Girl #30: Awakening


A rather makeshift hospital. It's small, and has only one room to it, much like the school building. The hospital's white tiled walls seem to scream for some color... maybe you can provide? Inside, the hospital has many first aid kits, many of which are empty. If you're lucky enough, you can find something helpful in this building.
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Girl #30: Awakening


Post by JayneBrown* »

((OOC, I'm supposed to wait to be added to the roster, but I'm impatient. Plus I'm not going to be about for one or two days. I make no sense. Shun me if needs be :unsure: ))

Jayne stirred as if from a bad dream. She had been lying on the ground for... God only knows how long. She sat up, trying to get her bearings. She rubbed her eyes and looked around. Where the hell was this place? There was sea and grass, and... and...

As if lightning had struck, the memory of everything that had happened before she was knocked unconscious come back to her. She clutched her neck, and felt the dull metallic collar fastened there clink oppressively against her skin. She sat bolt upright, her eyes wide and staring, her nose twitching in fear in such a way that she resembled a rabbit. A rabbit that was about to be hunted. She looked at to her side and saw her school bag, and next to it? Yes... yes, that was the bag that that man had talked about. Rations and a weapon.

Instinctively, she grabbed it, and began to toy with the zip... but no. No, she wasn't going to open it. There was every chance that this was some sort of elaborate hoax, something that was just set up to scare her. Well, it was working. But opening that bag, that would be disaster. It's tantamount to Pandora's box, she mused. If I open it, I know bad stuff's going to happen, and there's no going back...

No going back. She instinctively thought about everyone close to her. Her parents, her brother... her sister and baby nephew... and her boyfriend. She wasn't going to see any of these people again...
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Post by JayneBrown* »

There was a commotion from nearby, and Jayne whipped around to face it... there was something going on in that building... but what? She was not entirley sure she wanted to find out, being scared and confused. But maybe she could go and find somebody? Yeah, yeah she would have to do so... it was pretty scary, and she couldn't play this game alone. But who?

Instinctively, when she thought of the concept of murder and fighting, she thought of boys. Could she trust them? At first, she thought that she couldn't... but then, surely girls wouldb want to survive this game as much as anybody. It was pretty grim, but she realised she couldn't trust anyone. But either way, she needed to find somebody she could stay with; not a friend perhaps, but maybe an ally, someone whom she felt wouldn't kill her, and wanted to escape as badly as she did. But escape was impossible. Then what could she do?

A boy left the building. She looked at him, though he didn't seem to have spotted her. Could she trust him? Immediately, she chose not to move. The building had fallen silent. Whatrever had been going on in there had quite clearly ended, and now this boy was leaving, without any real signs of distress? But... there had been gunshots... she had definately heard gunshots. Was this guy playing the game? Had he killed everyone inside the building, and leaving to find more prey? She shivered, feeling herself swoon on the spot, as if her face was deraining of blood and she was losing her balance. No, this was something she could not stomach, and perhaps it was sixth sense, perhaps it was something else she couldn't place, but something was telling her not to go to the boy who was leaving.

So was it safe to enter that building? Whether or not she liked the idea, she would have to check her weapon... she unzipped the bag, felt her bottles of water, something grainy which must be bread, and...

Her hand fell across something made of glass with a bit of fluid weight to it. She took it out and examined the bottle. In spite of herself, she let out a giggle. Vodka. She'd been given a bottle of booze to use somehow. Well... maybe if she got totally smashed she wouldn't mind that her impending death so much. But she shooke the thought away; it was utterly irrelevant. At the moment she was totally exposed, and she needed to find somwhere to hide. it would have to be that building.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

((Continued from: G19 - Stings like a Bitch))

Was the hospital safer? Yes it was a building with a lock on the door and nice big brick walls to stop you but there was no hiding a building the size of the hospital from view.Everyone for a mile or so would be able to see it and would run inside of it for somwhere to sleep..cook..plan or in many peoples case just reload.

He was still there.His ally gone,His weapons and his extra amounts of food still there through.He could last a while here if he wanted but that was the problem he wasnt sure what he wanted.You fought to continue breathing but he wasnt sure he wanted this much, this whole game had seemed more video gameish before Elise`s death.It had seemed like a elimination game of timesplitters or quake or something but when the buckshot tore into that girls torso reality smacked him upside the head.

With the bodies spread all around him and some blood splattered on his white shirt he would sit there thinking to himself silently.The Colts loaded barrels being snapped to the side and continually spun with a nice smooth oiled sound.What would he look like? Dirt on his shoes,blood on his shirt and a nice red graze under his right eye with a thin line of blood trickling down his face from it.

