Just People In A Messed Up Place

Overlooking the cove are the northwest cliffs that possess paths which offer tremendous views of the horizon and sea. Unfortunately the paths themselves run alongside sheer drops to the jagged rocks and water below. Following an accident with an escaped inmate that caused the death of one of the staff during a nighttime walk a large fence with razor wire at the top was installed to discourage anyone from trying to descend the cliff faces. The fence appeared to do its job as no more deaths relating to the cliffs occurred, the fence itself is still standing even now the effects of time are clearly visible but it seems very stable and there are no visible holes present.
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Just People In A Messed Up Place


Post by Primrosette »

((Brendan Harte continued from Aaaaaand he's gone.))

Brendan touched the fence as soon as he got closer to it and he stared out at the ocean. It was getting darker. How he wished that he could just swim away from here. Away from the danger. Away from people who may distrust each other. Away from people who might be planning to kill. Away from people who may have already killed someone. But he couldn't do that. Even if he did want to so desperately. He couldn't let himself be a coward anymore. He had to at least try to find his friends. Or die trying as much as he didn't want to think of that.

It had took him a while to get to the cliffs. Although, he really wanted to get over to where the asylum was. He needed to take a break for the day. Maybe a short nap for an hour or so would help him get rested. What if Maxim was still there in the asylum? Maybe he wasn't. He also wondered if Alba was alright. He wanted to see her again. There were actually a lot of people that he wanted to see. Maybe make a group- No, big groups would possibly make someone paranoid and push them over the edge. It would be worse if they had a gun and started to shoot at people randomly. So that idea was out of the window for Brendan. What about three or four people? Could that work? A smaller group did sound safer. They could have each others' back, share supplies if they needed to, come up with plans of what they should do next.

Brendan nodded to himself and he turned away from the fence. It was the only plan that he had right now. But it was better than nothing. He sat down on the ground in front of the fence and he placed his bag down beside him. He hadn't realized it until now, but he was pretty hungry. He unzipped his bag and he got out one of the bars along with his half-full bottle of water. He grimaced. If he finished the bottle.... Then he would only have three left and that worried him. Would he have to trade some of his belongings with someone? Or would he have to steal from someone? He didn't like the idea of stealing from people. So trading would be his last resort.

Brendan unwrapped his bar and he took a small bite out of it. He found himself pulling a face. It didn't taste that good. But it was still food and he didn't want to starve himself to death. That would be a painful way for him to go and he didn't want to experience it. He chomped down on the bar for a few minutes until he had finished it. Then he took a gulp of water from his water bottle. He wasn't feeling that hungry anymore. Which he felt was like a good thing.

Brendan let out a yawn of exhaustion and he rubbed his eyes with the back of his left hand. Then he felt himself freeze as he could hear someone's footsteps approaching. Was he about to get attacked? Was it a friend? Nadia? Jerry? A bully? He didn't know. He just sat there, not moving his hand from his face and he was holding his breath. He was too afraid to make a sound.
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by ItzToxie »

((Jonathan Gulley continued from Kanji my computer can't translate with a copy paste))

To anyone's eye, Jonathan looked like shit. The expression on his face, the dried tear stains on his cheeks, the matted hair, the cuts and scratches on his chest from the fact he had no shirt and had walked through thick brush to get here... And to those people's eyes, they were right, he did look like shit; he also felt like it. As he walked towards the cliffs, he had to contemplate his next move. As he was nearing the cliffs, he couldn't get what happened to Barry out of his head, nothing he thought of could block it. Home, escape, death, his friends, all of it got replaced by Barry's last words, and the moments before he approached Alvaro. Jonathan refused to think of him after those moments, but that last image of his face, haphazardly turned in an angle like that, it sickened him. Someone like that, they- they didn't deserve this.

He couldn't think of his plan to escape, or even let someone find them, he couldn't think of what happened if he were to actually make it home, and if anyone he was close to would stay close provided they even survived too... Jonathan walked towards the cliffs, the fence blocking him from the other side. It wasn't the only thing blocking him; no matter how much Jonathan wanted to give up, he knew he couldn't. Hunt down Alvaro, kill himself, find his friends and live out his last moments in some sort of civility, win; all of those thoughts passed his mind, but he knew he couldn't do any of them. Grabbing the gate, he stared out into the ocean, despite all of the hellish experiences this island gave him in just under an hour, the ocean was a surprisingly calming sight. The reasons they were calming however, disturbed even Jonathan.

