It's A-MAZE-ing!

What castle would be complete without a maze? The sturdy, eight foot tall maze walls are air brushed with a continuous mural depicting creeping ivy, climbing roses, honeysuckle, and morning glories in various stages of bloom. Don’t let the beauty lull you since you never know when you’ll come face to face with the infamous Minotaur statue. Lookout towers are located at the corners to help guests navigate the myriad twists, turns, and dead ends. Only the best and brightest can conquer the maze by punching their traveler’s card in the correct order.
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It's A-MAZE-ing!


Post by KamiKaze »

The maze.

The maze!

Alex remembered this maze. She remembered it all too well. When she was younger and at a friend's birthday party, she and her friends went inside. The thing was, she remembered screaming and running away from the Minotaur. Sure, the thing was just a statue, but tell any kid that. That thing was horrifying! Maybe it wouldn't be as horrifying now that she was in highschool, but really. And it was supposed to be family friendly? Really?

As she stared at the entrance, a wave of nostalgia came over her. Scary statues aside, she remembered how fun it was. The group had bounded through the maze gleefully, up until meeting the Minotaur.

It was kind of cool though, that they made a maze based off the myth of Theseus! She remembered that from school. It was the story about how King Minos would send people who Athens had to sacrifice into the labyrinth to get eaten. But then Theseus went inside with an unbreakable string, and killed the monster. Really, it was awesome that they thought of this idea, though it did scare small children.

What brought Alex here on this late Friday afternoon was simple; she was bored out of her wits. Then she remembered that the Castle still existed, and had wandered out, purely out of nostalgia. It was awfully dreary, being alone for at least right now, though! Maybe she'd run into someone. Maybe! Perhaps one of her classmates would decide to show up as well. Heck, even silly old Cody Patton. She couldn't help but smile at the idea of him scoffing and saying he wouldn't go into the maze because it was "geeky", only to pee his pants at the Minotaur once he decided to go in. Let's face it, she would pay good money for that. Who wouldn't? She could even take a picture on her phone or something!

Well, enough staring. Might as well go in.

A few minutes later, she had made it past the entrance, and was immediately faced with two directions. Right or left? God, it had been a while since she had been in this maze. Which direction worked? Which one lead to the Minotaur? How about... left!

Alex went that way, and steadily went deeper and deeper into the maze.

Hey, know what this reminded her of? No, not Theseus. Labyrinth, that movie with David Bowie. The one where Jennifer Connelly wished her baby brother away and she had to go through the maze to stop Bowie from turning him into a goblin. That one! It also had a bunch of Jim Henson puppets and stuff. Maybe she'd be less scared of the Minotaur if she just pretended that David Bowie was lurking the maze instead. After all, what girl didn't want to be visited by the Goblin King? Alex had to admit, David Bowie in that movie was a childhood crush of hers. And apparently, he was to everyone else as well. That crotch... yeah. Why oh why did they have to emphasize that thing, and then make him all smooth? Just... why? Not like she was complaining, though.

"You remind of a babe" she mumbled, a small smile on her face. "A babe with a power."

Ah, nostalgia. Alex was being pretty nostalgic right now, needless to say. David Bowie, scary Minotaur statues... really. A lot of things seemed... simpler back then. Heck, just because she was in her last year of high school didn't mean she had to stop having her moments of acting like a kid, right? Even if it was just for the evening.
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Post by Flare »

Jack stood at the entrance of the maze, peering down the first corridor. He looked around a bit, as if expecting someone to jump out at him at any moment. He doubted anyone he knew would be there, though.

But really, why was he there anyways? Well... Jack really had no idea. It was Friday, he had nothing to do, so there he was. Not much reason was there, but not much reason was needed.

This is kinda stupid... have I ever even gone in here? No, don't think so... eh, what the heck.

The teenager walked into the medieval maze, hands deep in his pockets. He had nothing better to do than look up and down the walls at the stunning detail that was put into them. It was interesting... for about 30 seconds. Then Jack was bored again.

Maybe I should just go home... except the Internet's down. Wait, there are still better things I could be doing. Like ANYTHING but this.

Jack's body seemed to betray his mind, though, as he ventured further into the maze. As long as he was there, he was gonna beat that dang maze. Not the worst way to kill time.

Well, what if I run into someone I know here? Nah, wait, that wouldn't happen. The circumstances would have to fall just right, like them deciding to come here, going in at the same time, going on the same path I do...

As he rounded the corner, he was caught off guard by the exact thing he was thinking of happening.

