Girl #30: Awakening


A rather makeshift hospital. It's small, and has only one room to it, much like the school building. The hospital's white tiled walls seem to scream for some color... maybe you can provide? Inside, the hospital has many first aid kits, many of which are empty. If you're lucky enough, you can find something helpful in this building.
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

Stevan smiled. "All alone eh?" he said as he took a drag from his fag.
The gun was pointed up at the girls head "This any better? For all i know you have a gun aimed at me through your bag or soemthing? show your weapon and i might drop mine depending on what you got"

Stevan stared coldly inbto the girls eyes, his cigarette would be held between his lips and now both hands were holding his gun up. His fingers tapping on the barrel, He was a verey unpatient boy.
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Angharad glared at this boy. He thought he could go around pointing his gun at people and get them to do what he wanted? What an asshole!! It was people like him that got Angharad the angriest.

"Rwyt ti'n esgys fach pathetic am dyn..." (you're a pathetic excuse for a man...) she muttered to herself. She was fairly certain this boy didn't understand what she was saying, and it made her rage calm down ever so slightly.

She was a clever girl, and she knew that her measly cat claws were far outweighed by this new boy's gun. She wasn't about to show her weapon to him. Think fast, girl.

"I don't have a weapon. I did have a knive," she said, thinking on her feet, "but some jackass stole it from me. I don't have anything."

As if to comfirm, she raised her hands from her sides, her cat claws still concealed in her trouser legs should she need them. She smiled at the boy in a way that she hoped would make him leave her alone.
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"Ok look i dont want to kill anyone ok its just im scared in this place. Ive already had people shooting at me and i didnt want you to be the next one"

He looked at the girl as he slowly lowered his spas 12. His cigareetes would be flciked over the girls head and hissed as it landed in a small puddle of rain. "Please help me? im just looking for somwhere safe and this looks like a good safehouse"

Stevan was obviously lying, he had already killed in this place but he couldent have everyone he met know he was a cold blooded killer.
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"Sorry, I prefer to act alone." Angharad's voice was light but her face indicated that her descision was final.

"Now, if you wanna let me be on my way..." she hoped she'd bought the poeple inside enough time to escape. She had been deliberately talking loudly as to give them warning as to people were outside, she wasn't sure how well it had worked.

Her hands reached into her pocket, just in case this boy did not wish to let her go.
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No allience then? just aswell, stevans alliances didnt seem to tun out to be the best, preacher(Jacob), peri and there was elise.

"Fine then just keep an eye out for the psychopaths lurking around"
His gun was strapped arund his shoulder as he tunred and walked to the door. he pushed it slghtly but it wouldent budge. Stevan mustered up all his stregnth and with one har dlong pull the door opened slightly, just enough for him to slide through.

"Dont shoot im coming in" would be said he his gun would be first to enter the building followed by his body. As he got in he turned around to push the door shut but not with out that psycho smile and a wink to the girl outside.

Stevan turned to see a girl standing alone in the shadows and a boy hiding under a table. Pathetic losers.

His gun was taken from his shoulder and raised into the air in a gesture of peace. "Um you can come from under the table now im not going to hurt any of you"
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Relieved at the lack of comfrontation, Angharad's hand slipped back out from her pockets. The cat claws could stay there for now. Smiling slightly, she walked off, not seeing Stevan's unnerving wink.

((Continued in On My Own- http://s10.PLACEHOLDERLINK/SurvivalOfTheF...showtopic=358))


Callum's thoughts of saving and protecting Beth were interrupted by the door being pushed open. Obviously well barricaded, Callum thought. He raised his fists slightly... whoever just pushed their way in must be pretty strong, there were still a fair few tables in front of that door. They must be trouble, Callum thought.

At the sight of a gun, Callum flinched slightly. He had been expecting there to be some firearms sooner or later. He did not move until the stranger was inside the room, previously their stronghold.

"If you're not intending to hurt us, then why come here?" Callum asked, with an even, no nonsense tone, as if it was an obvious question to ask. He cast a quick look at Jayne to check if she was OK... she seemed fine. For now, anyway.
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As stevan saw the boy raise his fists he spoke "Wow there mr chewey cheeks! if i wanted to kill you i would have shot you both right now, im just like yo. im looking for a safehouse"

Stevan looked around the room seeing the corpses and then eliseshidden in the corner. He had to held back his smile.
"Although this place doesnt look to safe with the bodies everywhere" He said with a comic tone "Do you two midn if i join you? i promise on my life im not going to hurt you" The gun would be placed around his shoulder again as he sat down on the cold dusty floor crossed legged and his hands under his chin.
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Callum raised his eyebrows. "We're not really looking for much company right now..."

There was something about this guy that Callum didn't quite like. He had heard the conversation outside between this boy and some girl, and although his interest was lit up by the fact that this girl could be the mysterious Beth, he was still cautious about trusting this guy.

"But anyway. I have places to be..." Callum stood up, slowly, never letting this boy out of his sight. "...people to find..."

Callum... help me, Callum...

He walked over to where the boy was sat. Right in front of the door, great.

"Do you wanna move, or am I going to have to make you?"
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Jayne was still tucked away. She knew that the boy had spotted her, and that she knew he had a gun. She didn't want to die. Not here, not now. So why the hell was Callum going near to him?

The other boy... he was saying words, but the tone with which he said them didn't seem to match up. There was something missing, and she knew it was a bad omen. But surely, if this guy was determined to get in, he would. The best thing she could do is defend herself.

