Booking a Date

Prom preparations, date-seeking, and anything else which concerns prom and takes place within a few days before the event goes here.
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Frozen Smoke
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Booking a Date


Post by Frozen Smoke »

((Luca Thomas - Prom, START!))

Luca was feeling a little nervous as she pressed her shoulder against the glass door and gave it a measured but firm shove out of the way. She wasn't nervous that the glass would break, she'd done this a thousand times. She was instead, vastly more worried about what she was about to do. It had been easy to talk herself into it when she'd been chatting to Rhodna over coffee just now, when she'd mentioned the idea. She hadn't had that much to say about it, and the conversation had moved on, but saying she'd do it to someone filled her with confidence that she could get it done. And as the little bell that hung on a chain over the door rung, announcing her entry, she was beginning to rethink exactly what she should do. After all, this wasn't something out of the ordinary, she could totally just not do this and have a nice chat like usual.

She looked around, not managing to pick out the out-of-place musculature of Jackson in Star Line Books immediately, which probably meant he was out in the back or something. She'd go and try and find him in a moment if he didn't hear the bell, but right now she had other priorities, as the heat from the two cups she was carrying was beginning to burn at her hands. She'd thought about getting one of those cardboard things that would make it less hot, but she'd forgotten what they were called, and she didn't want to bother the barista with trying to figure out what she was talking about. So, with all the grace of a squirrel falling out of a tree, she bounded towards the little mahogany desk where the register and everything was to put them down.

Thankfully there were no customers to see Luca as she shook out her right hand a little, trying to cool it off in the crisp air conditioned air of the shop.
[+] V7
Relationship Thread!

ImageFaith Clementine Marshal-Mackenzie
[+] Pregame
Memories: Making old enemies
Present Day: Making new friends - Playing childish games - Acting like an adult
Oneshots: Tidying up - Coming home
ImageParker Green
[+] Pregame
Memories: Cheaters never prosper - Except when they do - Keeping promises
Present Day: Getting informed - Playing nice - Keeping up appearances - Playing Games - Talking too much
Oneshots: Preparing for battle
Luca Thomas
[+] Pregame
Present Day: Being a team player
Prom: Trying her best
Criticism or thoughts on my writing are welcome and appreciated - always looking to improve! Feel free to poke me on Discord or via PM.
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Post by Tonyksin »

[Jackson Sullivan Prom Start]

For some reason when you wrote something down on paper it allowed you to express what you were feeling a million times better than you could ever express through speech. Maybe not everyone felt the same, but whenever he felt emotions rush through his brain and bubble up inside and he had no idea how to let them out, writing was his only way to release those pent up feelings. And, if you really thought about it, if that was true for him, then it had to be true for all the writers of the world. How else could you create characters and worlds without giving a piece of yourself to the work? When you read a book, the author’s feelings and emotions well up within you, and for just a moment, you get to experience their struggles and fears and joy and anger. Books make you feel something outside of yourself. Sometimes they can even unlock a part of you that you didn't even know was there. Jackson Sullivan was more than aware how much books and writing in general could not only help the reader, but the writer as well. That’s why, even though the pay wasn’t great, he absolutely loved his job at Star Line Books. To be surrounded by carefully crafted worlds and plots and emotionally-charged characters was a blessing for him. If he could, he’d spend his entire day in the shop, losing himself in the imaginations of other writers. To be able to escape your reality and fling yourself into another world; it was sometimes the only medicine he needed to keep his sanity intact.

The chime of the front door’s bell reached his ears and shook him out of his thoughts in the back stacks of the store, sorting new inventory that had just arrived from donations. He stood himself up from his crouched position and straightened out his work apron, a black full-body apron with the store’s logo in the center of his chest. He was dressed relatively casual today, just some old faded blue jeans with a probably-a-size-too-small-for-his-muscular-frame Ohio State wrestling tee-shirt in the school colors that he’d found at a bargain sale the summer before. He ran a hand through his messy strawberry-blonde hair in an attempt to make it look more presentable and started to make his way to the front. As he rounded a corner leading to the front desk, he plastered on his customer service smile as best he could. What was it the girls called it? Resting bitch face? Yeah he was most definitely cursed with that. As he entered the main area of the store, he began to open his mouth to give his standard greeting, but seeing who exactly was waiting for him, his mouth curled into a genuine smile and he walked over.

