
It is clear that the lobby was once welcoming and elegant. White and black marble floors complement the crystal chandeliers. A sleek onyx reception desk is where room keys were given. Round tables with large vases hold only dead flowers now. High-backed black chairs and white sofas are collected in a nook next to the elevators. Nearby is a fireplace and coffee tables containing a fine (if highly outdated) selection of magazines.
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

((Adam Morgan continued from Reverie))

Adam had suggested they head towards the hotel when the weather started rolling in again. The rain was too much for him to deal with now, especially with how it was stirring the ground into mud. Slogging through that held even less appeal, somehow, than the thought of stopping. Maybe it was also that Adam had finally burned himself so close to exhaustion that he could probably stand still and stare into space for an hour without having to worry to much about deep thoughts intruding and ruining his day.

The hotel would be dry. Maybe there would be people there. There had been people at the hospital. Perhaps Gwen or Virgil or some other friendly face would have even picked the hotel to take shelter.

Then the announcement had played, and Adam had had to just stop and stand for a while. He'd taken out a bar and eaten it for breakfast and in that moment the rain had been a blessing because his face was already wet so nobody would be able to see the moisture dampening the corners of his eyes, and even if somehow they did, he could say they were just irritated from getting rain in them.

Paulo had gone and gotten himself killed. His name came right after Michelle's, just to make the one-two punch absolutely complete, and Adam took deep breaths and kept really quiet because he couldn't talk with a calm voice and he couldn't afford to be anything but the calm one. Maybe it would have been different were Natali still with them, or Gwen or Michelle or even Virgil. Maybe then Adam could have walked off somewhere and had a few moments to himself, to talk to the world and say whatever needed to be said.

He felt he should vocalize something, even though it made no sense. Whatever had become of Paulo, if there was any way he could hear, then surely he would know without Adam opening his mouth. Besides, he didn't want anyone else to hear him, not Maynard, not the folks at home, not Paulo's family, sure as hell not the people who put them here. There were some things that just had to pass between friends.

Did Maynard know he and Paulo had been close? Hard to guess. Adam hoped not. He had to be strong, had to keep it inside, because he needed Maynard to trust in him.

So he kept moving towards the hotel, and maybe an hour after the announcement they made it into the lobby. Despite what he'd assumed earlier Adam had very much had the capacity to think, and not even movement had dulled the memories and imaginings, but when he stepped into the lobby and saw the carnage and damage, all other thoughts finally fled.

"What the fuck?" he said. It was the closest to making sense of it he could come.
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Post by Sansa »

((Maynard Hurst continued from Reverie))

As they paused in their approach towards the hotel, Maynard took a moment to catch his breath. The previous day's journey hadn't been any less trying physically, in spite of Maynard's hopes. He didn't mind much; if it's what Adam wanted, then he was more than happy to go along with it. He couldn't help but wonder where Adam got all of that energy from - though, then again, Maynard knew he was far from being the most athletic kid in the world; maybe Adam just had average fitness and he himself was just grossly unsuited for physical labour.

The announcements had passed by in an almost-haze, and though he tried to blot out everybody he wasn't connected with, killers and deaths alike, it was a difficult task. Hearing Michelle's death be reiterated to them in such a clinical manner made him feel as though his insides were being twisted around, but aside from her death, none of the others had nearly as much impact as the killers. Ami had been one of his first crushes, back when they were younger; he'd been so bad at Math and she'd been so good at it, and they'd both been interested in poetry. And now she'd killed someone, had butchered Sara Corlett - a girl who, in Maynard's eyes at least, seemed like one of the most harmless girls out. And Ian, Ian who he'd managed to pluck up the courage to approach and'd talked to for hours on end; he was a killer too. Maynard thought he'd seen some brief reaction in Adam when Ian's kill had been announced, but he quickly shunted it from his mind. Adam was his strong, stoic leader; he wouldn't show or be anything like that. He had some faint recollection that Adam and Paulo might've been friends or something similar, though he abstained from prying with little objection. Maynard didn't want to pry, didn't want to risk shattering the steely exterior he'd taken so much comfort in the last few days.

There was one upside to the announcement, though - as weird as it was to think that there could possibly be upsides somewhere like this; Gwen hadn't been listed. That meant there was still time, enough time to find her again and tell her the truth, and to save her or something similar. Maynard didn't want to fool himself into thinking he was some strong hero like Adam was, but if there was one person in the world for whom he could be, it would be Gwendolyn O'Connor.