He couldnt stay here and although walking and thinking werent the safest combination he would be forced to he couldnt sit here with a gun and a number of corpses around him.Two of the corpses dead from gunshot wounds,the shots not fired from his gun but as if anyone would ask.They would either attack or run.His map would be plucked from his backpack,eyes narrowed at the map as if searching for it push forth somewhere for him to go as he sucked on a cancer stick,lungs filling with smoke as he did so.The warehouse..big place,lots of cover and maybe just maybe he would get some food which was eadible.

Map tucked away and his carton of cigarettes oncemore appearing he was ready to go.One cigarette was pulled from the pack and then slid between the cold dead lips of Elise Aversano."`s on me,Porky..Here let me" he said as he would pull a lighter from his pocket and light the cancer stick for her.Cabinets were pulled open and a few read labels scanned.Some asprin,some morphene and a couple drugs he didnt bother to pronounce would be put into his bag.The undesirable named ones hoped to be poisionous,you could never have to many weapons.Cigarettes and lighter put away he would pick up the colt and be out of the hospital in a matter of moments.Moving from the hospital into the brush,the warehouse wasnt too far away.He could be there for nightfall if he pushed himself.

((Continued in: Starting Place for B#54))
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Post by Swoosh* »

((Continued from: Girl 15: Game Start))

Callum was out of breath. He had been running, relentlessly searching, and still no Beth. His sights came upon a small building, or rather, what was left of it. Bulletshots riddled the walls, and he was fairly certain he could see something resembling blood on the walls.

Callum decided to go inside the building. Maybe there was someone in there who could help him out finding Beth.

He carefully pushed the door open. The white tiled walls and medicine cabinets suggested to Callum that this was a hospital, albeit a small one. He looked around.

The first thing he saw was a body. A guy's body. He walked over to it. What the hell was this place?? Kids were just so willing to kill each other... he wondered if they, like himself, were all as clueless as to how and why they were here.

That didn't matter for now. He had to find Beth, before she ended up as dead as this guy. He looked around again, to see a girl outside.

He looked around quickly. He'd obviously come in through the backdoor.... had she noticed him? He waited quietly to find out.
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Post by JayneBrown* »

And trhere goes someone else... damn!

Jayne saw how a second boy had left the building, and dived out of sight just in time. Yeah, she had heard gunshots, so she was anxious about what she would find inside the building. After waiting a few moments to ensure the coast was clear, she scampered through the door, only to be greeted by a very metallic smell: the stench of blood.

Her nose wrinkled as she investigated the smell. But as her eyes landed on a door, she saw there was a boy inside, looking at her. How long had he been standing there? And why didn't he say anything?
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Post by Swoosh* »

Well, this wasn't Beth. This was just someone else. Callum was getting quite frustrated at the lack of success in finding her, but felt obliged to say something to this girl.

"Um, hi," he said awkwardly. This girl didn't appear to have any weapons that he could see either. What was it with these girls and their lack of weaponry??

He slipped his brass knuckles back into his pocket. He had no intentions of using them now, especially on a girl.
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Post by JayneBrown* »

The girl herself was not quite so keen on meeting this boy. Sure, he didn't look like he was a threat, but that was hardly reassuring, as the stench of blood had intensified once he had opened the door fully. She hadn't seen anyone else enter the building, so had he been here all this time? Had he really been here when the bullets were flying? he seemed unharmed, but does that mean that...

Does that mean he was the killer?

"Who are you? What's going on here?" Jayne stumbled back, looking for anything that she could use to defend herself. "What's going on? Where is this place?"

The boy looked at her appraisingly. He seemed to be taken aback somewhat, and put his hands forward calmingly. "Hey, hey... I've just got here... the back entrance was open, and I thought I could enter it for a bit of security." His eyes seemed slightly watery. "I... I heard gunshots, and... and I came to investigate once it all went quiet but... but then I saw you come in and..."

He waved his hands lamely as indication that he had finished his sentence. Jayne looked at him suspiciously. He seemed like he was being sincere, only... could this be true?

"Slowly... slowly... empty your bag. Drop it on the floor. i want to see what weapons you have."

The boy seemed slightly reluctant, but he crouched down and carefully took out his supplies. Bread. Water. A map. Some brass knuckles. A torch. Compass. And...

"What's that?" Jayne was pointing at the small container in his hand. It was plasic, and from her position, she couldn't see the lable.

