Vanessa Sanders

NPCs (non-player characters) go here. This section is for characters who will not be participating in the game, including teachers and school administration. To encourage consistency, the staff have created a number of ready-made teachers, all of whom are available for free handler use unless stated otherwise. Please add any teachers you create to this roster. DO NOT create new departments/subjects for the school without first getting a staffer's okay.
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Vanessa Sanders


Post by SOTF_Help »

Name: Vanessa Sanders
Position: Girls P.E. Teacher
Gender: Female
Age: 34

Mrs. Sanders has the lithe, wiry build of someone that participates in swimming or or gymnastics, being fairly tall at 5'9" and weighing 130 lbs.  As the gym teacher, she's rarely seen outside of either a dark blue tracksuit or similarly colored running shorts and a t-shirt with the school's mascot (The Pelican) emblazoned across the front.  Her cornflower blonde hair is usually pulled back in a severe ponytail, and an omnipresent whistle dangles across her neck.

Mrs. Sanders is a woman who sort of fell into teaching instead of choosing it as a hobby.  She came from a family for whom athletics was a lynchpin.  Her father wrestled, her mother did gymnastics.  An aspiring swimmer and softballer in her youth, Mrs. Sanders' dreams of athletic greatness (she was hoping to try out for the Olympics), were shelved when she was diagnosed with a degenerative spine condition that would worsen if she kept up the level of training she had been doing.

Unable to pursue her goals but also unable to walk away from sports altogether, she graduated from the University of Seattle with a bachelor's degree in Health Education, a teaching certification and settled for teaching Girl's PE at Aurora High School.  She takes particular interest in coaching girl's softball and swimming, the two sports she most participated in when she was young and healthy.  She's particularly hard on these girls, and one might infer she's trying, in some way, to live vicariously through them and regain that which she had lost, although she will offer them advice if they ask for it.  To the rest of the campus, Vanessa is friendly, if reserved, easy to talk to, if otherwise unwilling to engage people in conversation.
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