No matter what happened to him or his classmates on this island, the world moved on. People wake up, go to work, go home, sleep, and then they do it all again. Maybe a group of people spoke up, maybe Kingman would mourn, but that's it. That's all they'd get. The worst would be the people giving them actual attention, the ones who'd watch it, place bets, and treat it like a simple game of football. Outside of that, school would open and close, kids were preparing for summer break, and the president might give them a single sentence about how sorry he was this happened, and that he'd try better next time. That's it, that's all they got.

Jonathan wanted to be the one to change something, he couldn't end up like this, he had to make sure nobody else did either. He had to make a change somehow. But how was the question, nobody would give him a single second to explain, not even a thought, they were all content with dying here. He didn't get it, either they thought he was a joke, or they avoided him because of the people he hung out with. They either thought he was trouble, or just stupid, and that he wasn't worth the time.

He turned around, planning to walk back into the brush, when something caught his peripheral vision. Brendan Harte was staring right at him as if Jonathan had just killed someone. He was right there, sitting by a hill, just looking at him, in broad daylight, anyone aware could have noticed. If Brendan was playing, Jonathan would've already been dead... Maybe Jonathan was as dumb as people thought.

"H-hey, Brendan..." Maybe, just maybe, Brendan could help him. Jonathan hoped this wouldn't be like the other times.
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Post by Primrosette »

The person was getting closer to him. Brendan had to lower his hand so he did so. Then he let out his breath. He felt like he had worried over nothing. Jonathan Gulley. He was a really friendly guy. Brendan had always wanted to be friends with him. But Brendan couldn't have done that at all. Jonathan was friends with Michael and Darius. Two people who enjoyed bullying Brendan and made him feel weak and pathetic. Brendan noticed that Jonathan was alone and he shifted slightly on the ground. Would it be okay to team up with Jonathan?

"O-Oh, hi, Jonathan...!" Brendan beamed up at him and then his smile faded. Had Jonathan been crying? Where was his shirt? Had he been hurt by someone? A would-be killer who got away? Or had someone died already? Was Jonathan a witness? So many questions he wanted to ask so badly. But he wasn't going to do that. He wanted to make sure that Jonathan was going to be okay.

Brendan felt concern bubbling up inside of him and he got up to his feet. Then he stepped closer to Jonathan. "A-Are you alright? Did something happen, Jonathan?" He asked worriedly.
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by ItzToxie »

Brendan actually asked him if he was okay.  There were a lot of answers he could give. Physically, he was okay, a few scratches and some exhaustion maybe, but mentally, emotionally? No, he wasn't too okay. He didn't know what to tell Brendan, it looked like he hasn't seen what's been going on. Maybe he didn't know? Should he tell him? Earlier, it was so easy to just get it out of the way, just acknowledge it. Would he tell Brendan? Should he tell Brendan?

"I- I don't know... People, they..." Jonathan didn't know how to word it, he didn't know if he should tell him about Barry or Clarice, or where he woke up, or what could be happening right now that Alvaro's got Barry's gun. "People are, well they're dying. Not by suicide either..." Jonathan's eyes trailed to his feet.

He didn't know if he could really do this, but if he didn't tell Brendan, than he could be killed later on. He had to. Just like he has to get everyone he can off this island. This is the only way, this is it, people needed to know the gravity of the situation, it was the best he could do until he thought of a plan to get help.

"When I woke up, I was trapped in a cell, couldn't see, and I could barely breath..." He had to start from the beginning. "Barry a-a-and Tina, Tina Luz, they got me out of there... I- well I also saw Scarlett and Aiden, a-and they left, I don't know what happened to them, I hope they're okay." It was weird how different everything felt then, how he thought he might get through this unscathed, how Barry could've gotten through this. "W-we went to the bell tower, and Tina disappeared."