“Hey Luca, what’s going on?” He grinned at the taller (not that that was hard when compared to him) girl and opened his arms to give her a quick hug as a greeting. The scent of caffeine soon invaded his nostrils and his eyes locked on the pair of coffees sitting on the front desk. His face grimaced slightly and he looked away from the girl and locked his eyes on the ground. “Oh… you brought coffee, that’s awesome… I… I didn’t get paid yet for this week so I can't really pay you back right now. Sorry.”
V8 Relationship Chart
[+] V8 Kids Lined Up To Die
Sebastian Odegaard - Playing The Leading Man
Yoona Lee - Rejecting Society
Chanel Andersson-Joseph - Changing Her Aesthetic
Marc Hines - Lazer-Focused on the Future
[+] V7 Kiddos
Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker

ImageLorenzo Tavares B03 - DEAD
Pregame:1 2 3 4 5 Memories:1 2 3 4 Prom: 1 2 3 4 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
ImageGina Petrov G43 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 2 3 4 Memories: 1 2 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3
ImageJackson Sullivan B36 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 2 3 4 5 Memories: 1 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ImageAmelia Fischer G34 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 Memories: 1 2 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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Frozen Smoke
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

"Don't worry about it" she replied as she gave Jackson a little squeeze of her own in the hug, before pulling away. It wasn't exactly the first time she'd bought coffee for him anyway. She'd started popping in to see him when she was around 34th a while ago, ever since he'd mentioned he worked here when they were talking in the gym one day. She had thought it weird that he had to work, it seemed like none of her other friends had to, but it was something he bore without a single complaint. He'd apparently worked here for years, and it had never really come up in the casual acquaintanceship she tried to keep up with all the sports stars of GHHS, just from watching their competitions. He deserved a little break once in a while, and it wasn't like getting an extra coffee was that much money. It seemed like it meant a lot to him though, and that made it very worth it.

"Yours is the one without my name on it" she explained, pointing in the direction just to make sure he got the right one, before thinking for a second and adding a little warning. "Careful, it's hot."

She took a little pause and picked up her own cup, sipping at the decaf vanilla chai latte she'd just burnt her hands with, savouring the warmth of the flavour and liquid on her tongue. It wasn't quite pumpkin spice, but it was as close as they did out of season, and that was good enough. She put it down again, not wanting to make the same mistake as before.

"Quiet day?" she asked as she looked around the bookstore, which could almost be a library with how eerily silent it was without the usual few people humming and haaing over what specific book they wanted to bury their nose in.
[+] V7
Relationship Thread!

ImageFaith Clementine Marshal-Mackenzie
[+] Pregame
Memories: Making old enemies
Present Day: Making new friends - Playing childish games - Acting like an adult
Oneshots: Tidying up - Coming home
ImageParker Green
[+] Pregame
Memories: Cheaters never prosper - Except when they do - Keeping promises
Present Day: Getting informed - Playing nice - Keeping up appearances - Playing Games - Talking too much
Oneshots: Preparing for battle
Luca Thomas
[+] Pregame
Present Day: Being a team player
Prom: Trying her best
Criticism or thoughts on my writing are welcome and appreciated - always looking to improve! Feel free to poke me on Discord or via PM.
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Post by Tonyksin »

Jackson lifted his gaze to once again look Luca in the eyes and smiled at the taller girl. He reached out to grab the cup meant for him and took a sip of the warm liquid, careful not to burn his tongue. He felt his whole body relax as the hot Salted Caramel coffee made its way to his stomach, warming up his whole body. Jackson didn’t know how Luca always remembered his favorite flavor, but he really appreciated that she thought of him. They’d been doing this for a while now. Jackson would be at work and Luca would pop in with a coffee and the two would chat for a while and catch up. Even though he felt bad that she was consistently spending money on him, he really looked forward to these chats. Especially on slow days like today, they boosted his morale and made his day better. He took another sip from the cup and set it down on the front desk, turning to answer Luca's question.

“We had a few people in here earlier, but it's been kind of empty for the last few hours.” He shrugged and yawned lightly. He covered his mouth with his left hand and smiled sheepishly at Luca.

“Honestly, before you got here I was pretty bored, so I’m glad you came in today. The owner left as soon as I came in so it’s just been me by myself for a while.” He chuckled a bit and rubbed the back of his neck with his right hand.

