Enter the Hero

A hillside cliff. The drop isn't that far down. In fact, the most injury you can sustain from sliding down this cliff are just some bruises. The cliff is a good lookout point for anybody that plans on sniping out the competition.
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

It was all good and fun, but this terrorist was in another legue, the three had to remember that, as much as they enjoyed killing young students, this man loved it more.

He had some skill, the ingram was fast and powerful, yet he managed to escape every shot. fuck me dead he was good.
Stevan was getting up as the terrorist was running at peri. His shotgun would be sharply raised to the head of the terrorist, Not more than a three meters away.

The gunshot wound be held back for the time being, courtesy of adrenaline, His finger laying on the trigger ever so slightly.
"My fucking word! You dont stop do you?"
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Seeing the one bullet mpale itself into the durt near her, and the fact that the Terrorist was preoccupied with Peri, and Steven. She slowly stood up, walked over to hersword, picked it up and started approching the back of the terrorist while he was preoccupied.

After reaching behind the Terrorist, Eh-Sun raised the Sword and swung it down at the Man's neck, aiming for the jugular vein.

"Die Ninja Wannabe"
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The guy was fast as he managed to move past the stream of bullets from the Ingram and then he was infront of the longhaired student with a pistol to his throat and a pistol to his stomache.With two guns pointed at you all you could do was smile.His Ingram would be raised to the stomache of the terrorist almost like he was in pretending to bt the reflection of the man.

He grimaced at the feel of the cold steel being pushed further into this throat as a dare for an attack, the guy would have to die now. He was far to dangerous to stumble away but how would they take him down?

The man had a bullet proof vest on as did Peri..Those handguns of his held what fifteen rounds a pop counting the rounds he had fired off they had maybe 12 put together? Sadly he only needed one to finish the leading student off.

He was going to have to make a Ballsy move if he were to live and if he died well then it was a fun way to go. Eh-Sun would be approaching he could see the asian girl oncemore making an attack with her blade, why? why not a firearm? The Ingram blared to life oncemore while his other hand snapped up to hit with all his strength at the hand holding the weapon to his throat while his body tried to dodge under the arm.

The weapon was spitting out those hot chunks of metal in a upward stream rising from the stomache in a quick blurr of movment, hopfully to leave a few holes up the mans chest,neck and then face.

The throat weapon had been pushed witih all of his strength even if he moved it a little that would be enough as he moved into that crouch and fired off a good twenty rounds into the kevlar clad muscle man. At point blank the kevlar would be forced to cave.
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Post by Kaishi* »

Trick number two, children. The amazing removal act. Simple to the eyes but complexities galore, like all good tricks are meant to be. Feast your eyes on this one, and do remember to watch closely. Blink and you might miss it!

McLocke let go of the "throat" pistol, allowing it to fall to the nearby ground. He followed soon after, rolling to a crouch. The kevlar was good. One of the best. But, it wasn't the best. It had weakened severely around the chest. His black camo felt sticky around his arm and leg, the unprotected areas. He'd been shot and the kevlar wasn't doing much better. And his neck...it was bleeding, too. Like a sword had come out of nowhere, leaving the job unfinished. What?

He looked back over, seeing the Asian movie girl still waving around her katana. Idiot. And then there was Ingram boy--

Ooh! Train wreck!

It explained the bleeding neck, but, judging by her inexperience, she probably didn't have the power to lift it back up again. A lesson in momentum and energy, folks, and the reason why you're not a samurai, girly. Jeez. He grabbed an object resembling a can off of his belt. Decorated all in silver-red, it looked more like a soda can than anything. Wrong. So, so, so wrong.

The can was thrown up into the air. McLocke looked around at his surroundings, deciding his escape route, then aimed for the flying can. Bang. Smoke exploded out of the can on impact, spreading out and covering the area like a thick fog. Ah. A smoke grenade, kiddos. Marvel in it while I run away from here.

Next trick? The great escape. Catch me if you can.
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

Stevan watched the sudden fight occur, of course he didnt fire a round into him, Too much risk of hitting peri. The asian kid he could spare but peri was toom uch pof a asset.

He saw the can thrown into the air and instantly thought 'Bomb', But when the terrorist bullet pierced the can and it didnt explode he was damn releived, Atleast now hed still have his limbs. The smoke was falling quickly and stevan couldent let him get away. He quickly withdrew the pistol he had been concealing in the back of his jeans and aimed for the terrorists legs. Bang, a round would be shot off, But had he hit him or not? He couldent tell. Anotherround would be shot off as he squeezed the trigger.

