Cinderella Step

Last-minute hubris; private.

Prom preparations, date-seeking, and anything else which concerns prom and takes place within a few days before the event goes here.
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Post by Tonyksin »

Lorenzo’s fall was cushioned thankfully, though his elbow did his the ground pretty hard, but it seemed fine. Unfortunately, his comfort was at poor Kayla’s expense, as he had landed directly on top of her. Now, Lorenzo wasn’t too heavy a guy, but falling on a girl like Kayla was bound to not feel too good for her. Lorenzo shuffled himself off of her and stood himself up, straightening out his outfit quickly and checking to make sure he didn’t fuck it up somehow. Satisfied that the tuxedo was intact, he reached his hand out to help Kayla up, and couldn’t stop himself from bursting out laughing at what had just happened.

“Are you good?” Another round of laughter. “I'm sorry, That’s on me.” He laughed some more and hoped that Kayla wasn’t too pissed off at him.

“I hope we didn’t break anything.” He stifled his laughter this time, and tried to calm himself down with some deep breaths. “I'm sorry… I’m not laughing, it isn’t funny.”
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Kayla pushed herself into a sitting position as Lorenzo got up and dusted himself off. She looked over at the table that fell. The lamp was still intact, and the other junk that fell could easily be picked back up. Everyone was accounted for, and at least no one got hurt.

Lorenzo reached out for Kayla. She began lifting one of her hands to meet his.

And then he laughed. At her. Just had a good ol' time.

She huffed and retreated her hand back to the floor. She stared him down as he kept laughing, and laughing, and busting a gut. Her hands balled into fists.

Lorenzo finally stopped, taking deep breaths like Kayla couldn't read him. His hand stayed outstretched and stopped moving in rhythm with his laughter.

Kayla got up on her own. She pushed the side table back upright and, with a wordless frown, started replacing the knickknacks that had fallen.
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Lorenzo was an ass. That much he could at least admit. Kayla seemed entirely unamused at his laughing fit, and basically brushed off his attempt to help her up, getting up on her own and silently putting the table they’d knocked over back in place, along with all the things that had fallen off of it. Lorenzo bit his lip and scrunched his face in thought. He’d probably need to apologize, she seemed pretty pissed off. He went to say something, but he couldn’t think of the right words. Instead he just stepped out of her way and rubbed the back of his neck with his right hand. He didn’t know how to handle situations like this. Even though he lived with a mess of women, handling girls and their emotions was never his strong suit. Guys were easy. You could just do something stupid and laugh about it and move on and everything was chill. Lorenzo looked at Kayla and tried to figure out how to fix the situation. She looked really mad at this point, not to mention how stressed out and tired she’d already looked before he even got there. This was honestly the last thing he needed right now. How the hell was he supposed to get them back to where they’d been five minutes ago?

“Look… I’m really sorry I'm such an mess. I know I can be a dick.” He lowered his eyes to the ground.

“And like… I’m not really the best person ever, y’know? But I’m honestly really grateful that you put all this together for me. I really do appreciate it, even if it doesn't always seem like it.” Lorenzo turned to face her and reached out his hand, hoping for her to take it.

“So my bad. Seriously. I know you must have busted your ass to get all this done in time. Sorry for making things even more difficult.”
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ImageJackson Sullivan B36 - DEAD
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Post by Jilly »

Kayla slowed down and paused as Lorenzo apologized. Her frown remained in place, but she just didn't have the energy to smile again. God, she was tired.

It wasn't Lorenzo's fault, not entirely. She was the one who wanted to do this. She made the commitment. She made the fatal error. Lorenzo was just along for the ride, and it wasn't his fault he had a stumpy leg.

In hindsight, though, maybe it was slightly Lorenzo's fault. Like 10%. Him falling on his ass and knocking Kayla over was a little bit funny.

And then it hit her; maybe she could use this to her advantage. She audibly sighed and turned around, looking down and accepting Lorenzo's hand. "It's fine. I'm just... really tired. Is it okay if we just call it for today?"

Kayla let him go and gathered his old nasty clothes and the hanger bags. She dumped them into his arms and lead him away and out the bedroom door. "Go ahead and get changed. I'll finish picking everything up." She nodded her head after she was done talking and closed the door until it was slightly ajar.

In a minute or two she had finished picking everything up. With a huff she plopped down on the bed. She leaned back and fell the rest of the way onto the mattress.

