It's not good, Eric. It's a gazebo!

This is the rest of the outdoor campus. It is not particularly large or beautiful, but there are plenty of grassy areas, as well as a couple of small hills. Three gazebos provide shelter from rain. The campus itself is bordered by a fairly busy street, so it is not particularly quiet during the day. This also encompasses the bus stop directly adjacent to the campus, which is technically off school grounds. A few students use it as a place to smoke, since tobacco use on campus is punishable by suspension.
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Post by Outfoxd »

Oh yeah, she wanted him.  That much was obvious.  This cadela was on the hook.  Look, she was even trying to hide her blushing with her fists!  It was adorable.

Paulo stepped back from the gazebo, bounced lightly, both to warm himself up, loosen his muscles, and to look awesome (like he needed help with that).

He squared up with Cooper, dropped his hips like he had seen the jiujitseiros do in the videos he watched.

"Ok, amigo.  Come at me like you're trying to shoot for the double.  This move is for stopping them, and believe me when I say it is the shit."
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Post by Cake »

It was quickly becoming a battle of who could out-macho the other with body language, once Cooper took up Paulo's offer to spar with all the confidence in the world.

This is why she liked hanging out with guys. They were always such a hoot to be around. Always good for a quick laugh.

It looked like they needed some room, so Lahela got up and sat in the audience section right next to Adam to give the two fighters some extra room. Adam seemed super calm and relaxed to her, but it might have just been an illusion brought on by the presence of his two more hyper-active friends. Either way, she thought she'd make sure sitting so close to him was okay and didn't violate any "personal space" code that mainland people seemed to get upset about much more easily than the folk back on the islands.

"You don't mind if I sit here do you?" She asked with an ounce of sugar thrown in.

She turned back to the other two boys as it looked like they were ready to start.

In the meantime, Lahela casually prepared herself to strum the ukulele equivalent of the "wah-wah-waaaah" sound or something to that effect.
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Everything was going just as planned, insofar as Adam wasn't having to actually participate in the impromptu sparring match/demonstration Paulo was putting on. Paulo and Cooper got in position, Paulo calling for Cooper to come at him. That wasn't a good sign for Cooper. Whatever was going to be demonstrated was probably designed specifically to mess up what he was supposed to be doing.

Of course, Adam didn't get to pay too much attention to what was going on there, because Lahela drew his attention away by asking if he minded her sitting right next to him.

"Ah, no, it's fine," Adam said, keeping his tone studiously neutral. He was not at all sure what to make of this development. He was pretty sure Lahela wasn't flirting with him. Girls usually didn't flirt with him. He didn't exactly want girls to flirt with him. Life was pretty sane and stable right now. Graduation was coming up. Real life was starting soon. Now wasn't the time to be thinking too much about cute girls.

And, just like that, Adam realized he was getting way, way ahead of himself, worrying and over-complicating something that was most likely totally innocuous and meaningless. He could think about girls when there was reason to do so. For the moment, he'd best be served by acting completely normally, keeping his composure and keeping a straight face and just watching to see what kind of crazy badass ninja BJJ shit Paulo had cooked up today.

He hoped Cooper wasn't gonna get his ass handed to him too badly. That'd be a bit awkward here, with an outsider spectating.
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Post by BetaKnight »

((Perdoneme.  Perdoneme mucho.  Won't happen again.))

So Paulo wanted him to ‘come at him, bro', huh?  

Cooper could see him making eyes at Lahela. That's how this was going to go down?  Paulo was going to put him on his ass, like usual.  He normally didn't have a problem with that.  It happened all the time.  But this time it was purely for the benefit of making himself look like a boss in front of this girl?

Yeah, well…fuck that noise.  Cooper had done a year or two of real wrestling in junior high.  It wasn't like he was completely without moves.  Sometimes the other guys forgot that.  

Maybe it was time to remind them.  It was one thing to be the wrestling dummy when nobody was watching, but he wasn't going to let Paulo put him on his ass in front of a girl without some serious effort.

"Can do," Cooper said, a friendly smile on his face.  Rolling his shoulder once more, Cooper crouched down.  Without waiting, he surged towards the other boy.  

No, not at Paulo.  