Jack broke into a grin as he noticed a girl standing off by herself. Alex Ripley, also known as the craziest girl Jack knew. Not as if that was bad or anything. It was actually what Jack liked about her. She was always fun to talk to, and she always put a smile on Jack's face as being one of the few people more insane than him.

"Hey Alex!" he called out walking over towards her. Finally, something to make the day a little less boring.

Wait, what if she doesn't want me here? No, that's stupid, there's no reason for that... Dang it, why do I always assume these things?
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Alex heard someone calling out to her, and turned around.

Good old Jack McDonald! He was a good friend of hers from school. What could she say? They were kindred spirits, in a way. Fancy seeing him here! Perhaps he was with friends, or maybe he was off by himself. Either way. She wasn't alone right now, which meant that she had something to do with someone else. Which was good! It could get lonely, looking through the maze all by herself, after all. What could she say? More people equals more fun. That was obvious. Of course it would be.

"Jack!" Alex called out.

She jogged towards him.

"How are you doing, mate? I suppose you're stuck in here too, right?"

Really, it was strange how sometimes, her classmates would pop up at the most unexpected moments. But Alex was not going to complain about that either. In fact, it was kind of nice to know that everyone always ended up at the same spots, oddly enough, and that there was a chance she wouldn't go through it alone. Like some sort of force, or destiny perhaps. Or David Bowie. Alex didn't believe too much in higher powers, but sometimes you had to wonder. Anyways, now to figure out how to get through the maze. And without walking into that scary-ass Minotaur statue of course.

"Perhaps we could solve this one together?"
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Post by Super Llama* »


Standing just around the corner was a tiny pale...boy? Girl? Anyway, Hiro stood there, looking just a little bit disheveled. It was to be expected, though, seeing as she'd been wandering around the maze for a good 20 minutes now, unable to find her way out. She supposed she could just call for help and a security guard would come and escort her out. She was sure the guard would have a good laugh at that with his guard buddies, about that little kid that got lost in the maze.

No, dammit! She didn't need anyone's help! She could figure this out herself!



Although maybe it wouldn't hurt to hover around some other people while they looked for a way out, too.

She recognized the girl, at least. Alex was one of her friends from school. The boy she didn't recognize, though, and she had to resist the urge to just stay out of sight and unnoticed. Feeling a little bit uncomfortable as he looked over at her, she scuffed her foot against the floor a little bit nervously.
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Post by CondorTalon »

Crap, another dead end.

Yukiko sighed, turning back around, she began to retrace her steps. She had entered the maze on a whim, because it was Friday, and because there was nothing better to do. Okay, so if I took the left here last time... Yukiko hesitated, working out the layout in her mind. She kind of wished she had some thread to bring in, but security wouldn't like that, would they? She wasn't lost, though. No way she was lost. She was definitely anything but lost.


She was lost.

Okay, alright. I don't think I've gone down this wa-

That's when she came face to face with the namesake of the maze. A giant statue of the Minotaur stood tall right in front her.

Yukiko let out a short squeak and quickly covered her mouth. Had she expected to find the Minotaur, she might not have reacted so strongly. But as it was, the combination of the statue popping out of nowhere and interrupting meant that it scared her more than it should have.

Okay... definitely... not this way.

She turned around, and started walking down another way. She wasn't scared. Startled, maybe, but not scared. Nope, she totally wasn't walking so stiffly because she was scared.

She saw a few people, down another path. She recognized them! One was Alex Ripley, one of the most eccentric girls she knew. Which wasn't thing at all. She was great to be around exactly for that reason. The small girl off to the side was... Hiro. Hiro Fukuyama. Yukiko didn't know much about her, because of how shy she was. In fact, Yukiko almost missed her at a glance. Oh, and Jack McDonald was there, too! Yukiko knew Jack from anime club, and he was one of the friendlier ones.

"H-Hey, g-guys!" she said, as she approached them.

It seems that the encounter with the Minotaur hadn't completely left her mind.
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Post by GameMaker* »

((Megan Collins start))


"The fuck…"

"Is this slut?!"

Megan and looked around her. Fucking walls. Same goddamn thing it had been when she had walked in, and the same thing she had seen since she had been in this fucking place. All over, it was just fucking walls. She had no clue where the fuck she was, where the fuck she was going, or where anyone else was. She hadn't seen anybody so far, and the only way she knew the walls were changing were the different fucking paintings on them. God fucking dammit, why was this place so complicated?