Her eyes felt so heavy. Maybe she should just rest them for a second.
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Post by Tonyksin »

Lorenzo felt himself let out the breath he didn’t know he’d been holding as Kayla accepted his, probably a bit overdone if he was being honest with himself, apology. She took his hand and gave her own apology, before asking if they could call it a night. Lorenzo thought that was probably for the best. Kayla looked like she was ready to pass out at any moment. The girl needed to sleep and refresh herself. Kayla grabbed Lorenzo’s discarded clothes from the floor of her room, along with the garment bags the suit had been in, and shoved all of it into his arms, basically shoving him out the door to her room in the process. Lorenzo nearly tripped again as she pushed him through the door, but he caught himself in time. She shut the door behind him and he stood there for a second looking at the closed door in amusement. Kayla was a good girl, she was kind of crabby right now, but he knew it was just because she’d probably been working like a madwoman to get all of this done. All said and done, he DID actually appreciate it.

Lorenzo tossed his clothes over a chair in the dining room and quickly got out of the hand-crafted tux as carefully as he possibly could. Once everything was off, he swiftly pulled on the clothes he’d come there in, knowing that if a member of her family decided to come home while he was half naked in their house, things would not go well. Trying to be a team player, Lorenzo even put the tux back in the garment bags just as he’d found it. That took more time than he’d have liked to admit. Satisfied that everything was in order, Lorenzo made his way back to Kayla’s room and lightly knocked on the door.

“Kayla? I’m all set.” No response.

Curiosity killed the cat, and Lorenzo still had a few lives left he imagined, so he quietly and meticulously turned the knob of the bedroom door and pushed the door open just enough to poke his head in.
V8 Relationship Chart
[+] V8 Kids Lined Up To Die
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Yoona Lee - Rejecting Society
Chanel Andersson-Joseph - Changing Her Aesthetic
Marc Hines - Lazer-Focused on the Future
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There was Kayla, sprawled out on her bed, very much asleep. Well, now what was he supposed to do? Lorenzo sighed and as quietly as he could, he snuck into the room and hung the garment bags on the corner of her closet door, so at least she knew where they were when she eventually woke up. Lorenzo looked at the sleeping girl and shook his head. She needed this nap, that was for sure. Cranky, sleep-deprived, manic Kayla was not exactly his favorite version of the girl. Still, he enjoyed her plenty. Feeling kinder than he usually would, Lorenzo grabbed the comforter that was balled up to the side of the sleeping girl and threw it over her body. That was his good deed for the day he guessed. Once again attempting to move silently, Lorenzo exited the room and closed the door behind him.

As he stepped out the door he was greeted by Kayla’s adorable cat once again. Lorenzo stood still as he and the cat stared each other down for a moment. His urge to pet the feline was strong, but there was too much at steak. The cat would run off again if he moved to quickly or suddenly. He had to slowly crouch down and slowwwwly reach out his hand for the cat to smell. The tabby sniffed him once, twice, and was gone again, bounding off out of his reach and down the stairs to the basement. Lorenzo cursed lightly under his breath and stood back up. He walked to the basement door and peered down the stairs. All of a sudden he had a delicious thought pop into his head. Kayla was knocked the f out, and was doubtful to wake up soon, and he really wanted to see what her dress was gonna look like, especially since she’d been such a pain about keeping it a secret. One peek wouldn’t kill anyone anyway.

Lorenzo made his way down the steps into the hot ass basement once again. He’d forgotten how unbearable the heat was down here. Especially compared to upstairs. Even so, he powered through it and began his hunt for the dress. Nothing out in the open, because that would be just too easy right, Kayla? He started to look for a closet or something that she could potentially hide an in-progress or completed dress. Ahh, there we go, a closet. Lorenzo turned the knob and opened the door. When he looked inside there was a sheet over a mannequin. Lorenzo grabbed the sheet and pulled it off, excited for the reveal. What he saw was not what he expected, and honestly, It took him a couple of seconds to fully process what he was looking at. He dropped the sheet to the ground and immediately stomped back up the stairs. He swung open to door to Kayla’s room and ripped the comforter that he’d so gingerly placed on her before off the sleeping girl.

“Kayla, up, now!” He sternly semi-shouted. “Let’s talk about your dress.”
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[+] V8 Kids Lined Up To Die
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Oh shit. She's up. She's up!

Wait, where was she? Kayla darted her eyes around, trying to orientate herself. Did she fall asleep?