He couldn't believe how quick everything had went by, now that he was telling someone else his story, the shock of it hit him harder then replaying the scenes in his head. All of this happened in just under an hour. "At the bell tower, there were a lot of people, w-we thought we could group up with them, maybe plan an escape. Nancy, the anime fan, she cut Clarice a-and the others left." Jonathan wanted to stop there, he knew what was next. He couldn't, Brendan had to know.

"We rung the bell." Jonathan lowered his head. "Only one other person showed up. H-he..."

"Alvaro, h-he killed Barry, pushed him off the bell tower! I had use my shirt to cover his-" Jonathan burst into tears. "A-a-and I had nothing else, I-I didn't know what to do, and Alvaro stole Barry's bag a-a-a-and now he has a fucking gun!"

Jonathan leaned against the fence and covered his face.

"I-I just don't wanna die here, I don't want anyone else to die here..."
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Post by Primrosette »

Brendan had remained silent as Jonathan had been telling him what had happened. Brendan didn't want to believe what he was hearing. And yet.... He believed every word that Jonathan was saying. He knew himself that terrible things would happen eventually. He knew that there were people who were desperate to get home. He would like to see his grandparents, his father and Penny again. He just didn't want to become a killer. He didn't even think that he could kill anyone. Not even someone who bullied him. Not Michael. Not even Darius. He believed that no one deserved to die. He thought about the shard in his pocket. He couldn't use it without a good reason. Maybe he could just injury someone without killed them. He was clinging desperately onto not murdering another student.

Brendan's heart felt like it was tightened. Barry Banks was dead. Jonathan had witnessed it. And the person who killed him.... Alvaro. Brendan was shocked because he was sure that Barry and Alvaro had been friends. If a friend could kill another friend.... Then Brendan couldn't even trust his friends if he saw them. It was making him feel more frustrated and angry at the situation that they were in. But he would have to keep his temper under control. He couldn't start yelling at Jonathan. None of this was his fault. Brendan could never blame him for making the reality become more true. He had to think of what they should do.

Jonathan was crying and Brendan didn't move to pull him into a hug. He was afraid that Jonathan would push him away. He didn't have a clue how to make things better. Because he honestly couldn't. He just let Jonathan cry while he thought of what to say to him. Brendan had never really been able to comfort people. He decided that he would try to give Jonathan some sympathy.

"Jonathan, I..... I'm so sorry that you went through that. I don't want to die either. I also don't want anyone else to die...." Brendan spoke as calmly as he could. Although, he felt like crying himself. Someone had died and it was hurting him even without seeing Barry's body. "I think we should try and avoid Alvaro in the future. Since now he has a.... a gun and he would kill us with it. We should also not get into a big group as I believe that someone could panic and well.... Y-Yeah.... We should just stick together. I won't leave you, okay? We..... We will be alright. We can get through this.... I know we can!"

Brendan could feel himself choking up. He didn't even believe his words that much. But he was hoping that Jonathan would be able to calm down and feel safe in his presence. He stepped closer to where Jonathan was standing and he leaned against the fence beside him.

"....Would you like to rest for a while? I can keep watch if you want me to, Jonathan...." He offered politely. Brendan was exhausted himself but Jonathan had been through something more worse than he had. So Brendan was going to try to be a good friend. Even if they weren't really friends. He just hated how much pain Jonathan must suffered. Because of Alvaro. How could Alvaro do that?
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by ItzToxie »

I... I don't really know if I can or want to sleep, I just..." Jonathan didn't really know what to say or do. He was tired, but could he sleep? He wanted to get everyone he could off this island, but he didn't know how. He didn't have time to sleep, but at the same time he couldn't think straight. He was at a dilemma, would more people die because of inaction, or would whatever plan he create fail because it wasn't thought through properly. "I..." He wanted to tell Brendan that he was planning an escape, that he'd need help. What if the terrorists catch on? They heard him already at the bell tower, and if he told Brendan? Brendan might get killed because of him too...

"I want to warn the others about Alvaro." It was a partial lie, but at the same time, anyone he met would be warned. He wanted to tell Brendan the truth, but he couldn't risk people getting killed because of him, he couldn't have it happen like what happened to Barry. He needed help though if he were to plan an escape. He couldn't think, he wasn't thinking rationally. Brendan was right, he needed some sleep. Jonathan sat down, leaning against the fence.