“So what’s going on? Anything interesting?” He asked while picking up his cup again to take another sip. The coffee was revitalizing him a bit thankfully, he didn’t realize how tired he was feeling until he took that first sip. Thank god for caffeine, right?
V8 Relationship Chart
[+] V8 Kids Lined Up To Die
Sebastian Odegaard - Playing The Leading Man
Yoona Lee - Rejecting Society
Chanel Andersson-Joseph - Changing Her Aesthetic
Marc Hines - Lazer-Focused on the Future
[+] V7 Kiddos
Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker

ImageLorenzo Tavares B03 - DEAD
Pregame:1 2 3 4 5 Memories:1 2 3 4 Prom: 1 2 3 4 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
ImageGina Petrov G43 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 2 3 4 Memories: 1 2 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3
ImageJackson Sullivan B36 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 2 3 4 5 Memories: 1 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ImageAmelia Fischer G34 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 Memories: 1 2 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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Frozen Smoke
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

"Not really, was just out getting a coffee with Rhodna." She explained, as she took in what Jackson had said. She did wonder how well the store was doing. She hoped that it being this quiet wasn't bad, she'd hate for him to have to add worrying about getting a new job onto anything else. It wasn't her place to ask about anything like that though, last thing she wanted to do was to make him worry needlessly, and it wasn't like she knew what was going on better than him anyway. Besides, she had more important things to ask about.

She thought about just asking him directly, right now, getting it out of the way so they could just let it go past if he said no without it being awkward. But as soon as she opened her mouth to do so, she realised she didn't have any idea if he could come to Prom. Or if he had already asked someone, or been asked. Or if he had a girlfriend or something and was going to go with her instead. She closed her mouth shortly after, looking away a little bit as she tried to figure out what to start with in that list of questions. She didn't want him to think she was trying to get in the way of his other dates, or make him feel bad about not being able to go with her. She just didn't want to go on her own, and Jackson was a good enough friend that it wouldn't be that unusual for them to go to prom together, but now she was wondering if friends even went to Prom 'officially' together or if they just hung around near each other at the event.

She cursed the lack of any instructions to go with things like this. She probably should have asked Mom for her advice, rather than Rhodna.

"Do you, uh..." she blurted out, trying to force herself to start speaking again as she began to feel heat rising to her cheeks, desperate for this self-imposed torture to end as soon as possible.

"Do you have plans for prom yet?"
[+] V7
Relationship Thread!

ImageFaith Clementine Marshal-Mackenzie
[+] Pregame
Memories: Making old enemies
Present Day: Making new friends - Playing childish games - Acting like an adult
Oneshots: Tidying up - Coming home
ImageParker Green
[+] Pregame
Memories: Cheaters never prosper - Except when they do - Keeping promises
Present Day: Getting informed - Playing nice - Keeping up appearances - Playing Games - Talking too much
Oneshots: Preparing for battle
Luca Thomas
[+] Pregame
Present Day: Being a team player
Prom: Trying her best
Criticism or thoughts on my writing are welcome and appreciated - always looking to improve! Feel free to poke me on Discord or via PM.
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Post by Tonyksin »

Jackson took another sip of the life-saving coffee Luca had been kind enough to bring as she began to ask him something. She paused a bit mid-way through her questing, and it piqued his curiosity as to what exactly the question was. She stammered a bit and Jackson saw her face redden slightly. Maybe it was too hot in here, he’d bumped the temperature up a few degrees about an hour ago because he’d been a bit cold, but he could feel the sweat on the back of his neck now so it had probably gotten past the point of comfortable warmth. Jackson focused all his attention on Luca as she finally asked him her question, and he quickly had to struggle to recover as his coffee went down the wrong pipe and he fell into a coughing fit in surprise. Prom?! It took a few seconds for him to compose himself from the coughing, and he felt his face go beet red in embarrassment. Wow, he was such a fucking loser. Who does that?!

“Um… I-I uh... didn’t really ask anyone to be honest.” He put down his cup again for fear he’d drop it or something equally as embarrassing. He kept his gaze focused on anything but Luca. “I barely have enough money to spare right now to cover the Senior trip, and it’s not like I have anyone to take, so I figured I’d skip out, I guess.”