He hurriedly withdrew a ration bar from his bags as he saw Adam do the same. It was best to eat when Adam did - that meant he wouldn't risk holding him up or causing some delay on their journey. Sure they'd shortly arrive the hotel and would hopefully stay there for awhile to rest and the like, giving him plenty of time to satiate the growling in his tummy, but he didn't want to risk it. Additionally, Adam had remained so cool and collected throughout all of this as well, while Maynard was almost the complete opposite. He wanted more than anything to be free of his skittishness and fear, just like Adam appeared to be, so it made sense for him to emulate his partner in as many regards as possible.

Awhile later, they arrived at the hotel, quickly passing through the entrance and into the lobby. Maynard didn't even have to look at what was laid out before him to know what they'd been greeted with; the sharp scent of concealing blood and scorched flesh and bone assailed his nostrils, and he instinctively took a step backwards as Adam swore, clenching his eyes tightly shut before the image could become ingrained in his mind and strengthening the grip on his blade even more. This was a pretty tough situation, and one that Maynard neither wanted to nor literally could deal with right now; so that meant that, like every other time, he had to rely on Adam for guidance once more.
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Adam took deep breaths. This was a mistake, because the room stank of all kinds of bodily emissions, and he coughed and fumbled for a cigarette. It didn't matter if they weren't even good cigarettes. Anything was better than this.

He didn't want to look too closely at the bodies strewn around; even the glimpse he'd taken was more than he'd have needed in his whole life. All he had to know was that they weren't Paulo and they weren't Michelle, and he could say that because the announcements said Paulo had been thrown off an overpass and no way would someone have dragged Michelle all the way here and then done whatever this was to her.

He clicked the lighter, drew in the smoke. He'd heard, once, that medieval doctors did something like this, masking the odors of the dead with strong smelling herbs held against their faces in masks. It didn't work so great. The scent was muted by the cigarette, but also mingled with it, coating his throat and tongue. Adam thought he was probably going to throw up if he stood here much longer. That wouldn't do either of them any good, especially with food such a scarce resource.

And he certainly didn't want to take time to actually think about how these bodies were walking around and doing homework and talking and laughing just a few days ago.

"I think we should stand outside under the awning," Adam said around his cigarette.

He led the way, back out the doors of the hotel to stand under the canvas overhang above the hotel's entrance. The rain poured down on all sides, kicking dirt up into mud and pooling on the concrete and flattening the grass. Adam looked at these things, and looked at the clouds in the sky and the streaks of falling water, and tried to hold these images in his mind instead of the others that tried to worm their way in, the blood and the shredded sofa and the pieces of people.

The rain didn't look likely to stop anytime soon.
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Post by Sansa »

Maynard kept his eyes clenched tightly shut, trying to think of something - anything - other than the destruction laid out before him. He tried to conjure images of him and his friends and family, of happier times, of the things he wanted to live for. But it was useless. The acrid stench had lodged itself within his mind, the gore in front of him a fixture in his subconscious. The only comfort he could take was that he and Adam were unharmed, that it wasn't any of his friends scattered across the mess of furniture and architecture that the lobby had become. Of course, he had no way of knowing, the brief glimpse he'd given the scene as well as the unidentifiable nature of the bodies making it all too possible that he was standing before what used to be his friends.

When Adam said they should move out, Maynard nodded mechanically in concurrence. He really did agree with his partner, wanting to leave the place as quickly as he could and find somewhere that didn't make him want to scream and cry. But that didn't matter, anyway. Adam knew best - he'd proven such a fact countless times - no matter what counterpoints or arguments may have flitted through his mind against his decisions. He'd just have to shunt them away, is all. Maybe it was his way of coping, maybe it was just because it was easier - Maynard didn't know, and frankly, he didn't care. He just wanted for him and Adam to be safe and to find Gwen, and sacrificing his opinions was only a small price to pay for that feeling. Adam would keep him safe; his opinion didn't matter anymore.

Once upon a time, Maynard might've fought back against such a mindset. But now, he embraced it with open arms.

He only fully opened his eyes once they'd exited the hotel, having kept them to mere slits as he followed Adam out, not wanting to risk seeing anything else. He stared into the torrents of rain as they assailed the landscape, churning up pools of mud and scattering leaves and the like around them. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, struggling to locate the right words. Nothing that came to mind seemed to be appropriate or sensitive enough; Maynard didn't want to risk upsetting or offending Adam, but all the same he didn't want to silence to stretch on too much. He mightn't have been much of a social kid back home, but he valued socialising and just plain talking as much as the next person.