Well, it's a maze… what the fuck did you think it was gonna be? This is a maze. This is what mazes are like. Yeah, she did fucking know, but that hadn't stopped her from taking Cherry's idea. Oh, it sounded so good, oh you know, just get drunk, and we'll hang out in the maze, it'll be so fucking fun! Well, she wasn't gonna lie, it had been her who had suggested most of it, and she had told Cherry primarily because she knew she was down to drink and do anything… but fuck, it had seemed like a lot better idea at the time. She had chugged a flash at her house, and had forgotten the way whiskey always waited to hit her.

Where the fuck were the cute guys? She thought this was gonna be like a fucking typical highschool movie scene, she'd be walking through, you know, maybe bump into someone who'd help her through the maze. Some nice, kind, model looking guy, who would help her through the maze. Maybe they could even hook up somewhere inside of there. Instead, she was drunk, lost, and confused. Not to mention cold… winter in Seattle was no picnic. It also didn't help that for some reason she'd decided to wear a low cut shirt and a light sweater… guess she must have been trying to impress the walls.

"Fuck this stupid, fucking, piece of shit, goddamn dogdick, confusing, terribly designed, shithole maze!" She shouted this as she rounded the corner, reaching for her phone. She always kept in a small compartment strapped to her upper thigh- she hated having things in her pocket, and besides, when she wanted to do something else like bring a little liquor bottle in or something. It was how she planned on getting one into Prom- fucking shit! The phone was dead, of fucking course.

When she had gotten in, after a few minutes, she hadn't found Cherry, and she was lost and slightly drunk. Megan's solution was to wander around the maze, and as she did, she felt the whiskey she had drank before the maze beginning to have its effects. She wasn't quite to the hammered level yet, but she was getting very drunk. She didn't like drinking alone, but hey, she'd find Cherry eventually, and if Cherry was drunk and she was sober… well, she didn't want to make Cherry feel like an alcoholic.

"God fucking dammit, where is this bitch?! I swear to God, when I get my fucking hands on her…" She had turned the corner, and had been busy putting her phone back under her skirt. She had failed to see the three students across from her, and realized if they had been looking, they would have gotten quite a generous view of her legs. She knew all of them- Alex, Yukiko, Hiro, and Jack. Alex and Yukiko were both nice girls, and she was on the level where'd she wave and smile when she saw them in the hallway, but they were by no means close friends. And Hiro… well, she really wasn't going to lie, she really had no idea about Hiro. She hadn't spoken to her much… and she wasn't even sure if she was a her. Kind of a wild card on that one… So, not exactly her besties, unfortunately.

Jack, on the other hand, was a weird case. He wasn't traditionally good looking- far too nerdy looking and skinny for that, not to mention the occasional struggles with acne. But he was a nice guy, and Megan had always thought he did look kinda cute. It was that innocent, nerdy, nice guy look. Something completely different from her usual guys, something interesting and fresh. And plus, he was always nice to her.

"Umm… hey guys." Well, wasn't this awkward? …What exactly did she say to them? "I'm uh, trying to uh… Find my way out of the maze. I'm a little…" She made an attempt at waving her finger around her head, and stumbled a little bit while doing so, ungracefully getting her balance by putting a hand against the wall. Funny, when you thought about it, how that sneaky whiskey hit you a little later.

"Well uh…" Megan said, straightening out her shirt and skirt "I think you can guess that I'm, uh, a little fucked up. But it's great to see you guys!" She smiled and waved, thinking in the back of her mind that they were definitely wondering what the fuck was going on.

"Umm… any of ya happen to know a way out of here?"
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Post by Flare »


Jack's fears were quickly washed away as Alex jogged up to him looking very happy. Then again, it was a bit of a rare sight to see Alex not looking happy.

"How are you doing, mate? I suppose you're stuck in here too, right?"

Mate? Very... Australian.

Jack let out a sigh. "Yep. Well, not really stuck, but I have nothing better to do, so I decided to come in here, and, well, yeah."

Shut up, you're rambling.

Jack quickly listened to himself and closed his mouth. Alex went right on talking anyways, so at least he avoided an awkward situation.

"Perhaps we could solve this one together?"

Jack nodded, though he felt a little weird doing it. "Sure. Takes two to tango... or... something... that quote isn't relevant actually, never mind."

Feeling a bit nervous, the now fake adventurer found himself drumming a beat on his side. He quickly stopped it, trying his best to focus on what Alex was saying.