It was true, money was tight, but if he REALLY pinched and saved he could probably figure it out. Honestly, the idea of having to go to prom in one of his dad’s old Tux’s or one of his cousin’s hand me downs that didn't fit him right made him queasy. It would be way too embarrassing to have to show up to prom looking like that when he knew most of his friends and classmates would be looking their best. And forget renting a limo, he’d never be able to afford that. He didn’t even bring prom up to his parents, they’d insist he go and probably make a whole scene out of how much money they’d have to spend and start a huge war over it. If Jackson could find a way to avoid another fight in that house he was damn sure going to make sure he avoided it. It was bad enough there as is, no reason to give the two of them any more reason to rip eachother’s heads off. He’d just spend prom night locked in his room drowning himself in the cheapest liquor he could get his hands on.

“What about you Luca? I bet you’re gonna look great.” He smiled sheepishly as he finally brought his eyes up to focus on her again, his face still very red.
V8 Relationship Chart
[+] V8 Kids Lined Up To Die
Sebastian Odegaard - Playing The Leading Man
Yoona Lee - Rejecting Society
Chanel Andersson-Joseph - Changing Her Aesthetic
Marc Hines - Lazer-Focused on the Future
[+] V7 Kiddos
Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker

ImageLorenzo Tavares B03 - DEAD
Pregame:1 2 3 4 5 Memories:1 2 3 4 Prom: 1 2 3 4 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
ImageGina Petrov G43 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 2 3 4 Memories: 1 2 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3
ImageJackson Sullivan B36 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 2 3 4 5 Memories: 1 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ImageAmelia Fischer G34 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 Memories: 1 2 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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Frozen Smoke
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

Oh god, she had embarrassed him. A lot. His face was bright red now, probably a mirror of her own, as she tried to figure out what that all meant. She'd hoped he'd just understand what she meant and give her a yes or no, but of course it would be more complicated than that, because things like this just weren't allowed to be easy, were they?

"I- Um, thank you." she replied, her manners kicking in as she replied to him saying she'd look great. She was sure she would, her Mom had told her so, and that they'd go out and find the perfect dress. She didn't doubt her Mom would figure that out for a second, considering how many people she helped with that in her job, making sure all the staff were impeccably dressed when she put on an event. She'd been along to the tailor for one of the really fancy ones, the sort that the people who Mom and Dad thought of as rich - like Langley - and it was like they were talking another language, so she'd sat in the corner quietly as she argued with the tailor about the cut and number of buttons. It had all seemed so meaningless and pointless, paying attention to things that didn't matter, until she'd seen the pictures from the event that Dad had arranged to be taken.

She hoped she'd look something like that in her Prom photos.

She felt a pang of guilt as she worked through everything else though. She hadn't really thought about how much it would cost, it had never really occurred to her that someone wouldn't be able to go to Prom, or on the senior trip. Those were just things everyone kind of did, right?

Apparently not.

She felt terrible for putting him in an awkward enough spot that he'd have to admit that. It probably felt like a slap in the face, and she struggled to try and figure out a way to make up for it to him.

"I could ask Mom and Dad if they'd help you out, if you'd like to go." she offered, trying her best not to add "with me" to the end of that, but implying it all the same. She'd be okay asking them even if it wasn't as her partner, and it felt wrong to only offer to help if he did, like it was only because she'd get something out of it, rather than because she wanted him to be able to enjoy it with her.

She still had to ask though.

"Because..." a pause as she looked away, swallowing a little as she tried to get some moisture back to her mouth, which currently was drier than the Sahara. She looked back and tried to fix a big smile on her face, hoping she didn't look as nervous as she felt, as she put the idea to him properly. "I was, um, hoping you'd like to go with me."
[+] V7
Relationship Thread!

ImageFaith Clementine Marshal-Mackenzie
[+] Pregame
Memories: Making old enemies
Present Day: Making new friends - Playing childish games - Acting like an adult
Oneshots: Tidying up - Coming home
ImageParker Green
[+] Pregame
Memories: Cheaters never prosper - Except when they do - Keeping promises
Present Day: Getting informed - Playing nice - Keeping up appearances - Playing Games - Talking too much
Oneshots: Preparing for battle
Luca Thomas
[+] Pregame
Present Day: Being a team player
Prom: Trying her best
Criticism or thoughts on my writing are welcome and appreciated - always looking to improve! Feel free to poke me on Discord or via PM.
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Post by Tonyksin »