Eventually he settled upon two simple words;

"You okay?"
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

He should have said yes. That was the right answer. It was what was expected of him, the role he'd taken on for himself. It would have been an easy lie, but Adam was sick of untruths. Maynard deserved the truth, but he also deserved someone strong enough to hold together. It was all too complicated, and Adam just wanted to burn away the stress and frustration. He wished he could hit someone, but there weren't any more chances for that now.

"I don't know, man," is what he said. He looked out into the distance. The road curved, then headed towards what was probably the mall he'd seen on the map. The rain made it hard to see far with any real accuracy; it was like looking through a fine mesh. For once, he wasn't fidgeting. He only vaguely became aware that he was even still holding the sword, which hung limp at his side. His arm was getting sore. He let his bags slip from his back, to land with a plop on the ground, and then sat on top of them, laying the sword in his lap.

He wanted to apologize, to come up with some way to turn things around. He couldn't think of anything. He was tired, tired of the aimlessness and just flat out tired physically, and he'd been, on some level, counting on the hotel being an alright destination. Now here it was, yet another reminder of what awaited them all here, and he just didn't have it in him to walk back out into the rain and keep running away.

Maynard didn't need to know all of that. He probably had too much of an idea already. One kernel of truth would have to suffice. So Adam just looked back at him instead, and asked, "You?"
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Post by Sansa »

"I don't know either."

The words spilled out of Maynard's mouth before he could truly process them, delivered in a cracked tone as several days worth of barely bottled emotions threatened to come forth. He'd spent so long moving, distracted from everything around him through following in Adam's constant footsteps, that he hadn't had enough time to let everything fully hit him, hadn't had the opportunity to express and cope with everything that'd been thrown at him. But here they were, standing under the awning of a hotel that was littered with corpses, finally being afforded an opportunity to talk to one another.

Maynard hadn't realised how much he needed it.

He followed Adam as he dropped his dufflebag to the ground, depositing it onto the concrete at his partner's side before sitting down on it in a manner similar to his, sword resting by his side. It was comforting to mimic Adam's actions; it made him feel safer, even if it was just a little bit. In spite of the comfort just sitting beside Adam gave him, there was just one little thing Maynard needed to know. He couldn't help but offer him a question, something that'd been niggling at the back of his mind but had only now been provided with an outlet.

"Adam... why've you stayed with me?"
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

It was a question that had an easy answer, but it was one Adam could never say out loud. He stalled for a second by letting the cigarette drop from his mouth, onto the bricks. He ground it out with the toe of his left shoe.

"You've done right by me," he said. "You're sticking with me just as much as I'm sticking with you."

He didn't say that having Maynard around gave him strength, let him stay in control of his emotions and weather things like Paulo's death. He didn't say that a companion staved off the loneliness. He didn't say that having responsibility for someone else, even the loose sort established between partners, kept him from going off and doing something stupid, acting on those urges to hit somebody to calm down, or breaking cameras, or just giving in and trying t claw his way home by hook or by crook. Without Maynard, what would have been there to keep Adam moving and focused? He could search for Cooper, perhaps, but that well would eventually run dry, and there would be nothing to keep up his momentum on the way.

He took a deep breath, then coughed a couple times, clearing the last remnants of the smoke from his lungs. The rain showed no signs of abating.

"Mind if I turn the question around?" he asked.
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Post by Sansa »

"Not at all," Maynard half-murmured, his eyes locked on the continuous downpour just a few feet away from them as he processed Adam's words. Sticking together. That's what they'd done - all they'd done, really - over the past few days, and to hear that any dependancy was at least slightly-mutual was the best reply Maynard could've hoped for.

There'd always been some faint doubt in the back of his mind that Adam wouldn't always be there for him, that he'd leave once ‘something better' came along or he reunited with his friends, but when Adam affirmed that he'd been sticking with Maynard just as much as he'd been sticking with Adam, Maynard knew those worries were unfounded. He didn't have to worry about Adam leaving him if they found one of Adam's friends - nor would Adam have to worry about the reverse happening. If - when - they found Gwen or one of Adam's friends - he was hesitant to ask for their names, lest he hit a nerve or bring up someone who'd already passed - then they could make everything work; they wouldn't need to split up.

The thought warmed Maynard's heart, but even so he hugged his armed around his chest, rhythmically rubbing them up and down his torso as he tried to abate the chill he felt and introduce some warmth into his system. He mulled Adam's question over and over, trying to find the perfect words to say, trying to give Adam as much assurance as he'd just given Maynard.

