Friends? What are friends?
Friends? What are friends?
Melanie had somehow found herself in a kiddy's playground. Complete with swings and slides. She quietly moved over to one of the swings and sat herself down. She sighed quietly and began to think. Perhaps she should just end it all now. She could jump
she's too afraid to do something like that. This stupid squirt gun won't be of any use though. She sighed again and began to let her mind wander.
Unknowingly to her, another figure had also entered the area. This figure, was Preston Grey, AKA Boy 25. He had awoken down near the river, and had decided it much to open of an area for a game like this. He had found his weapon, a double axe, in his bag and was forced to carry it with both hands, it being much to heavy for his tastes. He found the sight of this girl sitting on the swing sad, and decided to go up to her. She shouldn't be alone in a game like this.
"Hello there!" he yelled to the girl cheerfully. He noticed the blood on her skirt, and wondered if she had already killed. It wouldn't matter to him anyway.
Melanie heard the voice and immediately jumped from her seat. She turned and saw him. To her he looked like an enemy. An enemy with a big axe. She began to cry again as she lifted her squirt gun to level with his head. Maybe if he thought it was real, he'd run away.
Unknowingly to her, another figure had also entered the area. This figure, was Preston Grey, AKA Boy 25. He had awoken down near the river, and had decided it much to open of an area for a game like this. He had found his weapon, a double axe, in his bag and was forced to carry it with both hands, it being much to heavy for his tastes. He found the sight of this girl sitting on the swing sad, and decided to go up to her. She shouldn't be alone in a game like this.
"Hello there!" he yelled to the girl cheerfully. He noticed the blood on her skirt, and wondered if she had already killed. It wouldn't matter to him anyway.
Melanie heard the voice and immediately jumped from her seat. She turned and saw him. To her he looked like an enemy. An enemy with a big axe. She began to cry again as she lifted her squirt gun to level with his head. Maybe if he thought it was real, he'd run away.
Preston flinched a bit when the girl raised her gun at him. her face was stained with tears and her skirt was full of blood. S perhaps she had killed. The way it looks thogh, it was probobly self defence, he decided. She was just a scared girl. Just a poor soul that was trapped in this deadly game of hide and seek.
His weapon was probobly scaring her. He thought it best to toss it aside for now. That way, she woudn't be so frightned. The dull bounce sounded deafining to him. His first annd last line of defence was now about 5 feet away. Great.
"Listen. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not playing. Please put the gun down. I can help you. We ca.." He was cut off though by Melanie's screaming.
"Shut up! Shut up! No, no, no, no! You... liar... everyone plays... noone survives but the winner. But I.... I don't want to kill.... I can't kill... I can't... I want to survive though... But I... Oh god..." she fell to her knees and sobbed.
They shouldn't be here. She shouldn't be trying to trick this boy. They all should be at home. With their familys. having fun, not being subjected to this maddness. Preston ran over to her and grabbed the gun from her shiuvering hand. He wrapped his arm around her back and rubbed slowly in a calming fashion. Noone should put them through this kind of thing. The two of them just sat there, not even caring if anyone else came.
His weapon was probobly scaring her. He thought it best to toss it aside for now. That way, she woudn't be so frightned. The dull bounce sounded deafining to him. His first annd last line of defence was now about 5 feet away. Great.
"Listen. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not playing. Please put the gun down. I can help you. We ca.." He was cut off though by Melanie's screaming.
"Shut up! Shut up! No, no, no, no! You... liar... everyone plays... noone survives but the winner. But I.... I don't want to kill.... I can't kill... I can't... I want to survive though... But I... Oh god..." she fell to her knees and sobbed.
They shouldn't be here. She shouldn't be trying to trick this boy. They all should be at home. With their familys. having fun, not being subjected to this maddness. Preston ran over to her and grabbed the gun from her shiuvering hand. He wrapped his arm around her back and rubbed slowly in a calming fashion. Noone should put them through this kind of thing. The two of them just sat there, not even caring if anyone else came.