Luca stammered out a thank you to his comment on how good she would look at prom. Jackson found himself even more embarrassed with himself with her answer. Of course Luca would look amazing at prom, she was absolutely gorgeous! What kind of loser points out the obvious like that? She was gonna go to prom and look stunning on the arm of some six foot something pretty-boy and dance the night away and have an awesome memory to look back on. Meanwhile, he was going to lock himself in a dark room and self-medicate his anger and depression with liquor and his mom’s sleeping pills and try to forget he was missing out on a high school staple. Fuck. Why was Luca even here talking to him? As if he wanted to hear all about how perfect her fucking life was and how awesome her prom was going to go. As if he didn't already know most of George Hunter High had it way better than him,. Jackson wasn’t stupid. He’d already had to accept that in this world the only way he was gonna be anything other than the poor kid was to make something of himself athletically. He didn’t have any other choice. Sure, they could have their proms and vacations and summers abroad, but he’d find a way to do all those things in his own way. With the money he worked his ass off for, not his mommy and daddy’s money, that was for sure.

Then came the real slap in the face.

Jackson knew she didn’t mean anything by it, and it was taking everything he had not to snap at her and lose his temper. He had to face completely away from her for a moment and busy himself with something behind the desk just so he had a chance to compose himself from the absolute gut punch she’d unknowingly just delivered to him. He’d rather die than have her ask her parents to pay for his prom. He didn’t need charity from the upper class. His mother worked her ass off to give him what little he had growing up, and now that he was grown, he learned to work his own ass off to give himself what he needed. He wasn’t some failure like that. If he wanted to go to prom then he’d find a way to do it himself and on his own terms, just like he’d always had to with everything else. He felt his temper flaring, and as he was about to explode he sharply turned, his face red hot in embarrassment… but her smile caught him off guard and his words caught in the back of his throat. And then she said a string of words that was possibly the least likely combination of words his brain expected to hear at that exact moment.

“Wh- Um.. I…” He couldn’t even form a coherent word as he stared at her in absolute shock and disbelief. If it was possible for his face to get any redder, it would have.

She wanted HIM to go to prom with HER?! That thought short-circuited his brain. Luca was stunning. She could get any guy to go to prom with her. Why on god’s green earth would she ever want to go with him?! He was just some dumb, short, meathead who couldn't even control his own temper. What the hell could he offer her? Like there were probably a thousand better options for a girl like her. Now he felt even worse about how mad he was getting earlier. What a piece of shit he was. Here is this beautiful girl, who brings you coffee and visits you at work, and she wants to ask you to be her prom date and you have the gall to want to get mad at her for that? He didn’t deserve a friend like Luca, and even more-so he didn't deserve the honor of escorting her to prom.

“Luca I... “ His face was still beet red and his eyes locked on the ground between them, afraid to look her in the eyes. “As much as I’d love to go with you, because I couldn't think of anyone else who I’d want to go with, I mean you’re the coolest girl I know, and you’re so beautiful, and I just think that you probably have so many better options than me, I mean look at me I’m nothing special, and I’m short as hell, so I’d probably just look so dumb next to you, because I'm sure you’re going to be the best looking girl there, and I just don’t want to disappoint you I guess is what I’m saying.” Fuck he ran out of breath with that one. God he was such a loser.
V8 Relationship Chart
[+] V8 Kids Lined Up To Die
Sebastian Odegaard - Playing The Leading Man
Yoona Lee - Rejecting Society
Chanel Andersson-Joseph - Changing Her Aesthetic
Marc Hines - Lazer-Focused on the Future
[+] V7 Kiddos
Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker

ImageLorenzo Tavares B03 - DEAD
Pregame:1 2 3 4 5 Memories:1 2 3 4 Prom: 1 2 3 4 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
ImageGina Petrov G43 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 2 3 4 Memories: 1 2 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3
ImageJackson Sullivan B36 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 2 3 4 5 Memories: 1 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ImageAmelia Fischer G34 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 Memories: 1 2 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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Frozen Smoke
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

Luca couldn't help but feel her smile widen a little as he talked and talked about how she should go with someone else, rather than someone as humble and honest as himself. It was like he couldn't see that that was what she wanted out of him, instead of someone who'd tell her they were the best, only to let her down. He was probably the most down to earth guy she knew, and that was going to be important when it came to something as big and flashy as prom, which would have people and music everywhere. She needed someone who she could trust to be there with her, so that she didn't spend the whole time in a corner, trying not to run out of the place.

