Bullet Dance

Past the lobby is an indoor pool and an outdoor pool area. Crusted blue tiles are all that is left in the shallow, unfilled indoor pool. A towel rental stand is nearby. The connected outdoor pool is filled with water that is cloudy and green. At the center of the pool is a bar vacationers once swam to.
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Post by Ciel* »

Carlos squinted when Cody mentioned Tyler. It took him a moment to comprehend what Patton was implying.

"You mean Lucas? That beefcake?" Carlos grunted. "Don't think you'll have to warn me. I ran into him the other day."

Something wasn't right. His run-in with Tyler didn't last very long and there wasn't even a scuffle. He couldn't be playing. Cody must have pissed him off or something, but if that were the case, how was he still alive?

Whatever. Carlos considered mentioning specifics about his meeting but thought better of it when he saw the shape Cooper was in. Whatever the fuck happened, it didn't involve him and he didn't want to know. No use talking about the past.

When Patton changed the subject back to the there and now, Carlos was all too happy to roll with it. He let out a laugh, yuk yuk, how funny.

"Tell me about it. I've been tuning them out." He looked over his shoulder at the carnage. "... Fuck me, do you think whoever did this is-"

His tongue shot down his throat. His eyes caught the figure before Patton, probably because he was facing Carlos and not checking his shit. Carlos couldn't make out who it was, Patton was blocking his view. Then Alice started talking, and his reaction came when the shock wore off.

"What the fuck Alice!" "I thought I told you to-"

To stay back.

What Carlos saw as Cody submitting was, in actuality, a trick. Before Alice could react, Cody dropped to the ground. Alice's stomach exploded.

He told her to stay back.

Blood came in buckets. Alice staggered back. A silence swept throughout, suffocating in it's grip. Then Alice collapsed against the wall.

That was when the show really started.

The stage was set. The actors knew the script backwards and front. The cameras were rolling.

He told her to stay back.

Alice cried, right on cue. She said she didn't want to die, really chewed the scenery with that delivery. Cooper got up and gawked, then preceded to rattle off exposition so the audience would know that the bullet hit in a really bad place. But he didn't do anything to help past that, he just asked Cody if he was alright. Great performance, really selling it on the Stooge character. The standout role was Patton. He stood at the center of it, his back facing away from the audience, his hand on Chekhov's gun.

No way was this show real. All of it went so smoothly, it had to be rehearsed. But it felt so real.

He told her not to come out. Stay back.

And Carlos? Front row seats. He staggered back, then lost his footing. His shoulder hit the fence, and he braced himself against it.

He told her. Alice should have listened. Why didn't she listen? He didn't understand, why didn't she listen? He told her. Carlos told her.
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The girl... no, Alice Gilman. That was her name. Alice was the one that had snuck up behind Cody and Cooper, the one who had threatened them with pulling the trigger if they moved a muscle. In the horror of the blood spray, the crying and pleading, Cody first became aware of one thing: Alice decidedly did not have a gun.

"Oh god.... f-for fuck's sakes, what were you thinking!?" Cody screamed, crawling forward on hand, knees and gun towards Alice. The wooden stock of the Winchester scraped and was scratched against the hard path until Cody had reached his destination just a few feet away. The wound was awful, bleeding profusely, and was all-in-all pretty much Rose all over again.

"Y-You fucking idiot, oh fuck," Cody moaned over and over again until he could get the bearings to call for Cooper. "Hey! For fuck's sakes, bring something over! Something to patch h- I don't..." Her sobs and her pleading began interfering with his own words, even if she didn't happen to be saying them at the time. The instant just replayed over and over in his head - he thought making the big save, making a play against somebody who thought they might get the drop on them. Instead he had just mortally wounded somebody and for what?

"What were you trying to do?" Cody uttered one more time, the shock of the situation having fully washed over him. He barely had the forethought to look back over to Carlos, to see his equal state of horror.

"Dude... I don't know what..."
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
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Post by dmboogie »

Though Alice was desperately struggling to remain conscious, the world seemed to be gradually fading away, second by second. Through the haze of tears and fear, she could see Cooper gaping, Carlos staggering back, Cody crawling towards her and shouting, asking what the fuck she had been thinking. It all seemed surreal, like she was about to be shaken awake by Casey or Carlos, waking up in their hideout disturbed, but safe.

