I Can't Do This Alone...

A hillside cliff. The drop isn't that far down. In fact, the most injury you can sustain from sliding down this cliff are just some bruises. The cliff is a good lookout point for anybody that plans on sniping out the competition.
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I Can't Do This Alone...


Post by Swoosh* »

((Coming from Sunshower @ the Lookout Point))

Sitting on the edge of the cliff, Mallory looked out into the distance. It was a nice view, could have been nice for a romantic moment, even in this situation she was in. (Also if the dead body nearby could be elsewhere.)

She had rested there for a moment. Making her way across the island in search of Peri had been hard enough, and while her leg had held up remarkably well, it was starting to hurt after a while and so she had found herself sitting on the edge of the cliff, her legs dangling carelessly down. The expression on her face rigid with a knife gripped in her hand as she thought about what lay ahead of her.


Her eyes starting to water, she automatically reached into her pocket. Her hands brushed against something smooth. Pulling it out, she glanced down and saw a packet of tissues in her hand. The sharp stabbing pain shot through her heart once more as she gripped them tightly.

"Here, you'll need these a lot more than me...."

Mallory's thoughts flashed back to the hospital where they had first met. Where he had given her the tissues she clutched so forcefully in her hand, as if the tissues acted as a way to get Glenn back.

Glenn... I can't do this alone. I thought I'd be strong and brave... but I can't do this alone. I'm nothing without you here.

((Man. I love Mallory now. She's so hopeless XDD))
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((Continued from: http://s10.PLACEHOLDERLINK/SurvivalOfT ... =695&st=45))

After a while of walking Jeremy realized he was lost...again. This was the reason he had lost contact with mallory and Glenn when they headed to the lookout point. But now he had lost Nev and Scott....the watefall.....had to go there...wherever it was......

Jeremy walked into view of Mallory who's feet were dangling over the cliff. Jeremy looked at her from behind and looked at her for a minute before he realized it was her. Walking slowly behind her with his sickle he sat next to her on the cliff and said, "Mallory...."

Jeremy turned to look at the girl. He didn't know what to say, he thought he would never see her again, he had so many questions to ask, but he couldn't find the voice to ask them. He just sat there in silence next to her staring into the distance.
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Mallory glanced up carelessly as she heard her name being uttered behind her. She wasn't particularly scared or worried about the game anymore- even if someone approached her in a threatening manner, thinking about it she probably wouldn't have cared. In fact, she may have even welcomed it. The game had sucked out all the hope and happiness she had- and now she didn't care about anything.

Nodding in acknowledgement as Jeremy sat down beside her, Mallory continued to stare blankly ahead. She knew he was watching her, but she wasn't ready to say anything. Not yet. She couldn't bring herself to talk about Glenn's death.

Slowly turning her head, her expression still lifeless, she slid the tissues back into her pocket. Clutching Glenn's knife in her hand, she spoke.

"You're OK?"
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Jeremy shook his head and staring off into the distance said, "I guess...." Jeremy wanted to say so much more though, wanted to tell her he wasn't ok.

I saw Glenn dead Mallory...I know you were with him....Fred's name was on the announcements....Fred....I recieved another wound at the small house...I just got seperated from 2 new friends....I'm not ok....

But Jeremy was never the one to show how he really felt, and he had to be tought for Mallory. Glenn would have did it, and Jeremy won't let Glenn down, he would be tough for her. So he said back, "are you ok?"
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Mallory nodded silently, still looking blankly ahead of her. The silence that had sprouted between them both was bordering on awkward, neither of them wanting to bring up the uncomfortable topic of Glenn's death. For a while they both just sat there, not saying a word. The quiet was peaceful, the first time since she had arrived on the island that Mallory had really been able to collect her thoughts; but she couldn't stay that way forever, as much as she'd liked to have. She shifted slightly as she decided to speak out at last.

"I saw him die." Her voice was monotonous as she glanced towards him. "I was with him when he died... I was the reason he died."

Looking back out into the distance, she continued. "There was a guy. He killed him... he killed Glenn. He said he'd kill me..." she trailed off as the memory of the event flashed painfully through her mind. "He killed Glenn, so I have to kill him."

She finished off simply, the tone of her voice implying that she didn't care whether Jeremy approved of this or not. The wind brushed through her hair gently as she continued to stare.