Through Paulo.  

Dropping his shoulder, Cooper tried his best to maneuver shoot in between Paulo's legs so that he could lift the other boy up, knocking him off-balance.  If he could just get Paulo off balance, he could drive him backwards to the floor.  Then who'd look like the lop?  

Not Cooper.  

His friendly smile turned into a feral grimace.
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Post by Outfoxd »

Paulo hadn't expected Cooper to come on so strong, but the move he had in mind still would have worked.  Probably better.

Coop's body pushed into him, his hand down.  Paulo snaked his arm around the other boy's neck and secured his wrist with his other hand.  He went with the force of the takedown, fell back, hooked his feet inside Cooper's thighs and rolled to his back, kicking out.

To the untrained eye, it looked like Paulo was doing something cool looking.  But to anyone who trained in jiu-jitsu, or wrestling (or watched UFC at least two or three times), everything about the rolling guillotine choke was off.  He had his own wrist clasped instead of his fist or the bottom of his palm, preventing the blade of his hand or knuckles to cut off Cooper's air.  He didn't have his weight down on Cooper's head; if the boy wanted, he could have just looked to the sky and negated everything Paulo was doing.  Paulo's feet were just hooked into Cooper's legs, they weren't kicking out to assist the roll.

In all, it was a move that looked very much like Paulo had just watched Submissions 101 and was just trying this for the first time (he was).

But damn, would it look cool.
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Post by Cake »

Lahela watched in amusement as the two boys began to horse-play and wrestle each other to the ground. Paulo had even gotten Cooper into a lock-hold of some kind, as far as she could tell from what she'd seen from watching the home town boy, B.J.Penn fight in the UFC.

It did look a little loose, like Paulo didn't fully lock it in or something, but then again she wasn't exactly an expert at this sort of stuff.

However, what it did look like, from watching the little exhibition, made Lahela giggle and turn her head to Adam.

"It looks like they're boning," she whispered quietly into Adam's ear.
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Something went wrong, but for the life of him Adam couldn't figure out what. Maybe Cooper was a little bit too enthusiastic in his attack. He was, after all, supposed to demonstrating, not going full out. Paulo managed to deal with things well enough, and Adam admired his adaptation, though his form was a little bit off. It still looked pretty good, though.

At least, it looked pretty good to Adam at first. Lahela, on the other hand, seemed to have a slightly different interpretation. She leaned in close and whispered into Adam's ear, and in that moment, yes, he could see it.

He tried to bite back the laughter, resulting in a sort of coughed snort. This wasn't good, not good at all. If he cracked up, and if Paulo and Cooper asked what was up, and if Lahela told them, well, that was Benedict Arnold level shit he'd be in. He'd be an outcast, shunned not only for his betrayal, but also for having an absolutely terrible sense of humor about his own sport. He tried to force his face to stay somewhat blank, but it just wasn't working. He tried to inhale through his nose, anything to distract him from his terminal case of the giggles, and it did work, insofar as it made him stop laughing and unleash a couple huge sneezes.

A second later, having regained his composure slightly, Adam wiped his nose with the back of his left hand and glanced at Lahela, uttering a silent entreaty that the sight of her not make him crack up.

"Sorry," he mumbled. Then he paused, not wanting her to think he was blowing her off.

Dropping his voice to a whisper of his own, he added, "I think something went a bit wrong there, which is why it, uh, looked..."

That was as far as he could take it before having to shut his mouth to avoid snickering.
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Post by HenchmenF* »

((Michael Joyner, cont. from The Party Was Over Then, Too. ))  

"What the fuck are you faggots doing." Michael Joyner suddenly announced, walking over to where Paulo Abbate was busy choking out Cooper Komorowski. Rather than going to his class (which by the time he got half way to class, the bell had rung), Michael decided to skip it and hang out on the campus. And look what he had found. Adam Morgan and the new chick from Hawaii were just hanging out, watching what was going on. Giving an upward nod to Adam and completely ignoring the new chick, Michael folded his muscular arms across his Quicksilver covered chest and watched the two amateurs roll around with one another as they tried to figure out what they had to do.

