Taking stock

A well full of precious, clean water. Be careful, though...it might just all be some sort of clever trap.
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Post by Kaishi* »

That smile...

It was like the smile of a madman lined up for death row. Wild eyes, and everything. He wasn't even the least bit afraid of the gun pointing into his chest. Just went on talking. On and on...

Pull the trigger!

"You have been lied to about your individuality,"

Now, do it!! It was the downfall of all super heroes.

"There is no such thing as an individual and there is no such thing as you!"

Vince's fist slammed into Ryan's jaw, knocking him off of his feet and onto the grass. The gun flew out of his grasp, landing who know's where. None of this was acknowledged by Vince, who went on talking as if it hadn't even happened. If the words were all meant to break Ryan down, then they were working twentyfold.

Ever since he hit the age of twelve, he had made it a point to be his own person. Never following the crowds, making his own decisions. As long as he wasn't copying the majority, everything was fine in his world. Individuality...
There is no such thing.

"Gahck!!" He hacked up as a reflex to Vince's latest violent action, shuddering slightly.

"Well, aren't you witty." Clare! "I think it’s high time you take your leave." I knew it, I knew it. Wasn't going to die. Ryan had no sympathy for Vince and his long speech. If it had been spoken by some fictional character, he might've shed a fake tear or two. In reality, it was all too sad; like the guy was lying to make them all feel too bad to put him out of his misery.

"K-kill. . .shoot him!" Ryan's voice echoed Neville's words. Hurt him badly, Clare. Cripple him. He groaned, reaching for his gun and only getting grass. I'd do it, so you can, too.
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Post by Toukan* »

“Shoot him, Clare!”

Can I really do this? It is against everything I’ve ever been taught, everything I’ve held as good and right, pretty much everything I’ve ever believed.

“Like right now I am staring at your face instead of your nipple…which looks great by the way.”

Clare stared blankly at the intruder for a moment before she registered the light breeze against parts of her torso that should be covered. She continued to hold her gun pointed at Vince, though she shifted her left arm to cover herself from view as much as possible. Her eyes narrowed as she took a few steps forward and knelt next to Ryan.

Life is more important than pride. Life is more important than pride. She repeated the mantra in her head as her finger twitched against the trigger

“K-kill... Shoot him!”

I have to do this. I have to protect them when they need it. I swore I would, even if it was a silent vow.

The girl was still shaking visibly. Goose bumps appeared on her skin, from anxiety rather than cold, but settled into a firm stance and strengthened her grip on the shotgun. Her finger twitched against the trigger again.

“Ryan,” She whispered, barely loud enough for herself or the young man she knelt beside to hear. “Are you alright? If something happens, take my gun and shoot him.”

Without waiting for a response she stood again and took a few steps towards Vince’s retreating back.

“Turn around and face me,” Clare’s voice was cheerful, most unfitting for the situation. The grin was still plastered across her face, even if she was less confident in her actions than thirty seconds previous. “I’d rather not have to shoot you in the back.”
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Post by Buko »

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide, No escape from reality
Open your eyes, Look up to the skies and see,
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy
Because I'm easy come, easy go, Little high, little low
Any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to me, to me

“Kill me, I dare you.” Vince said his back still facing the girl and he turned around quickly “You don’t have the guts, you don’t have the gull! No one does! You know nothing of sacrifice you know nothing of pain!” Vince stared at and pointed his gun at Ryan “Pull that trigger and your friend is dead, I was trained to be tackled and tackle back, as soon as you pull that trigger your friend is dead” Vince smiled “What will you do then? I’ll be dead but at what cost…let me leave or I’ll kill your friend and shove a smoke grenade down your luscious throat.” he stared at the girl who had a smile matching his and he couldn’t help but smile wider.

Too late, my time has come
Sends shivers down my spine, body's aching all the time
Goodbye, ev'rybody, I've got to go
Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth
Mama, ooh, I don't want to die

I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all
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Post by Friendly Ghost* »

About the same time Ryan echoed it, Neville absorbed his own words. He hadn't been sure how your mind went about reeling, but this was it.

The crying kid wanted to kill too? He, Neville, had just now made the choice? He wanted to run like a plague carrier.

He looked at Clare. Were some girls born able to hold a shotgun like that? She could kill, but didn't scare him like that speech of Vincent's had. And he could see her thinking; now, here.

"You ain't crazy. Only un' sane." Neville murmured. He'd liked her hadn't he? Needed another word. He stuck a hand between his eyes and her uncovered reigion, (incidently, also covering Ryan's face) and walked forward, raising his voice;

"She's got t' guts...mate. But I'll do it, Clare, if tha'd rather. That nipple line really got me"

His offer to shoot Vince was in the casual, humble tones of one fully expected not to be required, but entirely sincere. Neville couldn't call someone a bastard whose life had been so unimaginaby worse than his, but someone with nothing to live for but death, he could shoot him.

