Our Lady of The Fittest's 42nd Bi-Centennial Rhythmic Confessional

And so I commit the songtest's first and greatest sin

SOTF's own Eurovision-style song contest. Submit songs that fit the theme and get mercilessly judged on your taste in music here.
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Post by Skraal »

I'm in!
[+] Survival of the Fittest Version 5
Timothy Abrams
Weapon: Replica Flamethrower
Current Status: Deceased
Kyle Fitzpatrick
Weapon: Bulletproof Vest
Current Status: Deceased
Eliza Patton (Adopted from laZardo)
Weapon: M-1 Garand
Current Status: Deceased
[+] Survival of the Fittest Version 7
Oliver Lacroix Current Status: Deceased
William "Bill" Dover Current Status: Deceased
Salvatore "Sal" Bonaventura (Adopted by Ohm) Current Status: Deceased
[+] Survival of the Fittest Version 8
Jacob Lang Current Status: Deceased
Billie Sommerfield Current Status: Deceased
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Latin For Dragula
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Post by Latin For Dragula »

Just over 24 hours to submit your confessions.
[+] SotF Characters
[+] V5 Characters
ImageG056, Alda Abbate(Adopted)
It was difficult to nail down exactly when the anger started. Remembering a time when it wasn't there, coiled up and waiting to strike or alive and thrashing, was growing more and more challenging. It'd been with her for so long that it no longer felt like an intruder in her mind. It felt like a part of her.
ImageB062, Garrett Wilde
I multiplied. Then I subtracted. That's what we do now. That's how we keep the most people around.
ImageB014, Joachim Lovelace(Adopted)
Your turn.
[+] V6 Characters

ImageG037, Abby Floyd:This place was vile. Overwhelmingly, terribly vile. Character Theme: Everything's Alright-Emily Scholz
ImageB016, Ty Yazzie: You ever wonder if you still got a home to go back to? Character Theme: Warrior People-Medicine For The People
ImageIsaac Brea(Adopted from Espi): Isaac's well of fucks was bone-dry. Character Theme: The Whiskey, The Liar, The Thief-Patent Pending
ImageG011, Caedyn Miller:So...how did you wanna do this? Feeling an open casket? Or is that dumb? Nah, don't say it, that's dumb. We'll be soup by the time they send us home anyway. Character Theme: Sleep-My Chemical Romance
ImageG032, Irene Djezari(Adopted from CicadaDays): Death was not worse than Meme Hell. Character Theme: A Beautiful Lie-30 Seconds To Mars
[+] V7 Characters
ImageB066, Blaise d'Aramitz: I am not fucking dabbing on a corpse, Carl. Character Theme: The Nurse Who Loved Me-A Perfect Circle
ImageG032, Helena 'Hel" Fury: I hope my family’s waiting. The one I made out here. I hope you’ll be a part of it again. Character Theme: Fix Me-10 YearsImage
ImageB073, Jeremiah Anderson: "GO--GO--GO." Character theme: The Big Sleep-Murder By Death
ImageG066, Marco Hart: I'm not satisfied anymore. I don't think I'd want to be if I could. Character theme: Maurice's Monsters-Small Leaks Sink Ships
ImageG080, Nikki Nelson-Kelly: The fools. The morons. The aBsOlUtE cReTiNs. Character Theme: Movement-The Whip
ImageG062, Tonya Collins: The girl, the person, the thing, the shape on the screen, that wasn't her. Character Theme: Get Down-Isador
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Latin For Dragula
Posts: 1802
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Post by Latin For Dragula »

Congregation rise.

Welcome to our first judgement. The following congregates have submitted their confessions:

Emprexx Plush.

Their anonymity has been preserved...for now.

1. A confession of Wrath, First Kill - Amon Amarth. Sinner's Reflection: viking murder.

2. A confession of Gluttony, Eat Your Heart Out - Dio

3. A confession of Envy, Settle Down - Kimbra Sinner's Reflection: The singer doesn't describe anything about the man she's praying for or their relationship, only the lifestyle he could bring her that she feels he's wasting on someone else.

4. A confession of Sloth, Megalovania - Toby Fox Sinner's Reflection: Megalovania plays over the events of Undertale that are caused by a character's 'laziness'. From their inaction borne of a defeatist and fatalistic outlook, the very fate of the world now rests on them doing something, only because they've been left with no other choice.

5. A confession of Pride, New God Flow - Kanye West ft. Pusha-T. Sinner's Reflection: Kanye West is a pride golem and in the song he claims to be second to God, calls himself a God and compares himself to Michael Jordan, LeBron James, Martin Luther King Jr and Moses.

6. A confession of Lust, Freek 'N You - Jodeci. Sinner's Reflection: Because EVERY TIME I CLOSE MY EYES, I WAKE UP FEELING SO HORNY.

7. A confession of Greed, Handlebars - Flobots. Sinner's Reflection: The song is basically about how we have all this creativity, but instead of using it to make life better, simpler, happier, many just use it as a tool to feed their greed, to claw their way up to power, using this creativity to build instruments of destruction and control and repression.

8. A confession of Gluttony, Gluttony - Buckcherry. Sinner's Reflection: The singer is going on about their excess in nearly every conceivable way - they drink, they smoke, they fuck, they eat. Gluttony isn't necessarily about food, but about consumption. They want it, they need it - they're accepting that's the way they are.