"Uh... what?" She rubbed her still half-closed eyes. "What dre-"

Lorenzo looked pissed. Shit. Shit. "I'm uh..." she looked down and crossed her arms. "...I''m working on it."

Shit. How could she have let her guard down like this? She knew better.
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Post by Tonyksin »

Lorenzo stared down at Kayla as she snapped awake, she attempted to get her bearings then looked up at him. It took her a moment to process his words, and when she did she looked away and mumbled an evasive answer. Lorenzo wasn’t having it. He narrowed his eyes and sighed, sitting down on her bed and rubbing his temples with both hands in frustration. He didn’t understand why she felt the need to lie to him this whole time. If she was having trouble, she should have said something to him, dammit. He took a moment to collect his own thoughts and then turned to face her on the bed.

“Listen… I don’t get why you didn’t tell me that you were nowhere near done, but that doesn’t matter at this point.” He pushed his hair out of his face and locked eyes with the girl.

“So here’s what’s about to happen. You are going to get some damn sleep, because you look like a damn zombie, and then tomorrow, and every day until it’s finished, I’m coming here after school and I’m going to be your helper. Anything you need me to do to help you finish, I’m gonna do it.” He smirked at her. “That’s non-negotiable. Sorry, not sorry. I told you, we’ve gotta be the baddest bitches at that damn prom, and god dammit I’m gonna make sure you look the part.” He took his fist and lightly jabbed her in the shoulder, the smile never leaving his face.

“Alright, then.” He stood from the bed and turned around to look at her. “Now go back to sleep, and shoot me a text when you wake up.” He pointed at the girl and grinned. “And don’t fucking hide things from me, we’re in this together, right?”
V8 Relationship Chart
[+] V8 Kids Lined Up To Die
Sebastian Odegaard - Playing The Leading Man
Yoona Lee - Rejecting Society
Chanel Andersson-Joseph - Changing Her Aesthetic
Marc Hines - Lazer-Focused on the Future
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ImageJackson Sullivan B36 - DEAD
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Kayla grumbled, half listening to Lorenzo's pep talk. "Yeah... sure. Fine." Her hand wavered, dismissing Lorenzo from her room as she pushed herself forward and reclined back down on the bed.

Whatever. He was the one going through her shit, but she deserved it. She was too tired to fight anymore. Plus she really needed all the help she could get now, and maybe Lorenzo wouldn't be that bad with a needle.

"You know the way out."

She never realized how exhausted she was until this moment. Maybe lethargic, even. Kinda feverish. Hopefully she wasn't getting sick. She couldn't afford any more lost time.

But first, sleep. Worrying was for later after some good rest.

((Kayla Harris to be continued))
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Kayla simply grunted an agreement to his terms, and looked as if she was already falling back into a deep sleep. She waved him off and Lorenzo chuckled as she quickly passed out again. She really needed this sleep, he could tell that much at least. Lorenzo sighed and spun on his heel, leaving the room and softly closing the door behind him. She was a pain in the ass, for sure, but he couldn’t help but enjoy her antics. If she’d just have been honest with him from the start of all this, they could have worked together and finished everything by now. Not that Lorenzo knew anything about sewing or design, but he at least could have been an extra body to help her get things or hold things together or something. He guessed it made sense. It wasn’t often that he was the helpful type. Usually he’d just be the guy who makes rude comments from the back while everyone else busts their asses. So he kind of understood her reasoning. But this was something important, and he actually liked Kayla as a friend, so it was just different. He couldn’t really explain it.

Lorenzo’s eyes caught the cat again as it stared at him from afar as per usual, and he frowned at the feline. He wasn’t about to chase his cat around Kayla’s house while she was passed out, that was for sure, but next time… oh ho ho, next time. He’d pet the shit out of that cat, guaranteed.

Making sure he had everything he needed, Lorenzo walked to the front door of the Harris household and opened the door, making sure to lock it behind him when he left through it. Hopefully when he saw Kayla tomorrow she looked more alive and was ready to work.

[Lorenzo Tavares Prom Continued Elsewhere]
V8 Relationship Chart
[+] V8 Kids Lined Up To Die
Sebastian Odegaard - Playing The Leading Man
Yoona Lee - Rejecting Society
Chanel Andersson-Joseph - Changing Her Aesthetic
Marc Hines - Lazer-Focused on the Future
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ImageJackson Sullivan B36 - DEAD
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