"You've stayed with me, protected me, even though you didn't have to. You weren't obliged to or anything like that. You just... did, and that's really special to me."

He turned his head away from the hypnotic nature of the rain and met eyes with his partner through the lingering haze of cigarette smoke, the faintest of smiles quirking across his lips.

"I know we never talked much back at school, but now I wish we had."
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Post by jimmydalad »

((Sharon Austin continued from Reflections))

Where was she going? She didn't know. What the hell was she doing? Hell if she knew. The day had passed on, with the memory of running away from that encounter still playing through her mind. She didn't know the fate of the guy. For all she knew, he was probably dead. She didn't even know his name nor the name of the girl who was threatening him with the gun.

The announcements came on, and Sharon listened. Maybe if she heard the names, she could make a guess towards who those two were. Unfortunately, that didn't seem to be the case. Instead, she found out that Steven's killer had killed again. Katarina. The mere thought of her made her blood boil with anger. She wanted to stop her, but judging from how that encounter went, she knew that trying to confront her was akin to suicide.

As much as she wanted revenge against her and as much as she wanted to save people, she knew that her priority was to survive. If that meant wandering around and hiding, then that was something she might have to accept. She didn't have a good weapon draw and her physical attributes were less than advantageous towards her chances in the game. If she wanted any prospects of winning, maybe she should just play passive?

The rain was coming strong, so she found the closest shelter. Seeing the hotel close by, Sharon moved towards it, still dragging her bike along as the 2x4 poked out of her bag. She ran in the rain, knowing she was soaking but soldering through just so that she didn't get even more wet than she had to. Eventually, she managed to get inside and was almost immediately assaulted with the smell of death. Visually recoiling from the smell, she looked up and realized that two other people were here. She only recognized one of them, Maynard, as he was also a member of the book club. That thought alone caused Sharon to feel odd, like the life before her was completely detached to how things were right now.

"I'm not here to kill you. I just wanted to get out of the fucking rain." Sharon called out to the two guys, chucking the bike on the floor and shaking herself to get some of the rain off her body. She didn't really know what else to say at the moment. She wasn't in the mood for a fight, she wanted to dry off.
[+] Version 7
Relationship Thread: ... 6632799/1/

Lukas Nielson - "Yes, Tina Dominica is my mom. No, my life isn't as interesting as you think it is." - Profile

Pregame: o -> o -> o -> o
Memories: o

Millicent "Milly" Rosenberg - "As much as I hate them, at least they make my life interesting." - Profile

Pregame: o -> o
Memories: o

Christine Summers - "Hey, let's just chill and enjoy each other, ok?" - Profile

Pregame: o
Memories: o
[+] Version 8
Relationship Thread - Link

Declan Jones - Profile
[+] Artsy Stuff by Other People
[+] Aria Samuels by Un-Persona
[+] Lukas Nielson by Mimi
[+] Lukas Nielson by Kotorikun
[+] Milly Rosenberg by Mimi
[+] Cursed Milly Rosenberg by Mimi
[+] Gremlin Christine by Kotori
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

"Thanks," Adam said to Maynard. There was maybe more he could have added, but it didn't need to be said. It was cool here, out in front of the hotel. The rain drummed against the overhang they sheltered beneath.

He probably wouldn't have had a lot to say to Maynard back at school, really. Wouldn't have been anything personal. Adam wasn't one for talking much to anyone, not if they didn't share his interests. He looked into the distance, eyes unfocused, trying to imagine that this was just a Seattle rain, like this was normal.

He couldn't. He just couldn't bring himself to pretend like that.

He did manage to distract himself enough that he didn't catch the girl approaching until she was basically on top of them, which gave him a jolt. She had, of all things, a bicycle. Maybe she'd been assigned it? Adam didn't know, didn't care. He sort of knew of Sharon, like maybe she had temper issues or something? She wasn't killing, which made her fine by him. She wanted to get dry? She could join the club. She shook him up a bit, just because if she'd been dangerous they'd've been in trouble, but that wasn't her fault.

" 's cool," Adam said. "Wouldn't go inside if I was you. There's a reason we're out here."

