Treskington's End

The expressway traverses the entire island, running from end to end and leading everywhere and nowhere. This long and winding road once served as the primary route of transportation across the island. Now, it's become just another part of the fight for survival.
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Treskington's End


Post by AtomicWaffle* »

((Lester continued from Left in a Tree))

Fuck, I have to get away from this guy. It seems I underestimated him, but jeez, what a prick.

He looked around him. It seemed the area of the expressway he wandered into was empty.

"You are one fucking idiot, you know that?" Lester yelled to Garry as he walked down the expressway towards him, with a zombie-like determination.
He stopped, with a smirk on his face, "Really? Because, last time I checked, I am quite the intellectual. Whereas you, are a sad little boy that has no concept of being a decent person in this reality. From what I can see, you are a spoiled rich kid, unaware of what his sexuality is, troubled because he doesn't have a clue why he likes guys."
He paused, enjoying the way Lester fumed up, clenching the lone sai to the point one could see his fingerprints in the metal. Then, Lester saw a lone tree branch on the ground in between himself and Garry.

"Hahah, I bet whatever friends you had are just there to seek all the spoils of having a rich friend."
Lester walked further towards Garry.
"Oh, is that the best you can do? Shut the fuck up, eh? No."

Garry tossed his cane aside. He would just have to deal with the pain.
Unsheathing the knife, and pulling the sai out of his belt, the smile disappeared from his face.
"Survival of the fittest? Lets see."

Garry never saw it coming. The tree branch struck the side of his head like a truck. Blood came from the now re-opened scar on his face. Falling to the ground with a deep thud, he remembered something.

All around me are familiar faces,
Worn out places,
Worn out faces,
Bright and early for the daily races,
Going nowhere,
Going nowhere,
Their tears are filling up their glasses,
No expression,
No expression,
Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrow,
No tomorrow,
No tomorrow,

"Take this you crippled fuck!"
Lester raised the sai into the air, preparing to stab Garry in the chest.
This was it, this was Lester's first kill. The time for remorse was later, now, he thought, he was going to end Garry Dodd.

And I find it kind of funny,
I find it kind of sad,
The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had,

That which does not kill you makes you stronger, and I'm not going to be dead yet.

Garry's mind snapped.

Ignoring the immense pain in his leg, he got up, and in one quick motion, sliced the fingers off Lester's hand as he screamed in horrible pain; Grabbing the sai as he plunged the knife into Lester's thigh. He landed a series of vicious blows to his face with the back ends of the sais.
"AUGH!!! Help!!" Lester yelled at the top of his lungs, hoping someone with some decency would come to rescue him from this psychotic crippled boy.

I find it hard to tell you,
I find it hard to take,
When people run in circles,
It's a very very,
Mad world,
Mad world,

In his brutal frenzy, Garry was void of all emotion, no feeling besides that of anger, a fury akin to that of a hurricane. Each blow was a new level of pain for Lester, who, at that moment, just wished he was back at home, sleeping.

Children waiting for the day they feel good,
Happy birthday,
Happy birthday,
And I feel the way that every child should,
Sit and listen,
Sit and listen,
Went to school and I was very nervous,
No one knew me,
No one knew me,

He then realized that Garry embedded a sai into his stomach, twisting, then pulling it out of him.
Garry breifly paused his assault as Lester vomited blood onto the ground.
Stepping back, Lester was in a state of stupor. He couldn't be , not now. He was Lester Treskington damnit!
He tried to speak, but no words exited his mouth as he choked on his own blood.
Why me? Oh god I'm so sorry!! Have mercy, please Garry, please!

Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson,
Look right through me,
Look right through me,

Garry took the sais, whirling them around, he walked towards Lester.

Please, no! NO!!!

Spraying with each stab from the sais, blood covered Garry, but no matter. All that mattered was making sure that nobody would ever mess with Garry Dodd again. Blood flowed like a waterfall down Lester's preforated chest. His internal organs were torn to shreads, and his bones were literally sticking out of his destroyed skin. Lester was dead already, but Garry still continued to rip him to pieces with each stab of the sais. All the hatred, the anger, the rage that Garry hid from the world, left to pent up , was focused into killing this misunderstood boy.
Finally, he sent the sais into what was left of the boy's shoulders, and lifted him off the ground.

And I find it kind of funny,
I find it kind of sad,
The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had,

With Lester still in front of him, blood dripping to the ground, he rambled:

"SEE THAT DANYA? DO YOU SEE THIS? PRETTY FUCKING MESSED UP HUH? The lone cripple, calm, just alone with his emotional problems and a gun toting hippie, finally SNAPS AND STABS THE SHIT OUT OF SOME OTHER STUDENT!! Pretty fucking entertaining Danya? I bet this is some form of weird fetish for you, watching kids get carved up? "

He paused.


Nearly screaming his lungs out,  then in a massive effort, threw the  the boy behind him, causing Lester's body to be ripped in half.


I find it hard to tell you,
I find it hard to take,
When people run in circles,
It's a very very,
Mad world,

He collapsed onto his knees, now out of his state of rage, and into a state of near-insanity. The pain of his head and leg didn't even compare to what he felt inside. "What have I done?" Covered in blood, tears streamed across his face. The whole world just saw him tear another student to shreads. "Not like this... My life shouldn't be like this... This can't be real.. not real... not real at all....." A shudder ran down his body. He left the scene, covered in blood, with his cane in hand. Garry didn't care anymore. Life was over for him. He would never be able to go back home again, never able to wash off the blood, never able to feel any emotion, ever.

The gore of Lester's body would make even a seasoned serial killer vomit. After his torso was thrown to the ground,  Gore was covering Garry, who was too distraught to care. It looked like something out of Mortal Kombat. Exept that there was no player laughing in the backround, gloating that he won. There was no omnipresent voice to yell "Fatality". This was as real as anything else in Garry's life.

"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. I guess my life is worthless now."

With that, he walked on.

Mad world,
Enlarging your world,
Mad world...

((Continued in Natural Disaster))
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