She couldn't find a way to put that into words in the moment, though. At least without seeming like she was guilting him into going with him, which she didn't want to do.

She reached over and down a little, hand nudging his chin upwards so he would meet her eyes again.

"Look, Jack. You're the person I came to first... The first person I thought of wanting to share prom with."

She blinked a little, as she realised what this sounded like.

"You know, like, someone who'd make prom better for me?" She added, to try and make the distinction between prom date and actual date and failing, her speech going from slow and considered to hurried and ending up at 'unsure'. She sighed, looking away for a moment in embarrassment as heat rose to her cheeks, hand coming away from his chin to rub at her upper arm for a moment as she contemplated for a little longer. She shook her head, and smiled back at him.

"Sorry, I'm not very good at this, am I?" she half-joked, half-stated as she looked back at him. "But - If you don't want to go, that's fine, I know you have things to do. I wouldn't want to give you any trouble - I just thought I'd ask, because you are something special, you know."
[+] V7
Relationship Thread!

ImageFaith Clementine Marshal-Mackenzie
[+] Pregame
Memories: Making old enemies
Present Day: Making new friends - Playing childish games - Acting like an adult
Oneshots: Tidying up - Coming home
ImageParker Green
[+] Pregame
Memories: Cheaters never prosper - Except when they do - Keeping promises
Present Day: Getting informed - Playing nice - Keeping up appearances - Playing Games - Talking too much
Oneshots: Preparing for battle
Luca Thomas
[+] Pregame
Present Day: Being a team player
Prom: Trying her best
Criticism or thoughts on my writing are welcome and appreciated - always looking to improve! Feel free to poke me on Discord or via PM.
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Post by Tonyksin »

Jackson could feel his ears burning he was blushing so hard. And being of fair complexion, it was undoubtedly more than obvious. This was absolutely embarrassing. Here he was with this gorgeous girl standing in front of him and all he could do was ramble and look ridiculous. By now she was probably regretting even asking a loser like him. What a way to fuck it all up, Jackson. You dumb, stupid motherfucker. You actually had a shot to make a decent memory from high school and instead you just prove why you don’t deserve it. He couldn’t even bring himself to look at her, she was probably disgusted with him and how absolutely terrible at this he was. Who the hell turns down a girl like Luca? Only a complete moron, that’s who. A complete moron named Jackson. He felt like his head was spinning. He needed a drink so fucking badly right now. He was getting dizzy, almost like he could pass out from the anxiety alone. He could hear his own heartbeat picking up pace, like a fucking jackhammer in his skull. His stomach was all twisted up in knots, and he just wanted to run away from this situation.

Then, all of a sudden, he felt his chin pulled up to look her in the eyes, and he couldn’t think about any of those things anymore.

She… she made him her first choice? She really wanted to spend prom with someone like him? Unfathomable. If he could get any redder at this point he would have. Did she… did Luca have feelings for him? No way that was absolutely impossible. They were just friends! Sure, they kind of dated in middle school for a hot minute, but that was meaningless, and they were always better as friends. He quickly shoved those thoughts WAY to the back of his mind where hopefully they wouldn’t resurface EVER. She continued, saying that she wanted to go with someone who would make prom better for her. Jackson felt his breath catch in his throat. She really thought he could be that person. He didn’t understand, but it made him feel extremely happy. She sighed and looked away for a moment, her face probably about as red as his was. Holy shit was this really happening right now? She made a joke, and tried to give him an out. It was kind of her, and honestly he almost jumped on it. Almost.

“You are something special, you know."

Goddammit. How are you supposed to say no to that. How could he not go with her, when she just made his whole world light up with those six words.

“No- I mean, yes! Let’s do it! Let’s go together!” He realized he was shouting and tried to calm his heart that felt like it was about to beat straight out of his chest. “I’m sorry, I’m such a dweeb. Nothing would make me happier than to go to prom with you.” He looked her in the eyes and smiled wide, face still beet red with embarrassment, and just a twinge of excitement and happiness.
V8 Relationship Chart
[+] V8 Kids Lined Up To Die
Sebastian Odegaard - Playing The Leading Man
Yoona Lee - Rejecting Society
Chanel Andersson-Joseph - Changing Her Aesthetic
Marc Hines - Lazer-Focused on the Future
[+] V7 Kiddos
Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker

ImageLorenzo Tavares B03 - DEAD
Pregame:1 2 3 4 5 Memories:1 2 3 4 Prom: 1 2 3 4 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
ImageGina Petrov G43 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 2 3 4 Memories: 1 2 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3
ImageJackson Sullivan B36 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 2 3 4 5 Memories: 1 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ImageAmelia Fischer G34 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 Memories: 1 2 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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Frozen Smoke
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

Luca couldn't help but feel awful as a few peals of laughter came out of her at Jackson's response, fighting to get out a quick "Sorry!" in between the initial burst of laughter, and then the follow up giggles as she caught his eyes again, which seemed like they were just chock full of confusion, sending her off into another fit, before she finally got a hold of herself and straightened up.