"Just... Just wanted you to drop the gun." Alice mumbled, choking back a sob. "Thought you were... Thought you were gonna shoot." After all, on the island, this late in the game, could you really trust anyone's word? Could you really trust a relative stranger to not shoot you in the back the moment you let your guard down? She thought it would've been relatively riskless to just try and threaten them and then get out before they could realize what was going on. The growing pool of blood provided a compelling counter-argument.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as her eyesight gradually dimmed, leaving Alice to be excruciatingly aware of the limited time she had left, her thoughts becoming almost too fast to process.

Alice didn't want to die. Would she just fade to black and cease thinking? Death and the afterlife had never been a subject she much liked to contemplate, not being the religious type and being far too terrified by the concept of oblivion to spend much time dwelling on it. Alice treasured being able to think, to reason, to contemplate even meaningless things, and the mere concept of ceasing to exist, of an emptiness that would stretch past eternity, of not even being aware of this emptiness was always enough to almost make her want to curl up in the fetal position and cry from sheer terror.

Alice didn't want to die. She'd never had, never would get the opportunity to invent something magnificent, to discover something ground-breaking, to uncover some ancient truth. The mysteries of the universe were infinitely fascinating to her, and part of the reason she had loved science so much was a desire to solve even some tiny part of this mystery, to contribute to humanity in even a small way, to better both her own understanding and that of the scientific community.

Alice didn't want to die. How hard would it have been for her to avoid this fate? What would it have taken to get out alive? Had there been some hidden flaw, some sort of exploit that would have allowed her to try and escape? If she had never met up with Casey and Carlos, would she have been better able to survive on her own? Would not being stupid, so stupid as to try and save Carlos from a nonexistent danger be all it would have taken? If she had just left, would it have been her standing victorious, the lone survivor?

Her thoughts flashed by faster, now.

Alice remembered -her brothers' teasing smiles as they picked on her when they were children-her parents' constant love and support-her sister's adoring grin as she and Alice conducted an experiment together-Theo awkwardly showing up on her doorstep to invite her to prom-the classroom where she spent many hours tutoring Mirabella-the drawing in her sketchbook that she had never quite finished-the beauty of the scenic outlook where she had first awakened-the speech she had made to the camera on the first day-her last glimpse of Casey's face-

Her world was almost completely dark, now.

Alice's thoughts and emotions consolidated into a single desperate cry.

She couldn't let herself fade away.

She couldn't let herself fade away.

She couldn't let herself fade away.

She couldn't... let herself...

She... couldn't...


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Post by BetaKnight »

Cooper sat back on his heels as he watched Cody crawl towards Alice.  Everything about this made him uncomfortable.  The blood everywhere, Cody yelling at him to somehow fix this, Carlos' yelling in general, and Alice's wailing.  This whole thing shouldn't have happened.  

Nobody should be shot and bleeding.  Stupid fucking Alice.  Stupid fucking girl!

Why did she do this?  Why was she trying to make everyone feel bad when she was the one who had fucked everything up?  Did she think they really wanted her to be dying?  Did she think this was a part of anyone else's plan for the day?

Cooper clamped his hands over his ears in an attempt to drown out her pathetic cries.  Stupid fucking girl!  Stupid fucking girl for making this happen!  Stupid fucking girl for trying to make them be the bad guys in this situation. There wasn't anything that they could do.  She was just fucked.  Completely and utterly fucked.

And it was all her fault.  No one else's.  Just stupid fucking Alice.  That dumb bitch.

Rather than dealing with this, Cooper simply drew his head down and turtled up.  He would come out when this was all over and cooler heads were prevailing.  This stupid bitch wasn't his problem.  He refused to deal with her.
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Post by MK Kilmarnock »

Aaaaaaand another girl had died quite literally in his arms.


Cody crawled backwards, away from the body, wishing he could just easily pop up and run away with Cooper. His leg didn't work like that anymore; getting up took more concentration and willpower than he had at the moment. All his body wanted to do now was lay back, clutch his rifle to his chest, and stare up at the sky.