Brendan was the first person outside of Barry to show any sort of concern for him. Everywhere they went, people disappeared. Brendan was the first who didn't. Brendan was the first to actually stay, to ask about what had happened. He couldn't have blamed Clarice or Conrad, they had to find Clarice some help. But the others? Aiden didn't believe what was in front of him, and Scarlett stayed with him, Tina just left. If they all stayed together, Barry would still be alive, maybe they could have talked down Alvaro, maybe he wouldn't have been a murderer. Jonathan couldn't help but blame them for it, it didn't take long for him to be disgusted in himself for thinking that. He couldn't blame them, not even Alvaro to an extent, it was those terrorists fault. Alvaro was responsible for his own actions to an extent, but he'd have never done it if he wasn't here.

Brendan stayed however, he didn't leave. That was enough to help him continue. But for how long would he stay? He hoped he wouldn't wake up alone again. Jonathan looked up at Brendan.

"Brendan, please, don't leave."
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Post by Primrosette »

Brendan knew that Jonathan would want to warn others about Alvaro. Brendan would have wanted to do the same thing. It would either made people avoid Alvaro or.... or it would make some people want to kill Alvaro. Maybe. Brendan didn't want to. Alvaro was a murderer but if Brendan tried to kill him himself.... Then he would be the same. The best thing that Brendan would do right now was make sure to keep a eye on Jonathan. Make sure that he is going to be safe. He wanted Jonathan to have a clear head. Even if he was in a bad state right now.

Leave? Why would Jonathan say that? He wasn't going to leave Jonathan. He wasn't going to abandon him. He needed to stay by his side and make sure that Jonathan will be okay. If he left Jonathan..... No, he couldn't think about it. He will stay. He made up his mind as soon as he saw Jonathan appear.

"H-Hey, I won't go anywhere. I'll stay with you, Jonathan. Don't worry. Okay?" He said as he sat down beside him as his legs were getting sore and he glanced at Jonathan with a small smile. "I will be here when you wake up. Also.... Would you like to borrow my hoodie? U-Um.... to cover up yourself. If you don't want to, then that's fine with me."
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by ItzToxie »

Brendan sat down besides Jonathan and told him he would stay. Not only that, he offered to give him his hoodie. Jonathan hadn't thought about it at the time, but he was getting cold. Brendan trusted Jonathan, he'd stay with him. Jonathan thanked Brendan and took the jacket, zipping it up over him. Brendan had trusted Jonathan, and Jonathan had trusted Brendan, and right now, that was all that mattered. That would be enough. Jonathan never realized when he fell asleep mere moments later.

Jonathan awoke back in his cell, it was dark, but there were small lights glowing in and out. Oh no... No, no, no, no no! Jonathan ran to the door and beat on it. This couldn't have all been a dream! It couldn't have been, he can't be back here! This wasn't good! No, they couldn't have left him here, they didn't did they?! Was all that happened a dream?! Footsteps in the distance, Jonathan cried out, but a loudspeaker drowned him out.

Our first casualty of the festivities was Jennifer Su. Friendly reminder not to play on the edge of bridges, guys.

"Please, please let me out!" Jonathan banged on the door.

Up next, Nancy Kyle took it upon herself to take an axe to Scarlett McAfee. Ten points for guessing what happens when hatchet meets human body.

Jonathan continued screaming, the footsteps got closer, but they didn't move much faster.

If you ever wondered who would be a bad person to run into in a dark room, well, you have your answer in Kimiko Kao. You have Cristóbal Morales to thank for making that discovery for all of you. I'll pass his corpse your regards.

The footsteps where right there before they stopped. The door began to slide open, slowly.

Speaking of playing around in high places, Barry Banks stepped a little too close to the edge and Alvaro Vacanti gave him a helping hand over it. Whoops.