"Shut up! Shut up!"
Deliah lifted her head slowly, bright colors and shapes of plastic surrounding her. She lifted herself with her arms, immediately touching her growing belly as soon as she was standing behind the playset she had awoken under. Her soft skin was beginning to stretch tight and bulge, but with big enough shirts, many people had yet to notice her pregnancy at school. Even Matt had thought she was just gaining weight.
Her eyes scanned the place, looking for where the screaming she heard had come from, and saw them. A boy and a girl already well in tears. The girl she had recognized, if not just for the fact that it was her, on the bus, that had bits of brains blown onto her when the hijacking took place.
Deliah lifted her head slowly, bright colors and shapes of plastic surrounding her. She lifted herself with her arms, immediately touching her growing belly as soon as she was standing behind the playset she had awoken under. Her soft skin was beginning to stretch tight and bulge, but with big enough shirts, many people had yet to notice her pregnancy at school. Even Matt had thought she was just gaining weight.
Her eyes scanned the place, looking for where the screaming she heard had come from, and saw them. A boy and a girl already well in tears. The girl she had recognized, if not just for the fact that it was her, on the bus, that had bits of brains blown onto her when the hijacking took place.
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Marie avatar by Kermit.
((Continued from This is Your Wake-Up Call...))
The paranoia staretd to get with him. He looked around, this way and that. Scared that someone with another bazooka might blow him up, he narrowly escaped death at the start of the morning in this game. He certainly didn't want to be put in another kind of situation. However he did have Anna, Anna was his jail out of free card. Unless of coruse the person with the machine gun or missle cannon dosn't care for a poor defenseless girl.
The park was like the park at Denton. However the playground had an abscence of noisy annoying children. The benches weren't filled with homeless people reading up newspapers. No mothers walking their babies in strollers. The only thing that seemed normal was the birds, and the trees. The scenery was a nice change from the dangerous hidious Motel 6 he's just escaped from.
Paris' feelings remained the same, he enjoyed the feeling he got after killing Brittany Ashworth. Sure he was a nervous wreck at first but the feeling of victory was splendid. He was another step closer to getting out of this isnane asylum he was in. However as hard as it does sound Paris did feel guilty. The person he had just killed was a fellow popular, populars were his group. Populars is the very foundation of paris' royalty as Gossip King. Without his lords and ladies he would be nothing but an empty court.
The boy did have feelings for the populars, the people who've stood by him. They didn't deserve a death as gory as what he did to Brittany. They didn't deserve a to be bruttaly killed like the losers and nerds out there. Paris thought about this while nervously looking around waiting for something to happen as he would take refuge at a park.
Paris made up his mind, the next time he encounters someone that is popular he will give them a honorable death. He wasn't quite sure what an honorable death consited of or how it was accomplished. Maybe he should have payed more attention in history class. But definatly he would respect the fact a persons popular by the way he killed them. Sure it was sad, but he had to in order to survive. He had no other choice. That philosophy kept repeating inside his head over and over.
While pondering on death, he knows that their is many aspects that hasn't hit him yet. Paris is intrested in knowing more about death, he'll eventually be surrounded by it on this island. Being a boy his age he doesn't know anything except for the things provided by movies and television. As he dug deeper into it, Paris looked around, they were now on a grassy area near the playground, while scanning every direction he suddenly stopped sharply and turned toward two people; A boy and a girl sitting on a bench.
Spotted paris froze of fright, he has been uncovered and once again this interaction and encounter with others who he has no control over frightened him. One of them might have a machine gun for all he knew, he could just rattled their bodies with bullets. However the two were hugging which means they had sentimental feelings. Which means they are kind hearted. Which means they are good.
Which means he has Anna.