9. A confession of Lust, Every Other Freckle - alt-J. Sinner's Reflection: the original video I submitted for this song had a butt in it.

10. A confession of Envy, Cool Girl - Tove Lo. Sinner's Reflection: Cool Girl is about said girl getting into a relationship with a dude, she's trying to play it cool and accept the loose nature of their fling but eventually realizes she feels more - stops feeling cold - and is as such envious of her boyfriend's thing with other women

11. A confession of Pride, Plastic Love - Mariya Takeuchi. Sinner's Reflection: This song is about a woman who, after going through a devastating breakup, decides to only let in material goods, discos, and shallow relationships into her heart instead of moving on in a healthy way. She's essentially an ice queen, but this is just a facade so that her pride doesn't get hurt a second time even though she is lying to herself that she just wants "plastic" love.

12. A confession of Greed, March Of The Pigs - Nine Inch Nails

If your name has rung in the ears of those gathered here today, cast your judgement before the appointed hour. All those unnamed are free to cast judgement as well. Your hour will come, after all.

As is tradition, frame your confessions as follows:

12- Song Name
10- Song Name
8- ...
7- ...
6- ...
5- ...
4- ...
3- ...
2- ...
1- ...

with 12 as your most moving confession, with others descending further from the light of purity below it. The top 8 will move to further judgement. For the rest...

You know. You all know.
[+] SotF Characters
[+] V5 Characters
ImageG056, Alda Abbate(Adopted)
It was difficult to nail down exactly when the anger started. Remembering a time when it wasn't there, coiled up and waiting to strike or alive and thrashing, was growing more and more challenging. It'd been with her for so long that it no longer felt like an intruder in her mind. It felt like a part of her.
ImageB062, Garrett Wilde
I multiplied. Then I subtracted. That's what we do now. That's how we keep the most people around.
ImageB014, Joachim Lovelace(Adopted)
Your turn.
[+] V6 Characters

ImageG037, Abby Floyd:This place was vile. Overwhelmingly, terribly vile. Character Theme: Everything's Alright-Emily Scholz
ImageB016, Ty Yazzie: You ever wonder if you still got a home to go back to? Character Theme: Warrior People-Medicine For The People
ImageIsaac Brea(Adopted from Espi): Isaac's well of fucks was bone-dry. Character Theme: The Whiskey, The Liar, The Thief-Patent Pending
ImageG011, Caedyn Miller:So...how did you wanna do this? Feeling an open casket? Or is that dumb? Nah, don't say it, that's dumb. We'll be soup by the time they send us home anyway. Character Theme: Sleep-My Chemical Romance
ImageG032, Irene Djezari(Adopted from CicadaDays): Death was not worse than Meme Hell. Character Theme: A Beautiful Lie-30 Seconds To Mars
[+] V7 Characters
ImageB066, Blaise d'Aramitz: I am not fucking dabbing on a corpse, Carl. Character Theme: The Nurse Who Loved Me-A Perfect Circle
ImageG032, Helena 'Hel" Fury: I hope my family’s waiting. The one I made out here. I hope you’ll be a part of it again. Character Theme: Fix Me-10 YearsImage
ImageB073, Jeremiah Anderson: "GO--GO--GO." Character theme: The Big Sleep-Murder By Death
ImageG066, Marco Hart: I'm not satisfied anymore. I don't think I'd want to be if I could. Character theme: Maurice's Monsters-Small Leaks Sink Ships
ImageG080, Nikki Nelson-Kelly: The fools. The morons. The aBsOlUtE cReTiNs. Character Theme: Movement-The Whip
ImageG062, Tonya Collins: The girl, the person, the thing, the shape on the screen, that wasn't her. Character Theme: Get Down-Isador
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Latin For Dragula
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Post by Latin For Dragula »

Interest has been expressed in short, one sentence explanations of each confession. They are entirely voluntary, but if you would like to supply one simply provide it to me and I will add it to your entry.
[+] SotF Characters
[+] V5 Characters
ImageG056, Alda Abbate(Adopted)
It was difficult to nail down exactly when the anger started. Remembering a time when it wasn't there, coiled up and waiting to strike or alive and thrashing, was growing more and more challenging. It'd been with her for so long that it no longer felt like an intruder in her mind. It felt like a part of her.
ImageB062, Garrett Wilde
I multiplied. Then I subtracted. That's what we do now. That's how we keep the most people around.
ImageB014, Joachim Lovelace(Adopted)
Your turn.
[+] V6 Characters