Neville's eyes flicked over to the fifth contestant, still propped against a tree and bleeding. He should do something for him, be some use...but not till Clare had shot, or told him if he should shoot.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

( Sorry for lack of postness not that Dorian makes much of a diffrence :D )

He gave out a long line of expletives as the girl tore off into the smoke oncemore with her weapon cocked, what was she doing?! She was going to get herself killed! He watched the scene as he stood there against the tree clutching his bullet wound. Everyone looked scared and tense and the fact they were all carrying guns did not look good at all.

The movie quotes would be tossed between each other and the weapons raised.He could see the assailant now with a flicker of something behind his eyes as he could as far as Dorian could tell told them to kill him.Was everyone on the island insane.

"Y Youre not seriously going to kill him are you?" finally the strained voice of the wounded student broke the hostile envoirment with his words.

"Youre not going to kill him..He is just scared or maybe j just fucked up..You kill him and you play and you do what these bastards want you to do.You want to be a pawn of the game then be so but youre just pleasing the terrorists!" he said his voice picking up pace and with the last word he stood in silence looking a little shocked.

He heard the words and they had been in his voice but they seemed so strong for him..Oh crap here comes another bunch!

"Shoot him in the legs..Shoulder..Dont kill him.He is just another person like us! He isnt a soldier or some crazy serial killer he is just a kid... a real dickhole at that" he said as he glanced to the hole in his shoulder.

Was he pleading the case for the killer? Seemed like it but he had every reason to want him dead as much as anyone else.Maybe Dorian had managed to keep some morals in this game.Maybe he had clung onto his morals.

"Drop the gun you fucking idiot!" he screamed over at the boy who looked freakishly like the cheshire cat.This was insanity, pure unadulterated insanity.
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Post by Toukan* »

“I was trained to be tackled and tackle back, as soon as you pull that trigger your friend is dead.”

Clare heard familiar voices shouting behind her, telling her to shoot, telling her not to shoot, and generally contradicting each other. Most of them were blocked, including Neville’s offer of assistance, as she heard Vince speak of Ryan.

When did he pull out his gun?!

She tensed as her mind raced through options before she came to the only logical conclusion.

Don’t speak, just do.

With a quick movement she stepped to the side, blocking Ryan who was still sprawled on the ground, and shifted her gun to aim at the ground directly in front of Vince. In her heart of hearts she knew she was rather screwed, but she pulled the trigger anyways.


She was knocked back a step by the recoil, but it wasn't nearly as bad as expected. The sound of the shotgun blast crashed through the air and echoed off the trees, leaving an eerie silence in it’s wake.
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Post by Buko »


Vince was blown away quite literally, firing three shots as he fell to the ground a coughed up blood, he landed on a sharp rock that pierced his chest, the rock went right through his chest and Vince managed to cough up quite a lot of blood. His gun still laid in his left hand and he smiled has he lifted it up and shot an entire round save one bullet into various directions of the group, Vince Samsa was the boy that no one loved the boy who had done almost nothing but screw people over in this game…and it was no surprise that he was dying.

Has he lifted himself up from the lock and looked at the group calmly he smiled has he put a gun into his mouth. “I’m sorry if I screwed you over, I’m sorry if I missed you up…just please give my mother a hug for me…give my mother a hug for me…” , but it was no use with a gun in your mouth you can only speak in vowels...Vince pulled the trigger and the pressure from the bullet caused his head to explode killing him almost instantly.

And when he died he remembered his mother, holding him and kissing him on the cheek ”I love you Vince…” Vince Samsa was at peace.

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Post by Toukan* »

Of the three additional shots fired, two struck a living target. Clare fell to the ground as a bullet struck her right thigh and a second grazed her left side, just below the underarm seam in her camisole. Her eyes closed tight as hot tears streamed down her face again, so she did not see Vince sit up again.

“I’m sorry if I screwed you over, I’m sorry if I missed you up…just please give my mother a hug for me…give my mother a hug for me…”

Her eyes opened at the words and she stared as another gunshot cracked through the air. It was surreal. Blood, brain, and chips of bone scattered through the air behind Vince as the bullet pierced his skull. Her eyes widened in shock as the tears continued to spill from her eyes. She struggled to move towards the fallen boy.

“You can’t be dead. I didn’t mean for you to die!” Clare grabbed his shirt and shook him as if trying to rouse him from sleep. The shear inhumanity of the situation hit her and her smile returned, followed by soft laughter which grew every passing moment. “You bastard,” She dipped her right index finger into the blood spilling from the wound on her left side and drew crimson spots her eyes. “Because of this I’ll never be myself again.”

She crawled back over to the red-head, still crying, still bleeding, and still laughing. The shotgun was still strapped to her arm, but forgotten for the moment.

“Are you alright, Ryan?” She clutched at his shoulders and looked him in the eye. ”Please tell me you’re alright.”
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Post by Kaishi* »

It took a while for Ryan's mind to register what was happening.

Shouting, Clare and her shotgun, then the sound of it going off like an explosive clap. And then, Vince talked; dying. Another clap, less of an explosion this time, and then...

“Are you alright, Ryan?”

What did you do, Clare?

"Please tell me you're alright."

What have you done?! "I'm okay...." His lying on the ground had blocked him from seeing what had happened, leaving him to only wonder and assume. "What happened?" Ryan pulled himself up into a sitting position.

