Start place for Boy 26

The Bookworm is out.

Some woods overcrowded with trees. Watch yourself here... who knows who will be hiding behind a tree, prepared to kill?
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Start place for Boy 26


Post by MismatchedEyes* »

Waking up wasnt the hard part,the hard part was finding his glasses when he couldnt actually see to well withouth them.Moments after a exsplosion had been heard nearby and he had been jolted from peaceful dreams he would go down onto his hands and knees grasping at the ground in hope of finding his glasses.With a sigh of releif his fingers ran over the smooth black plastic of his glasses,sliding them on and taking a look at his new surroundings.His first reaction would be to shudder,he had never been an outdoors person and he saw no need to become one now.Why was he out here again? The trees seemed to loom and all the shadows had something hiding in them he was sure of that much."Hee..Hello?" he called out into the blank darkness of the forest while one hand was raised to his head forcing any flaws in his hair out of exsistence with a good couple tuggs.

Pictures were rising to his mind now.The coach,the sudden bout of tiredness,the guy with the cigar talking to them...he wasnt their teacher but he was the teacher.Something about survival? Survival of the fittest? Like that battle royale thing he had read about during a particularely boring math lesson thanks to the wonders of Algebra.He was meant to fight,he was meant to fight the other kids.No not fight,he was meant to kill the other kids or they would kill him.He sat staring at the unfamiliar form of a green military surplus backpack to his left.

He was waiting for the world to spin and to wake up to the ceiling of his bedroom,he stared at the bag harder and harder but the surroundings stayed the same.The stupid creepy woods.

"This is a lie..This is those pricks from school..This cant be..It cant!" he said as he burst into a run grabbing that pack in the process and bursting into a full fledged run.This couldnt be.There were laws and he had parents..He had family..He had a A+ average.This could NOT be happening.Not to him,maybe to those pricks on the football team or those preppy bitches who always looked down at him as if were nothing but not him.He hadnt done a thing wrong.
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

Vince was on stage at his high school. His band were playing there most famous song, Nanageddon. The crowd were roaring with excitement as vince ripped out a song from his electric guitar but as he looked up to the microphone to start the lyrics he cared so much about, A polar bear was standing there. "Hold me" the polar asked in a shameful tone.
Vince looked into the polar bears black fist eyes. "Did you just say hold me?".
The polar bear's lips curled up bearing his white snarling teeth. He picked vinces guitar form out of his hands and smashed it over vinces face.

Vince sat up straight, his eyes wide open. Those overly blue eyes staring into the trees that surrounding him. "That was some gig last night...that polar bear was crazy" he laughed to himself as he stood up straight and bruished any moss thator leaves that clung to his tight black jeans. He picked up the bag that was laying next to him, the words 'B28' written on the side. he started walking slowly singing his own songs in his head.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

He was constantly giving of short breaths,that thin chest constantly rising as it sucked in much needed short breaths then pushed them out while he glanced over his shoulder.Glasses jumping up and down his nose as he would run,that bag bouncing on the floor every couple of steps.It was this urge to watch his back and not his front that found him in trouble as his now already sweaty body to slamm into that of another SOTF contestant,Vince.

The others boys body worked like a matress as his body slammed into the other boys body sending him back a couple of steps,stumbling before he fell to the floor with his bag landing inside a nice big dust cloud and with a very loud thump,more importantly Dorians glasses flew a few feet away hiding themselves in a tuft of grass.

"Stay away from me! Ive got a gun!" he would yell as he put his hands into the pocket of his jacket
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

Cydni had already been awake for a few minutes by now. She had gone through her pack and found her weapon, a saber, and had already let the reality of the situation settle in. She hoped, beyond hope that she had simply lost her mind and this was just her imagination but she wasn't about to wait to see if this was reality or not. Her life depended on it, her future even and above all else Cydni treasured her future. She wasn't about to let some sick jerk tell her that all she had worked for was gone. Oh no she wasn't.

Her thoughts were broken and she looked up suddenly to see a boy sprinting towards her. She couldn't get a good look at him from her hiding place, but at a glance he did not seem the least bit familiar.

She went to clutch her bag closer to her but realized suddenly that it was placed out in the open. Great.

She watched as the boy ran into another boy, who had seemingly come out of nowhere, and they fell over. She realized this was her chance and reached out to grab her bag hoping they wouldn't see her.
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

Vince suddenly turned as he heard a rustling in the bushes. A small frail looking boy scampered into the open and slammed into vinces chest. He only came up to shoulders.

"Did you just say youve got a gun? What are you a gangster or something?" He would say as he croushed by the boy, he seemed to be searching for soemthing but vince didnt know what.

"Why are you here? I think my mates dropped me here after our last gig? you should of been there it was crazy, there were these goth girls and i accidentally told them im a warlock" he laughed as he tightened his grip on his bag.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

"No just stay away from me! Stay the fuck away from you and I wont have to shoot! I dont want to! I will if I have to stay away!" He yelled as he would go onto his hands and knees and grabbing the grass on the floor.Moving around searching for those precious specatcles of his,his eyes widened as another blurry face came into view Cydni.He would back off away from her "Both of you stay away!" He yelled scrambling till he was a few feet from the two.