"It's okay dweeb, I like you just the way you are" she said, reaching over to give his right arm a tap with her fist as she looked back at his still embarrassed, but now equally as excited face. She tried to picture what he would even look like in a suit, but couldn't quite get there. She'd never had that eye for fashion, even if she did like to think she could dress herself pretty well, figuring out how others would look good was a skill far beyond her.

"I'll talk to Mom when I get home tonight, I'm sure she'll be able to figure things out. That's basically her job anyway!" she said, with a smile, as she pondered the possibilities, before re-focusing on her now actual, OFFICIAL prom date. "And, um, thank you. I don't think I'd have been able to get through asking anyone else. It was hard enough asking you." she said, with another little nervous giggle, as she tried to imagine asking someone scary like Alton or Blake to go with her.
[+] V7
Relationship Thread!

ImageFaith Clementine Marshal-Mackenzie
[+] Pregame
Memories: Making old enemies
Present Day: Making new friends - Playing childish games - Acting like an adult
Oneshots: Tidying up - Coming home
ImageParker Green
[+] Pregame
Memories: Cheaters never prosper - Except when they do - Keeping promises
Present Day: Getting informed - Playing nice - Keeping up appearances - Playing Games - Talking too much
Oneshots: Preparing for battle
Luca Thomas
[+] Pregame
Present Day: Being a team player
Prom: Trying her best
Criticism or thoughts on my writing are welcome and appreciated - always looking to improve! Feel free to poke me on Discord or via PM.
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Post by Tonyksin »

Luca’s fit of laughter left Jackson feeling very confused and if anything even more embarrassed than he was five minutes ago. She sputtered out an apology, but the laughter continued for another while. He wasn’t sure what was so funny, and honestly, he was starting to feel like this was one big joke and he had just made a fool out of himself again. He felt himself tense up as her laughter died down, waiting for her to drop the bomb on him that this was all some elaborate prank and she never really wanted to go with someone like him in the first place. That would be just his luck after all. He shut his eyes to attempt to calm his nerves, but they snapped back open at the feeling on her fist bumping his right arm.

And there was that smile again, washing all his fears and anxiety away.

He felt his face light up and he honestly was getting pretty amped up and excited. He was actually going to do this. He was going to go to prom with a way-out-of-his-league date and they were going to have an amazing time and he’d have an experience to remember forever. He felt like he was in the twilight zone or something. Shit like this didn’t happen to people like him. At least, not in his experience. Luca told him that her mom would take care of everything. What did that mean? He knew that Luca’s mom was like a party planner or something like it, but like for really rich people. He felt some of those nervous feelings coming back. He’d never really met Luca’s parents, but he knew OF them. Luca then thanked him for saying yes, afraid that she wouldn't have been able to muster the courage to ask someone else had he declined. He blushed again and smiled at her.

“No, thank you for wanting to spend prom with me. I feel like the luckiest guy at school right now.” He grinned. Just then, the chime of the store’s front door alerted him to a customer’s presence. It was an older woman, and Jackson quickly greeted her as she walked by him and Luca, and into the stacks.

“Sorry… looks like I gotta get to work.” He blushed again. God he needed to control his face. “Um… I’ll text you I guess? We can discuss more details and stuff?”
V8 Relationship Chart
[+] V8 Kids Lined Up To Die
Sebastian Odegaard - Playing The Leading Man
Yoona Lee - Rejecting Society
Chanel Andersson-Joseph - Changing Her Aesthetic
Marc Hines - Lazer-Focused on the Future
[+] V7 Kiddos
Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker

ImageLorenzo Tavares B03 - DEAD
Pregame:1 2 3 4 5 Memories:1 2 3 4 Prom: 1 2 3 4 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
ImageGina Petrov G43 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 2 3 4 Memories: 1 2 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3
ImageJackson Sullivan B36 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 2 3 4 5 Memories: 1 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ImageAmelia Fischer G34 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 Memories: 1 2 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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Frozen Smoke
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

Luca couldn't help but feel her heart swell a little as Jackson continued to be the most humble person in the world at her. She had expected him to be so certain and cocksure, like he normally was, but with a sense of gentleness and humility that people like the Carter brothers conspicuously lacked. And yet, here he was, dissolving into a mess of humble exhalations at her, like she was a princess or something.