ImageG037, Abby Floyd:This place was vile. Overwhelmingly, terribly vile. Character Theme: Everything's Alright-Emily Scholz
ImageB016, Ty Yazzie: You ever wonder if you still got a home to go back to? Character Theme: Warrior People-Medicine For The People
ImageIsaac Brea(Adopted from Espi): Isaac's well of fucks was bone-dry. Character Theme: The Whiskey, The Liar, The Thief-Patent Pending
ImageG011, Caedyn Miller:So...how did you wanna do this? Feeling an open casket? Or is that dumb? Nah, don't say it, that's dumb. We'll be soup by the time they send us home anyway. Character Theme: Sleep-My Chemical Romance
ImageG032, Irene Djezari(Adopted from CicadaDays): Death was not worse than Meme Hell. Character Theme: A Beautiful Lie-30 Seconds To Mars
[+] V7 Characters
ImageB066, Blaise d'Aramitz: I am not fucking dabbing on a corpse, Carl. Character Theme: The Nurse Who Loved Me-A Perfect Circle
ImageG032, Helena 'Hel" Fury: I hope my family’s waiting. The one I made out here. I hope you’ll be a part of it again. Character Theme: Fix Me-10 YearsImage
ImageB073, Jeremiah Anderson: "GO--GO--GO." Character theme: The Big Sleep-Murder By Death
ImageG066, Marco Hart: I'm not satisfied anymore. I don't think I'd want to be if I could. Character theme: Maurice's Monsters-Small Leaks Sink Ships
ImageG080, Nikki Nelson-Kelly: The fools. The morons. The aBsOlUtE cReTiNs. Character Theme: Movement-The Whip
ImageG062, Tonya Collins: The girl, the person, the thing, the shape on the screen, that wasn't her. Character Theme: Get Down-Isador
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Latin For Dragula
Posts: 1802
Joined: Thu Aug 09, 2018 3:37 pm


Post by Latin For Dragula »


Some of you may notice an absence or four. Let us take attendance and review.
[+] Neither Forgotten Nor Forgiven
[DISQUALIFIED] 7th Place, A Confession of Greed: March Of The Pigs - Nine Inch Nails. This song was submitted by CBP and received 59 Points, including one 10.
12th Place, A Confession of Lust: Freek 'N You - Jodeci. This song was submitted by Laurels and received 44 points, including a 12, a 10, and an 8.
11th Place, A Confession of Gluttony: Gluttony - Buckcherry. This song was submitted by Cactus and received 45 points.
10th Place, A Confession of Wrath: First Kill - Amon Amarth. This song was submitted by Boogie and received 51 points, including a 12 and an 8.
Which means still with us are...
[+] Bound for Purgatory
Eat Your Heart Out - Dio
Settle Down - Kimbra
Megalovania - Toby Fox
New God Flow - Kanye West
Handlebars - Flobots
Every Other Freckle - alt-J
Cool Girl - Tove Lo
Plastic Love - Mariya Takeuchi
A brief recess, and we will begin the afternoon sermon.
[+] SotF Characters
[+] V5 Characters
ImageG056, Alda Abbate(Adopted)
It was difficult to nail down exactly when the anger started. Remembering a time when it wasn't there, coiled up and waiting to strike or alive and thrashing, was growing more and more challenging. It'd been with her for so long that it no longer felt like an intruder in her mind. It felt like a part of her.
ImageB062, Garrett Wilde
I multiplied. Then I subtracted. That's what we do now. That's how we keep the most people around.
ImageB014, Joachim Lovelace(Adopted)
Your turn.
[+] V6 Characters

ImageG037, Abby Floyd:This place was vile. Overwhelmingly, terribly vile. Character Theme: Everything's Alright-Emily Scholz
ImageB016, Ty Yazzie: You ever wonder if you still got a home to go back to? Character Theme: Warrior People-Medicine For The People
ImageIsaac Brea(Adopted from Espi): Isaac's well of fucks was bone-dry. Character Theme: The Whiskey, The Liar, The Thief-Patent Pending
ImageG011, Caedyn Miller:So...how did you wanna do this? Feeling an open casket? Or is that dumb? Nah, don't say it, that's dumb. We'll be soup by the time they send us home anyway. Character Theme: Sleep-My Chemical Romance
ImageG032, Irene Djezari(Adopted from CicadaDays): Death was not worse than Meme Hell. Character Theme: A Beautiful Lie-30 Seconds To Mars
[+] V7 Characters
ImageB066, Blaise d'Aramitz: I am not fucking dabbing on a corpse, Carl. Character Theme: The Nurse Who Loved Me-A Perfect Circle
ImageG032, Helena 'Hel" Fury: I hope my family’s waiting. The one I made out here. I hope you’ll be a part of it again. Character Theme: Fix Me-10 YearsImage
ImageB073, Jeremiah Anderson: "GO--GO--GO." Character theme: The Big Sleep-Murder By Death
ImageG066, Marco Hart: I'm not satisfied anymore. I don't think I'd want to be if I could. Character theme: Maurice's Monsters-Small Leaks Sink Ships
ImageG080, Nikki Nelson-Kelly: The fools. The morons. The aBsOlUtE cReTiNs. Character Theme: Movement-The Whip
ImageG062, Tonya Collins: The girl, the person, the thing, the shape on the screen, that wasn't her. Character Theme: Get Down-Isador
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Latin For Dragula
Posts: 1802
Joined: Thu Aug 09, 2018 3:37 pm


Post by Latin For Dragula »

Congregation rise.

Welcome to our second judgement. The following congregates have submitted their confessions:

Dr. Freud.

Anonymity, unlike innocence, remains untainted among them. Turn your attention instead to what they have brought us. A reminder that should those confession wish to provide a short explanation for their confession, it need only be passed to me privately.

1. A confession of Lust, Fear And Delight - The Correspondents

2. A confession of Wrath, Slow Motion - Third Eye Blind. Sinner's Reflection: The lyrics to this were deemed too violent and inappropriate and caused the record label to refuse to release it except as an instrumental; it took seven years for the original version to make it to the public as a bonus on a Greatest Hits album.

