This could be anywhere in the world

While not especially large, containing roughly five stories, this hotel once served as a temporary residence for island tourists. Perhaps the hotel could serve as a safe haven for you as well? Don't let your guard down here, however, you never know who's watching you from the shadows.
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This could be anywhere in the world


Post by baby_g* »

((Continued from... Bodom Beach Terror))

Tori and Bryan left the beach and heading inland. The dangerzones were beginning to be set up so that it would start boxing in all remaining kids in the game... forcing them to come face to face.

Thankfully, the island wasn't all in all that huge and it didn't take forever for them to get from point A to point B. Off in the distance they were approaching the Hotel. Last Tori was there, she met with Mari and they ended up leaving before Bryan came back from wanting to find his friend Seth. They had been in the stairwell and Mari ended up leaving a message on the wall using blood from one of the dead bodies. With more and more names being read off at every announcement, she wondered how many more bodies she'd have to step over to just have a moment of peace and quiet.

She was still holding the gun Bryan had given her. He stuck the rest of the amo in her backpack for later she guessed. She silence between them since they had left the beach was getting just as thick as the fog earlier that morn.

Someone's got to break the ice...

"So... how does this thing even work? I'm guessing it'd be a doozy for me to fire eh?"
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Post by Cyco* »

((continued from Bodom Beach Terror))

Bryan couldn't help but notice how hard it was to stay dry on this island.

He and Tori headed inland, and Bryan was obligated to consider their destination (first he X'd out the perma-dangerzones; he would probably forget without it written down). There was what was labelled as a botanical garden in the northeast, but that sounded like a big waste of time. He doubted anybody would be heading there in a survival situation...that is, unless they had a thing for plants.

The hotel came into view. Bryan wondered if it was swarming with players again after being flushed out a few days ago. Maybe they could give it another shot.

Then Tori derailed his train of thought. How did the gun work, she asked. Bryan wrinkled his nose. She had a habit of asking really stupid questions. Then again, he wasn't particularly adept at answering them politely. Besides, she might never have even seen a gun up close before the game. He cut her some slack. "Just point and shoot. Safety's on the left. There, see?" He pointed. It was still in the 'off' position. "Just like the movies."
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Post by baby_g* »

"Movies eh?"

Tori couldn't help but think about how this was just as much a movie as any other actual Hollywood made one. You have the villian, his gools, weapons, fighting, a couple love stories she was sure, here and there... you had the innocent kids and the ones that turned on one another... this was just as much a movie as any other made for the theater kind, and the only difference was she couldn't fire the damn gun to save her life.

In all honestly, Tori never really liked guns or knives.. at all. It was a wonder how she was able to use the blade Bryan gave her in the beginning for so long. She wasn't sure how much more of this she could take.

I've got to stop doing all the talking in my head...

"You see Bryan," She whipsered as they approached the side of the building, "I hate knives... and guns. I'd give this one back to you.. but you obviously have your hands full.. that and I don't want to seem like a coward or anything... I just wanted you to know.. uh.. I guess.. I'm going to try extra hard okay? Just.. don't get to mad if I ask stupid questions..."

She felt stupid evening bringing it up, as she leaned against the buildings wall, slouching her shoulders and looking down at the ground. She figured Bryan would either be looking angry, wishing he was paired with someone else... or probably more annoyed with her. The one time she missed her mom was now.. she always gave good hugs.
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Post by Cyco* »

Bryan furrowed his brow and scoffed. He was a little annoyed that she was accusing him of 'getting mad' at her, especially in light of his incredibly diplomatic response this time around. 'Irritated' was a much better word; she'd damn well know it if he was mad. Just the same, he appreciated how cooperative Tori had been since the mall incident. She really was trying.

"I'll try not to," he replied. Bryan paused, then all of a sudden his face lit up as if he'd just remembered something important. "Oh, and look here." He pointed to the curved magazine on the Agram. "You've only got one of these, so don't go wasting your ammo. I'll cover you when you need to reload, but you'll have to do it by hand. Got it?"

Bryan was unsure as to whether Tori would be able to handle the submachine gun. It looked a bit big for her. Still, he had no need for it himself (he had 32 shots now, and he was good at saving them) and it did clear up the issue of handing off the SPAS-12 if he happened to be taken out. She would be better off just saving it for real binds, he thought.

On to matters at hand. "I think we should try the hotel again. You wanna give it a shot?"
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Post by baby_g* »

"Uh.. the hotel.. yea, sure..."