The door opened, Alvaro was standing on the other end. That same stare, those same bruises, but something was different. He had a gun. Barry's gun. Jonathan backed away, but there was only the wall behind him. The light behind Alvaro was almost blinding, he became a silhouette the farther Jonathan backed away. Once he hit the wall, another light came into view, starting from the arm holding Barry's gun...

Brendan woke Jonathan up just in time, he was trying to get his attention. The announcements, they're starting.
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Post by Primrosette »

Brendan had stayed awake for a lot time to keep an eye on Jonathan and the area around them. How many hours had it been? He suddenly realized that the shard of glass was in his hood's pocket that Jonathan was wearing. He knew that he should be worried about it. But Jonathan was asleep and he didn't want to bother him. He could always tell Jonathan about it when it was time for him to wake up. It looked like it was the morning now. How long could he stay awake like this? Brendan could feel his eyes starting to droop. He was too exhausted to stay awake anymore.

Then a voice made him jolt up with a start. Was it coming from the speakers? No way. There was an announcement starting and he needed a moment to calm his heart racing. He needed to wake Jonathan up as well. They both needed to hear this. As much as Brendan didn't want to. They needed to know what was happening.

Brendan reached out with his hand and he shook Jonathan's shoulder as gently as he could. "Jonathan, h-hey! Jonathan! Wake up...! The-the announcement is starting...!" He said to him quietly and he could feel his heart going heavy. He felt upset about it. "This.... This is just.... I-I can't...."

There were quite a few people who were already dead and Brendan just felt like crying for them. Even the ones that he didn't really know. But he couldn't do that right now. He had to be brave for Jonathan and himself. And there were some killers as well. People were really desperate to get out of this place. Brendan just didn't know how to feel about that. And there was a danger zone that got announced. Brendan knew that they were both safe for now. But for how long?

"I....I hate this...."
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by RC~ »

((Darius Van Dyke continued from Tocatta & Fugue))

"Yo, that's kinda fucked up."

Darius touched his nose. It was a weird feeling. Darius wasn't the guy who had wounds. He wasn't the idiot in his family who got into fights.

His name was not Bradley.

Darius moved around and was getting nearer to the asylum...but wide enough away from it.

Then, he saw faces...Well, not really. The distance was too wide to actually see their faces, but he could recognise the silhouttes and fashion any time. Jonathan, cool guy. Brendan, total loser. Darius was not sure whether he should even trust that guy, but Brendan would not be someone he expected to be completely evil.

Well, but losers usually killed people in this situation. Citation needed? Loser weeb with bad taste in anime killed Scarlett and loser capitalistic cafe waiter dude killed Barry. Also fucking Jasmine, another anime loser that was embarrassing as hell. What a bunch of losers.

Jonathan was no loser, however. Darius shouted loudly and waved both of his arms to get his attention.

"Did you two hear the news?"


"No?", he said to himself.

Hm, now that he thought about it, all killers were losers. The weeb loner losers who had no friends and were so keen to watch trashy anime. Or Alex and Isabel, the pretentious artistic kids. 'Art'. Fucking dressing yourself like complete morons. Acting. Hah. Theatre, the most outdated media ever. Darius had watched a lot of stuff, reviewed lots of stuff. But there was never a theatre play review on his channel. Ballet, bah. Who the fuck watches ballet in 2015? Snobs. That's who. Worse than Isabel were people like Nathan or Danny who probably just practise these artsy things to get a fucking girlfriend.

Fools. And it actually worked with Danny. Damn his athleticism and good-looking body.

And who can be more pretentious than artists? Right, politicians. Conrad and Kimiko, these political fuck ups. VOTE ME OR I'LL KILL YOU.

Darius now knew all three types of killers in SOTF. Damn, that's right.
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Post by ItzToxie »

Jonathan just stared at the sky, his eyes meeting where the sun would be had it not been covered by clouds. Of all the people...

He remembered when he woke up, the first four people he met. Scarlett, Barry, Aiden, and Tina.  Out of all five of them, only him and Aiden were still alive, and chances were if they stayed together, they'd all still be alive. Why'd they have to leave? They could've gotten something set, they'd have been able to make a plan, get out of here. Because of them, they're all dead, Barry's dead... Brendan, Darius, Michael, himself... They were all going to die here because they didn't stick together, they didn't try.