3. A confession of Pride, Key Entity Extraction I: Domino The Destitute - Coheed And Cambria

4. A confession of Gluttony, Amsterdam - Scott Walker.

5. A confession of Envy, Genghis Khan - Miike Snow Sinner's Reflection: This guy isn't in a relationship with the girl he's singing about and doesn't even want to be, but he still wants to possess and control her because he doesn't want her to be happy elsewhere.

6. A confession of Sloth, Haunt - Echos

7. A confession of Greed, Emperor's New Clothes - Panic At The Disco

8. A confession of Envy, Mr. Brightside - The Killers. Sinner's Reflection: It's a song about a man being cheated on and devolving into jealousy, paranoia, and shame. Explains itself, really.

9. A confession of Sloth, Because I Got High - Afroman. Sinner's Reflection: A deep rhythmic journey into the depths of one man's soul, this song is truly a microcosm of the fear, no doubt one we all find ourselves peering over our shoulders for, that our attempts to escape from the aspects of our lives we wish over and over again that we could change will lead us down a spiral of self destructive behaviour and ultimately isolate and doom us.

10. A confession of Wrath, Free Your Hate - KMFDM

11. A Confession of Greed, Money - Pink Floyd

If your name has rung in the ears of those gathered here today, cast your judgement before the appointed hour. All those unnamed are free to cast judgement as well. Your hour will come, after all.

As is tradition, frame your confessions as follows:

12- Song Name
10- Song Name
8- ...
7- ...
6- ...
5- ...
4- ...
3- ...
2- ...
1- ...

with 12 as your most moving confession, with others descending further from the light of purity below it. The top 7 will move on for further judgement.

Walk the narrow path. Don't look down.
[+] SotF Characters
[+] V5 Characters
ImageG056, Alda Abbate(Adopted)
It was difficult to nail down exactly when the anger started. Remembering a time when it wasn't there, coiled up and waiting to strike or alive and thrashing, was growing more and more challenging. It'd been with her for so long that it no longer felt like an intruder in her mind. It felt like a part of her.
ImageB062, Garrett Wilde
I multiplied. Then I subtracted. That's what we do now. That's how we keep the most people around.
ImageB014, Joachim Lovelace(Adopted)
Your turn.
[+] V6 Characters

ImageG037, Abby Floyd:This place was vile. Overwhelmingly, terribly vile. Character Theme: Everything's Alright-Emily Scholz
ImageB016, Ty Yazzie: You ever wonder if you still got a home to go back to? Character Theme: Warrior People-Medicine For The People
ImageIsaac Brea(Adopted from Espi): Isaac's well of fucks was bone-dry. Character Theme: The Whiskey, The Liar, The Thief-Patent Pending
ImageG011, Caedyn Miller:So...how did you wanna do this? Feeling an open casket? Or is that dumb? Nah, don't say it, that's dumb. We'll be soup by the time they send us home anyway. Character Theme: Sleep-My Chemical Romance
ImageG032, Irene Djezari(Adopted from CicadaDays): Death was not worse than Meme Hell. Character Theme: A Beautiful Lie-30 Seconds To Mars
[+] V7 Characters
ImageB066, Blaise d'Aramitz: I am not fucking dabbing on a corpse, Carl. Character Theme: The Nurse Who Loved Me-A Perfect Circle
ImageG032, Helena 'Hel" Fury: I hope my family’s waiting. The one I made out here. I hope you’ll be a part of it again. Character Theme: Fix Me-10 YearsImage
ImageB073, Jeremiah Anderson: "GO--GO--GO." Character theme: The Big Sleep-Murder By Death
ImageG066, Marco Hart: I'm not satisfied anymore. I don't think I'd want to be if I could. Character theme: Maurice's Monsters-Small Leaks Sink Ships
ImageG080, Nikki Nelson-Kelly: The fools. The morons. The aBsOlUtE cReTiNs. Character Theme: Movement-The Whip
ImageG062, Tonya Collins: The girl, the person, the thing, the shape on the screen, that wasn't her. Character Theme: Get Down-Isador
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Latin For Dragula
Posts: 1802
Joined: Thu Aug 09, 2018 3:37 pm


Post by Latin For Dragula »


Eyes forward. You can't help them now. Attendance, please.
[+] Neither Forgotten Nor Forgiven
11th Place, A Confession of Wrath: Slow Motion - Third Eye Blind. This song was submitted by Murderweasel and received 47.5 points, including a 12.
10th Place, A Confession of Sloth: Because I Got High - Afroman. This song was submitted by Slam and received 48.5 points, including a 10.
9th Place, A Confession of Pride: Key Entity Extraction I: Domino The Destitute - Coheed And Cambria. This song was submitted by Deamon and received 51 points, including a 12 and an 8.
8th Place, A Confession of Wrath: Free Your Hate - KMFDM. This song was submitted by TLOA and received 61 points, including an 8.
Which means still with us are...
[+] Bound for Purgatory
Fear And Delight - The Correspondents
Amsterdam - Scott Walker
Genghis Khan - Miike Snow
Haunt - Echos
Emperor's New Clothes - Panic At The Disco
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
Money - Pink Floyd
Midnight Mass will begin when the screaming ceases.
[+] SotF Characters
[+] V5 Characters
ImageG056, Alda Abbate(Adopted)
It was difficult to nail down exactly when the anger started. Remembering a time when it wasn't there, coiled up and waiting to strike or alive and thrashing, was growing more and more challenging. It'd been with her for so long that it no longer felt like an intruder in her mind. It felt like a part of her.
ImageB062, Garrett Wilde
I multiplied. Then I subtracted. That's what we do now. That's how we keep the most people around.
ImageB014, Joachim Lovelace(Adopted)
Your turn.
[+] V6 Characters

