Touch, Pause, Disengage

Centennial Park is nicely balanced between dedicated fitness space and convivial social usage. Athletes love the two baseball diamonds, large green perfect for a weekend game of football or soccer, and well-tended jogging trail that circles the park. People looking for relaxation gravitate to the picnic pavilions and barbeque grills sprinkled throughout, the horseshoe pits, lawn bowling courts, large play structure for children, and a water feature that is active during the summer to cool off visitors.
MrMissMrs Random*
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Post by MrMissMrs Random* »

Rosemary cracked a bit more of a smile when the boy told her his name. "Then I have to say the book you're reading suits you, since you share the same name as its' author. I'm Rosemary."
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Post by BROseidon* »

Rosemary's offhand joke about his name was one that he'd heard plenty of times. Even though his parents denied that he was named after the author, Virgil always thought that he was. Virgil didn't particularly mind this, given that it was really no worse for a name than anything else, and while it was an uncommon name, it wasn't an unreasonable one.

"Well Rosemary, it's nice to meet you."

Yeah, both my parents are classics profs, but at least they didn't choose something like 'Cicero' or 'Xenophon.'" Virgil chuckled softly and smirked at the absurdity of that thought, and wondered what life would have been life if his parents had given him a less normal name.
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Post by MrMissMrs Random* »

Rosemary nodded at Virgils' joke (at least she thought it was supposed to be a joke.). The girl didn't know how to continue with the conversation and looked back down at her book, absently flipping the pages.
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Post by BROseidon* »

Rosemary suddenly seemed to disengage with the conversation. Virgil found this behavior to be a bit strange. He didn't think he'd accidentally offended her. She'd seemed engaged with the conversation up until now. Virgil was a little bit baffled.

Virgil thus saw two ways he could continue. He could question her about why she suddenly responded so awkwardly. Given that this girl seemed pretty shy, pressing the conversation could make things worse. Or he could just leave. Virgil did need to get home at some point anyway, and it would let the girl read in peace.

"Well, it's been nice chatting with you, Rosemary. I need to get home, so I'm gonna bounce. Have fun with that book!"

(Virgil Jefferson-Davis continued elsewhere)
MrMissMrs Random*
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Post by MrMissMrs Random* »

"I will," Rosemary mumbled quietly in response, not looking up from her page as Virgil walked off. He seemed nice... but why was sweating? Maybe he played a sport?

Giving a small shrug of her shoulders at the thought she returned to her book. It wasn't any of her business and it didn't make much sense to dwell on such things. People meet people everyday once and then never see or hear from them again. One chance meeting out of a thousand could possibly develop, but that was really only if both parties were willing to meet half way. It was no great loss; besides Virgil hadn't asked for a phone number or some way to contact her.

Rosemary was fine with having small talk with strangers, rather than trying to build a relationship on something as small as meeting at a bench.

As she continued to read the sun had begun to pull itself down from the sky. The girl knew that would start to get dark soon, but she was in the middle of the final Act... she couldn't stop now!

"A few more pages..." The girl muttered to herself as the park began to grow bright with both light and shadow.

(Rosemary Michaels continued to Free Samples with Purchase )
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