The paranoia staretd to get with him. He looked around, this way and that. Scared that someone with another bazooka might blow him up, he narrowly escaped death at the start of the morning in this game. He certainly didn't want to be put in another kind of situation. However he did have Anna, Anna was his jail out of free card. Unless of coruse the person with the machine gun or missle cannon dosn't care for a poor defenseless girl.
The park was like the park at Denton. However the playground had an abscence of noisy annoying children. The benches weren't filled with homeless people reading up newspapers. No mothers walking their babies in strollers. The only thing that seemed normal was the birds, and the trees. The scenery was a nice change from the dangerous hidious Motel 6 he's just escaped from.
Paris' feelings remained the same, he enjoyed the feeling he got after killing Brittany Ashworth. Sure he was a nervous wreck at first but the feeling of victory was splendid. He was another step closer to getting out of this isnane asylum he was in. However as hard as it does sound Paris did feel guilty. The person he had just killed was a fellow popular, populars were his group. Populars is the very foundation of paris' royalty as Gossip King. Without his lords and ladies he would be nothing but an empty court.
The boy did have feelings for the populars, the people who've stood by him. They didn't deserve a death as gory as what he did to Brittany. They didn't deserve a to be bruttaly killed like the losers and nerds out there. Paris thought about this while nervously looking around waiting for something to happen as he would take refuge at a park.
Paris made up his mind, the next time he encounters someone that is popular he will give them a honorable death. He wasn't quite sure what an honorable death consited of or how it was accomplished. Maybe he should have payed more attention in history class. But definatly he would respect the fact a persons popular by the way he killed them. Sure it was sad, but he had to in order to survive. He had no other choice. That philosophy kept repeating inside his head over and over.
While pondering on death, he knows that their is many aspects that hasn't hit him yet. Paris is intrested in knowing more about death, he'll eventually be surrounded by it on this island. Being a boy his age he doesn't know anything except for the things provided by movies and television. As he dug deeper into it, Paris looked around, they were now on a grassy area near the playground, while scanning every direction he suddenly stopped sharply and turned toward two people; A boy and a girl sitting on a bench.
Spotted paris froze of fright, he has been uncovered and once again this interaction and encounter with others who he has no control over frightened him. One of them might have a machine gun for all he knew, he could just rattled their bodies with bullets. However the two were hugging which means they had sentimental feelings. Which means they are kind hearted. Which means they are good.
Which means he has Anna.
Anna has been dragged from: This is your wake-up call
Anna's face was probably stained with tears and she could still feel the blood pour out of the wound on her back. She had stopped to try and scream for Franco on the way here, but to no avail. Paris slashed the knife down her back and told her that if she didn't shut up he would kill her. She didn't want to die. She wanted to be with her sister. She wanted to be home! She wanted all of this to just be a dream and that she would wake up perfectly safe in her own bed. But She knew better. She knew that she was going to die here. She knew.
They seemingly arrived at a park. Sort of like the one in Denton, she noticed. He twisted her arm a bit harder but she didn't cry out. Why, you may ask? Because she saw them. She saw the boy and girl sitting on the bench. Maybe they could save her? She hoped they were friendly. She already had one problem to deal with. She was so glad that he hadn't noticed her axe that she hid in her pack.
Melanie and Preston had moved their position to the bench in the immediate area. Melanie was still a bit scared, but had calmed down considerably. They had exchanged names a while ago, and were now simply seated on the bench, Preston with his arms around Mel, attempting to stifle her cries. Preston had never been very good around girls. The only ones he'd ever been cool with were Ali Grayston, Sara Wingfield, and Carmen Somerset. That's probably the reason no other girls liked him though. But whatever. At least this girl liked him. Or he'd like to think she did.
Suddenly he heard a call off to the right. Melanie let go and scrambled to her feet. Preston got up as well. Before looking at the caller, he noticed another group not far off. A boy and a girl, the girl seemed like she was in pain. Not good. He turned to look at the voice. From what they could see it was a girl. Melanie seemed to know her, so he looked at her and handed her the axe.