They didn't care. None of them. Alvaro, Kimiko, Alex, Isabel, Nancy... None of them cared, they'd rather indulge in some sick power fantasy, get back at everyone then actually do anything productive. They're too scared to fight back, because the terrorists would kill them if they do, yet the one in one hundred plus chance was any better?! What would you take, getting tortured to death by some vindictive classmate, or getting your collar blown? It was a stupid dream to kill your way off, everyone should know that by now, if they all fought back, they could make it. A lot would die, but a lot of them are gonna die either way. He didn't understand it. Maybe he should listen to his gut, give in.

He's right, you know.

He had plans to get everyone off this island, he didn't know how he was going to do it, but he'd do it. It'd hurt, and he knew he was going to watch people die, he was going to die, but he'd get them out. If he couldn't live with himself for getting others killed in his plan, there's no way he'd live with himself by playing into their game. He had to fight back, for Barry's sake. He couldn't just-

There was a figure. A recognizable one. One that Jonathan could trust anywhere. Jonathan smiled. He got up and ran towards Darius.

It was only when he got close he realized how badly messed up he was. Jonathan's smile turned into a frown.

"Holy shit, Darius! What happened?"
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Post by Primrosette »

Brendan had stayed where he was as Jonathan got up and rushed over to someone. That someone was Darius. He had hoped that he wouldn't have to see him. Yes, Darius was one of Brendan's tormentors. A bully. But he was also Jonathan's friend. Brendan couldn't say that he didn't trust Darius. Not in front of Jonathan. The best thing that he could do was just deal with Darius' presence. Even if he didn't want to. He didn't want to just get up and leave.

Brendan had to stay.

For now.

Brendan got up to his feet and he leaned against the fence slightly. Watching Jonathan and Darius. He didn't want to interrupt their reunion. At least Jonathan got to see one of his friends again. Brendan wondered if he would see any of his own friends. He had to believe that he would. He still needed to find them. And then what? He needed a plan of some sort. An escape plan? Be hopeful for a rescue?

He had so many questions that he didn't even have the answers to. For now he had to focus on the two people that were in front of him. One he trusted. One he didn't trust. He just hoped that things would not get complicated.

Don't get too trusting, Brendan. They might abandon you anyway.

He really needed to stop jumping to the worse conclusions. Jonathan wouldn't just go off with Darius. Leaving Brendan on his own. That wouldn't be right. Brendan needed someone there with him. Especially after hearing everything....
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by RC~ »

Darius threw his hands into the air as Jonathan ran to him to ask him a stupid question. Geez, what had happened to his face?

"My face? My nosebleeding? I watched too much hentai!"

After a short break, he shook his head.

"No, worse. I got into a fight with Junko. She beat me up, kinda."

And Brendan stood there, just creepily watching them, as he usually was. Ah, good old Cochise trash people.

Anyway. There was no need to waste time with sentimental reunion bullshit. Darius clapped his hands twice, before yelling Jonathan at his face.

"While we're talking, people are dying! There's no chance everybody survives this, but you two shouldn't be lazy and loaf around. Actually do something, you lazy fucks. Let's get material to get the fuck out of here. Have you guys seen the radio tower? Lots of equipment is there."

Really, there needed to be a way to get the fuck out of this place. How could the collars be removed? Electricity? Fire? Water? Force?

Can an explosion be stopped? If yes, how so? Or is there a way to let the collar explode without killing him. How? There was nothing that could block an explosion, is there?

Darius hoped that there was a way. Of course there was. He did not need to play the game.
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Post by ItzToxie »

Heh. Darius didn't lose his sense of humor too much. That was good, he was the same old Darius, which meant the rest of his friends were the same. None of them were out killing people yet. His first thought was to ask if he saw Michael anywhere, but he stopped, he knew if Darius or Michael had found each other they'd stay close, he'd also be here right not. Either he didn't find him, or he died somewhere in between journeys, but he knew the latter wasn't the case. Darius wouldn't be so calm if it did happen.