She couldn't say she was very happy about going back inside as they neared one of the side doors. She lead them down the hall, to one of the stair cases to the second floor. In the distance she could see a couple more bodies laying limp on the ground covered in blood. Tori started to second guess herself, of whether this was really a safe play to be or not. They opened the door from the stair case leading to the second floor, and walked down the hallway of doors. As they were walking, Tori placed the gun Bryan had given her into her bag and removed the axe. She had seen this done in movies before... where they use the butt end of something hard to force open a door.

"Here we go.."

Three doors from the stair case, on their left, Tori turned the handle and was relieved to find it unlocked.

Upon entering, there was a small closet to their right, and a door leading to the washroom to their left. A couple more steps in the room, there was a small desk and chair against on side of the room, while the other side held the double bed with night stands on both sides. Though the light was on, it was still semi dark in the room due to the curtians being drawn. Tori didn't mind though... she felt better knowing that with them closed, less people would think they were there.

"I'll be right back." She said quietly, grabbing a towel from the closet as she plopped her bag down on the bed. She took her shoes off, placing them on the right side of the bed, and headed to the washroom. Closing the door behind her, she turned on the water, happy to find still those wrapped bars of soap and little bottles of shampoo. She found an old razer under the sink, but a razor was a razor and would work either way. She removed her clothes, as she hopped in the tub switching it to shower and drawing the curtian behind her.

The water, though a bit cold, was refreshing on her skin. Even though she had finished up cleaning off, washing her hair and quickly shaving, she still allowed herself extra time to just stand in the shower, letting the water hit her back. It was the one sold moment she had to herself, where she almost confused herself for being back at home in her own shower.

God I hate it here..
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Post by Cyco* »

Bryan followed Tori up to the room, staying sharp in case anyone else had gotten the same idea they had. It was a short route to the room, as they took the first one that was unlocked on the second floor. Bryan glanced towards the opposite end of the hallway; just beyond the stairwell door was the boy he'd put a sizeable hole in. Trying to get that Walter prick. It didn't matter anymore though, Mariavel had killed him. In the end he was just another name on the deathlist; no flourish of trumpets, no moment of silence...hell, nothing more than a half-hearted shrug on Danya's part.

'Walter...maybe I was wrong about you...'

Tori excused herself and went into the bathroom with a towel. Bryan grabbed one himself and threw his bag on the bed, seating himself next to it and patting his arms and face dry. He hadn't had the option after their little polar bear swim; his shirt and overalls were soaking wet.

He heard the shower turn on. Hopefully that wouldn't attract any attention from anyone nearby. It occurred to him to lock the door, and he did so, returning back to his seat afterwards. He'd gone quite a while without a shower himself, but then again it didn't bother him. Even if he did, he would have to return to his wet clothes anyway. There was no point.

Right now he could at least relax; there was no point in doing anything until Tori came back. However, as he slid the shoulderstrap of the SPAS-12 off he noticed that the rounds on it had nearly depleted. He'd reloaded the gun on their way to the hotel, finding that it held one more shot when the first one had already been chambered. Big deal, right?

Bryan withdrew the ammo box from his bag and went about replenishing his ammo. There was always something that needed to be done.
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Post by baby_g* »

Wanting to make her shower as quick as possible, Tori rushed herself to shave, shampoo and soap down quickly. The water was cold, but just warm enough for her to get in and out fast and not shivver to much.

When finished, Tori put on her bra, shirt and underwear, which were more so damp instead of soaking wet now, since she left them over the vent. She wrapped the towel tight around her waist, which left it hanging down to her knees. Quietly opening the door to see where Bryan was, seeing he was near the bed looking like he was putting more amo in his gun.

She quietly, not wanting to bring attention to herself, walked over to one side of the bed and sat down staring at her toes. Her towel covered her modestly while her pants still hung over the vent drying out. There wasn't much in the room for her to look at as she sat on the bed hoping Bryan would break the silence. The wall paper was a greenish yellow with a white flower print, while the bed sheet matched the green tones, the carpet was an awful orange colour, but was soft on her bare feet.

... I hope my pants dry quickly ...
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Post by Cyco* »

Bryan set the oft-unseparable SPAS-12 beside him on the bed as Tori sat down, taking advantage of the chance to relax. In all honesty, he could have begun tying sheets together to fashion a makeshift escape rope, but damn if he didn't need a break from all this boyscout "be prepared" shit.

He felt awkward with Tori sitting beside him with no pants on. Yeah, there was the towel, but all the same...his ears were a little hot.

