Girl #30: Awakening


A rather makeshift hospital. It's small, and has only one room to it, much like the school building. The hospital's white tiled walls seem to scream for some color... maybe you can provide? Inside, the hospital has many first aid kits, many of which are empty. If you're lucky enough, you can find something helpful in this building.
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Post by JayneBrown* »

Jayne lopoked on as the boy she had just befriended walked out, abandoning her. So now it was just her and the other boy, Steven. And typically, Callum had just walked out with the brass knuckles, meaning Jayne was effectively defenceless... she crumbled inside a little on realising this, although it was probably the effect of the vodka. She looked at the bottle, and back at Steven, and pointed at the spirit.

"Seeing that you're here, fancy a drink?"
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

"Sorry about that.....He angered me a lil!" he said lowering his shotgun as he sat down. The hood of his unzipped hoodie would be brought over his head as he did so. He sat there with his legs crossed and holding his shotgun, but on the floor, Barrel facing towards the ceiling.

"Under other circumstances yes i would but i dont wanrt to get pissed while on the SOTF you? maybe i might think it funny to shoot you if i got drunk?" He said. His eyes were shadowed because of the hood. "For all i know theres poisen in that drink? How can you really trust anyone on this island?"
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Post by JayneBrown* »

Jayne thought carefully about what this guy was saying. He seemed to be of a similar mindet to herself, only being more affront about it. Hell, one of them has to be affront about stuff like that, and it was better than sitting in silence. This guy did have a gun. She had the vodka. But... what did he say about poison? Did Callum take that with him when he left? Whatever. She would never poison anybody, even if he had left it.

This guy had asked her a question, and she realised the pause was growing long. He was giving her a hostile stare, but with the aid of the alcohol inside her, she plucked up the courage to speak to the boy.
"I... I guess we can't trust anyone. Sorry, that I can't trust anyone. No, you... can I start again?"

The boy's facial expression didn't change much, although his lips appeared to thin a little. Jayne continued with what she was saying.
"Nobody can fully trust anyone in this place, i don't think... but frankly, this whole thing is fucking horrible, and... and... and if drinking takes my mind of the situation for a while, then so be it!"

She slapped the empty glass down on the table. "Besides. This bottle of vodka was my weapon. For me, it's drink or fight. I'm choosing drink. Join me if you want."
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

His face slowly changed to that of anger as the girl tried to speak, Obviously the vodka didnt help the speech thing.As she finished her little speach he sat up straight and fast, he leaned over to her staring her straight dead in the face and spoke.
"Listen to me, you may have vodka but i have a gun and for me the only option is to fight to survive, You join me and we ditch the booze?"

He reached for the booze and lightly grab it by the neck of the bottle. The struggle wasnt taking candy from a baby. He slowly started to tip it out bit by bit.

It was the worst option she had on the island but now she had a future ally with a gun? Stevan felt some slight pitty for this girl. She had been dropped off here to be slaughtered and she had degraded herself to drinking herslef to death.
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Post by JayneBrown* »

Jayne's feeble wrestle with the bottle was short-lived, but on his pouring it out, she grappled with the body of the bottle, twisting it to near-upright. Perhaps half of the contents had been splattered over the floor.

"Right... give it HERE," she shrieked and yanked it out of the boy's hands again. "I don't want to fight, but... but I don't want to die either. I'll join you. But I'll carry the bottle with me, so if anyone asks me what my weapon is for whatever reason... then I'd have something to show."

Reluctantly, she screwed on the bottle's lid and put it into her kit bag. So this guy didn't want to fight either? No, no he did want to fight, but... but he hadn't shot her on sight. That was a good thing, yeah?

"Okay," Jayne sighed miserably. "I'll join with you."
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

Stevan let the bottle of vodka slip from his grasp into the girls hands. It wasnt a good idea and now it was up to him to get her as sober as possible.

"Hey your way to drunk and i dont like it, Drunk people tend to make noise and noise attracks people" He reached over and grabbed the girls pack and reached in to take her bottle of water out.

"Here drink some of this and maybe try get some sleep, then we need to move, this place seems to attrack people" He said as he passed the water to her.
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Post by JayneBrown* »

"Don't worry about that," Jayne said, sipping some water. "I'm a quiet drunk. I'm fairly quiet anyway. Besides, I've just had one glass."

She looked at the boy, and zipped up her bag. It's rude to go trough other people's belongings without permission. Tsch.

"Oh, and I don't need any rest," Jayne said after a pause. "I've only just awoken from that drugging or whatever. Do you have a plan or something?"

Jayne eyed the shelves around them carefully, wondering what was in them... probably medical supplies. Maybe they could take some if they were going to leave? Perhaps...
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

"I dont know if i have a plan! so ive just been taking chances" He said as he stood up and walked to the cabinets, roughly opening them and checking any bottles he could see. Everynow he would shake one of the bottles and as soon as he heard a rattle he would toss it over to jayne.

"Your ideas are as good as mine but ive got bad memories in this place and we may need to find a group of safe people" The emphasis was on 'safe' The groups he had been with already had been traitors so far.

He walked over to wher ehe was sitting and put his shotgun over his shoulder and also his bag and waited by the door for jayne. "Put them bottles in your bag we better move"
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Post by JayneBrown* »

"Great, I'm a mule." Jayne mumbled to herself as she caught the various pills and bottles with varying degrees of clumsiness. "If we need medical attention, we will have to take some bandages as well."

She wandered over to the other side of the room, and found a cabinet with some disinfectant and bandages inside airtight, sterile packaging. The more she put her mind to the task at hand, the more sober she was starting to feel. Being selective was key here, as she didn't want to be bogged down with stuff she didn't need. Cod liver oil pills? Reject them. Co-dydramol? Take it, painkillers could be handy. This bottle? Empty. This one?

She looked at it and after a moment's thought, put it in her bag. As she did so, she heard a shuffle behind her; Steven looked like he was opening the door with his free hand. Hastily zipping up her kit bag, she stood behind him.

"So where to now, then?"
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

Stevan pulled the door open a little bit just enough for them both to get through. "I dont know about you but i need to just get out....some fresh air maybe a cigarette! do you smoke?" he asked her politely as he pulled the packet from his pocket, flipped the lid open and offered her one. He took one for himself and slid it between his lips before torching the end with his zippo lighter.

"So smoke? yes? no? whatever if you want one get one while we walk ok?" he said as he slid through the door and out into the open. fresh air would be taken into his lungs followed directly by a smog of tar and toxins.

The gun would now be held in a firing position as he walked. You could never be too careful, especially in this happy little family. What would he run into next, another gun happy buddy, or maybe for once he would get a break and find someone willing to help him?

As he walked he would mumble "So fucking angry......mother fuckers on this island"

((Continued in Eastern Shore))
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Post by JayneBrown* »

Jayne followed Stevan, as it made sense that he, as the bearer of the gun, should lead the way. Declining his cigarette, she walked slowly behind him, keeping her eyes and ears as alert as she could. It was a relief to be out of that hospital, away from the crusty smell issuing from the three corpses she had found there, but all the same, she couldn't help but wonder what had happened to Callum, and with every grumble Stevan made, she silently doubted the wisdom of her decision to join him on this trek.

((Continued where he said it was *jabs thumb upward* ))

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