ImageG037, Abby Floyd:This place was vile. Overwhelmingly, terribly vile. Character Theme: Everything's Alright-Emily Scholz
ImageB016, Ty Yazzie: You ever wonder if you still got a home to go back to? Character Theme: Warrior People-Medicine For The People
ImageIsaac Brea(Adopted from Espi): Isaac's well of fucks was bone-dry. Character Theme: The Whiskey, The Liar, The Thief-Patent Pending
ImageG011, Caedyn Miller:So...how did you wanna do this? Feeling an open casket? Or is that dumb? Nah, don't say it, that's dumb. We'll be soup by the time they send us home anyway. Character Theme: Sleep-My Chemical Romance
ImageG032, Irene Djezari(Adopted from CicadaDays): Death was not worse than Meme Hell. Character Theme: A Beautiful Lie-30 Seconds To Mars
[+] V7 Characters
ImageB066, Blaise d'Aramitz: I am not fucking dabbing on a corpse, Carl. Character Theme: The Nurse Who Loved Me-A Perfect Circle
ImageG032, Helena 'Hel" Fury: I hope my family’s waiting. The one I made out here. I hope you’ll be a part of it again. Character Theme: Fix Me-10 YearsImage
ImageB073, Jeremiah Anderson: "GO--GO--GO." Character theme: The Big Sleep-Murder By Death
ImageG066, Marco Hart: I'm not satisfied anymore. I don't think I'd want to be if I could. Character theme: Maurice's Monsters-Small Leaks Sink Ships
ImageG080, Nikki Nelson-Kelly: The fools. The morons. The aBsOlUtE cReTiNs. Character Theme: Movement-The Whip
ImageG062, Tonya Collins: The girl, the person, the thing, the shape on the screen, that wasn't her. Character Theme: Get Down-Isador
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Latin For Dragula
Posts: 1802
Joined: Thu Aug 09, 2018 3:37 pm


Post by Latin For Dragula »

Congregation rise.

Welcome to our final judgement. The following congregates remain in purgatory:

Emprexx Plush.
Dr. Freud.

1. A confession of Lust, Fear And Delight - The Correspondents

2. A confession of Gluttony, Eat Your Heart Out - Dio

3. A confession of Envy, Settle Down - Kimbra Sinner's Reflection: The singer doesn't describe anything about the man she's praying for or their relationship, only the lifestyle he could bring her that she feels he's wasting on someone else.

4. A confession of Sloth, Megalovania - Toby Fox Sinner's Reflection: Megalovania plays over the events of Undertale that are caused by a character's 'laziness'. From their inaction borne of a defeatist and fatalistic outlook, the very fate of the world now rests on them doing something, only because they've been left with no other choice.

5. A confession of Pride, New God Flow - Kanye West ft. Pusha-T. Sinner's Reflection: Kanye West is a pride golem and in the song he claims to be second to God, calls himself a God and compares himself to Michael Jordan, LeBron James, Martin Luther King Jr and Moses.

6. A confession of Gluttony, Amsterdam - Scott Walker

7. A confession of Greed, Handlebars - Flobots. Sinner's Reflection: The song is basically about how we have all this creativity, but instead of using it to make life better, simpler, happier, many just use it as a tool to feed their greed, to claw their way up to power, using this creativity to build instruments of destruction and control and repression.

8. A confession of Envy, Genghis Khan - Miike Snow. Sinner's Reflection: This guy isn't in a relationship with the girl he's singing about and doesn't even want to be, but he still wants to possess and control her because he doesn't want her to be happy elsewhere.

9. A confession of Lust, Every Other Freckle - alt-J. Sinner's Reflection: the original video I submitted for this song had a butt in it.

10. A confession of Envy, Cool Girl - Tove Lo. Sinner's Reflection: Cool Girl is about said girl getting into a relationship with a dude, she's trying to play it cool and accept the loose nature of their fling but eventually realizes she feels more - stops feeling cold - and is as such envious of her boyfriend's thing with other women

11. A confession of Pride, Plastic Love - Mariya Takeuchi. Sinner's Reflection: This song is about a woman who, after going through a devastating breakup, decides to only let in material goods, discos, and shallow relationships into her heart instead of moving on in a healthy way. She's essentially an ice queen, but this is just a facade so that her pride doesn't get hurt a second time even though she is lying to herself that she just wants "plastic" love.

12. A confession of Sloth, Haunt - Echos

13. A confession of Greed, Emperor's New Clothes - Panic At The Disco

14. A confession of Envy, Mr. Brightside - The Killers. Sinner's Reflection: It's a song about a man being cheated on and devolving into jealousy, paranoia, and shame. Explains itself, really.

15. A Confession of Greed, Money - Pink Floyd

As is tradition, frame your confessions as follows:

12- Song Name
10- Song Name
8- ...
7- ...
6- ...
5- ...
4- ...
3- ...
2- ...
1- ...

with 12 as your most moving confession, with others descending further from the light of purity below it.

