That After Workout Burn

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That After Workout Burn


Post by Hunt11* »

((Ethan Johnson continued from Monochromatic Living))

Ethan smiled to himself as he got out of the shower. For such a relatively cheap gym their showers could not be beat, which was especially appreciated after a hard workout. Usually he would have just worked out using the schools facilities, but he had made some friends at the gym and the only time he could really see them was at said gym, that and it was nice to have a break from the team. With the end of school and senior year fast approaching the mood in both the school and inside the team was becoming very tense and it had reached the point where he just needed a break from everything.

Getting out of his workout stuff was easy enough, and after quickly downing his protein shake Ethan was ready to head on out. Heading out into the lobby Ethan took out his phone and began to read through his missed text messages to see if anything important had happened.
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Post by Laurels »

((Rachael Langdon continued from Rachael, Retail))

Rachael crouched to the ground and grabbed the purple mat in her hands. Yoga class just finished, and it was time to head home. Rachael really enjoyed yoga. When she first moved to Seattle, her mother thought it would be fun if the two of them found something to do together. It let them spend one hour each week relaxing, doing yoga stretches, and just spending time in each other's company.

Tonight, Rachael was alone. Her mother had a lot going on at her school, so Rachael went to yoga alone. She didn't really mind though. Even though it was something to do with her mom, it didn't really matter much, since they each had to focus on their own breathing and relaxing. Still, she enjoyed having her mom around, so her absence was noted.

Rachael rolled the mat like a cinnamon bun and tossed it in her bag. She then searched through her bag and pulled out her cellphone. Bridget said she would pick her up when the class ended. However, when Rachael opened her phone, she saw that there was a message from Bridget.

Rach, gonna be late. Got a flat tire. Will call when I'm close.

Rachael sighed. Now she was stranded. Then again, Bridget didn't pop a tire on purpose. Rachael could handle waiting for a few minutes. She was done with her homework for the evening, she could relax.

She stepped into the lobby and sat down on a bench. She reached into her bag and pulled out her copy of No Country for Old Men. Even though she was still reading A Song of Ice and Fire, she forgot to bring her copy of A Feast for Crows. Fortunately, she left the Cormac McCarthy in her bag so she could have something to read before and after yoga.

She flipped the book open to the bookmark. She tried to remember what had happened before the current page. She flipped a few pages back and read about Llewellyn Moss buying tent poles.

Oh right, the motel room thing. Let's see where it goes.

Rachael got comfortable on the bench, her phone in her lap and a book in her hands. This was a nice way for her to pass the time until her sister showed up.
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Post by Hunt11* »

Ethan let out a small groan as he saw his voicemail. His parents had tried to call him during the workout and had obviously met with little success. For once in along time he was actually looking forward to talking with them, more specifically his dad, as they had been trying to get back in the old habit of watching documentaries together again. It was a relatively small start to get things back to normal, but with the deadline of college soon approaching, it could be a now or never situation.

Getting out of the locker room Ethan took a quick glance of the gym lobby. Despite coming here for about three years, very little had changed from when he first walked through the doors. There were the classic motivational posters trying to encourage people to become members or be more active at the gym nestled in between a couple of vending machines that despite what was advertised only ever sold water. What had caught his eye however was the presence of a fellow Aurora senior, Rachel. Honestly, up until this year Ethan had barely knew she even existed. They moved in almost completely opposite social circles, and the most he could say he actually knew about here came from just now stumbling across her right now.

Usually Ethan would have just continued on home, but the fact that he knew so little of his other classmates bugged him, so not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, Ethan began to talk with the girl.

"So how was Yoga?"

Hopefully he didn't come of as a creep, but this seemed like a safe way to start of the conversation.
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Post by Laurels »

Now that she was immersed in the book, Rachael was able to remember exactly what was happening. Moss found the suitcase of money at the site of a drug shootout, was spotted, and is now on the run from Chigurh. The tent poles were so he could move the suitcase through the vents without Chigurh finding it.

So how was yoga?

