Think Before You Act

These are all the other hallways, hiding spots, janitor's closets, and unused areas inside the school. This is also the location for any threads occurring in restrooms, the nurse's office, the principal's office, etc. Please be sure anything you add here does not fit better somewhere else or contradict information in other threads.
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Think Before You Act


Post by SOTF_Help »

((Adonis Alba, Kyran Dean, and Gray Emerson continued from Whatever))

"Gentlemen," Mrs. Freeman said in a level voice before allowing the sentence to trail off. Pausing to put her thoughts in order, she began tapping her index finger on the blotter on her desk.  She took in their stained and disheveled appearance and wondered what her lunch room looked like.  She resigned herself to the flood of unhappy parental phone calls and emails that would arrive soon.

The silence in the room was oppressive and she wondered which of the boys seated before her would have the audacity to speak first.  Her money was on Mr. Alba, given his track record.  Although, when the parent constantly made excuses and justified the student's behavior, it was unfortunate that she could not hold the parent more responsible for the student's conduct.  

Of all of the aspects of her job, this was the one she disliked most; having to look at those who were so close to the end and dash their hopes and expectations.  Of course, it wasn't as if they were innocent little lambs being led to the slaughter.  Even a modicum of common sense or reason would have prevented them from darkening her door.

She pursed her lips as she mentally tallied the amount of time and attention the clean-up would take away from the custodial staff's regular duties.   Thanks to the most recent round of budget cuts, they had already had to scale back on the frequency which some of the rooms were being cleaned.

Leaning forward, Mrs. Freeman began again. "Gentlemen, and please be assured I am using that term most loosely when referencing you three, I cannot fathom what on Earth went through your minds during your incident in my cafeteria.  One would assume that, as seniors, you would possess enough common sense or at least a strong enough sense of self-preservation that you would refrain from such behavior.  However, I can see that not a one of you does, or else we would not be having this little…chat."  

Mrs. Freeman stood up and began pacing behind her desk, never taking her eyes off the boys.  "Do you three have any idea of the severity of what you have done?  How your actions will affect the other students and staff here at this school? The kind of example you have set for you fellow classmates?  I would ask you what you were thinking, but there is nothing you could say that would justify this."

She abruptly stopped and locked eyes with Alba, then Dean.  "Fighting. Two well-known seniors, one of whom is on the football team, slugging it out in the middle of my cafeteria."  Mrs. Freeman  folded her arm across her chest as she peered down at the seated boys.  

"Fighting," she reiterated sharply, "this close to the end of the year.  You gentlemen must not want to participate in the senior privileges you have been working towards since you arrived at this school.  You know the consequences for fighting, one of you better than the other."  

Returning to her seat, she watched Adonis and Kyran dispassionately before pronouncing her verdict.  "As is school policy, you two will be suspended for five days for mutual combativeness and placed on the Out of Activities list.  This, of course, makes both of you ineligible to attend the Senior Prom.   I sincerely hope today was worth it, gentlemen."

Folding her hands on her desk, she turned to Gray.  "And you, Mister Emerson.  Please do not think I have forgotten you, young sir," she promised as she turned her full attention to him.

"It is my understanding that you were witness to your friend's altercation, but you did nothing to stop him.  You made no attempt to find a staff member to intervene, and according to some accounts, you are the reason the whole situation escalated in the first place.  And all of this is in addition to being one of the first participants to wantonly fling food about my cafeteria.  As one of the progenitors of today's incident, Mr. Emerson, it seems only fair that you deal with the ramifications of your actions."

Mrs. Freeman plucked a pen from its holder and quickly filled out a form.  With a practiced motion, she pulled off the top copy, revealing the colored carbons underneath.  She handed it to Gray.  

"Gray Emerson, for your role in today's activities, you will serve three hours of detention under the supervision of the head custodian and Mr. Morgan.  It will take the custodial staff at least that long to clean up the cafeteria.  That is three hours taken away from other portions of our campus. It is only logical that you work to remedy that situation."

With more force than necessary, Mrs. Freeman returned the pen to its holder.  Slowly standing to her full six foot height, she looked down at the trio before her.  

"Gentlemen, that concludes this little talk.  Be aware that I will be watching each of you, and if you so much as put the tip of a toe over the line, I will bust you so fast your head will spin.  Now get out of my office," she icily commanded.

As the staff has repeatedly stressed, actions have consequences.  Adonis Alba and Kyran Dean are suspended for five days.  Gray Emerson must serve a detention period.

In OOC terms, Adonis Alba and Kyran Dean may not post in any School threads for three weeks.   For the sake of bookkeeping, this means that their ban expires noon Pacific time on Friday July 13th. They are also prohibited from posting in the Prom thread.  They may participate in pre-Prom threads and post-Prom threads, but they are not permitted in Prom itself.

Gray Emerson's next thread must be Gray serving his detention.  Other characters are permitted to interact with Gray, but it must be set after school.

Failure to comply will result in consequences to be determined by the staff team.
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Post by Cake »

This whole thing was fucking bogus and Mrs. Freeman was an absolute bitch — that much Kyran could tell easily, just by the condescending way she looked down and talked.

It pissed him off.

The punishment was way too much for what he did. Even worse, Gray was getting some of it too. This meant somebody had run off and reported him too. Probably Brad. If not him, then was this whole damn school filled with fucking crybabies and tattletales or something? He pushed a guy. Right after he was shoved into a table like a chump first, no less. He was pretty damn sure people got pushed in school before. As if this was such a big darn, once in a life time deal. Suspension, understandable, but taking away something important that can never be repeated again, was cruel. It's like she wanted them to have bad memories of her school.