All will be revealed at the last appointed hour.
[+] SotF Characters
[+] V5 Characters
ImageG056, Alda Abbate(Adopted)
It was difficult to nail down exactly when the anger started. Remembering a time when it wasn't there, coiled up and waiting to strike or alive and thrashing, was growing more and more challenging. It'd been with her for so long that it no longer felt like an intruder in her mind. It felt like a part of her.
ImageB062, Garrett Wilde
I multiplied. Then I subtracted. That's what we do now. That's how we keep the most people around.
ImageB014, Joachim Lovelace(Adopted)
Your turn.
[+] V6 Characters

ImageG037, Abby Floyd:This place was vile. Overwhelmingly, terribly vile. Character Theme: Everything's Alright-Emily Scholz
ImageB016, Ty Yazzie: You ever wonder if you still got a home to go back to? Character Theme: Warrior People-Medicine For The People
ImageIsaac Brea(Adopted from Espi): Isaac's well of fucks was bone-dry. Character Theme: The Whiskey, The Liar, The Thief-Patent Pending
ImageG011, Caedyn Miller:So...how did you wanna do this? Feeling an open casket? Or is that dumb? Nah, don't say it, that's dumb. We'll be soup by the time they send us home anyway. Character Theme: Sleep-My Chemical Romance
ImageG032, Irene Djezari(Adopted from CicadaDays): Death was not worse than Meme Hell. Character Theme: A Beautiful Lie-30 Seconds To Mars
[+] V7 Characters
ImageB066, Blaise d'Aramitz: I am not fucking dabbing on a corpse, Carl. Character Theme: The Nurse Who Loved Me-A Perfect Circle
ImageG032, Helena 'Hel" Fury: I hope my family’s waiting. The one I made out here. I hope you’ll be a part of it again. Character Theme: Fix Me-10 YearsImage
ImageB073, Jeremiah Anderson: "GO--GO--GO." Character theme: The Big Sleep-Murder By Death
ImageG066, Marco Hart: I'm not satisfied anymore. I don't think I'd want to be if I could. Character theme: Maurice's Monsters-Small Leaks Sink Ships
ImageG080, Nikki Nelson-Kelly: The fools. The morons. The aBsOlUtE cReTiNs. Character Theme: Movement-The Whip
ImageG062, Tonya Collins: The girl, the person, the thing, the shape on the screen, that wasn't her. Character Theme: Get Down-Isador
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Latin For Dragula
Posts: 1802
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Post by Latin For Dragula »

Congregation rise. Please proceed to the Pit in an orderly fashion as your names are called.
[+] Impurities 15-11.
15th. A confession of Pride, New God Flow - Kanye West ft. Pusha-T. This sin was confessed by Ruggahissy and received 25 points, including one 10.
14th. A confession of Gluttony, Eat Your Heart Out - Dio. This song was confessed by Pancapples and received 35 points, including two 10s.
13th. A confession of Gluttony, Amsterdam - Scott Walker. This song was confessed by Dr. Freud and received 44.5 points, including one 12.
12th. A confession of Envy, Cool Girl - Tove Lo. This song was confessed by Riki and received 44.5 points, including one 12 and one 8.
11th. A confession of Sloth, Megalovania - Toby Fox. This song was confessed by Kilmarnock and received 47.5 points, including two 8s.
The following await judgement:
[+] Patience
A confession of Lust, Fear And Delight - The Correspondents
A confession of Envy, Settle Down - Kimbra
A confession of Greed, Handlebars - Flobots
A confession of Envy, Genghis Khan - Miike Snow
A confession of Lust, Every Other Freckle - alt-J
A confession of Pride, Plastic Love - Mariya Takeuchi
A confession of Sloth, Haunt - Echos
A confession of Greed, Emperor's New Clothes - Panic At The Disco
A confession of Envy, Mr. Brightside - The Killers
A Confession of Greed, Money - Pink Floyd
[+] SotF Characters
[+] V5 Characters
ImageG056, Alda Abbate(Adopted)
It was difficult to nail down exactly when the anger started. Remembering a time when it wasn't there, coiled up and waiting to strike or alive and thrashing, was growing more and more challenging. It'd been with her for so long that it no longer felt like an intruder in her mind. It felt like a part of her.
ImageB062, Garrett Wilde
I multiplied. Then I subtracted. That's what we do now. That's how we keep the most people around.
ImageB014, Joachim Lovelace(Adopted)
Your turn.
[+] V6 Characters