Except that wasn't Alex. His head naturally turned towards the source of the sound, in doing so he noticed the short Asian girl standing meekly near them. Amazingly (if Jack was remembering correctly), she was ANOTHER Aurora student who happened to take a trip into the maze. Her name was... Hiro...

Dang it, Japanese names are hard. Better just not say it, just in case.

"Uh, hey... you. You go to Aurora, right?" Jack really hoped he was right, otherwise he'd be randomly calling out to a random stranger, a situation he honestly didn't want to get into.

"H-Hey, g-guys!"

Oh my god, there's no way...

Of course. There was another classmate of Jack's. This time, it was Yukiko Sakurai. Jack knew her from anime club, which was more than he could say about maybe-Hiro. She was always nice, and Jack really had no reason to hate her.

And I can remember her name. That's a bonus.

Jack beamed over in her direction. "Hey Yukiko! What's up?" he called out, hoping the others weren't getting annoyed at him constantly having to talk to new people.

That's when he heard the shouting. It was faint, but it sounded very loud and irritated, even from a distance. Though not intentionally, he tuned out the girls to try and focus on the direction where the shouting was coming from.

"God fucking dammit, where is this bitch?! I swear to God, when I get my fucking hands on her…"

I'd recognize that slurred cursing anywhere... unfortunately...

Sure enough, rounding the corner was Megan Collins, partier extraordinaire. Jack knew her in passing, though she wasn't the type of person he really hung out with. And... she was drunk. Yeah, she was drunk, no doubt about it.

"Umm… hey guys."

"Uh... hi," Jack replied meekly giving a very forced wave. He was never any good at being assertive in the least, so telling her to leave wasn't an option. On the other hand, he really had no idea what to do.

"I'm uh, trying to uh… Find my way out of the maze. I'm a little…"

The girl tried to make a tipsy sign, but ended up stumbling around for a bit instead.

No kidding.

Megan went on for a bit, formally introducing herself, asking if they knew a way out, yadda yadda yadda. Jack was honestly afraid she was going to pass out right in front of them. That would be a doozy to explain to security, and he was in no mood for a run in with authority. Wait, he was Jack McDonald, he was never in a mood for a run in with authority.

"Well, we were about to go figure a way through the maze together - I mean, if that's alright with you guys - so... yeah. You... you sure you're alright?"

So, it was Friday afternoon. Five high school students were stranded in a maze. Four girls. One guy. Two Asians. One was drunk to no end.

This feels like the start of a horribly contrived Labyrinth themed porno.
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Post by KamiKaze »

Oh, so he went here out of boredom, then? Huh. Well, the best cure for boredom? Mazes. Mazes with scary ass Minotaur statues. What could she say? It was old fashioned fun, just like in the good old days without new fangled technology. Anyways, he agreed to hang with her for a bit! Yayness! Now, which way to go? Which way-

"Oh hello Hiro!"

She knew Hiro. Hiro was another buddy of hers from school. It seemed she was going through the maze too! Wonderful, and she meant that in a sincere way. Really, why not let her join in as well? Perhaps she was bored as well, and maybe she was stuck. If they stuck together, they could solve this easily.

Before Alex could invite Hiro into the little maze party, a third classmate popped up. Holy cow, just how many of their classmates were in here? It must be like a clown car full of Aurora students or something. This one was Yukiko Sakurai. Good girl, she was. Jack must know her from Anime Club, correct?

"And hey Yukiko!" she waved, a smile on her face.

Woohoo. Maybe they'll hang around as well! The maze party was steadily getting bigger and better. Perhaps they could run around singing David Bowie songs and quoting Labyrinth. Did any of them watch Labyrinth, though? That might be a problem if no one had seen it. But she could try quoting it to see, really.

Now presuming another classmate didn't pop up-

Oh hell. She just heard a storm of cursing, didn't she?

The source of the cursing turned the corner, revealing it to be Megan Collins. From what Alex knew of her, she was very much a "bad girl" type. Rumors abound of her going with various guys, or drinking and partying. But to be honest? Whenever she had talked to her, they were pretty friendly, surprisingly enough. Though, she couldn't help but frown a bit at the stagger. Alex knew the laws about underage drinking pretty well, and if she was in public where everyone could see her... yeah. She could get in trouble! And heaven forbid if she was driving. Seriously, Alex had heard about how many car accidents were caused by drinking, and the idea of seeing one of her classmates dying behind the wheel wasn't a pretty image she'd like to linger on. Hopefully she had a friend to bring her home before she got into too much trouble. It sounded like she did, based on the cursing.