The temptation to yell at Cooper for just standing there like an idiot was strong, but it was mitigated by at least two factors. The speed at which... Alice died... meant that the first aid kit wasn't going to be of much use anyway. Besides, she attacked them, right? It would be understandable if Cooper didn't want to help. Yelling at him, just like that time at the beach, was only going to make things worse and make him less of a help. He needed Cooper to survive. If he was alone, his chances of survival would plummet.

Cody turned his head to where Carlos must have been, even if he didn't have a clear view of him at this very moment. He sluggishly forced himself to his feet, ignoring the searing pain in his hip.

He was at a loss of anything to say. 'Sorry dude, killed this girl right in front of you, hope you don't mind?' Yeah, no, This wasn't the kind of thing you could simply apologize for. So Cody said nothing.
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
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Post by Ciel* »

Carlos didn't feel anything. Imagine a boat getting hit by two tidal waves on opposite sides. Alone, they are a one-two punch, but together, at the exact moment, they can work to right the ship. Imagine Cooper as one wave, Cody as another, and Alice as the ship, then you'll understand why Carlos didn't feel anything.

Cody was on the ground. Cooper was on the ground. Alice was on the ground. Carlos was the only one on his feet.

Carlos turned his head a smidgen, looking at Cody for only a second before returning to Alice.

"It's cool."

Said Carlos. Said was a strong word. It implied direction and purpose, none of which Carlos had.

"Yeah. Yeah, it's fine. Wasn't like we were together or anything."

Rambled. Hacked up. Rushed. Thought, out loud, without thinking.

"You don't care though. Danya said kill, you delivered."

Explain it away. Blame it on the deceased, not like they can defend themselves. Say it was an accident. Pretend it's all a game. Curl up into a ball and bury your head in the sand. Do anything you can to avoid taking responsibility.

Carlos took a step back.

"I," Carlos said, "have to go now."

He took another step.

"Gotta see a man about a dog."

And another. Then another. All the while he kept his eyes squarely on Alice. He continued walking until he felt a snag on his leg and he fell.

Technicolor stars blinded his vision and his mind went out for a smoke, but even then he understood that he landed on a corpse.

Carlos was on the ground. When his vision cleared, he felt the pain. He lay on his back and looked down at his hand. The pullsaw landed on the ground, the edge stained with fresh blood.

He stared at his throbbing hand then tried not to heave.

"What the fuck," he said, "what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck."

Carlos got up and reached for the saw and snatched his bag and spun on his heel and ran and ran and ran until he had to stop and throw up.

He cried the whole way though.

This was some serious shit.

(Carlos Lazaro continued in "Though We May Not Survive It...")
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Post by BetaKnight »

Cooper sat and forcefully hummed all of They Might Be Giant's "The Famous Polka" three times before lifting his head.  Like magic, Carlos the Weirdo was gone without further conflict.  Cody stood alone, his leg looking even more thrashed,  if that were possible.  That couldn't be good for him or their partnership.

He wrinkled his brow in concern.  "How's the leg?"

Maybe they needed to find a nice quiet place to lay low for awhile so Cody could rest.  Some place defensible so asshats like Tyler couldn't sneak up and beat the shit out them again.  Speaking of Tyler....

Cooper reached up and prodded at his eye.  He hissed in pain.  Yup, still fucked up.  He used the wince to avoid looking at the dead girl on the ground.  Not dealing with her.  Nope nope nope.

With his eyes still closed, he turned his face up towards the sky.  "I think maybe we should find a place to dry out and rest.  You okay with that?"
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Cody shook his head in disbelief.

"Be honest with me. How the hell are you trying to deal with all of this? Honest question. I just wanna know what you think's gonna help you get through it." Where Cooper was seemingly looking everywhere but the girl that had just died, Cody stared at her without end. This time was much harder to justify than the last. She was unarmed, and never intended to hurt anybody. If only he had known that.

He wiped his brow and stood up, using his hand as a visor in order to force himself to look away from Alice... or at least what used to be Alice.

"... And the leg sucks. But I'll get used to it."
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
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Post by BetaKnight »

Cooper kept his face turned up towards the sky so Cody couldn't see his expression.  It was getting real fucking old, constantly being questioned by Cody.  In fact, Cooper was going out of his way to try and maintain a cool exterior.  Uphold his end of this implied social contract.  Instead of just accepting it, Cody always had to poke and prod and imply that he was doing it wrong.  Maybe if it was such a fucking PROBLEM, how he was...existing, being himself, then maybe it was about time for them to call this quits.