"Listen Mel. Go see if that girl is playing. I'll take this water gun and interrogate those two over there." Melanie looked over at the others and began to get nervous. "Preston Don't get hurt. You're my first friend. I don't want to lose you." Wit that she jogged away towards Dahlia and Preston made his move.
"You two over there!" He pointed the gun at eye level with them. "Are you playing?" Anna would've said that Paris was, but was much to scared at this point and time.
Meanwhile, Melanie had made her was to Deliah. She looked harmless, but Melanie wansn't too sure. She lifted the axe and looked into the other girl's eyes.
"Deliah, are you playing? Please don't make me use this. I don't want to. I don't want to but I will if you make me."
Anna's face was probably stained with tears and she could still feel the blood pour out of the wound on her back. She had stopped to try and scream for Franco on the way here, but to no avail. Paris slashed the knife down her back and told her that if she didn't shut up he would kill her. She didn't want to die. She wanted to be with her sister. She wanted to be home! She wanted all of this to just be a dream and that she would wake up perfectly safe in her own bed. But She knew better. She knew that she was going to die here. She knew.
They seemingly arrived at a park. Sort of like the one in Denton, she noticed. He twisted her arm a bit harder but she didn't cry out. Why, you may ask? Because she saw them. She saw the boy and girl sitting on the bench. Maybe they could save her? She hoped they were friendly. She already had one problem to deal with. She was so glad that he hadn't noticed her axe that she hid in her pack.
Melanie and Preston had moved their position to the bench in the immediate area. Melanie was still a bit scared, but had calmed down considerably. They had exchanged names a while ago, and were now simply seated on the bench, Preston with his arms around Mel, attempting to stifle her cries. Preston had never been very good around girls. The only ones he'd ever been cool with were Ali Grayston, Sara Wingfield, and Carmen Somerset. That's probably the reason no other girls liked him though. But whatever. At least this girl liked him. Or he'd like to think she did.
Suddenly he heard a call off to the right. Melanie let go and scrambled to her feet. Preston got up as well. Before looking at the caller, he noticed another group not far off. A boy and a girl, the girl seemed like she was in pain. Not good. He turned to look at the voice. From what they could see it was a girl. Melanie seemed to know her, so he looked at her and handed her the axe.
"Listen Mel. Go see if that girl is playing. I'll take this water gun and interrogate those two over there." Melanie looked over at the others and began to get nervous. "Preston Don't get hurt. You're my first friend. I don't want to lose you." Wit that she jogged away towards Dahlia and Preston made his move.
"You two over there!" He pointed the gun at eye level with them. "Are you playing?" Anna would've said that Paris was, but was much to scared at this point and time.
Meanwhile, Melanie had made her was to Deliah. She looked harmless, but Melanie wansn't too sure. She lifted the axe and looked into the other girl's eyes.
"Deliah, are you playing? Please don't make me use this. I don't want to. I don't want to but I will if you make me."
Fucking perfect. This nerd has decided to cause Paris an entire new problem. It's barley been one hour since the incident at the Hotel and now he has to deal with another loser. A loser with a gun. The boy looked at Preston grasping what to do. Anna was his jail out of free card, thats what he was using her for.
"Shoot and the I'll ram this knife right thorugh the girls throat." said Paris. The point of the knife touching Annas skin, he knew by what the boy said he was one of those peace losers. We would defiantly wouldn't want to put Annas life in peril which gives me a free ticket to being safe again.
Paris smiled inside his head calculating what Preston would do. He seemed way out of his league for this game. The other girl seemed to take a safe distance away from them, probably the boy girlfriend. "Give me the gun and I'll let the girl go." said Paris. If he had the chance to kill this boy he would die the unpopular way. He obviously wasn't popular and dosn't deserve a clean or honorable death.