"It's some kind of poison. This was my weapon; I just found these things lying around." He was now indicating the brass objects, only to seemingly be struck with a look of realisation. he didn't knwow hat her weapon was. As if reading his thoughts, Jayne opened her bag, and showed him the bottle.

"Death by Smirnoff?"
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Post by Swoosh* »

Callum looked at the bottle.

Beth... he had to look for Beth... He liked alcohol though. It made his friends go away when they wouldn't leave him be. Yeah, getting drunk could be fun... but Beth...

What should he do? He sat down to clear his thoughts. Skip came and sat down next to him. Callum visibly brightened, and he turned to greet his friend.

"Hey, Skip, you're back!"
Skip nodded. "Sure am, kiddo."
Completely ignoring his potential new drinking companion, he spoke to Skip. "Skip, what should I do?"
"Hmm. I heard about your predicament..."

That was exactly what Callum liked best about Skip. Whenever he was confused, Skip was there to help him sort things out.

Skip continued. "You're worried about Beth? Don't be, I'll look after her for a bit. You can have fun drinking."
Callum grinned. "You sure you'll take care of her? I have to save her, you know... it's really important..."
"You can count on me, kid. She'll be safe until you're ready to save her." Skip smiled and patted Callum on the back, and dissappeared as Callum turned to face the girl.

"Skip says it's OK!" he said excitedly. "I can get drunk, he'll keep Beth safe until I'm ready!"

Not waiting for a reaction, he looked around. They would be pretty vunerable if they were found drunk in a hosptial. They needed to be safe. Callum went to grab a table to put against the door, when he found a girl behind it.... although smiling, she was obviously dead, probably due to the large stomach wound she was sporting. His eyes widened for a minute, before quickly dismissing that it wasn't Beth. This girl's hair was curly. Beth's was definitely straight... or was it? The image of her was from so long ago... oh well. This wasn't Beth, whoever it was, they weren't needing this table. Callum grabbed it and moved it near the door, and the dead girl slumped to the floor, still with the eerie smile.

"Help me barricade the doors so we can drink in peace?" he asked the girl.

((yeah, sorry that took so long, I got an offer to go to Japan with someone, bit high on the drama))
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Post by JayneBrown* »

A barricade?

Jayne obliged and helped the boy ram the back and front doors shut, trying to blot out the grim sight of a body lying on the floor. Did she even want to see what had happened to it? She had never seen a dead body before. How many would she encounter until she became one. Would she ever make one? Let's hope not.

She looked at the boy she was with. there was something quite childish about his demeanour. Had he honestly just talked to himself about whether or not to trust her? Who the hell was this Skip person? Could it be... could it really be..?

Could it be that this boy has an imaginary friend?

This guy seems kinda sweet, Jayne thought to herself. I guess I probably could trust boys after all.

Jayne looked in the cabinets around the walls... a few glass tumblers were in there along with some other medical supplies. She took the tumblers down and placed them on the table in the room where she had first encountered the boy, the boy whose name turned out to be Callum. She really didn't want to be drinking the vodka right now, but she was quite thirsty, and hopefully it would calm her nerves?

The boy Callum had returned, with a bottle of what was unmistakably lemonade. Jayne's jaw dropped.

"Where did you find that?"
"There was a drawer near the back. I guess it was probably used to hold drinks. This one was unopened," he said, suddenly frowning. "It's warm, though."
"It doesn't really matter," Jayne said with a shrug, suddenly feeling a prickle on the back of her neck, as if she were being watched. She looked around, and her eyes finally restred upon some sort of security camera hidden in the corner of the room. She screwed her brow at it, remembering suddenly the video of the boy with the fork. So they were recording it. Bastards.

"Sod it. Double vodka and lemonade, love?"
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Post by Swoosh* »

(( you know, before today, I had no idea what 'dialogue'ing was, and now I know only too well :P By the way, there are three bodies: Elise's *sob*, Van Garrett's and some boy's. Right, I'll post some more tomorrow, this is kinda crap but I gotta be up in six hours to go to Wales, hurrah!))

Callum opened the lemonade with a satisfying fizz. At least it wasn't flat then. He poured a little into the glass tumblers whilst smiling. Hey, maybe if he got drunk enough he could just forget about this whole game! If they got everyone drunk... but they only had one bottle. Hmm. Maybe some of the others got some alcohol as well?

He was about to take the vodka from Jayne when he heard it again... the screaming. Beth?....

Help me... Callum, help me...

He looked around. He couldn't see Beth anywhere... he closed his eyes tightly to try and shut out the screaming...