Michael had "trained" with the group before. Although, rather than getting a workout, Michael spent a few hours teaching them basic moves. They were a decent group of guys and Michael liked them on a personal level, but, they had no idea on what they were doing. Rolling his eyes, Michael was half tempted to forcibly adjust Paulo's grip on Cooper himself just so then they could stop making a mockery of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Glancing behind him, Michael walked up the small flight of steps into the gazebo to get outside of the light drizzle of rain. Rubbing his wet glasses on his shirt, Michael set down his bookbag and leaned up against the gazebo.

"Paulo, tighten up your grip for fucks sake." Michael suddenly said, breaking the silence he had maintained earlier. "I don't even know what the fuck you're trying to do, that's how goddamn sloppy you are." Michael contiuned on his harsh tirade, before turning to Adam and giving him a wide grin. It's how Michael taught people. Insult them until they learned the right way to do it.

Michael contiuned to look at the scene unfold in front of him. Grappling, in Micheal's opinion, comes in spurts. There's always wild scrambles for positions which last seconds but can decide the entire match, or, the long waiting game as one person struggles to break out of the other guard that last the entire match. Someone who knew what they were looking could analyze everything as it was happening, and then rely it to the grappler (who can't see everything that's happening on the mat). The new chick and Adam? They probably had an idea on what was going on but that was it. An idea. Michael knew what was happening.

And that's what made him better.

"Come on Paulo, it's not that hard. Do I have to come down there and roll with you for you to learn?" Michael said. He could use a quick workout from rolling with Paulo, or, really anybody here. He had his first amateur fight coming relativity soon, and nothing was wrong with grabbing some extra training beforehand. Besides, it was Paulo. He could tap him out in seconds.
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Post by Cake »

[[OOC: Lahela doesn't skip class. :c ]]

Lahela heard the faint sound of the building's school bell from the outside campus as the drizzle began to increase in volume.

"As much as I loved talking to you boys and watching you demonstrate your talents; I think I gotta go to class before the rain begins to pick up again! Later guys..."

She picked up her bag, throwing the strap over her shoulder and covered her head with her cousin's old purple hood. She held the ukulele in her arms just as she had done when she first got into the gazebo and smiled at the boy who was just sitting quietly there.

"Bye Adam," she said sweetly, giving him a small wave of goodbye.

Then she got up, noticing that yet another boy was walking in. He was probably another one of their friends, walking toward the super-secret MMA gazebo meeting. She gave a quick look at the newcomer and turned the corner of her mouth in a friendly way, more as a way to be kind and acknowledge the boy in greeting than anything else. However the friendliness didn't seem to be given back as the boy greeted everyone else and completely ignored her.

Well, whatever. It was a good thing she was leaving then.

Lahela walked out from the gazebo about the same time the new guy started verbally smacking down his own friends. She played herself out with her ukulele in order to drown out his voice and then headed inside.

[[Lahela Nakoa Continued Elsewhere...]]
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Post by BetaKnight »

((If this is not the way we're going, someone PM me and I'll edit.))

And as usual, once Cooper rushed Paulo, the bigger boy snatched him up.  He would have sighed at the routine nature of the activity if he had had the time.  Instead, the world reoriented itself as Cooper was taken to the floor.

A familiar voice started yelling homophobic slurs.  Cooper bucked under Paulo, trying to get free.  It was that arrogant fuck, Michael.  Where the fuck did he get off, saying shit like that?  It was so not cool. Cooper's cousin Ernest was gay, and he'd kick the teeth in of anybody who hassled Ernie.  "Man, get off me," he ground out as he pushed at Paulo.

Struggling free, Cooper bounced to his feet and set about straightening his clothes.  As he brushed some of the loose dirt and grit off his clothes, he noticed Lahela hurrying away.  ‘Damn, this motherfucker ran off Lahela too!  Shit, I hate this fool!'  

Cooper clicked his tongue in irritation, turning away from Michael.  That bastard liked to prove he was good by purposefully hurting people.  He didn't want to give the other boy an excuse to put hands on him.  It's not like he should have been grappling with Paulo to begin with since his back hurt.  

