b-24 start

The former inhabitants of the island seem to have been rushed from their homes in a hurry. Houses within the residential area are still filled with goodies and still hold a uniform and up-kept appearance. The rows of brick houses beg for a bit of chaos that the oncoming battles are bound to provide.
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b-24 start


Post by narfinkool* »

Russell approached one of the houses from the residential areas slowly then decides to bolt for the door. He ran towards the door and opens it fast. He enters the room finding that is vacant. He is relieved; he drops his stuff at the door and closes it. He then drops to his knees and tears run down his cheek. WHY does this have to happen to him, why him. He then starts to get mad he strikes the side of the house and begins to walk around to cool himself down.

He then proceeded around the house, looking for more food, and places everything nice and neat in the kitchen. He then places his things in the bedroom. Russ then proceeds to the living room where he sits in a wooden chair with his shotgun.

Russ after a long while scared out of his mind takes a quick nap (hoping to clear his mind)...


"Don't worry Russ it wont hurt, I promise you," His father said.
"Alright" said Russ.

*Dream Ends*

Russ wakes up suddenly and screams "You son of a BITCH". He begins to sweat profusely, and begins to cry a little. He then shakes it off and tells himself over and over again "BE STRONGER... BE STRONGER". He then has an idea, he has to have some friends in this thing; maybe he can get some help and defeat this game.

Russ then decides he is sick of waiting after a while and decides to find some allies in this game and to hopefully not fall asleep. He goes outside and notices a Large Hotel and proceeds to walk towards it.

((Continued in: This is your wake-up call...))
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