He was half blind,unarmed and there were two of them this got better and better."Just give me my glasses and I dont need to hurt you! I just want to go!" the words were hard but coming from a weak body like his own they didnt sound menacing sadly.

Coincidentally his glasses had landed by Cyndi and his bag had slammed into a tree nearby Vince.
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

Cydni reached down and picked up his glasses holding them in her hand for a moment clutched to her chest protectively. "Why should I give them back," she asked confidantly, "they'll only help your aim." She took a few steps away from him and glanced at the other boy who had a confused, slightly idiotic look on his face. She didn't recognize him either, apparently other schools had been dropped off here also.
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

This boy seemed too scared for some reason. What was ther eot be scared about here. He suddenly remembered the man with the cigar....Nice one guys, Even grayhams dad was in on the joke.

He looked around him but saw no glasses, The boys bag was next to his feet, vince leant over to pik it up, he would start searching through the bag. He felt a slight pain on the end of his finger "Owie"
He pulled the sharp object out, Razor blades? why the hell did he need razor blades.

"Dude you dont look like the shaving type. Why in the name of collobus the crab do you have razor blades?"
He would place the weapon back into the bag and throw it to the new boys feet.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

"Because because..look please give them back,I Dont want to hurt anyone and I wont hurt anyone I dont even have a gun!" he pulled his hands out of his pocket and held them up as he looked towards her and the glasses in her hand.A lazy snatch at them would be taken."Please? I just need my glasses and Ill go and leave you two alone Im sure you dont want me bothering you..PLease my glasses..I need them to see" he pleaded as he took a couple more steps towards her.
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

A blind opponent sounded much more appealing to Cydni then a fully armed, non-vision impaired one. Her attention was turned to the other boy who had just opened the first one's pack to reveal razor blades. So he really didn't have a gun. "Oh all right," she said in exasperation. All he had was razor blades, who was he going to kill with those. Taking his glasses would basically be signing his death sentence. She passed them to him and clutched her own pack even tighter, her saber pricked her and she loosened her grip, not wanting to be the one who cut herself in half.

"What school are you from?" she asked addressing the boy in front of her and the one digging through the bag. She had no idea why she felt so calm, perhaps it was because Cydni always worked best under pressure.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

He slid them back on and finally the world around him came into focus.The girl with her saber..saber? once again he would scramble away grabbing his bag and holding it to his chest hugging it tightly.A few rapid breaths were sucked in before he spoke "S S sunnsyide..Sunnyside high,Im Dorian graywood.."he said forcing a very weak smile and waiting for the usual joke.

He had heard the Dorian jokes far to many times but looking at this girl she didnt seem as if she had been smart enough to find Dorian gray.Most people had just ignored the book but maybe that was why the people who had read it took so much pleasure from laying into him with their tiny little intellects.Fools,he knew he was better and smarter than they would ever be."You going to use that thing Miss? the sword.."?
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

"Not unless you and your idiot friend over there going to attack me," she said nodding towards the other boy. The name Dorian Grey popped into her head but she didn't see anything worth mentioning about the name. "I'm Cydni Pullman and I go to Glenwood Academy in New York," she said not smiling or showing any signs of being friendly.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

"He isnt my friend I just bumped nito him..and I bumped into you..Sorry thanks for the glasses..You two have fun now..Bye Cyndi I hope you dont use that thing on anyone..Unless you really have to then I guess self defense is fine..Self defense is needed" he said giving her a gentle wave and he started to walk while his eyes were fixated on her weapon.

He tripped with a light thud into the dirt,one hand reaching up to push his glasses back up his nose as he would get up and give yet another feeble smile.A unhappy girl with a very very sharp looking weapon didnt sound like grade A friend material to him.
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

"Oi! little pants over there! who you calling an idiot?" This was strange, he woke up to a running geek and some bossy saber weilding girl. They both seemed to have a weapon of some sort and they both had the same bags as him.

After talking to the girl he crouched down and checked inside his rucksack. He felt a rough plastic material. He held it tight and dragged it out of the bag. "Oh right cool i got a steak knife.....They boys left some crazy things in here" He laughed out loud.

As the geek fell over vince looked up.
"Hey could you tell me the direction out of here because....i need to get home..? then ill let you alone"
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

"No,Sorry..You cant leave.Its the rules..Oh erm..Goodbye" he said as he would straighten the glasses that constantly jittered up and down his nose with each rapid breath, a wave would be given as he took off running into the nearby undergrowth.

He wasnt going to stay near a crazy weapon wielding female and a idiot and so he would take off running,his narrow chest heaving up and down after a few minutes of running.He wasnt upto all of this excersise,one hand fumbled with holding his glasses on his face as he would rest against a tree while the other hand raised to his hair pushing the thin black hairs back into place.

This is so not good he thought to himself before he pushed himself into a run yet again leaving the area.

((Continued in: On the Run))
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