He dived for the the mans glock that he had dropped from peris throat, and with that glock another round would be ripped out of the gun.
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He was still breathing that was a good sign for definite.

The constant pitter patter of the rounds from the Ingram slamming into the kevlar was almost like some man made rain.He used to love the rain, so peaceful and so in a place like this it was ironic that a weapon of such mass destruction could be linked to something so relaxing and peaceful.

"Fucker,Die already" he yelled out angrily from his crouching position as he continued to fire off his short burst at the form of the man.

The smoke grenade was tossed up and it was instantly registered for what it was, he had seen them before on the tv, in video games and even during the process of this game and so the moment he watched it being tossed up instantly spouting a plume of smoke his aim intensified.

"Shoot the Fucker" he screamed at the other two as both hands clung tightly onto the metal.From his stationary position and two handed aim not to mention the experience from using the weapon it was going to be hard as hell for him to miss in the breif seconds before smoke took his view.

He didnt give a shit, he fired into the smoking tracing a thick line of rounds across where the terrorist should have been running.

Keep yer dukes up, the game isnt over yet.

He took off after the Terrorist.
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He still didnt know if he had hit the guy, but how would he off known? The terrorist wouldent be to scream for stevan to listen out for.

Shoot the fucker? no shit sherlock. He quickly got up and followed peri, running as fast as he could behind him. Both guns in hand and his trigger finger ready to be pulled when they caught 'houdini'

Maybe a little torture would be appropiate for, or would it be worth the risk of him escaping again? Oh the choices, it would probally be best to unload a clip of bullets into his face just to make sure, these guys never want to die.
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Post by Kaishi* »

The shout sounded more like a strangled hiss. One round to the leg, another one to his back (good for him that the kevlar there was still intact). McLocke hit the ground, choking out another foreign sound. Darn. It. The smoke had covered verything by then, allowing perfect escape. Not good enough, though. They had already gotten his location by then, unleashing a fire that racked his body and destroyed the rest of his senses. Crap.

The kevlar had saved his back, but everything else was a bloody mess. No amount of training could keep the pain off of his face. Damn... Down already? Only one kill, too, and it wasn't even the grand prize. Oh great, I think I can hear them coming. The cut on his neck stung and opened further. Miss Samurai had hit a lot worse than McLocke had thought. Great. The blood was coming down thick and steady. Oh. Nice.

And where were the kids? Somewhere, standing nearby.

Well, make it quick.

McLocke squinted at the shadows in the smoke, guessing them to be Peri and Stevan. He raised his gun, firing off halfheartedly and making a move to get up again. Didn't work. He glared at them, ignoring the wet sticky stuff forming a pool under him. Crap. So soon? Then again, there was always Plan B...

Come on, don't be shy. It's neartime for the finale!
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He suddenly stopped the chase as he heard that quiet choke that the terrorist let out. Stevan instinctively ducked as he heard the gunshots ring out. Hearing whizzing noises all around his head, it was like the first twenty minutes of saving private ryan.

He knelt and aimed both his pistols to the place where the shjots had cam from, the small flare the guns made when firing had given away his position.

"Drop the fucking weapon dick head" he spat out, his fingers laying ever so tigtly on the triggers, readu to squeeze when the terrorrist made his last wrong move.
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Post by Kaishi* »

What're you mad?

McLocke sneered a la Elvis, then pointed his gun to his own head, contemplating what to do next. Muster up strength and kill the kid before it was too late, or just continue to lie here? If he chose the last, then he'd run out of material before the end. Sighing like a disappointed SOTF fan, he reached for the balaclava and pulled it off to reveal his face.

Humanization, although the boys and girl probably wouldn't care. It just gave him better chance to show himself off to the audience aswell as the students. Sticking out his tongue, he wagged it to prove that he was just like them, piercings, tatoos and all. A man not quite ready to grow up. If skating had been a popular sport where he lived, then, hell, he probably would've done it just like any other stereotype.

He kept the gun close to his body, deciding not to do anything with it just yet.
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The smoke had quickly cleared and no almost everything was visible, apart from the odd mist here and there. He saw the balaclava being torn from the terrorists face and yes, He was surprised at how the man looked, sllightly reminiscent of the few people who would actually accept him. But who really gives a fuck, Its not like He was going to start hanging with this guy and smoking a reefer with him every now and then.

As soon as the terrorist stuck out his tongue, Stevan countered the disrespectful sign with one of his own, The trigger was squeezed and a bullet whizzed through the air, It was handy having another weapon around the house.

