Start place for Boy 26

The Bookworm is out.

Some woods overcrowded with trees. Watch yourself here... who knows who will be hiding behind a tree, prepared to kill?
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

"Cant go home?" vince said with a shakey voice, maybe this wasnt a joke by the lads, This was real? He was in everyones faovurite reality show now. The SOTF ACT.

He gripped to his knive like it was his life. In fact here it was his life. The hair blew through his jet black hair as he watched the weedy boy run away....or shuffle away as it seemed. He looked over to the other girl...Fuck, she had a sword of some sort. What if she was playing to the camaras? "Urgg....hey......are you new me?" he said trying to make some friendly conversation. it was doubtfull being friendly here would help at all but he had to try.

It was vinces only choice.
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

"Yes, I just got dropped off in this hell hole," she said still holding a tight grip on her saber. The boy was trying to be friendly. Probably trying to get her to let her guard down before he cut her into bits. She consoled herself with the idea that she had a more powerful weapon, well if she could actually bring herself to use it that is.
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

So this wasnt a joke played on him by his friends, The man with the cigar was real? And everything he said about killing anyone you see was too? If that was the case he didnt want to be hanging around with this girl who seemed to be constantly pissed off and was weilding a saber....but she might make a good ally.

He wrapped the straps of his bag around each shoulder too make the bag easier to carry and held his knife by his hip. " stick together?" he nervously asked, his voice slightly shakey as his eyebrows raised and he waited for an answer.

He couldent do this....could he? he needed to get back to his band, they were going to be famous and play all over the world. He'd have to kill for fame if he wnated out.
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She sized him up, none too discretely, and bit her bottom lip as she considered the offer. She could totally take care of herself, she knew she was much more capable then most of the people in her school so why should these strangers on the island be any different? The boy in front of her seemed especially helpless, and she did not relish the idea of having to take care of him. However two weapons were better then one and an ally might actually be beneficial for the time being. Her pride and her fear battled it out for a moment until her fear won out. "Fine," she said simply, "but if you try to attack me don't you think for a second that I won't defend myself."
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

He knew she couldent be trusted but what other option did he have? run of and she chase and kill him? or run off and be shot down by shot down by some other nut case?

He waked to her an arm legnths away and put out his hand gesturing a handshake. "Do i look like i would kill you? even if i tried you have the better blade" He said, His nervous tone disappearing somehwat as he reached for the girls hand.
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

She stared at his hand for a moment before crossing her arms over her chest. "Looks can be deceiving," she said looking him up and down again. "What did you say your name was?" she asked picking up her bag and swinging it over her shoulder almost dropping it.
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

He gave a strange look when she said the 'looks can be decieving' comment. What was that supposed to mean... "Erm....anyway my names vince!" He spoke upas a smile grew on his face.

"You can tell me your name while were outta here"
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

"A pleasure, I'm sure Vince," she said a tight grip on her bag, "I already told you my name. I'm Cydni Pullman."

She swung the bag in front of her and pulled the map out of the pack that had been given to her. "So where exactly do you plan on heading, Vince," she asked emphasizing the last word. She glanced back up at him. "I suppose some people might find him attractive," she thought to herself. He had nice features and really incredible blue eyes but his hair was a stupid blue tone. He was obviously one of those antiestablishment, let me try and be different, look at me I'm unique kind of people. She hated those people. But might as well, make the best out of a bad situation.
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

Vince looked at the girl with raised eye brow, he could of sworn he didn tget her name but oh well he must of "You did? anyway...Hi cyndi!" He said after turning around and looking at the girl holding the map. "i dont know where iwas gonna go, Was just gona walkabout and see whats happening, meet some new faces"

He walked beside the girl and looked down at her map. "So where do you want to go then? Im not bothered me i'll just follow you yeah?" He said before turning away. he seemed to be staring into nothing.

'Monkey stole my face do the leader of there race'

He started singing one of his songs to himself, out of sheer boredom.
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

She was nibbling her bottom lip in thought. When he started singing she was so shocked she bit down on her lip so hard it started to bleed. She whirled around and glared at him. "What is that?" she asked, and before waiting for an answer she continued, "Would you please keep your voice down. Everyone on the island can probably hear you."
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

He looked at the girl with a somewhat cheeky grin on his face. "Dont you like it? Ill sing another one if you want ive got hundreds of em?!" he asked while looking at the girl with a hint of happiness in his eyes. His songs were everything to him and anytime to sing them was as good as any.

He started singing again "Im little johnny frostbite movin around, freezing you up, freezing you down like an icicle" Come on join in.
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

She stared at him in shock as she blotted at her lip with a tissue. "Were you dropped on your head as a child?" she demanded in a forceful whisper as she attempted to reach up and cover his mouth with her hand. She had to tiptoe quite a bit but she managed her goal. "Listen," she said hotly, her hand still on his mouth. "Someone is going to hear you and they. are. going. to. shoot. us," she said emphasizing each word before letting go and stepping back before he could take a stab at her.

Cydni realized she should probably leave him right now, but she had always liked feeling superior and she definitely felt that way in this situation. It was a hard feeling to give up.
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

"well theres a funny story to that" vince started talking fast "I wasnt dropped but i did fall off a big rock" He looked at the girl waiting for a smart remark to be thrown his way. Ok so the songs pissed her off, time to stop singing outloud then.

"I'll choose a place if it will make you happy?" Vince closed his eyes and rose one hand with a finger pointing out. His hand spun a little before it was placed down randomly on the map. "Tell me what it landed on...i love surprises"
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

Vince waited extremely paitently for the girl to answer, Due to his short attention span he had already forgotten her name. he opened his eyes and saw where his finger was pointed. "Mhm, screw this stupid map, im just gonna keep walking left?" He started to walk, a few steps were taken before he looked round. "You coming or not?" he asked impatiently.
"Fine your loss not mine..." he then disappeared

((Continued in: The Morning After the Night Before))
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