However now matter how confident his plan was Paris was nervous, he did not want to get shot. A part of him told him to just dump the girl and take off running hoping the bullet wouldn't catch up to him. But he could NOT be a coward! The Gossip King is not a coward! Even in the face of a gun! And he knew for sure he wouldn't let himself be dethroned by this pathetic pacifist.
"Shoot and the I'll ram this knife right thorugh the girls throat." said Paris. The point of the knife touching Annas skin, he knew by what the boy said he was one of those peace losers. We would defiantly wouldn't want to put Annas life in peril which gives me a free ticket to being safe again.
Paris smiled inside his head calculating what Preston would do. He seemed way out of his league for this game. The other girl seemed to take a safe distance away from them, probably the boy girlfriend. "Give me the gun and I'll let the girl go." said Paris. If he had the chance to kill this boy he would die the unpopular way. He obviously wasn't popular and dosn't deserve a clean or honorable death.
However now matter how confident his plan was Paris was nervous, he did not want to get shot. A part of him told him to just dump the girl and take off running hoping the bullet wouldn't catch up to him. But he could NOT be a coward! The Gossip King is not a coward! Even in the face of a gun! And he knew for sure he wouldn't let himself be dethroned by this pathetic pacifist.
She ran her hand through her hair nervously as she realized what she had done. Fearing for herself, she nearly took off at a run, but stood petrified at her spot when she glanced at the axe the girl held.
"Deliah, are you playing? Please don't make me use this. I don't want to. I don't want to but I will if you make me."
Waving her hands in front of her, they empty and shaking, to signify to the girl that she intended no harm.
"No, no... I just woke up, and I don't recall... your skirt, it's bloody, from Ms. Garrick, right? You're not playing... are you?"
Deliah's eyes wandered to where the boy had left, and they widened. The three that were in her view looked to be in some sort of argument, and one boy had taken the frightened girl hostage. Her hand covered her open mouth, and she stifled a cry out to them.
((Continued in Rain on Me))
"Deliah, are you playing? Please don't make me use this. I don't want to. I don't want to but I will if you make me."
Waving her hands in front of her, they empty and shaking, to signify to the girl that she intended no harm.
"No, no... I just woke up, and I don't recall... your skirt, it's bloody, from Ms. Garrick, right? You're not playing... are you?"
Deliah's eyes wandered to where the boy had left, and they widened. The three that were in her view looked to be in some sort of argument, and one boy had taken the frightened girl hostage. Her hand covered her open mouth, and she stifled a cry out to them.
((Continued in Rain on Me))
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Marie avatar by Kermit.
Anna began to lose her cool. Now she was just a broken soul. She was crying and pleading. Pleading for her life. Preston thought what this boy was doing was disgusting. How can you do something like that to another human? How? What's the point? He just couldn't understand it. But
he was glad that this gun was fake. He tossed the gun to the boy who immediately let Anna go and pointed the gun at Preston. Preston looked at the broken girl he had been forced to catch.
"Go over there, with those girls Head to the school. Okay? I'll handle this and meet you there!" He whispered to her. She nodded and ran off towards Melanie. This boy He was so kind. She hoped he would be alright.
Preston watched her run off and looked at Paris. He reared his arm back and swung at the boy's face.
Melanie looked at Deliah relived. She wasn't playing good. She was quickly reminded of her old teacher and choked up a bit, but a fake smile was plastered on her face when she answered.
"Neither are we Deliah. Come with us! We can help each other!" She said happily, although still thinking of Ms Garrick.
Deliah Gasped and Melanie turned, her jaw dropping at the sight. The girl; was being held captive?! Oh no! Preston flipped the boy the squirt gun and the girl was freed. She fell into Preston's arms and after a moment ran towards them.
"Hurry! Head to the school! He said that he'd handle it and meet us there!" Anna screamed when she was within hearing distance. Melanie obliged, but took one last look at her new friend, somehow knowing that this would be their last meeting. Goodbye Preston
"Come on Deliah!" she screamed as she ran after the other girl.