ImageG037, Abby Floyd:This place was vile. Overwhelmingly, terribly vile. Character Theme: Everything's Alright-Emily Scholz
ImageB016, Ty Yazzie: You ever wonder if you still got a home to go back to? Character Theme: Warrior People-Medicine For The People
ImageIsaac Brea(Adopted from Espi): Isaac's well of fucks was bone-dry. Character Theme: The Whiskey, The Liar, The Thief-Patent Pending
ImageG011, Caedyn Miller:So...how did you wanna do this? Feeling an open casket? Or is that dumb? Nah, don't say it, that's dumb. We'll be soup by the time they send us home anyway. Character Theme: Sleep-My Chemical Romance
ImageG032, Irene Djezari(Adopted from CicadaDays): Death was not worse than Meme Hell. Character Theme: A Beautiful Lie-30 Seconds To Mars
[+] V7 Characters
ImageB066, Blaise d'Aramitz: I am not fucking dabbing on a corpse, Carl. Character Theme: The Nurse Who Loved Me-A Perfect Circle
ImageG032, Helena 'Hel" Fury: I hope my family’s waiting. The one I made out here. I hope you’ll be a part of it again. Character Theme: Fix Me-10 YearsImage
ImageB073, Jeremiah Anderson: "GO--GO--GO." Character theme: The Big Sleep-Murder By Death
ImageG066, Marco Hart: I'm not satisfied anymore. I don't think I'd want to be if I could. Character theme: Maurice's Monsters-Small Leaks Sink Ships
ImageG080, Nikki Nelson-Kelly: The fools. The morons. The aBsOlUtE cReTiNs. Character Theme: Movement-The Whip
ImageG062, Tonya Collins: The girl, the person, the thing, the shape on the screen, that wasn't her. Character Theme: Get Down-Isador
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Latin For Dragula
Posts: 1802
Joined: Thu Aug 09, 2018 3:37 pm


Post by Latin For Dragula »

Please remain calm and face the end with dignity. The following five will remain in purgatory for period to be determined:
[+] Impurities 10-6.
10th. A confession of Greed, Emperor's New Clothes - Panic At The Disco. This song was confessed by Pippin and received 53 points, including a 12 and two 10s.
9th. A confession of Lust, Every Other Freckle - alt-J. This song was confessed by Kermit and received 61 points, including three 10s.
8th. A confession of Sloth, Haunt - Echos. This song was confessed by Kotorikun and received 64.5 points, including two 12s and a 10.
7th. A confession of Greed, Handlebars - Flobots. This song was confessed by Maraoone and received 65.5 points, including 3 8s.
6th. A Confession of Greed, Money - Pink Floyd. This song was confessed by Krokodil and received 71.5 points, including one 12.
Those below, continue with me to the gates.
[+] Patience
A confession of Lust, Fear And Delight - The Correspondents
A confession of Envy, Settle Down - Kimbra
A confession of Envy, Genghis Khan - Miike Snow
A confession of Pride, Plastic Love - Mariya Takeuchi
A confession of Envy, Mr. Brightside - The Killers
[+] SotF Characters
[+] V5 Characters
ImageG056, Alda Abbate(Adopted)
It was difficult to nail down exactly when the anger started. Remembering a time when it wasn't there, coiled up and waiting to strike or alive and thrashing, was growing more and more challenging. It'd been with her for so long that it no longer felt like an intruder in her mind. It felt like a part of her.
ImageB062, Garrett Wilde
I multiplied. Then I subtracted. That's what we do now. That's how we keep the most people around.
ImageB014, Joachim Lovelace(Adopted)
Your turn.
[+] V6 Characters

ImageG037, Abby Floyd:This place was vile. Overwhelmingly, terribly vile. Character Theme: Everything's Alright-Emily Scholz
ImageB016, Ty Yazzie: You ever wonder if you still got a home to go back to? Character Theme: Warrior People-Medicine For The People
ImageIsaac Brea(Adopted from Espi): Isaac's well of fucks was bone-dry. Character Theme: The Whiskey, The Liar, The Thief-Patent Pending
ImageG011, Caedyn Miller:So...how did you wanna do this? Feeling an open casket? Or is that dumb? Nah, don't say it, that's dumb. We'll be soup by the time they send us home anyway. Character Theme: Sleep-My Chemical Romance
ImageG032, Irene Djezari(Adopted from CicadaDays): Death was not worse than Meme Hell. Character Theme: A Beautiful Lie-30 Seconds To Mars
[+] V7 Characters
ImageB066, Blaise d'Aramitz: I am not fucking dabbing on a corpse, Carl. Character Theme: The Nurse Who Loved Me-A Perfect Circle
ImageG032, Helena 'Hel" Fury: I hope my family’s waiting. The one I made out here. I hope you’ll be a part of it again. Character Theme: Fix Me-10 YearsImage
ImageB073, Jeremiah Anderson: "GO--GO--GO." Character theme: The Big Sleep-Murder By Death
ImageG066, Marco Hart: I'm not satisfied anymore. I don't think I'd want to be if I could. Character theme: Maurice's Monsters-Small Leaks Sink Ships
ImageG080, Nikki Nelson-Kelly: The fools. The morons. The aBsOlUtE cReTiNs. Character Theme: Movement-The Whip
ImageG062, Tonya Collins: The girl, the person, the thing, the shape on the screen, that wasn't her. Character Theme: Get Down-Isador
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Latin For Dragula
Posts: 1802
Joined: Thu Aug 09, 2018 3:37 pm


Post by Latin For Dragula »

