Sub-Area Description: The Streets

The streets are cracked and worn, with vegetation sprouting anywhere it can. Several shady alleyways offer some form of protection from prying eyes, but not much. Overall, the area is nothing more than a concrete jungle, with abandoned cars and broken streetlights. This area also includes other small shops and buildings.
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Sub-Area Description: The Streets


Post by SOTF_Help »

Sub-Area: The Streets
Description: The streets are cracked and worn, with vegetation sprouting anywhere it can. Several shady alleyways offer some form of protection from prying eyes, but not much. Overall, the area is nothing more than a concrete jungle, with abandoned cars and broken streetlights. This area also includes other small shops and buildings.
Status: OPEN
Assigned Staff: Namira
Notable Changes or Damage:
If you have any questions about or concerns regarding this sub-area or any actions taking place therein, please contact the assigned staffer by PMing them. This staffer is in charge of keeping track of changes and damage within this area and updating this post accordingly. However, to help out, please feel free to reply to this thread noting any damage or changes.
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Post by umop-ap!sdn* »

Becca Everett's body is just outside the music store. Joey Caputo's headless body is inside the same store, near the back wall.
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Post by Un-Persona* »

R.J. Roger's and Veronica McDonald's bodies are close by one another in a shoe store.
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