A ping of concern passed over her. Really, drunk in public?

"Are... do you need any help Megan? It's just that... you know..."
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Post by Super Llama* »

Oh crap. More people were showing up. Seriously, why are more people getting lost in here? Was the Minotaur demanding more sacrifices or something?

The first one...well, she didn't really know much about her other than her being an exchange student...she thought. The other one (Megan, right?), on the other hand, she recognized as having quite the reputation. Was she seriously drunk in the middle of the day? In public? How disgraceful.

Oh man, it was getting pretty crowded in here, though. Hiro shuffled a bit and made her way over next to Alex. She wasn't at all a people person, as many efforts as she tried to make to the contrary, and suddenly going from just herself to 2 other people to 4 other people started making her feel a little claustrophobic. She just wanted to get out of this maze already.
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Post by CondorTalon »

Well, this was great, they had a bunch of people here now.

"Hey Yukiko! What's up?"

"I'm doing, okay... I guess. Just had a run-in with the Minotaur, but other than that..."

That's when she heard the cursing.

And then another person stumbled along and bumped in to them. Really? Are Friday afternoons that boring for people? Anyways, the new girl was Megan Collins, who was known for being a partier. She must have been the one yelling. And of course, she was drunk. Jack and Alex had expressed their concern for Megan, so Yukiko figured saying anything would just repeating words.

But what were they to do now? It was getting pretty crowded. Were they going to be okay, trying find their way through the maze? Yukiko looked from from one face to another.

"Well, uhm... I just came from that way," she said, pointing in the direction she had come from, "there's nothing there, so, uh... I guess we should go another way?"
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Post by GameMaker* »

Megan saw the looks pointed her way. Not surprising, when she thought about it… none of them drank at all, or partied, to her knowledge. She didn't judge them for that, it was fine if people didn't want to drink or party, probably better in the long run. But she couldn't really see her life without it; she loved to have fun, and in high school at least, drinking helped to make things more fun. It released inhibitions, it made people let loose and just have fun. And plus, there was always the thrill of breaking the rules, of knowing you weren't supposed to be drinking but doing it anyway.

But a lot of people, it just wasn't their style. And they looked at her, with concerns on their face. Jack didn't name what was on his mind, giving an awkward wave and suggesting that they find a way out. Alex was the first one to voice the concern it seemed all of them shared- was she too drunk? Was she okay? Could she take care of herself? Wow, she's looking out for me… that's nice of her.

Megan walked towards their group, smiling. Her walk now was more calm and confident; she had stumbled a bit before, but when she was focusing on trying to at least look sober, she could do it easily. Conversations with police officers when she was hammered had taught her well enough of how to look sober, of how to look just fine and wine. She smiled at Alex when she was close to the group.

"Thank you for the concern Alex, but I'm fine, really." She was a nice girl. Always friendly to Megan, and unlike a lot of the girls she didn't talk to much, she didn't judge her. "By the way, I like your outfit… it looks so cute on you!"

She kept walking, sliding over to Jack's side and putting an arm around him. Yeah, it would probably make him feel a little awkward, but hey, live it a little! It would put some fun into her night, at least until she saw where Cherry was.

"But, still, just in case I stumble again… Jack, do you think you could be a gentleman and give a lady a hand?" She smiled up at him, still hugging herself close to him, and turned to the others before he could give a response. "And… yeah, I know I' m drunk, but I'm not that bad. Besides, I was gonna meet some friends here… I'm not an alcoholic if that's what you think, just… had a plan to drink and meet some friends here. Maybe not the best idea, but certainly something to occupy a boring Friday night." Megan grinned again- with the cast of people around here, this could be even more interesting than hanging out with Cherry would have been!

"But yeah… don't know what I expected out of the maze, but after being in here for a long enough time… it gets a little boring. We know Yukiko's way isn't the way out, so what say we try another one?" At least for the moment, her need to find Cherry was ignored as she waited to see what the group wanted to do.
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Post by Flare »

Jack was seriously considering just bolting right then and there. Yeah, it would be awkward, but he was sure they'd understand... except Megan of course, though that was if she hadn't drunken so much she would completely forget what had happened.

But no, all Jack could do was stand there, not really sure whether to smile or frown. Luckily, the others also expressed concern for the drinking girl's well being, so at least he wasn't alone in it.

After the other group members backed Jack up, Megan seemed to straighten out a bit. He couldn't really tell whether it was just an act or if she was actually starting to sober up a bit.

Then things got weird.... er.