Heck, other kids got into worse fights than what happened today. He didn't even know if he could even consider calling what had happened, a fight.

Kyran flicked his tongue against the tiny band-aids the school nurse placed over his cut after cleaning his lip. It wasn't bleeding as badly as earlier, but he could still feel a soft leak. It wasn't even fair. Other than the push, which any sane guy would agree he owed Adonis back; Kyran didn't even touch the guy. He was the one with the small split in his bottom lip for goodness sake.

He stared back as Mrs. Freeman ordered them to get out, in a tone so unfitting for a school principal.
She might as well have cursed at them and pulled out a belt, by the way she acted.

Right then, Kyran wanted to flip over the chair he was seated on. He wanted to yell out how bogus her day-time-TV-judge-like-behavior and verdict about missing the big year event (which his mother seemed to be more excited about), was.

Heartless bitch.

He wanted to stand up, turn around and pop Adonis right in the face in front of Mrs. Freeman's eyes to get his money's worth out of the excessive ruling.

Kyran did get up from his chair. He turned and gave Alba a look, completely ignoring Mrs. Freeman's stare. Yeah, that was a smart idea, putting two guys who were almost going to fight each other a few minutes ago, in the same room together.

There was one long, quiet, breath, inhaled from the nose, out the mouth, and again one more time.
Then a loud audible cracking of knuckles, as Kyran squeezed down and clenched his fists.


Didn't want to go anyway.

Kyran turned his back on both Adonis and the principal. He looked at Gray and mouthed the word 'sorry' before heading to the door.

Once the door was open, Kyran lifted his right arm up over his head and with two fingers in the air, delivered a dismissive salute, without turning his head back again. He kept on walking, out of her office, through the halls, out the school's entrance and to his pick-up truck.

Kyran left the school and didn't come back again for the entire day. In fact, Kyran wasn't coming back to the school until a full school week later. His mother was going to be very cross with him, but he'd deal with her own set of punishments for him, eventually. He could already feel her disappointment and it made Kyran feel sick.

He shook away his thoughts and the heat from his eyes, then drove.

[[Kyran Dean Continued To: Nevermind]]
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Post by Deamon »

Gray thought his punishment would be worse than it was so he counted himself lucky for that. Sure his detention period would suck but once he'd done that he was free to carry on with his life. He'd clearly got off easy since Mrs. Freeman was right, he did end up starting everything. But since he didn't actually get physically involved his punishment was lighter. Although how he got away with starting the food fight he didn't know. She seemed to think that he'd thrown food but Gray knew better than to correct her. If she knew he had started the food fight his punishment would have been much much worse and Gray was fine with his current one.

He just nodded when she passed her verdict and accepted the paper he was passed. Three hours of cleaning up food, well he had caused the food fight. He knew the custodial staff would be shooting him dirty looks but he could deal with that. He'd just keep his head down and work. He'd have to call his mum though and tell her that he was staying at school for 3 hours. How she'd react to hearing that he'd started a fight, a food fight, and now had to stay behind and clean it up he didn't know.

He felt bad for Kyran though, all he had done was defended Gray when Alba was looking to beat him to death and now he was unable to go to prom. Gray had glanced over at Kyran when Mrs. Freeman had been writing and Gray could tell he was pissed and Gray sympathised with him. When Mrs. Freeman had finished talking Kyran got up he'd glared at Alba and turned to him and mouthed ‘sorry'. Gray mouthed ‘It's cool'. But he wasn't sure if Kyran saw him because he was already on his way to the door.

Gray didn't want to be alone in a room with Alba and an angry Mrs. Freeman. So he decided it was time to leave.  As he got up he looked at Alba and toyed with the idea of mocking him. It would probably come back to bite him in the ass sure but he felt like Adonis deserved it. So in the end he opted for giving Adonis a wink and mouthing ‘unlucky'.  He adjusted the way his hat was sitting on his head before walking out the door.

((Gray Emerson continued elsewhere.))
Aracelis Fuentes
California “Cali” Fox
Darryl Smith Jr.
Jessica Romero
[+] V7
G047 - Aliya Kimia Nemati - Blowgun w/ 10 Poison Darts - you're nobody till somebody kills you - "I just wanted to talk." - DEAD
G001 - Arizona Butler - Camping Stove - Dead Bxdies in the Lake Part II - ""We got there eventually." - DEAD
B046 - Bret Carter - Weighted Net - Swerve - "I'll just be on my way and we can all continue with our evenings." - DEAD
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Post by Aura »

Adonis sat in front of Mrs. Freeman and listened to her lecture, as well as the punishments that she doled out to each boy.  Gray got lucky, because he only had to serve detention for the afternoon.  Adonis and Kyran, however, ended up with the lion's share of the punishment.  Both of them were suspended for a week, and they weren't allowed to go to prom.  Adonis was screaming on the inside, but he maintained his composure.  He may have been a dense, cocky, bullying meathead, but even he knew not to cross Mrs. Freeman.

Dammit!  Prom was gonna kick so much ass, and now I don't even get to go?  What a load of bull!

As Mrs. Freeman finished her lecture, the other two boys left, while Adonis sat for another moment to collect his thoughts.  He got up and left the office, walking down the halls and through the front door.  He knew that he wouldn't be back for another week, he knew that he would get another one of his dad's talks about taking responsibility for his actions, and most importantly, he knew that he wasn't going to prom.

Adonis got in his car and drove home, cursing under his breath the whole time.

((Adonis Alba continued elsewhere...))
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