Anna and Mel continued: Outside the school
"Go over there, with those girls Head to the school. Okay? I'll handle this and meet you there!" He whispered to her. She nodded and ran off towards Melanie. This boy He was so kind. She hoped he would be alright.
Preston watched her run off and looked at Paris. He reared his arm back and swung at the boy's face.
Melanie looked at Deliah relived. She wasn't playing good. She was quickly reminded of her old teacher and choked up a bit, but a fake smile was plastered on her face when she answered.
"Neither are we Deliah. Come with us! We can help each other!" She said happily, although still thinking of Ms Garrick.
Deliah Gasped and Melanie turned, her jaw dropping at the sight. The girl; was being held captive?! Oh no! Preston flipped the boy the squirt gun and the girl was freed. She fell into Preston's arms and after a moment ran towards them.
"Hurry! Head to the school! He said that he'd handle it and meet us there!" Anna screamed when she was within hearing distance. Melanie obliged, but took one last look at her new friend, somehow knowing that this would be their last meeting. Goodbye Preston
"Come on Deliah!" she screamed as she ran after the other girl.
Anna and Mel continued: Outside the school
Preston was an obedient fellow and tossed the gun, Paris immediatly pushed Anna toward Preston catching the gun. Even though he should've kept Anna and taken the gun the damage had already been done. The boy immediatly lifted the gun pointing it at Preston who told Anna to run away with the girl he was with and another girl that happened to be witnessing the situation.
This was not good. He'd lost his hostage however he had received something much more useful. A tool that can create instant death instead of giving Paris the trouble of actually thinking and planning what his next move would be. All he had to do now was lift the gun and shoot whoever he needed to shoot. And his first victem was this idiotic boy.
Just as soon as Paris finished his thought Preston threw a punch at him. Oh! But he was already familiar with the punch, he learned all about it when Adam decided to go suddenly bash Paris' face. But a punch was nothing more than flesh and bone, nothing compared to a hot searing piece of metal. The boy dodged the blow and ran a few feet away from preston aiming the gun at him. Paris still had his bolo knife in his other hand just incase anything happened.
"Your stupid idiot. You just saved Anna but you doomed yourself." said Paris in a confidant stance as he pointed the gun at Preston with victory signed all over his face. "Being the popular person I am I should give back to the community..." said Paris breathing a little heavily. This is what his moment has come to. His second murder he'd commit, there was no need to be nervous. But the boys hand was already shaking. God damn it! Why am I so tense? I'm just disposing of sentimental trash. Why am I shaking? Paris cursed himself in his head for being nervous. He was not yet used to killing people, he was never a murderer. Just a boy in need of gossip.
"Is there anything you'd like to say before I send a bullet into your face?"
This was not good. He'd lost his hostage however he had received something much more useful. A tool that can create instant death instead of giving Paris the trouble of actually thinking and planning what his next move would be. All he had to do now was lift the gun and shoot whoever he needed to shoot. And his first victem was this idiotic boy.
Just as soon as Paris finished his thought Preston threw a punch at him. Oh! But he was already familiar with the punch, he learned all about it when Adam decided to go suddenly bash Paris' face. But a punch was nothing more than flesh and bone, nothing compared to a hot searing piece of metal. The boy dodged the blow and ran a few feet away from preston aiming the gun at him. Paris still had his bolo knife in his other hand just incase anything happened.
"Your stupid idiot. You just saved Anna but you doomed yourself." said Paris in a confidant stance as he pointed the gun at Preston with victory signed all over his face. "Being the popular person I am I should give back to the community..." said Paris breathing a little heavily. This is what his moment has come to. His second murder he'd commit, there was no need to be nervous. But the boys hand was already shaking. God damn it! Why am I so tense? I'm just disposing of sentimental trash. Why am I shaking? Paris cursed himself in his head for being nervous. He was not yet used to killing people, he was never a murderer. Just a boy in need of gossip.