"I don't know if you can understand it or not... I don't really care if you don't... but don't try and stop me. I have to do this. Even if it kills me. Probably will," she added, her voice as dull as before.
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Jeremy took what Mallory said in and he sat there next to her silent for a couple of minutes. He thought of everything she said, trying to understand it all, trying to make his decision. He finally spoke,

"I understand. I'm not going to stop you. You saw Glenn die....it's not your fault no matter what you say. It's the killers fault. If you want your revenge on him, you should have it." Jeremy was still looking off into the distance when his eyes widened and he said,

"But you're not doing it alone."
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Mallory glanced back at Jeremy. She certainly hadn't expected him to say that, but then again she hadn't expected him to say anything. Nodding silently, she smiled. It wasn't a genuine smile, there was no feelings of joy or happiness behind it, but rather a smile of acknowledgement.

"Thank you," she said quietly. She brushed her hair out of her face carelessly and looked at Jeremy seriously.

"This guy was armed to the teeth. You realise that you might not make it off this island alive if you come up against him?"

That's right, Jeremy. Going up against him will be similar to suicide. I'm willing to risk it all- I've got nothing left to lose. Have you lost to this game as well? Is that why you're agreeing to this?
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Jeremy nodded his head and said, "armed to the teeth? Well we just go to think smart then...."

"I realize that I may not come back alive from this.....but then again I realize if we play our cards right either will that killer."

Living....what's the point anymore, Fred is dead, Glenn is dead....I can't find Heather, Nev, Scott. Maybe this is what I am here to do, if Mallory is willing to go on this suicidal mission then I am to.

Jeremy had been staring off intot he distance and for the first time during the conversation he turned to face Mallory and said, "We can take him....whoever he is....armed or not....but I made two more friends on this island....they could help....and somewhere out there is Heather, and we know she's crazy enough to help."

Jeremy became silent again and turned away to look off into the distance.
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Mallory looked at Jeremy blankly.

Jeremy... you're that reckless? You're that willing to throw your life away? Maybe you're just like me. Maybe you've faced similar experiences... either way, I can't believe how closed off I've been. I can't believe I've wasted my life avoiding people like you guys.

And I can't believe it's taken something as drastic as this to show me.

People aren't all cruel. They aren't all out to get each other. And life isn't as grey as I've painted it out to be. It might not be sunshine and roses all the time, but the way you cope is with your friends.

Friends. Even the word sounded alien to her, let alone the concept.

Glenn, Jeremy, everyone; I wish I'd taken the time to get to know you all better. Get to know you... friends...

Time... time passes by and people change. You can either struggle against the inevitable, or you can embrace the flow. Time on the island had changed Mallory; time with Glenn, time with her new friends... but now time was running out. Time was what she wanted the most, and it was running out.

Friends... show Jeremy how to be a friend. Show yourself how to be a friend.

Time had changed her. Glenn's death had changed her as well.

Show him how to be a friend... do you want to be crying over Jeremy's lifeless body next?

Reaching up her free arm to touch his shoulder, she gripped the knife tightly.

"Look, Jeremy. You want to help me, and I really appreciate it. I need your help, as well. But I can't... I don't want to be responsible for another one of my friends dying. Don't say anything," she interrupted him as he made signs to talk. "I know you're tough, and I'm aware you can more than handle yourself... but this isn't your battle. This is my revenge for Glenn. It doesn't take both of us to kill this guy. If anything happened to you as well..." her voice trailed off. Her throat began to sting.

Don't. Don't start crying now. You said you'd be strong.

Taking a deep breath, she continued.

"So here's what I want you to do. I want you to help me find this guy. God knows I can't do it alone, what with my leg being how it is and my navigational skills being similar to a cabbage," she paused. "Once we find him, you're gone. You get out of there. You don't hang around to see if I make it or not, because in all honesty, I doubt I will. But I have to try, I owe Glenn that much."

Pushing herself to her feet with some difficulty, she looked down at Jeremy.

"So are you with me?"
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Jeremy was shocked at Mallory's sudden agressiveness, she was asking him to help her find the killer...but to leave. Could he do that? Could he actually leave and let Mallory fight her own battle? Jeremy thought about it all....but he knew if he was in her situation he would do the same thing probably, not let others interfere, not risk the death of others. So When Mallory stood up and said to Jeremy

"So are you with me?"

