What do you say, eh? Let's be partners."
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Post by Ares »

Partners? Meh, I could use some company for now. I'll ditch him when we run into some bimbo he wants to fuck,

"Sure Drew. That sounds excellent. But we gotta move right now. Head east towards the botanical gardens," Rob said, thinking anything to do with plants would motivate Drew to move, "My gunshot earlier will probably attract someone to this area, and I'm not in the mood to have someone attempt to murder me just yet."

With that, Robert started walking in an east direction. Destination Botanical Gardens.

((Continued elsewhere))
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Post by baby_g* »

This guy's got some stick up his ass...

"Yea man, sure... Just call me Matty though. Gardens eh? Whatever."

Matthew picked up his bag, slung it over his shoulder and followed Rob where he was heading. This was sure to be some kind of fucked up holiday. If he got to kill someone, that'd just be a bonus.

((Continued elsewhere...))
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