"Drop all your weapons or i will shoot you in the face."

He said, His english accent making his tone seem ever so serious.
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Post by Kuze* »

(yeah long overdue,but Life happens)

Eh-Sun watched as the Terrorist fell over, pull off his mask and stick out his tongue. She dropped the Sword letting the blood on the blade mix with the dirt on the ground, pulling out the larger of the handguns in her bag (or the H&K USP for the peoploe who want specifics), and walked up next to Steven after he fired a bullet at the Terrorist (i have no Idea iof it was Shotgun or Handgun so meh).

"What is he immortal?"

Eh-Sun said as she raised the USP and fired four rounds at the terrorist.

(yeah I'm just out of it today so bite me)
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

Seemed that Peri was lagging and that could explain how the terrorist had managed to dodge most of the magazine that had been spat from the young students pride and joy, his ingram. Sharp teeth would clench as he burst into a run after the two sliding to a halt as he saw the Terrorist raise the pistol to his temple.

All the effort the trio had put into chasing after the terrorist and now he would steal a victory from there? Well there were still the weapons..the spoils of war.

Choi`s handgun would explode into action a few feet from him. It was an idea but a stupid one and with the bleeding wounds in the adult it would have to work. The Ingram would be raised and he held down the trigger as he would spray a thick wave of lead towards the terrorist.The rounds slamming into the ground eitherside of the terrorist if this were manga the man would have been cut in two. You know how it goes, gunfire..shocked face..top half slides off the bottom half.

He could dodge the Ingram`s fire plus Choi`s rounds? Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide kiddies.
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It didn't matter to him what the kids did now anymore. They had all stepped up close enough to watch the fireworks. Time for the end. It was a fine run, but not fine enough. Expected, since the two sides were unfair. One side was loaded with weaponry, the other with three people. Kids had the right idea going for them, though. There wasn't any other way to taking down a magical beast like Shannon McLocke.

Actually... There wasn't a way at all.

Stevan's bullet hit the side of McLocke's head, pulling a large chunk out of his ear. Despite the ringing taking up all of his hearing, he managed to rip the remainder of his grenades from his belt. One smoke grenade, two explosives. Anything would do now that endgame was approaching.

He pointed his guntoting hand at his collar, holding grenades up to his neck with the other. One of Eh-Sun's shots impacted his shoulder, shattering it and disabling his arm. The grenades rolled lazily out of his hand, falling next to his face. The second round hit his torso, ruining his ribcage. Bone, pink, and red flew up in the air in celebration. Congratulations! You've managed to damage one of the strongest men on the island significantly! The third and fourth shot hit relatively the same place, only adding to the injury.

Although his vision was blackening, McLocke was still breathing harshly. He wouldn't be able to get up from this, but that was okay. There was no need when there was just one final task left. Pulling the trigger, setting off a chain reaction. The three students were close enough to burn. How did that line go?

I'm taking you all with me, motherfuckers.

It didn't even matter what Peri was doing with his Ingram. By that time, McLocke had already shot his collar, setting off the explosive and blowing his head off in the process. The other grenades were torn apart outwards, spreading near unavoidable chaos. Fair is fair. Good luck with the dodge, folks.

On that hour, Shannon McLocke died piecefully.

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So it was suicide he chose? Mhm, A gutsy move and one severely not expected from a man of his stregnth and capability. It was as if it was in slow motion, the shots tearing through the black clad titan, and as stevans shot hit all he could think of was 'BOOOM HEADSHOT', A tiny inwards smile appeared from that thought.

The grenades rolled from his hand and the shot that he let off assisted his suicide. Everything went from that slow motio affect to pure chaos. As soon as stevan noticed those grenades He would start to back off quickly. He was a paranoid kid, Back home he would notice anything, be it a small fly on the otherside of the classroom or someone aiming a slingshot to the back of his head, He was very aware that he had to look out for this sort of thing, and that feature in his persona came in handy right about now.

His backwards walk soon turned into a short lived sprint, The force from the grenades had sent him through the air and plumeting to earth. The only thought in his head at this moment was how many limbs he had left, and very damn luckily he had all of them, Plus a few minor burns, cuts from fragments. He was smart enough to cover his head and his bag protecting his back. Good, the most important places on his body were protected.

For a while he would wait, lying on the floor dazed. That high pitched noise screaming through his ears, damn grenades.
The thing he worried about most was the corpse of the terrorist, he was hoping to salvage some good stuff from that man but he'd be fucked if that was going to happen now.
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