So far, hanging with Cody had earned him a motherfucking red-ass beat down from Tyler, getting falsely accused of killing a shit ton of people, and having some dumb bitch suicide-by-cop them because she didn't rub the two brain cells that lived in her bra together before trying to intimidate the shit out of them.  Plus, he had lost his sweet-ass knife when dealing with Cody's buttfucking crazy bitch of a sister!  And speaking of Pattons who make poor decisions, where the FUCK did Cody get off trying to call him out on ANYTHING?

Cody was the one Tyler had some gunning for.  Cody was the one who started the John Woo-style fight that put that bullet in his leg.  Cody was the one hanging with Mike when he went batshit and had to be put down like a rabid dog.  It was Cody's sister who turned Mike into a rabid dog.  Cody was the one who cowboy'd up here at Satan's pool party.  

Cody was the one who had killed two of their classmates.  

And yet, Cody was the one who kept basically calling him an untrustworthy piece of shit.

'Man, fuck Cody.  It might be time to go our separate ways.'  And he would.  He would leave Cody and all his drama-laden bullshit behind.  Just as soon as he found someplace reasonably safe to stash the fucking gimp.  That way, when Cody wound up dead because he got yet another case of the dumb shits, it wouldn't be Cooper's fault and he wouldn't have to feel guilty about it.

The beginnings of a plan in mind, Cooper finally turned his head and looked over at Cody.  "I dunno," he said in a flat voice, shrugging a shoulder.  "I just do, I guess.  As for the leg, you're the toughest motherfucker I know, walking around on it.  Do you think we should chance the hotel and find a dry spot with some fucking beds for a change, or should we head out again?"

Face impassive, he waited for Cody to answer.
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Post by MK Kilmarnock »

Cooper apparently dodged the question, but Cody didn't exactly have all the time or interest in the world to investigate. His leg was throbbing something fierce, and he really wanted to be off of it.

"I..." he started, thinking about the options presented to them. Walking much further with a bullet still lodged somewhere in his hip... presumably, anyway. They never found the exit wound, so it only made sense that it'd still be in there, rubbing up against everything and being a pain. In theory, it meant that he'd have a much harder time bleeding out. Again, this was just in theory, since his body was doing a bang-up job of bleeding anyway.

So they didn't want to walk too far, and the hotel was sure to offer some refuge, but at the same time, they had no idea of knowing who else was in the building. That, and there were at least three... four, now... four bodies in this one tiny little area, all a testament to the fact that the students of Aurora High were falling one by one.

To their own.

"No, I think maybe we should, uh..." Cody began to take a few steps away from Cooper, away from the grizzly scene in general. "Let's look for another place."

His mind drifted back to wondering how Cooper was dealing with all of this.

He briefly toyed with the answer that, maybe, he wasn't at all.

((Cody Patton continued in Weak Executioner))
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
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Post by BetaKnight »

He was unsurprised that Cody picked the 'man up and carry on' option.  It seemed to be the general theme of their time together.  

'Ha ha. And everyone thought I never paid attention in class.  See?  I can identify themes in real life.'  Cooper smiled at the random thought has he began trudging after Cody.  It didn't seem odd to him that he was currently more filled with pride over his "accomplishment" than he was concerned about what was going to happen around him next.

If anything, since deciding to cut Cody loose at the next semi-safe, convenient opportunity, he was feeling kind of numb.  But not empty or unpleasantly numb.  More like the kind of fun, post-dentist fat-lipped kind of numb.  That strange disconnect where you could poke and prod yourself in ways that would normally cause discomfort but instead allow you to manipulate your flesh in new and hilarious ways without any kind of repercussion.

Maybe, if he were a more introspective kind of person, this new development would concern him.  But he wasn't and that was fine with him.  

Spotting a loose rock on the ground, Cooper kicked it as hard as he could, sending it skittering ahead of him.  When he reached its resting place, he booted it again.  Caught up in his new game, he hummed to himself as he followed Cody.

((Cooper Komorowski continued in Weak Executioner))
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