"Is there anything you'd like to say before I send a bullet into your face?"
Preston missed with his punch. He cursed to himself. The bastard was pretty fast. Better step up to his level. Preston braced himself for some sort of retaliation, but when none came, looked at the boy. He pointed the squirt gun at Preston and laughed like he was going to win. What an idiot.
Preston smiled wickedly at the other boy. He scoffed and looked him in the eye. "Go ahead and shoot then!" He screamed as he charged towards the boy. Attempting to close line him.
((yuck, i wanna puke every time i re-read that. Sorry for the horrible post, and for taking so damn long
Preston smiled wickedly at the other boy. He scoffed and looked him in the eye. "Go ahead and shoot then!" He screamed as he charged towards the boy. Attempting to close line him.
((yuck, i wanna puke every time i re-read that. Sorry for the horrible post, and for taking so damn long
Paris grinned, an evil smile; A smile; that would shut that insolent lsoers face. His finger steady on the trigger he pulled it, with a tinge of hesitation. Once again he wasn't used to killing people, it was never on his agenda. But the reaction of Preston made him pull it, it was only a reaction of self-defense. The boy was smiling but no bullet came out, instead a stream of water spewed in front of him.
What the fuck!? The look on Paris' face was one of pure surprise, embarassment, and laughter. He completley traded in his meat shield for some stupid plastic squirt gun. This did not bode well with him, the King of Gossip? Duped? I don't think so. Paris' expression of jack in the box surprise turned into a one of burning inferno of hate and anger. Nobody embarassed the Gossip King without proper punishment!
The boy saw Preston charge at him, but he didn't move. He couldn't move as he was binded by the goery thoughts that entered his head. Thoughts on what way to murder this unhonorable loner. He was not popular, he was a infidel and did not deserve any clean or swift deaths! He threw the plastic gun aside; With the bolo knife in one of his hands he took it and started to charge at Preston. He held the knife in front of him, one of his hand gripping it and the other hands palm pressed on its base. The boy started running, like a lancer would in the Crusades. Carrying his mighty lance Paris would arrive from the duel victorious!
Paris looked like he was charging Preston head on, giving him the thought he was going for a straight on stab. But that wasn't the case. The boy dived from his charging position with his knife straight for the genitals. It felt like forever but it was mere seconds before the body fluid and blood started leaking from his pants onto the knife and Paris' hand. The boy had just halted Preston in his tracks, he seemed frozen, stone cold frozen by this sudden and un expected blow.
The boy breathed heavily processing his actions into a realistic point of view. What had he actually done? Pressing the knife deeper into the wound, more blood leaked from it, turning the bolo knife a crimson red. It was perfect. When a knight on his horse charges at a opponeant he raises his lance up hoping to pierce the others armor or head. What they should have done was aim low a few feet before they collided striking the horses head making it go crazy and fall with the knight ontop of it.
Never taking his grip off the knife Paris raised up to normal height, his face and lips were just one inch away from the sweating boy, his eyes wide open with shock and pain that he couldn't comprehend what had happened to him. "Nobody makes a fool out of me....." said Paris to him, with a serious, a dead serious expression on his face. And he was serious, he rembered what happened when Adam Amato did when he unexpectedly punched him. It was embrassing, humilating, especially for a fellow popular; Especially for the Gossip King. In return for this blunt hit Paris suddenly savegly retaliated back slamming his fist right into Adams face.
From that moment on Paris vowed never to be humilated by anyone ever again. he wouldn't just take hits and punches from lower class or normal people who didn't like them. If someone pushed Paris' buttons, he smashed theirs. And this is what Preston Grey had done, he pushed paris' buttons and in return he smashed his sexual organ. The anger from that moment in Mrs.Sarranas classroom surged thorughout him and with an angered tug he disengaged the knife from Prestons genitalia.