Stomping over towards Adam, he prissily threw himself down into the spot Lahela had been occupying.  "When did the Crowned Prince of Douches get here?" he asked in a low voice.
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Post by Outfoxd »

Paulo wasn't quite sure if he liked Michael.  He'd tell Paulo shit to do, when he didn't ask.  But shit he told him was usually right.  So there was that.  And he did jits.  That was a point or two in his favor.

But when he started in on their impromptu training session it became apparent that Cooper didn't care for the kid.  Like, at all.

"Amigo?"  He asked as Cooper muscled out of the move, angry and leaving Paulo on his back with Michael standing over him.  Paulo looked up at Michael and shrugged, then rolled to his feet.

The chica was gone.  That sucked.  She was hot.  Real hot.  And brown.  Girls didn't get brown in Seattle.  Too many clouds.  The bell had rung, and Paulo supposed he should have got to class.

"Gracas, Michael."  He said, being truthful-but-kind-of-not about how gracious he was.

"Coop, Adam.  I'll see y'all Saturday.  Be easy."

With that said, Paulo clapped Michael on the back and headed out.  Maybe he could catch a glimpse of that chick's ass as she walked away.

((Paulo Abbate continued in If You Got It, Ball Out))
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Things had been going pretty well. Adam had managed to avoid looking like too much of an idiot or a traitor. He'd been well on his way to making a new friend. Then, stuff started to go wrong. This was heralded by Michael's arrival. Adam knew Michael alright. The boy was a pretty admirable martial artist. Adam had tried to learn some stuff off him in the past. Problem was, right now it seemed like he wanted to get in on the action, maybe show off his own moves, prove he was tough. He was maybe in the mood for more than some quicky demo. That would probably result in all of this getting much more serious and testosterone-fueled than Adam really wanted to deal with, especially near the end of lunch. He had a feeling that he wasn't just imagining the tension. Stuff was on the edge of the danger zone.

Lahela zipped off, bidding him farewell. Adam waved goodbye to her. He was pretty sure he'd see her around. It was still a good while until the end of the year. Anyways, now he'd be able to talk to her without worrying about what her name was, assuming he didn't forget it.

Cooper wasn't so happy about everything going down. He wormed his way free of Paulo and wandered over to Adam, kinda pissed about something Michael had done. This was bad. This was beginning to look like Drama. If there was one thing Adam did not appreciate in his school existence, it was Drama. Drama was the foe, the ultimate adversary. In this case, it looked like it was going to make him pick sides between his buddies. Well, he was behind Cooper all the way, but he didn't exactly feel like getting on Michael's bad side. It wasn't like the boy was kicking some freshman's face in. 'sides, Adam didn't really want to get his ass kicked today. That was especially true because the ground was muddy. No, there were way too many things that would go wrong here.

"He got here, like, a couple minutes ago," Adam said quietly to Cooper. Approaching his friend's question literally seemed like the wisest move. Paulo got moving himself, and Adam nodded at him, acknowledging that, yeah, he'd see everyone Saturday. And, then, it clicked: he had an escape hatch.

"Right after the bell rang," Adam added. He paused half a second, hoping to sell this. "Oh, shit. Class."

In truth, Adam was only half faking. He didn't care about class very much, but he did care about getting busted. He'd probably be able to get back in time if he got going now. Conveniently, that would also take him out of the brewing storm.

"I'll see you guys later," he said, scooping up his belongings and hurrying back towards the school building.

((Adam Morgan continued in Magic Man))
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Post by BetaKnight »

Everybody had cut and run on Cooper.  It was just him and Michael, and he didn't want to be around that idiot either.  How could he get out of this gracefully?  

He wasn't sure what happened with Lahela, but Paulo just bounced.  Literally, was all ‘Later', and just bounced.  No help on that front. Adam at least came up with a plausible lie.  Cooper knew it to be a lie, but it sounded decent.  Michael hadn't challenged either one of them.

Now it was just the two of them, awkwardly staring at each other.  Cooper drummed his fingers on his knee as he thought about his options.  The simplest way to do this was probably the best way.  After a moment, he simply stood up.  "Yeah, I'm out," he informed Michael.  

With a sloppy and flippant two-fingered salute, he turned and exited the gazebo and began his way back towards the buildings.  

((Cooper Komorowski continued in Nevermind))
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