In a sudden and unexpected move, Megan worked her way over to Jack and slung her arm around her. If it wasn't for the hand grasping him firmly, he probably would've jumped back in surprise. He wasn't a ladies man in any sense of the word, so a woman just sauntering up and making a move on him was completely new.

Oh my god, what is she doing? Is she really into me? Is it just the beer talking? Or acting, or whatever? Gah, just don't look too confused...

Jack did his best to keep a straight, if slightly smiling face. Whether the smiling was due to actual interest of just the insanity of the situation, he wasn't really in the right state of mind to tell.

"But, still, just in case I stumble again… Jack, do you think you could be a gentleman and give a lady a hand?"

Yeah, she's TOTALLY coming on to me... is this good or bad?

Jack struggled to come up with a good answer to that as the Irish girl smiled up at him. He did his best to genuinely smile back.

"Uh... sure, no problem," he managed to sputter out with surprisingly little stuttering. Appearing as if he wasn't confident would not be very good for the situation.
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Post by KamiKaze »

Okay, don't go the way Yukiko came from. Sounds good enough to her! So maybe the other way, then? Sure. Why not? It would make it easier to find their way through, after all, since that path was crossed off.

Megan, though... oh boy. They had a handful. Drunk girl running about in the maze, of course. But apparently she didn't think she wasn't fine. She had just complimented her outfit. Was it really that good? Alex didn't know if it was the booze talking or if she was completely serious. Now Alex, she... had a somewhat weird dress sense. To be fair, though, it looked cool, at least to her. What could she say? She was a sucker for cool, kind of silly stuff. But in the end, Alex couldn't help but smile a bit. It was a compliment, after all. Perhaps she should say thanks? But...

Drunk girl. Right. Keep an eye on her-

Oh. Looked like Megan had an eye on something else. Or someone, rather. Namely, good old Jack. Seriously, she was ever so subtly trying to flirt with him. You know, grabbing him, telling him to be a gentleman and help her out... yeah, that kind of flirting. Though, she had revealed that she was supposed to meet up with a friend here. Oh! Perhaps they could call said friends? Could they try that?

But Megan seemed keen on joining the group, and perhaps hanging around until they showed up. And she seemed to agree!

To be honest, Alex couldn't help but giggle at Jack's reaction. She knew she shouldn't have laughed, what with the idea of drunk people hitting on other people who are getting awkward about it, but really. Though, it only told her more that they needed to keep an eye on her. What if some skeevy guy decides to take advantage of her condition? What then? Many crimes were committed against people when they were drunk, after all.

"Sure! The way Yukiko came is out. So maybe... uh... let's go right? Maybe?"

Maybe that would work. She just remembered that if you kept going right, you'd get a bit more help. Or was it left? Either way.

Wait, she should tell Megan that she had a phone. That way, perhaps she could call her friends, presuming at least one of them had a phone?

"Uh... hey Megan. I have a phone. Do you think they'd reply if someone called them? I mean, it's not like we don't want you around or anything! But... do you think it'd work? Since they're probably expecting you and all."
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Post by Super Llama* »

This was just getting more and more awkward. Now Megan was hanging all over the other guy, and she really didn't want to spend much more time in such close proximity to Flirty Drunk Girl. She looked over down one of the pathways, wondering for a moment if maybe she should just go off on her own again. Then she remembered the last 20 minutes or so she spent wandering lost, and realized she could be lost for another 20 minutes, or even longer, if she went off.

Okay, fine. She could endure Flirty Drunk Girl if it meant she could get out of here faster.

"Y-yeah, okay..." She finally said in agreement, barely noticable, when Alex proposed that they go right, sticking to the side (and just a little bit behind) her.
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Post by CondorTalon »

Yukiko raised an eyebrow when Megan began to flirt with Jack not-so-subtly. Well, it wasn't. She put an arm around Jack and began talking sweetly to him. Jack must have been feeling pretty awkward.

But, back to the task at hand, finding a way out of this maze. Alex had suggested going right. Well, it was better than standing here, right? And besides, the faster they got out of the maze, the faster they could find Megan's friends. It's not that Yukiko wanted Megan gone, but if she was drunk, it wouldn't be a good idea to stay for long.

Yukiko remembered reading something about mazes. If you hugged the right wall (or the left wall) of a maze and kept moving forward, you were guaranteed to reach the exit. Of course, this could take quite a while, and Yukiko was pretty sure that could backfire if there was a loop in the maze... so she decided not to bring it up.

"Right, uh... you gonna lead the way?"
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