Vince Samsa, the boy that had been threatening to kill Ryan and his allies, was dead. His face was gone, torn away by his own bullet. That was the worst of all the damage done to him since Ryan had last seen him for himself. No glory...

Ryan bit the inside of his cheek to keep from vomitting. "Clare, what did you do?!" No one else had a gun that could deal that much hurt. All the evidence was pointing to her and the buckshot. He lowered his tone to a more gentler one and continued, "Did you kill?"
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

He flinched at the shot and clutched at his own wound even tighter at the sound of the gunshot as if it was he was being shot, the wound bled and his eyes opened to look towards the boy.Clare had fired and hit but he was still breathing, before he could let out a sigh of release the boy would be raising his pistol to his mouth.

"Oh sh--" the gun went off and the back of the boys head would detach itself from the rest of the head in a nasty explosion inside of the boys mouth.

He watched the girl shake the girl and yell and the others throw up but he just stood there.This was the second student he had seen killed and on the first he had thrown up and been scared but on this one he simply turned his head to look at Ryan and Clare.

"People will h-h-have heard the gunshots..Lets Move?" He said slipping onto a new conversation.She had killed a life..she could kill again..maybe something was sparked with firing that weapon but he tried to push those thoughts away for now.
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Post by Toukan* »

“I didn’t,” Clare choked. “I couldn’t do it, so I shot at the ground.” She covered her eyes with her hands and bowed her head, the deranged laughter dissolving into hiccupping sobs much like Ryan’s just a short while before. “H-he did it himself.”

She shook her head and looked up at Ryan again. The blood on her palms stained crimson circles around her eyes, making her distraught face look even more haunted.

“People will h-h-have heard the gunshots…Lets move?”

Clare nodded as her eyes flickered towards the other members of the party, all of whom were looking rather worse for wear. Her wounds still burned and the feeling was only intensifying as the adrenaline worked it’s way out of the system. She attempted to stand, but got half way to her feet and cried out as her right leg buckled underneath her.

“Fuck!” She closed her eyes and clamped her hands down over the two freshest wounds.

I need to get up or I’ll die.

She struggled back into a kneeling position.

Pain is temporary, I need to work through it and if I don’t die it will leave.

“Can I get a hand here?” She grunted as she bit back another shout, but she didn’t fall again.
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Post by Slayer* »

OOC: Continued from Starin' Down the Barrel of a .45...
IC: Jason had gotten lost quickly after killing Satomi. He really didn't care where he ended up though, so it wasn't too much of a problem. He had recently heard several gunshots at the well, so he had redirected himself to there. Cresting a hill, he finally reached the destination and was looking through the trees at a small group talking amongst themselves (apparently unaware of his presence, though one boy's comment about someone hearing the shots was rather ironic in his opinion) and a bloodied corse impaled on a rock with its head exploded.

Looks like they've killed. I'll need to be careful. he thought. Positioning himself behind a tree, he saw that the girl had a shotgun, and was thusly the biggest threat. Raising the Uzi, he fired a five round burst into the group, not caring who he hit but angling the bullets at the girl.

I don't want to die! I have to survive, no matter what! If I have to kill everyone on this goddamned island to do so, so be it!
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Post by Friendly Ghost* »

(ooc: I need to start getting up earlier in the morning! I think two wounding shots out of five on auto will be enough; we're quite cut up enough already, though toukan's machoism has to be comended!)

Shooting a man; it read better than it looked. Neville looked numbly at Clare for a few minutes. He ought to be helping her, or one of the other guys; but all he wanted to do was tell her things were okay. Since that was the hardest thing he could possibly do.

Coming to his senses, he ran towards Clare, ashamed that she needed to ask for help, though not altoghether sure what he should do. He was standing over her when something like a pair of cricket balls seemed to hit him in the shoulder. Before he'd even felt suprise, the next round of gunshots echoed out.

This. Neville thought as he tottered momentarily, is too much. He couldn't even see the shooter, but fired over Clare's head in the direction of the rapid-fire, just to buy some cover. He wanted to shout run, he wanted to roar like a lion. But all he could hear was a high-pitched whimper.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

Silence fell on the group finally and even though his arm was screaming at him to find a doctor they had survived.The group would take him now wouldnt they? he had helped them..well he had tried."A coward like you couldnt help anyone, a little baby isnt good to anyone and the sooner they realize that the better!" sauid his sub-concious to himself.

He was alive and maybe he had found some people he could trust and they had guns to protect themselves..maybe he could get back to his original idea of escape.

Pleasent thoughts were shattered at the sound of more gunfire.

God must really hate him he thought as the sound of the Uzi being fired was heard and the boy was shot in the shoulder but somehow managed to fire back although even from his stationary position he couldnt see who it was.

What could he do to help them? They were out in the open and someone with a firearm was shooting but they hadnt noticed him.A rock would be picked up and thrown into the direction of the shots as he would yell out.

"Come and Get me! Shooting a girl! Shame on you!" these were stupid words but the bravest he could force out as he ran towards the treeline, further down it away from the shooter.Maybe he could draw attention?
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