Sub-Area Description: Apartment Complexes

Much of the southern portion of town is inhabited by apartment complexes, typically made of cement and appearing largely the same in design, with multiple floors and flat roofs. Many of the buildings have small, dilapidated courtyards protected by wrought iron fences and decorated with picnic tables and other patio furniture. There are very few buildings in this area that aren’t decorated with graffiti.
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Sub-Area Description: Apartment Complexes


Post by SOTF_Help »

Sub-Area: Apartment Complexes
Description: Much of the southern portion of town is inhabited by apartment complexes, typically made of cement and appearing largely the same in design, with multiple floors and flat roofs. Many of the buildings have small, dilapidated courtyards protected by wrought iron fences and decorated with picnic tables and other patio furniture. There are very few buildings in this area that aren't decorated with graffiti.
Status: OPEN
Assigned Staff: Namira
Notable Changes or Damage:
If you have any questions about or concerns regarding this sub-area or any actions taking place therein, please contact the assigned staffer by PMing them. This staffer is in charge of keeping track of changes and damage within this area and updating this post accordingly. However, to help out, please feel free to reply to this thread noting any damage or changes.
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Post by Cake »

Looks like the eviscerated body of Naomi Bell is in one of the apartment hallways.
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Joined: Sat Sep 01, 2018 5:30 am


Post by Ciel* »

There is a collection of loose-leaf papers taped to a wall in one of the rooms, on the same floor as Naomi's corpse. On closer inspection they appear to be notes. The handwriting is sloppy and somewhat and illegible, as if the person writing them were rushing. Three stand out among the rest.
[li]One is a list of numbers, 5-11 along with tiny notes next to each one. 5 is crossed out entirely.[/li]
[li]One in the middle of the wall reads "This is not a game".[/li]
[li]A third placed close to a camera reading "I'VE LIVED WITH CORPSES IN MY BASEMENT" and "YOU DO NOT SCARE ME"
Excluding the last one, there is no indication as to who left these papers or why. There are also  torn up scraps on the floor along with a few empty water bottles, food bar wrappers and dried up pens.
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