The Wicked Game

A small industrial district lies on the island, the smell of sulfur still polluting the nearby air even though the factory incinerator hasn't been operated in some time. Besides the factory, the only other nearby building of note is the island slaughterhouse.
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Post by Ares »

The boy had turned just before Rob could make it safely around the corner.

Fuck. Well running ain't an option. This guy, tired as he may be is still faster than me

Rob took a few steps forward making sure to keep the Uzi in plain sight. Rob heard the boy ask if he wanted any. The answer of course was a no, but words were struggling to come out.

"I...I...n-n-no. I don't mean you any harm." Rob stammered.

The cruel reality of the game has set in after he'd watched this kid in front of him pummel another student to death. It was something Rob knew was coming, but he didn't expect it to happen this way. He'd thought that maybe he would get shot, and that would be his wake up call. He never thought that he would witness a murder.

The words came easier this time around,

"Look man, I just trailed you guys hoping you would leave this area. I'm not the only other person around here, and I can assure you that none of us mean you any harm," Rob glanced at the corpse and continued, "If you want, we can offer you some shelter for the time being."

I must be the stupidest human being on the face of this earth. I just invited a killer to come share a shelter with two of my friends and I.
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Post by Cyco* »

Bryan had no idea how much the newcomer had seen of his altercation with the tall boy, but he didn't seem too anxious to start any shit. Calvert was wary of the SMG in his hand.

"That one of yours?" he asked, gesturing behind him with a simple nod in the corpses direction, keeping his eyes fixed on the stranger.
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The stern face of the boy was slightly distracting to Rob. He just could not understand how this boy could seem so unaffected by what he had just done. Then again, here was Rob staring at the corpse and not feeling any pity or remorse.

"No, I have no idea who that guy is. Wait, sorry...who that guy was."

Rob noted that he may have added just a touch to much sarcasm into that last sentence, but hell he was trying to lighten the situation up. Last thing he wanted right now was to end up like the kid with no distinguishable facial features.
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Post by Cyco* »

Bryan sniffed again, and he licked his top teeth as he considered the offer of shelter and an apparent truce. He needed to go to the school; Tori and the others were waiting for him. Then again, the rain was getting heavier by the second, and there was quite an expanse between the industrial yard and the school. He really didn't feel like walking through the pouring rain, and there didn't seem to be any rush. Would they leave without him? If they did, where the fuck else would they go? Maybe it would let up a bit...

"Ok, fuck it, let's just get out of the damn rain," he said finally, waving a free hand in resignation. He guided the shotgun back over his shoulder with his left hand and let it rest upon his back again, stooping down to collect the dead boys daypack before trudging in the strangers direction. He wasn't too anxious about being doublecrossed now, seeing as the boy in front of him hadn't even directly aimed his weapon at him. Bryan wasn't about to let his guard down though. You never knew...
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Rob breathed a sigh of relief as the boy slung the shotgun back over his shoulder. He was still obviously dangerous in hand to hand combat but Rob felt at ease either way. Something was telling Rob that the boy had not killed the other because he was "into the game."

Rob began to lead the way back to the small building he, Matty and Anna had originally found shelter in. Then something donned on him.

Shit, if the others find out this guy killed that kid, they might panic. I mean Matty wasn't exactly in the most calm states of mind when I came to investigate this whole situation, and Anna...well I wouldn't want her to get riled up either.

"Umm, look, the people I'm with, they aren't dangerous or anything but they are a little freaked out by this whole situation, so it might be best if we say that you didn't kill that kid. Maybe say that you chased him and he ran away?"
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Post by Cyco* »

"You can tell them whatever you want," Bryan shrugged. He was anxious to get out of the rain and a little irritated that the brown-haired boy had stopped him. He didn't recognize him from Bathurst, and didn't expect to know any of his companions either. To be fair, that wasn't so much of a bad thing, considering he'd already encountered everyone he was glad to see from his highschool. Bryan suddenly felt he owed the stranger an explanation for his actions moments ago. He piped up before his aquaintance had an opportunity to turn around.

"Uh, just so we're clear...(sniff)...he, uh...he started it."
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Post by baby_g* »

Matthew had had about enough of this bull already. He was stuck with a girl who didn't say two shits and with no one else around. He's pacing from side to side turned into him walking around the whole place they were standing. He had already hit the wall, and his fist was pounding. There was one thing he had though, one thing that could help with the pain. Seeing as they were on a shitty island, there wasn't much sense of him smoking to get high. He took the joint that he had behind his ear from when he and Rob first met and put it in his mouth. He began to pat his pockets down while still pacing only to remember that he didn't have a lighter at all.


He didn't bother taking the J out of his mouth at first. He kept it hanging losely between his lips as he walked out in the direction Rob took when he left. As the rain came down on him, he moved the joint to his pocket and started to call out for his friend.

"Rob! Where the fuck are you?"