"Rest up, eh?" he suggested, easing himself backwards and cradling the back of his head with his crossed arms. He hoped she would answer and they could talk so he didn't start thinking. It was getting late in the game to start thinking.
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Post by baby_g* »

'Rest up eh?'

"Yea," She said as she leaned against the head board, plumping her pillow as she did so. She leaned back, now comfortable and tried not to think about the event at the water. Trying to take her mind off it, Tori figured she might as well talk about something they both might find interesting.

Movies? ... lame..

Turning on her right side, she was now facing Bryan. He seemed distant, probably letting his mind wander around the past few day on the island.

Is he thinking about the mall?

Poking him lightly in the side, hoping to bring his attention back to the present, she tried to strike up a conversation.

"So... how's the arm?"
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Post by Cyco* »

The arm? Bryan held it up in front of his face and turned it to see front and back. The bandage had been soaked (again) and consequently lost its adhesiveness, but the six-day-old cut wasn't bothering him at all anymore.

"It's better," he said, waving the limb in dismissal as he put it back down on the bed. "Thanks." He didn't mention the brick incident; it wasn't giving him a whole lot of grief either. Just a little sore spot by his temple. Now that he thought about it, the luck of the Irish had been with him in spades on the island. He'd been toe-to-toe with a handful of armed opponents and gotten away with just a proverbial scratch or two. Then again, maybe he was due...
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Post by baby_g* »

Tori felt a bit better knowing that Bryan was okay, for the most part. Something was still on the back of her mind, other than the mall. It was the kid. What was with him? She knew that they were all on the island, all had to kill eachother.. but, there was something more personal this time, and she couldn't put her finger on it.

"Bryan.." She began, "I might be wrong.. but.. it just seemed that the boy at the beach.. well.. did you know him?"
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Post by Cyco* »

"Oh," Bryan responded quietly, having forgotten all about the explanation he owed her on that subject. "Well, uh..."

He sat up, crossing his legs. He scratched his nose. "I ran into him on day one, over at the industrial yard. We traded shots. Never met him before that." He paused for a second. "I don't even know what his name was. Guess we'll find out soon, though." On the morning announcements. What time was it? He'd lost track again. There was a digital alarm clock on the bedside table, but it was facing away from him and he didn't really care enough to get up and check it.

He licked his teeth and finally continued, "Maybe he wanted a rematch or something." It was a shot in the dark; he hadn't the slightest clue what the other boy's intentions had been. Bryan had been the one who wanted to settle the score, and he did, and it had changed nothing. Regardless, what had he wanted with Tori anyway?

"...and you didn't know him either, right?"
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Post by baby_g* »

Tori couldn't recall running into the boy at anyother point on the island these past couple days. She didn't get why he wanted her though.. it was kinda of weird.

"No, I don't think I knew him at all.."

Her mind drifted again as she turned back on her back and stared at the ceiling. She wished there was some way of knowing if those you cared about were okay, instead of having to wait every morning for the announcements.

"You know what? Everyone left on this island thinks they're going to be the one who's going home.. to tell you the truth, I don't think I even know what home is anymore."

Tori turned on her side, facing the wall with her back to Bryan. Her eyes were watering a bit, and she didn't want him to see her cry. She wormed around for a second, to quickly pull the sheets from under her to now over top of her.

"Is it weird that I don't want to win anymore?"
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Post by Cyco* »

Bryan's bandages were irritating him now; he was going to change them. Leaning forward and grabbing his daypack, he withdrew the familiar first-aid pack and opened it beside him. He used the small pair of scissors inside to cut his ruined bandage open, and then after removing it completely went about wrapping fresh ones again. It was a good thing he'd restocked the adhesive bandages in his kit when he'd had the chance. As he went about doing this, Tori started acting a little weird.

Was it weird that she didn't want to...?

"Doesn't matter much anyway," he grunted, leading the white bandage between his fingers slowly. He didn't look at her, instead his eyes were fixed intently on what he was doing. "It's not your choice anymore. I've made it my business to see that you do."
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Post by baby_g* »

...not your choice... I've made it my business to see that you do.

In the back of her mind, it felt nice to know he was really looking out for her. He said it so sincerely that all the feelings she had of being just a weight slowing him down filtered away. Tori dried her eyes and turned back facing Bryan. He was sitting up, just finishing up putting his new bandage on. It seemed almost like nothing so far has fazed him.

"I wish I could be as brave as you.. you're a power house!"

Tori giggled a bit, thinking back to her gymnastics and how her teacher would always tell them to work on their abs because they were the 'power house' of the body, and how everything depended on having a strong one.

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