Almost immediately after, Darius warned Jonathan that Junko attacked him. Shit, was she playing too? Jonathan looked at the ground a moment. There were more than just the people on the announcements who weren't friendly. It was going to be a lot harder than he thought. Darius switched his conversation to something else, words he'd never think Darius of all people would say. Words that quite frankly gave Jonathan some hope that people can be saved.

Then Darius decided to start saying shit about them not trying. He acted like they weren't doing anything, that they were just letting it happen.  The comment itself made him want to cry, but he wasn't quite sure if he even had any tears left. His sadness turned into anger.


Jonathan shook his head. "We tried, me and Barry..."

He decided to tell him what happened.

"We wanted to get people to come to the bell tower, maybe we'd plan something out. Alvaro came. Barry had an Ess Em Gee. Alvaro's got it now..."

"Please, don't call me or him lazy, because I just saw the man who saved my life get pushed off a fucking bell tower, just so his killer can loot him and run off like the coward he is!"

Jonathan pointed over to Brendan.

"After Barry, he's the only other person on this fucking island I've found who's trying to be helpful!"

Jonathan should have felt bad, snapping at Darius like that, but he pressed too far this time.

"So don't you ever, EVER insinuate that either of us are lazy again, you think getting beat the fuck up by Junko's bad?!  How about finding out that three- "

Jonathan realized he'd seen Conrad earlier, he saw Nancy earlier, both appeared on the announcements as well.

"F-five of the people you met are dead, one of them a killer, along with two other killers you saw but let go because you couldn't do anything about it!"

"How about  having to cover the face of a dead friend with your own shirt because you had nothing else to cover it with!"

"How about finding so many people in so little fucking time that out of all of them, only two wanted to help and now one of them's dead, while the ones who bailed on you are either dead or killers?!"

"How about meeting a close friend and being concerned if they're hurt or not, only to treat the whole thing like a damn joke, then call you lazy!"

"How about that, huh?! Am I that fucking lazy, Darius?! You tell me, because you seem to be the expert on getting us out of this fucking mess!"

Jonathan backed up, breathing heavily. Darius didn't know, he was trying to help, but he didn't know. Jonathan shouldn't have snapped at him.

"Darius, I-I'm sorry, I- I didn't mean it like that..."

He felt the tears coming back.
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Post by Primrosette »

Brendan was just listening and watching as Darius and Jonathan were talking. So Junko was the one who beat him up? Darius really did get lucky then. He wasn't dead. He wasn't one of the people who lost their lives to another classmate. He actually thought that Darius deserved getting a beatdown. It was wrong of Brendan to think like that. But he couldn't help it.  

He tensed up as Darius said something that made him feel annoyed at him. Lazy? Not doing anything? Who the heck did Darius think he was? Brendan had been doing something. He had been trying to find his friends. He had tried to find a weapon that was useful for self-defence. How dare Darius think that he and Jonathan weren't doing anything!?

Brendan was about to yell at Darius for being such an asshole, but Jonathan beat him to the punch. So Brendan kept his mouth shut. He let Jonathan let his heart out. Darius really didn't understand what his friend had went through. Brendan wanted to leave soon. He just wanted to go with Jonathan and then leave Darius on his own. No, that wouldn't be right. As much as he didn't like Darius.... He should at least tolerate Darius.

It was silent after Jonathan's outburst. Too silent. Brendan leaned over and he picked up his bag. He didn't want to stay there anymore. It felt too intense now. He was still planning on going to the asylum. He had to check to see if anyone was there. If they were still alive. Maxim, Ty, Alba, anyone else he would consider a friend. He glanced over to where Jonathan and Darius were standing. He had to convince them to go with him somehow.

Brendan took a few steps towards the other two and he shifted a little on his feet. "Guys, let just calm down and think about this rationally. Okay? Let's.... Let's not fight. We need to find other people and then we can try to think of a plan of what to do. We really don't need any drama right now." He was speaking as calmly as he could to diffuse the situation. "We also need to be careful not to bump into any killers. That.... That might be hard to do. But we have to try."

"I've already planned on going to the asylum to look for any of my friends there. So I will be heading over to there. I don't know what you two will want to do. If you want to come with me, then I will be happy to have you two around. If you don't, then I guess we can split up."
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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