"the luckiest guy in the world"

That was such a lovely thing to say, and she was so happy that she could make him feel like that, though she felt just a twinge of sadness at him not seeing how amazing he was. People always seemed to focus in on the worst of themselves, she wished they could see themselves the way she saw them.

Unfortunately, good things can never last too long, and Jackson had to go back to his job. That was fine though, she didn't want to take up too much of his time right now, given that she was probably going to shepherd him through with Mom getting a suit made. She didn't even know if he knew his suit measurements. God, had he ever been measured for a suit before?

She shook her head a little, her smile still etched in her face as she imagined her mother's indignant reaction to hearing that.

"Alright, um, yes, yes, yes! I'll text you when I get home!" she promised, hurrying to get out of his way, not wanting him to get in trouble with his boss or something because she was talking to him instead of him talking to a customer. She picked up her coffee and walked out, stopping to turn back and wave after she left through the window, still smiling in the afterglow of the excitement and dopamine.

((Luca Thomas continued Elsewhere))
[+] V7
Relationship Thread!

ImageFaith Clementine Marshal-Mackenzie
[+] Pregame
Memories: Making old enemies
Present Day: Making new friends - Playing childish games - Acting like an adult
Oneshots: Tidying up - Coming home
ImageParker Green
[+] Pregame
Memories: Cheaters never prosper - Except when they do - Keeping promises
Present Day: Getting informed - Playing nice - Keeping up appearances - Playing Games - Talking too much
Oneshots: Preparing for battle
Luca Thomas
[+] Pregame
Present Day: Being a team player
Prom: Trying her best
Criticism or thoughts on my writing are welcome and appreciated - always looking to improve! Feel free to poke me on Discord or via PM.
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Post by Tonyksin »

Luca agreed that they’d text tonight and discuss the finer details of prom. Jackson smiled and watched her grab her coffee and make her way out of the shop. His eyes lingered on her for a moment as he watched her through the window of the shop. She turned to wave at him through the window and he felt his heart skip a beat. He couldn’t believe this was really happening. He was actually going to go to prom, and with a girl he not only got along with, but one who thought he was the best option out of all the other guys at school. He was stunned. He watched her disappear into the distance through the window and sighed. His heart was still beating so fast, he brought his right hand up to his chest to try and calm it. If someone had told him this was how his day was going to go, he’d have called them a liar in an instant.

His mouth felt dry, so he picked up his coffee and took another sip. It had cooled down by a lot, but it was still delicious. Jackson looked at the cup and smiled warmly. He felt so blessed to have someone like Luca in his life. He had to make sure to make prom perfect for her, no matter the cost. He stashed his coffee cup behind the front desk and took a few deep breaths to calm his heartbeat and to hopefully alleviate some of the redness from his face. The older woman was back in the storefront, holding a few books with a questioning look on her face. Jackson smiled at her and made his way over.

“Do you need help with anything ma’am?” He’d have to tell his parents he was going to prom now. Hopefully it didn't end up causing even more problems. Then again, even if it did, just to get a chance to see Luca smile like that again would make it all worth it.

[Jackson Sullivan Prom Continued Elsewhere]
V8 Relationship Chart
[+] V8 Kids Lined Up To Die
Sebastian Odegaard - Playing The Leading Man
Yoona Lee - Rejecting Society
Chanel Andersson-Joseph - Changing Her Aesthetic
Marc Hines - Lazer-Focused on the Future
[+] V7 Kiddos
Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker

ImageLorenzo Tavares B03 - DEAD
Pregame:1 2 3 4 5 Memories:1 2 3 4 Prom: 1 2 3 4 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
ImageGina Petrov G43 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 2 3 4 Memories: 1 2 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3
ImageJackson Sullivan B36 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 2 3 4 5 Memories: 1 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ImageAmelia Fischer G34 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 Memories: 1 2 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

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