Sure, it probably wasn't the best of ideas, but considering he was pretty good at bargining, he could probably trade the chick's life for his own. It'd be a different story if she said something once and a while. He had considered maybe giving her the boot, or maybe even telling her that Rob said to meet him at the church or something. Anything to get rid of her. The matter of being was that Rob needed to get his ass back so they could keep moving. He wasn't going to log around jail bait just because the guy had a crush on her or wanted to be noble of some shit.

Son of a bitch... I'd leave them both if I knew someone wouldn't kill me first chance they got.
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Rob believed what the boy had told him. This guy didn't seem the type to start shit. He was the type that would damn sure finish it. Rob then realized he had not introduced himself.

"Oh, by the way, the name is Rob Adams. Just please remember not to tell these two what really happened out there."

It was then that Rob heard his name called.

"That fuckin' idiot! Dude, I hate to tell you what to do but run with me here, just so we can shut him the fuck up."

Rob booked it around the next corner, ran about 50 yards and barreled into Matty with a tackle that would make Ray Lewis proud.

"Its me dude, its me. Shut the fuck up! You want to draw more people to us?"

A sound behind him told him the other boy had caught up.

"Oh, uh guys, this is..uh...didn't catch your name earlier mac."
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Post by Cyco* »

Bryan had been on the verge of responding when Rob bolted in the direction of the sudden ruckus, beckoning him to come with. He complied, but not with the same vigor; he was tired, dammit. He'd spent the night in a cave two days ago and missed sleep altogether the next. This game was a pain in the ass.

He caught up to Rob and the noisy idiot, and he could see someone else beyond the door that they'd propped open. Rob asked him his name.

"It's Bryan," he replied, shifting the various straps on his shoulders for comfort. He wondered how many small groups there were on this island. To be honest, he would have gotten a kick out of the idea of a truce under these circumstances back home in Denton. It was different here, though. Every time thoughts of the inevitable conclusion arose, he would always push them out of his mind.

What if they did manage to make it far enough; what if they were the final four. Would they just...fucking...draw straws?

Bryan gave the idea a firm, figurative shove out of his head.
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Post by Ares »

The announcement came over the P.A. as Rob was sitting down. He heard the name Bryan come over the P.A. announcing two deaths.

Well, I know one of them is him for sure, but what about that other Bryan that was announced? Could that be his doing as well?

Pushing that thought out of his head Rob continued to listen for the new dangerzones. The minute he heard "Industrial" he hung his head.

Fuck. This place was perfect

The announcement ended, and Rob stood up. He knew they had to get out of the industrial district but he was not sure where to go. He had originally wanted to go to the hospital, but now that it was re-opened so to speak, Rob had a feeling that it might end up like the mall, with people swarming it.

"Damn it, I hate that Danya bastard. Not because of what we are a part of or anything, but just because he's a fucking dick. The way he talks sounds like he's probably jacking off to everything we do. Fucker. Where the fuck is a camera?"

Rob stormed outside looking for the closest camera. He looked to his left and saw one about 15 yards from where he was. He ran over to it and casually began speaking into it.

"Danya you sick son-of-a-bitch. I just wanted to let you know before I head out of this area that you are the load your mother should have swallowed. What a waste of life you are. Even though I realize I stand nearly no chance of winning this game. I hope whoever does blows your fucking head off and takes a shit down your neck. Toodles!"

Rob walked back over to the shelter with a grin on his face.

"Well, I feel a lot better. All right, Matty, Anna we're going the hospital. Bryan, I don't know if you have your own agenda but you are welcome to accompany us to the hospital. If not, then good luck out there."

Rob then placed the Uzi back in Anna's hands, and took his gun back from Matty. Rob then leaned over his daypack. He opened it up and grabbed a bottle of water. He then zipped it back up, picked it up and walked out the door.

((continued elsewhere))
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Post by Cyco* »

'The morning announcements? What the fucking how long have I gone without sleep?' he thought to himself, wrinkling his nose. He wasn't feeling it quite as much as he would have figured, but Bryan was nevertheless wiped. He had to get to the school and rest his tired ass before he got it shot off.


Too late. Bryan's name was announced as responsible for the death of...he didn't catch the name. It probably wasn't important. What was, was the fact that the trio he'd just introduced himself to had heard it loud and clear, unless they had shit in their ears. He glanced at Rob and the loudmouth and then at the girl behind the door.

Shit, there it was again. His name was called a second time, and he knew that this was for the tall boy. Now it was getting really uncomfortable standing in front of the group, and he was wishing he'd just told Rob to go fuck himself. Not that he seemed like a bad guy at all, but Bryan wasn't expecting the best of reactions here. He shifted on the spot and neglected to look any of them in the face, listening without a word and fidgeting a little.

Soon followed the dangerzones. The residential district (where he'd killed Dan Birch), the mall (goggle boy) and the industrial district (stretch). That was kind of funny--

--shit, the industrial district.