Rachael looked up from her book. There was a boy standing in front of her. Rachael knew who he was. Ethan Hunt. One of Aurora's football players. She didn't really know much about him beyond that. She didn't really associate with those kinds of students unless they shared a class or extracurricular activity. Still, Ethan figured she would be worth talking to, so he couldn't be that bad, unless he was planning to hit on her, like that lothario Adonis Alba.

"Oh, uh, it was fine," she said. "Very relaxing."

Rachael stared at Ethan. She wasn't sure why that was the first thing he asked her, but she figured it wasn't the worst way to approach her. She had time until Bridget showed up, so she figured she might as well talk to him.

"How are you tonight?"
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Post by Hunt11* »

Oh, uh, it was fine. Very relaxing.

She responded which was always a good sign, and perhaps more importantly Rachel looked up from her book so she seemed to be engaging with him. Now to see if was waste of time or not.

How are you tonight?

With Rachel's question, the awkward beginning was hopefully out of the way. He used the only way he could prolong the conversation already that could actually mean something, but hopefully it won't matter. Some quick pleasantries and then depending upon how everything went he could either head on home, or spend some time chilling with Rachel.

"I am feeling a bit sore from the workout, but besides that i'm good. So how are you doing right now."
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Post by Laurels »

Well, it looked like Ethan was up for casual conversation. Rachael could breathe easily because of that.

"Oh, I'm fine. Just waiting to go home. My ride is delayed."

Rachael then considered something. She was having casual conversation with someone outside of her social circle, someone who didn't intimidate her like Adonis Alba or Jasper Rourke. This was kind of neat.

"Until then, I'm just reading," she continued. "I like to have books around me in case I get bored or stuck somewhere. This is a pretty good one. It's pretty grim, but it has a neat writing style."

I wonder if he's heard of this one.
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Post by Hunt11* »

Ethan was glad that he had taken the initiative to actually talk with Rachel. She was turning out to be very friendly, but more importantly he didn't have to worry about trying to fit in.

When she mentioned that she was reading he tilted his head slightly to catch the tile of the book she was reading, No Country for Old Men. Of course he had heard of the movie, but until today he had no idea that it had originally been a book.

"I had no idea that No Country for Old Men was originally a novel, but going by the movie it sounds like it could be a good read."

Could I have sounded more like a dumb jock just now?
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Post by Laurels »

....He didn't know it was a book? Well........I guess that's reasonable. You probably have to pay attention to that kind of stuff to know about it. Right?

"Yeah, it was a book first. The movie was very similar to the book, from what I've heard. I'm waiting to finish the book first."

Rachael ran her hand through her hand.

"So, got any books you really like?"

Wait, give him some wiggle room.

"Or movies, for that matter?"
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Post by Hunt11* »

(Sorry about taking so long, a combination of tests, papers and Sandy have made this an interesting couple of weeks

That could have gone better. Now lets see what have I actually read .... There we go.

"My favourite book is probably a toss up between the Hot Gates and Invictus."

Now movies ... when was the last time I even had time to watch one, never mind just go with the safe option.

"My favourite movie probably had to be the dark knight. So how about you? What besides No Country for Old Men have you enjoyed?"
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Post by Laurels »

Hot Gates and Invictus. I haven't read those yet. Invictus was made into a movie, right? The Dark Knight.....I think I liked that one.

Ethan then asked Rachael the same question.

"Oh, well, aside from No Country for Old Men, I have been reading the books Game of Thrones is based on. I'm almost done with the fourth one and should start the fifth soon. I've also really enjoyed works from authors like Zora Neale Hurston, Mark Twain, basically any classic Americana."

Rachael then felt her phone buzz. She quickly took a look at the message. Bridget was here.

"Well Ethan, I got to go now. It was nice talking to you, and I hope you have a nice evening."

Rachael picked up her bag and began to move to the exit. She turned back to Ethan and gave him a farewell wave as she stepped outside. She saw Bridget was parked down the road, so she began to move towards the car.

Wow, I actually talked to someone outside my circle. That was pretty neat.

((Rachael Langdon continued in If You Got It, Ball Out))
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