And put down the glass of drink she had been gripping for the duration.

Behaving as naturally as she could, Jayne slinked over to the desk where the brass knuckes were lying unused, and plamed it as the new boys eyes were fixed on Callum, who was in conversation with him. A perfect cover in which she clasped one of the metallic contraptions; it was cold, a dead weight in her hands. Behaving as naturally as she could, she slipped to the side of Callum, and pressed the weapon into his hand.

Keep eye contact. Better to be safe than sorry.
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

Stevan came in with good intentions but now he was being threatened? Why did he have to threaten him? the anger wouls start to kick in as he slowly picked himself up of the floor and stood just a meter away from callum and the other girl, His shotgun held firmly in his hands.

He looked callum dead in the eye with a look that would strike fear into anyone. "Dont threaten me little boy, I dont like it! I could shoot you both in a hot minute but i dont really want to right now" he leant on the barracaded door with his shotgun raised but not in an intentionally offensive way..

His sleeves would be raised to his elbows showing off those many deep pink scarrs that riddled his pale arms. He already had one corpse lying in the room that was his. Would he make it three now? maybe he'd have to with the way this boy was acting towards him. Its not as if he didnt have the firepower or the will to do it but for now he wnated just an ally or two, someone to watch his back for a day or two.
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Callum was about to say something when Stevan reminded him of Jayne. He had taken his brass knuckles from her gratefully. He might of needed those.

But would being aggressive put her in danger? It was one thing putting himself up for the chopping block, but someone else as well... he couldn't really risk it.

Turning to face Stevan, he spoke calmly. It was true that Stevan could kill him where he stood. He had to be careful..

And then it came back again... she was stood, this time, next to where the boy was leaning defiantly. She was still looking at the floor... if she would only look up, he could see who to look for...

Callum.... help me, Callum... I'm in trouble...

He had to get out of here. Beth needed him. Callum suddenly felt rage surge up, and glared at the boy stoppig him from saving Beth.

"Look. You can stay here and be trigger happy all you want, but NOT with me, NOT with her, and NOT now. I got places to be. If you don't move, then my fist," Callum sharply raised his hand with the brass knuckles attatched, "will find itself coming out the back of your head. Capeesh?"
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Why did he keep doing this? didnt he actually WANT to die? If he kept going any longer he fucking would be....But hey why not spare the tention and just do it?.

£You watch you fuckin mouth" Would be said sharply and quickly. His eyes gleamed with hatrid for the new boy. His gun was gripped tightly in his hands as he pushed it fast towards the boy and the girl pushing them away from stevan and nearly half way accross the room. He would lean take a few side steps away from the door.
"You wanna fuckin leave then fuckin leave...Just dont come crying to me when you have a bullet through your face"He said before cocking that spas 12 of his with that satisfying click sound.
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Callum was getting more and more angry by the second. Every moment he wasted dealing with this fuckwit, Beth could be in danger. She could be dying. And this jackass was just being that, a jackass.

"Are you going to be the one behind the trigger?" Callum asked, glaring at this boy. "Come on, you didn't come here to make friends, you came here to shoot us down..."

He looked around the room. The girl with half her face missing, the strangled boy, the smiling corpse of the girl... how many of these had actually deserved to die? None of them, Callum decided, but it was people like this guy that was speeding up their sell by date. Could he be the one hurting Beth?... nonetheless, this guy was bad news.

"Come on," Callum yelled, getting irate, "how many more have you killed? Any of these??" He gestured angrily to the bodies scattered on the floor. He realised he was getting out of control, and that he was jepordizing Jayne's life... but he couldn't stop. It was like he was on centre stage; all eyes were on him.

He had to save Beth...
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Stevan took the glasses from his head and folded them with one hand and placed them in his pocket. "I've been shot at, left alone and walking in the rain for fuck knows how long and right now i cant be dealing with some fucking scared kid ok?" Deep breathes were taken into his tar filled lungs to try and calm him. It didnt word at all, This boy had taken anger to a knew level and he could end it all, just pull the trigger.

"Like ive said before just get the fuck out if you want to go and stop starting shit with me, you wont win with those little knuckle dusters" would be said in a calm manner, Yet threatening.

He would lean back on the cold brick wall of the hospital, the bullet holes all around his head and everywhere else for that matter. The bodies on the floor, were they his? yes, only one of them though, the smiling corpse. Torture was fun especially to someone who thinks your dead, that kind of stuff will really mess with someones mind.
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Callum walked towards the door. There really was no time for this. He wasn't in the mood for this boy's life story. He paused just next to where the boy was stood, almost in a cocky way, and spoke softly;

"I'm not here to 'win'. I don't know why I'm here. I don't know how I got here, where I am, or much else for that matter, but I do know one thing; I'm not here to win. I could never take a human life."

He rubbed his hands, fully armed with the brass knuckles. "My weapons may not be the best, but that doesn't matter to me. I don't need to kill. Do you?"

He turned to face Jayne, who had been quiet during this whole confrontation. "I'm sorry, but Beth needs me."

Looking at the door, he added one last thought, "Take care, now." And with that, he ran out of the door.

((haha, Callum's gone, where, I don't know yet. Byee! Edit- he went here- http://s10.PLACEHOLDERLINK/SurvivalOfTheF...10&st=120&#last ))
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