'Come on Danya, you prick,' Bryan thought with a grimace, 'cut me some fucking slack...'

Rob went on an amusing rant that took his mind off of his crippling exhaustion a bit. He even snickered at the 'toodles' bit. That shit was funny. The apparent leader of the group returned and decided their destination. He offerred for Bryan to come along, but he had already wasted enough time and needed to haul ass to the rendezvous point before Tori and the others left. The hospital was on the way, though.

"I'll escort you guys there, how's that sound," he offerred, as if he were doing them a big favor. He got a kick out of saying that, but then again he was really tired; everything seemed a little funny. Even the game. It was such a fucking drag. God-damn. Everybody was so reluctant to accept the fact that it was a battle royale. He had accepted it. He understood that in order for Tori to survive, he was as good as dead. At the same time though...he had to respect them. Those who defied that prick Danya and stayed true to eachother...he hoped that they would have the last laugh.

He didn't know what to expect after death; he'd been raised Protestant Christian, but...just...everyone was so down on them...he didn't know why. He'd gone to church when he was little, and although it was boring as hell, he'd never thought any of what they were saying was hurting anybody. It sounded like a lot of the stuff they were saying made a lot of sense. People said that nothing good ever came out of it, that it only spurred conflict. He didn't get it; people had been fighting long before it was invented. They'd probably find another reason to fight if they got rid of it. But then again he wasn't as smart as some other people claimed to be. Still, nobody liked being on a losing team, and Bryan had disassociated himself steadily from the church--almost subconsciously--over the years. Now all he had to go on was that protecting Tori was the right thing to do. Whatever was on the other side didn't matter, as long as he could live...and die...with himself.

Bryan followed Rob and the others out the door and into the rain. It was cold and irritating, but he'd dicked around and avoided it long enough. It was only water, for fucks sake. Next stop was the school. He could sleep once he knew she was safe.

((continued in Cold Cash and Colder Hearts))
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Post by baby_g* »

Matthew felt kind of bad for his harsh feelings towards Anna at this point. None the less, they had to move and move they did. He couldn't say his liked the idea of following Rob... face it, he's kinda messed up...
Either way, he started walking.

This Bryan guys a character...

((continued elsewhere...))
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Never more. Never more will she be such a plaything. Never more will she be an addition to this horrid plot. Never more will she let herself live amongst those whom are so imperfect. Never more… In Annabelle's twisted mind, that was how she justified staying. That was how she justified not walking away when she was given the chance. That was how she justified being inches from death. As the beeping of her collar resounded in her ears, she merely listened to it. As if it were a melody from heaven, singing her to everlasting grace and protection. Never more…

"It's all so per.." But Annabelle would never finish that statement. As she was saying the word "perfect", her collar's bomb subsequently exploded, practically ripping her head from her body and sending her sprawling on the ground in a heap. All that would be remembered of her was that she couldn't meet the challenge that was SOTF.

Never more… would she live amongst humanity.

Girl #05 Buchannon, Annabelle - DEAD
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Post by Ares »

((continued from Cold Cash and Colder Hearts))

Rob had not turned around since he left the hospital. He was staring straight ahead, moving through the fog ridden island completely oblivious to everything going on around him. He had only one thing on his mind. Find Anna's body. Since him and Matt had left her, Rob had had a clinging hope that she had escaped the industrial district after they had left. The announcement had shattered that hope. Rob thought back to when they had first met Anna. She had come stumbling into the Mall under the weight of her bag and her gun, while neither him or Matty had immediately gone to help her. That thought brought a small chuckle out of Rob. She had needed their help and protection, yet they couldn't deliver. He could not follow through on the guarantee he made to himself.

Rob found the building that he had found for the trio when they were seeking shelter from the rain. He paused with his hand on the doorknob. He wasn't sure how he would react. He tried to prepare himself for what he was about to see. Taking a deep breath he turned the handle and opened the door.

Anna's corpse was slumped into a heap near the wall. There was blood spattered all over the walls around her. Slowly Rob made his way over to her side, and kneeled down. The contrast of the situation struck deep inside Rob. Here was a violent, horrific scene, yet she looked so peaceful. Carefully he scooped up Anna's body into a small embrace.

"I'm so sorry.." Rob whispered with a small tear.
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Post by baby_g* »

Through the fog, it seemed that Matthew was able to make his way back to where they were not so long ago it seemed. It would help it everything didn't look the same though, seeing as he couldn't really find the exact place they had been keeping shelter in when it was raining and Rob went running off with that intimidating Bryan guy.

"It would help if you waited for me! Fucking idiot." He mumbled to himself as he continued to walk around. Knowing them two, they'd probably bum into eachother not knowing it was the other and draw weapons... somehow Matthew knew that he was going to get hurt this time around...

Good thing I got that.. Fuck! We smoked it!! Not to self... punch Rob for smoking my pot!
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