Preston fell back and hit the park ground with a thud. Twitching a bit Paris looked down upon him, his body looked normal well the top of it. The bottom was a damp mess of blood and bodily fluids; Preston looked cold, hard, and stiff now. He looked like he was transforming into a some sort of realstic wax statue. The expression on Paris' face didn't change, he just examined and analyzed what he had just done. The boy felt the prescence of the park, the people still moving within it. Little children played in the sands while others swung on the swings. One man was reading a book while two mothers had a conversation on a bench. The whole park froze for this moment. Time had stopped, frozen; The only thing that moved or was alive was Paris.
((Continued in Natural Disaster))
What the fuck!? The look on Paris' face was one of pure surprise, embarassment, and laughter. He completley traded in his meat shield for some stupid plastic squirt gun. This did not bode well with him, the King of Gossip? Duped? I don't think so. Paris' expression of jack in the box surprise turned into a one of burning inferno of hate and anger. Nobody embarassed the Gossip King without proper punishment!
The boy saw Preston charge at him, but he didn't move. He couldn't move as he was binded by the goery thoughts that entered his head. Thoughts on what way to murder this unhonorable loner. He was not popular, he was a infidel and did not deserve any clean or swift deaths! He threw the plastic gun aside; With the bolo knife in one of his hands he took it and started to charge at Preston. He held the knife in front of him, one of his hand gripping it and the other hands palm pressed on its base. The boy started running, like a lancer would in the Crusades. Carrying his mighty lance Paris would arrive from the duel victorious!
Paris looked like he was charging Preston head on, giving him the thought he was going for a straight on stab. But that wasn't the case. The boy dived from his charging position with his knife straight for the genitals. It felt like forever but it was mere seconds before the body fluid and blood started leaking from his pants onto the knife and Paris' hand. The boy had just halted Preston in his tracks, he seemed frozen, stone cold frozen by this sudden and un expected blow.
The boy breathed heavily processing his actions into a realistic point of view. What had he actually done? Pressing the knife deeper into the wound, more blood leaked from it, turning the bolo knife a crimson red. It was perfect. When a knight on his horse charges at a opponeant he raises his lance up hoping to pierce the others armor or head. What they should have done was aim low a few feet before they collided striking the horses head making it go crazy and fall with the knight ontop of it.
Never taking his grip off the knife Paris raised up to normal height, his face and lips were just one inch away from the sweating boy, his eyes wide open with shock and pain that he couldn't comprehend what had happened to him. "Nobody makes a fool out of me....." said Paris to him, with a serious, a dead serious expression on his face. And he was serious, he rembered what happened when Adam Amato did when he unexpectedly punched him. It was embrassing, humilating, especially for a fellow popular; Especially for the Gossip King. In return for this blunt hit Paris suddenly savegly retaliated back slamming his fist right into Adams face.
From that moment on Paris vowed never to be humilated by anyone ever again. he wouldn't just take hits and punches from lower class or normal people who didn't like them. If someone pushed Paris' buttons, he smashed theirs. And this is what Preston Grey had done, he pushed paris' buttons and in return he smashed his sexual organ. The anger from that moment in Mrs.Sarranas classroom surged thorughout him and with an angered tug he disengaged the knife from Prestons genitalia.
Preston fell back and hit the park ground with a thud. Twitching a bit Paris looked down upon him, his body looked normal well the top of it. The bottom was a damp mess of blood and bodily fluids; Preston looked cold, hard, and stiff now. He looked like he was transforming into a some sort of realstic wax statue. The expression on Paris' face didn't change, he just examined and analyzed what he had just done. The boy felt the prescence of the park, the people still moving within it. Little children played in the sands while others swung on the swings. One man was reading a book while two mothers had a conversation on a bench. The whole park froze for this moment. Time had stopped, frozen; The only thing that moved or was alive was Paris.
((Continued in Natural Disaster))