He did glance to Maynard, though, just to make sure he wasn't tensing up or displaying signs like this wasn't a thing he wanted to see happen. Adam didn't know Sharon so well, so there was always a chance he was missing something.
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Post by Sansa »

"Hey Sharon," Maynard said softly, offering as strong a smile as he could muster by way of greeting. He and Sharon weren't particularly close, but they were both bookworms and he'd managed to avoid most of her ire - knowing her to have a notoriously fiery temperament - over the years, so he was glad to see a face as familiar as hers. Sure, it wasn't Gwen or Ami or someone to whom he was better friends with, but he knew there was no point in lingering on something like that. He'd find them eventually, and right now he had Sharon to distract himself from the distinct possibility that he wouldn't.

He nodded as Adam explained that she shouldn't enter the building behind them, shivering as the images of gore and death splattered across the room flitted through his mind once more. He wouldn't want to wish such a sight upon anyone, least of all Sharon. Maynard shakily rose to his feet, adjusting the edges of his shirt as a light wind bit at his skin, and shifted to Adam's side. Just being close to his partner was enough to abate any potential anxieties or worries concerning their situation. He didn't know what he'd do without Adam, really.

Sharon had ridden up to the duo on a bike, which settled a little uneasily with him. What if Adam wanted for them to bike around the rest of the island? He was far from adept with bike-riding, being scarcely able to manage more than half a hundred metres before inevitably losing his balance and toppling over. It wasn't altogether likely - simply hiking seemed to be enough for Adam - but he couldn't help but linger on it for awhile. He didn't want to lose the one stable ally he had in this place; Adam had put up with his physical inaptitude miraculously well so far, but he didn't want to risk anything else upsetting what they had.

Tucking the train of worry in the back of his mind, Maynard instead turned his attention towards Sharon, idly adjusting his collar as he spoke.

"So, what've you been up to?"
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Post by jimmydalad »

"I already know what's back there. I know it isn't pretty." Sharon responded to Adam and Maynard, gesturing over to the pools before sitting somewhere close to the two boys. They didn't seem hostile and their response to Sharon was more welcoming than she would've expected for people playing the game. A part of her was wary, so she quickly made sure she could get access to her weapon still stowed away in her bag.

"I came here before trying to find a friend. He wasn't there." Sharon confessed, looking down to the floor and kicking her feet together. It had been a few days since she had been left on her own. She was dragged into finding another confrontation, not knowing who either person was. She ran away so quickly that she didn't know the fate of the boy she left behind. With how things were going, it probably meant that it ended with death.

Her lips trembled a little at the thought. She felt utterly powerless, unable to change anything that was happening around her. It almost felt like she was just being strung along for the ride and she didn't really know how she felt about the problems she was facing. A part of her just wanted to survive, make it to the end or get as far as she could. At the same time though, each day was a test of her endurance and stamina. How long could she last?

When Maynard asked his question, Sharon didn't really know what to say. She stayed quiet for a moment, playing with her lips and trying to come up with the words that would convey how things have been for her.

"I've been trying to survive I guess. Haven't really got a plan. If I had the firepower, I'd get revenge, but I don't. Most recently, I nearly died when I tried to stop a girl with a gun from threatening some random guy. All in all, things have been shit." Sharon bluntly told the two of them, taking the time to make as much conversation as possible because she had basically none for the past day or two. She wanted to make the most of it.

"How about you two boys? You don't seem to be hunting people down, which is nice, I guess." Sharon commented, twisting in her seat a little to get more comfortable.
[+] Version 7
Relationship Thread: ... 6632799/1/

Lukas Nielson - "Yes, Tina Dominica is my mom. No, my life isn't as interesting as you think it is." - Profile

Pregame: o -> o -> o -> o
Memories: o

Millicent "Milly" Rosenberg - "As much as I hate them, at least they make my life interesting." - Profile

Pregame: o -> o
Memories: o

Christine Summers - "Hey, let's just chill and enjoy each other, ok?" - Profile

Pregame: o
Memories: o
[+] Version 8
Relationship Thread - Link

Declan Jones - Profile
[+] Artsy Stuff by Other People
[+] Aria Samuels by Un-Persona
[+] Lukas Nielson by Mimi
[+] Lukas Nielson by Kotorikun
[+] Milly Rosenberg by Mimi
[+] Cursed Milly Rosenberg by Mimi
[+] Gremlin Christine by Kotori
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Grand Moff Hissa
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

"Nothing," Adam said. "We haven't been doing anything."

He could have said more, could have maybe talked about how he didn't think Sharon's revenge idea was such a good one, or clarified that they'd actually been doing a whole lot of nothing all over the island and it'd gotten Natali killed, but what would that have mattered? Sharon had seen someone attacked. Adam couldn't even remember if he'd seen a gun. How weird was that? It seemed like it'd've been a big deal. Had he seen a weapon in Max's hands? Had Gabriel had something?