"SKIP IS LOOKING AFTER YOU!!!" he roared, when the screaming did not cease.

He opened his eyes to find Jayne staring at him in surprise. He didn't care about that, Beth was in trouble...

"I have to go..." he said, distractedly. "Skip's not taking care of her properly..."

He began to remove some of the tables blocking the door. He had to save Beth....

He had to.


Angharad Davies was done with waiting. She had been waiting for someone to tell her what the hell was going on, why she was on some psycho island where people were willing to kill each other, waiting for someone to help her, even talk to her. But she had seen nothing but dead bodies ever since she'd woken up, and now she was done with it. She had to find someone...

She came upon the small building and heard noises inside. "Cach!!" (shit!!) she hissed to herself, and grabbed for her cat claws, her weapon. She wasn't sure how exactly one used them, but that wasn't important right now.

She crept up to the building and heard scuffling noises, like something was being moved. Pressing herself against the walls, she noticed the bulletholes embedded in them.

So someone's had a party here, then...

She waited nervously for the noises to stop.

((wait until I get back if you wanna dialogue Callum or Angharad... I'm not sure how this is gonna go...))
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

OOC: coming from the lighthouse

It seemed like all stevan did on this island was walk. He had walked from the lighthouse back to the hospital, it seemed it should be safe their now, people walking in to see three corpses would preobally walk straight out the door again.

He soon reached the hospital door and stood in the doorway. His gun held in one hand aimed to the floor. He would speak. "Hello in there" He softly said. The glasses were still on top of his head and keeping the hair from his eyes. his bag straps were latched over both his shoulders for better comfort and mobility.

He wrapped the strap of his shot gun over his right shoulder as he would reveal the cancer stick box from his jeans pocket, one wou;d be taken out and lit, The cherry burning every so brightly in the darkness of the hospital, it had started tostink in here now with the three corpses littering the area like a plague.
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Post by JayneBrown* »

From behind the barricaded door, Jayne heard a voice murmur something softly. There was someone there. A boy? Yeah, she was with Callum, but someone else? She had been lucky with Callum, but she was sure that that luck would not repeat itself again. The interval between the gunshots and now was something she couldn't ignore; this guy may have heard the shots and come to pick off any stragglers.

Jayne shook her head at Callum, her eyes wide, and pointed beneath the table. He understood, and scrambled into the hiding position. What if this guy was playing the game? How could she and Callum defend themselves from an assault where their best weapon was a pair of brass knuckles? She tucked her knees behind a cabinet and crouched, covering her mouth with her hand to stifle the sound of her breathing.

And hoping... just hoping...
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Post by Swoosh* »

From behind the barricaded door, Jayne heard a voice murmur something softly. There was someone there. A boy? Yeah, she was with Callum, but someone else? She had been lucky with Callum, but she was sure that that luck would not repeat itself again. The interval between the gunshots and now was something she couldn't ignore; this guy may have heard the shots and come to pick off any stragglers.

Jayne shook her head at Callum, her eyes wide, and pointed beneath the table. He understood, and scrambled into the hiding position. What if this guy was playing the game? How could she and Callum defend themselves from an assault where their best weapon was a pair of brass knuckles? She tucked her knees behind a cabinet and crouched, covering her mouth with her hand to stifle the sound of her breathing.

And hoping... just hoping...
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

Stevan waited for an answer but the one he got was unexpected. The voice of a girl came from behind him, it sounded sort of distressed. He stood exactly where he was facing the hospital. His head tuned slightly to where he thought the voice came from, the bushes.
He saw a blurred figure stand up. His gun would be taken from hsi shoulder and held tightly in one hand, better safe than sorry. His cancer stick was again brought to his lips as he took another drag releasing the smoke in a grey haze.

He turned to look the girl straight in the face, His shotgun held at his hip slightly aiming in the direction of the girl. "What are you doing out here all alone?" he said as he stole some more smoke from his cigarette.

There must be people inside, Last time he was here there were no barricades and now there was a girl outside, hopefully this wasnt a gang or he'd be proper fucked.
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Post by Swoosh* »

The way he said that was almost serial killer, Angharad thought to himself. It was the typical scene from a horror film; a young girl finds herself without her friends, and the scary guy finds her and kills her horribly, only to get ultimately killed by her friends. She wondered if her boyfriend would be worrying about her...

That gun was a little too close to her for comfort. She edged slowly to the side, to avoid the aim.

"I'm by myself. I have no one..." she said. She eyed the gun nervously.

"You wanna point that thing somewhere else?"
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