Two will continue on. Three will remain and face fates unknown.
[+] To Depart from this place
5. A confession of Pride, Plastic Love - Mariya Takeuchi. This song was confessed by Jilly and received 72 points, including two 10s.
4th. A confession of Envy, Settle Down - Kimbra. This song was confessed by Emprexx Plush and received 82 points, including three 12s, a 10, and an 8.
3rd. A confession of Envy, Genghis Khan - Miike Snow. This song was confessed by Fenris and received 86 points, including four 12s and three 8s.
Hmm. It appears I can go no further. Glory awaits the final two.
[+] To Eternity
A confession of Envy, Mr. Brightside - The Killers
A confession of Lust, Fear And Delight - The Correspondents
[+] SotF Characters
[+] V5 Characters
ImageG056, Alda Abbate(Adopted)
It was difficult to nail down exactly when the anger started. Remembering a time when it wasn't there, coiled up and waiting to strike or alive and thrashing, was growing more and more challenging. It'd been with her for so long that it no longer felt like an intruder in her mind. It felt like a part of her.
ImageB062, Garrett Wilde
I multiplied. Then I subtracted. That's what we do now. That's how we keep the most people around.
ImageB014, Joachim Lovelace(Adopted)
Your turn.
[+] V6 Characters

ImageG037, Abby Floyd:This place was vile. Overwhelmingly, terribly vile. Character Theme: Everything's Alright-Emily Scholz
ImageB016, Ty Yazzie: You ever wonder if you still got a home to go back to? Character Theme: Warrior People-Medicine For The People
ImageIsaac Brea(Adopted from Espi): Isaac's well of fucks was bone-dry. Character Theme: The Whiskey, The Liar, The Thief-Patent Pending
ImageG011, Caedyn Miller:So...how did you wanna do this? Feeling an open casket? Or is that dumb? Nah, don't say it, that's dumb. We'll be soup by the time they send us home anyway. Character Theme: Sleep-My Chemical Romance
ImageG032, Irene Djezari(Adopted from CicadaDays): Death was not worse than Meme Hell. Character Theme: A Beautiful Lie-30 Seconds To Mars
[+] V7 Characters
ImageB066, Blaise d'Aramitz: I am not fucking dabbing on a corpse, Carl. Character Theme: The Nurse Who Loved Me-A Perfect Circle
ImageG032, Helena 'Hel" Fury: I hope my family’s waiting. The one I made out here. I hope you’ll be a part of it again. Character Theme: Fix Me-10 YearsImage
ImageB073, Jeremiah Anderson: "GO--GO--GO." Character theme: The Big Sleep-Murder By Death
ImageG066, Marco Hart: I'm not satisfied anymore. I don't think I'd want to be if I could. Character theme: Maurice's Monsters-Small Leaks Sink Ships
ImageG080, Nikki Nelson-Kelly: The fools. The morons. The aBsOlUtE cReTiNs. Character Theme: Movement-The Whip
ImageG062, Tonya Collins: The girl, the person, the thing, the shape on the screen, that wasn't her. Character Theme: Get Down-Isador
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Latin For Dragula
Posts: 1802
Joined: Thu Aug 09, 2018 3:37 pm


Post by Latin For Dragula »

Faithful and unfaithful. Pure and impure. Saved and damned.

The pinnacle of your efforts...

with 91 points...

including two 12s...

one 10...

and two 8s...

A confession of Envy, Mr. Brightside - The Killers, Confessed by Kamikaze.

In 2nd place, with 89 points including two 10s and two 8s, Fear and Delight - The Correspondents, confessed by Shiola.

Congregation dismissed.
[+] SotF Characters
[+] V5 Characters
ImageG056, Alda Abbate(Adopted)
It was difficult to nail down exactly when the anger started. Remembering a time when it wasn't there, coiled up and waiting to strike or alive and thrashing, was growing more and more challenging. It'd been with her for so long that it no longer felt like an intruder in her mind. It felt like a part of her.
ImageB062, Garrett Wilde
I multiplied. Then I subtracted. That's what we do now. That's how we keep the most people around.
ImageB014, Joachim Lovelace(Adopted)
Your turn.
[+] V6 Characters

ImageG037, Abby Floyd:This place was vile. Overwhelmingly, terribly vile. Character Theme: Everything's Alright-Emily Scholz
ImageB016, Ty Yazzie: You ever wonder if you still got a home to go back to? Character Theme: Warrior People-Medicine For The People
ImageIsaac Brea(Adopted from Espi): Isaac's well of fucks was bone-dry. Character Theme: The Whiskey, The Liar, The Thief-Patent Pending
ImageG011, Caedyn Miller:So...how did you wanna do this? Feeling an open casket? Or is that dumb? Nah, don't say it, that's dumb. We'll be soup by the time they send us home anyway. Character Theme: Sleep-My Chemical Romance
ImageG032, Irene Djezari(Adopted from CicadaDays): Death was not worse than Meme Hell. Character Theme: A Beautiful Lie-30 Seconds To Mars
[+] V7 Characters
ImageB066, Blaise d'Aramitz: I am not fucking dabbing on a corpse, Carl. Character Theme: The Nurse Who Loved Me-A Perfect Circle
ImageG032, Helena 'Hel" Fury: I hope my family’s waiting. The one I made out here. I hope you’ll be a part of it again. Character Theme: Fix Me-10 YearsImage
ImageB073, Jeremiah Anderson: "GO--GO--GO." Character theme: The Big Sleep-Murder By Death
ImageG066, Marco Hart: I'm not satisfied anymore. I don't think I'd want to be if I could. Character theme: Maurice's Monsters-Small Leaks Sink Ships
ImageG080, Nikki Nelson-Kelly: The fools. The morons. The aBsOlUtE cReTiNs. Character Theme: Movement-The Whip
ImageG062, Tonya Collins: The girl, the person, the thing, the shape on the screen, that wasn't her. Character Theme: Get Down-Isador
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