Jeremy stood up and looked her in the eyes. Gripping his sickle he nodded his head and said, "Mallory, you are one of the bravest and foolish girls I have ever met, but if this is what you really want I have no right to interfere, I have faith in you, and as hard as it is to let a friend do this alone, I'll let you. I will also help you find him, I'll help you as much as I can up to the end, from there, apparantly it's up to you."

It was like a book, this entire island, starting from the begining Jeremy arrived about the early middle of the book, from there, chapter by chapter his life changed, he was a dynamic character, his personality changing greatly on this island. The other characters he met were either good or bad, or inbetween. But it seemed like the book was coming to a close now, and Jeremy would help Mallory reach her final chapter, Jeremy hoped that they would see the end of the book, but no one lives forever.
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Mallory smiled.

"Good. Because I don't know if I could cope doing it by myself."

She held out her hand in an offer to help him up. Looking around, she nodded.

"We should get going. We don't have much time."

In due time we'll see...

There it was again, time. Time was cruel, and she had experienced it first hand. There was never enough time; she would have given anything to turn it back, spend longer with Glenn, but time had torn their friendship brutally apart. She would have loved to have spent some more time getting to know Jeremy, but she didn't have time.

Her time was nearly up, but she was going to go out with a bang.

However literal that may be.

... there's barely time for us to breathe.

((Continued in wherever Theseus wants, nya ^___^))
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Jeremy took Mallory's helpful hand and stood up. He was about to say something when he heard the roar of a helicopter somewhere in the distance. Jeremy looked off and said, "what the...." There was the familiar sound of machine gun fire and a large explosion. Jeremy quickly looked at Mallory then heard Danya's voice interupt.

Jeremy listened to the new announcement, to what was going on. So the terrorists were here now....and if you killed one you may get to go home....maybe....that could be a way out of here. Jeremy looked at Mallory and said, "Better stay clear of the field....they are the last ones I want to fight right now, but later maybe....that could be a way off this island...." Jeremy then focused on the task at hand.

"I'm really not sure where to begin our search for this killer....I'm guessing we can rule out the field....and the two danger zones. I was just at the small house, we might want to check there....but let's wait a bit....theres a student who chased me out of there and he has sort of a grudge against me after the school incident...." Jeremy thought about the school. "We can check the school...old memories huh? Well....at the waterfall I have two friends who were headed there, not sure if they made it or not.....well....Mallory since your not letting me help you fight this man I'm going to have you decide where to check."

((haha I'm horrible at making decisions by the way, at the house my cousin who I dont know is playing the game is, at the waterfall my 2 friends are, and at the school, well I dont know whos at the school now. Well I'm leaving it up to you to choose, sorry
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Danya's announcement had rang out, this mini homeroom much more clearer to her now that she had shaken herself out of her stupor. The promise of escaping the island had probably inspired hope for many of the others on the island, but even the offer of a new life meant next to nothing to Mallory. As dramatic as it sounded, she had nothing left to live for. The only reason she hadn't sunk the knife into her stomach up until now was the fact that she was carrying out what she firmly believed to be one last beneficial act to Glenn's memory.

Mallory looked up at Jeremy. "I... I don't really want to go back to the school, if it's OK with you. I mean, not yet. I don't think I could, to be honest, a trip down memory lane'll end up as a trip into catatonia." She smiled sadly to herself, already feeling the ill effects of her memories of Glenn flaring up once more.

"Let's just walk, and see where we end up. I have no idea where this guy is, so trying to choose an exact location to go to is pretty pointless," she said, getting out her map from her daypack. "As long as we avoid the danger zones," she muttered, marking large crosses on the map where the new zones had been announced, "we should be OK. Or as OK as we can be in this game."

Looking down at her compass, she altered it so it was ready for use before looking up at Jeremy, an eyebrow raised.


((I'mma gonna say we're going to the Gazebo, but Theseus, d'ya wanna do the first post? I'mma feeling lazy XDD))
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Jeremy nodded to mallory and said, "Yeah let's go." Jeremy's thoughts drifted to the terrorists....a way to go home....just kill one....maybe it was possible to bring together another group, bring them down, but then again only one person can kill the terrorist...even if a group was involved, this would probably turn into some sort of sick and twisted race, loners, groups, all fighting each other to get to the terrorists first, only to die at the terrorists hands....Jeremy shook the thought away and looked forward.

"Yeah...we better go now."

((Continued in: http://s10.PLACEHOLDERLINK/SurvivalOfT ... t=15&#last))
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