And how strange that they'd ended up killed by the same guy.

He was drumming his fingers against his leg. It was too wet to move, too disgusting to go inside.

So they sat, for a long while, talking on and off, letting time pass. It was as good a way to spend their time as any. Sharon was decent company. It felt good to be a trio again.

When night came, they took watches. Nobody surprised them. He heard some sounds in the night, creatures or people nearby, but nothing came close. It was hard to sleep, but he was tired enough that he managed. Everything went along well, just like it had been going, and he could almost forget that Paulo was dead and none of them would ever see home again.

Almost, that is, until the announcements played once more the next morning.
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Post by Sansa »

This was the second time Maynard had heard the announcements in full, and this was the second time he'd been notified of the death of a precious friend. But unlike the first time, unlike Daniel, there was no reprieve; no precious seconds to mentally prepare himself for the list of the dead, for the possible listing of Gwen amongst their number. She was the very first name, trotted off with nothing more than half a second's worth of dedication.

He was crying long before the shock and denial had flushed itself from his system, long before he allowed himself to truly acknowledge it, long before he let the fact that Gwen was gone settle within his mind. Gwen. His Gwen, the one person he thought he might be able to possibly save, above all others. She was gone and she wasn't coming back. He'd barely even had a chance, barely even been able to talk with her during their brief reunion before they'd been separated once more, and now he'd never see her again, never be allowed to cast his eyes upon her beautiful face or enjoy the perfection of her company.

What was the point if she wasn't there anymore?

His right hand gripped white-knuckled around the handle of his Naginata while the other planted itself over his wide-eyed face, nails digging into his skin as rough sobs wracked his body. It was as though the world was slipping away from him, the vice-like grip upon the sword that'd dragged limply in his wake the past few days the only thing keeping him from falling completely and utterly apart. He was unable to latch onto a single tangible thought or formulate any slight amount of reasoning, not beneath the grief that threatened to wholly overwhelm him.

Maynard took a deep breath and filled his lungs as deeply as he could.

Then he screamed louder than he'd ever done.
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Post by jimmydalad »

Another day had passed and this time, Sharon wasn't alone, which was a nice change from what she was used to. Waking up to the sound of the announcements, she started to listen to it again, not trying to focus on the names of the people who have died, but instead focusing on the names of the people that had killed. She was looking for one name in particular, and of course, there it was. Twice Katarina had killed and there was nothing she could do about it.

She didn't even have much time to think about it because very close to her, she could notice that Maynard was crying. Saying that Maynard was sad was probably the understatement of the year. He probably heard the name of a person who was very close to him. Sharon knew she couldn't do much for him though. She wasn't close to him, only knowing him through the clubs she did. Any attempt of consolation on her part would just end up being insincere.

The wail that escaped him though caused Sharon to jump out of her seat in surprise though. She realized that Maynard was not only in a severe emotional state, he also had a bloody spear thing in his hands. When she thought back to what she was like when she found out Steven died, she remembered how emotionally distraught and angry she was. It got to the point where she needed to get violent to deal with the deluge of emotions. She quickly ran over to Adam, giving him a concerned look.

"We need to do something about Maynard. We either need to get away from him or get that weapon from him. Things could get messy otherwise." Sharon warned the other boy, her voice quiet to make sure that Maynard couldn't hear her. If Maynard was anything like she was before, she knew things would get really ugly if she didn't do something about it.
[+] Version 7
Relationship Thread: ... 6632799/1/

Lukas Nielson - "Yes, Tina Dominica is my mom. No, my life isn't as interesting as you think it is." - Profile

Pregame: o -> o -> o -> o
Memories: o

Millicent "Milly" Rosenberg - "As much as I hate them, at least they make my life interesting." - Profile

Pregame: o -> o
Memories: o

Christine Summers - "Hey, let's just chill and enjoy each other, ok?" - Profile

Pregame: o
Memories: o
[+] Version 8
Relationship Thread - Link

Declan Jones - Profile
[+] Artsy Stuff by Other People
[+] Aria Samuels by Un-Persona
[+] Lukas Nielson by Mimi
[+] Lukas Nielson by Kotorikun
[+] Milly Rosenberg by Mimi
[+] Cursed Milly Rosenberg by Mimi
[+] Gremlin Christine by Kotori
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