Sitting Bored*

This quiet restaurant located in a secluded part of the downtown area has become quite a popular afterschool hangout for the local teens. The restaurant's friendly staff and relaxing atmosphere provide the perfect place to study, catch up on homework, or just hang out with friends after school. Be sure to try the Mamma's Mexican Surprise, it's the best in the tri-county area!
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Sitting Bored*


Post by baby_g* »

What a day, John thought to himself. All he wanted was to come and have a cup of joe and maybe something to eat, so that he could get out of the house and relax, and he couldn't even get out the door of his house without his mother screaming at him

John tried explaining to his mom that he just wanted some fresh air, but no, that's not good enough for her. She needs to know where he's going, with who, who he's meeting, plans for the day, how he's getting there and well, so on. He eventually gave in and said he wasn't planning on meeting anyone, just going for some coffee and a sandwhich, planned on doing some homework, and would be home for supper. That seemed to calm her down, so John made it on his way.

He was now sitting in a booth, his backpack next to him and his books on the table. He had already had his first cup, and was now on his second. If only they could serve some beer, something to help John forget everything and help him loosen up. Point of the problem was that John was fed up with being home all the time. After his whole life of being homeschooled, he's finally going to be able to go to an actual highschool. He had no idea what to expect. He didn't even have any friends that would help him ease into the transition.

John took a look around the place. There were people, not many, but a good amount. He saw a couple cute girls that he thought he might go talk to, but then again, he didn't really have anything to say. His plan for the day was to just sit, read, scope out the crowd and hope that maybe someone would come and talk to him.

As John continued to flip through his notebook, he finally found a piece of paper that didn't have pen all over it, took out his pencil and began to sketch a picture.

What a day, He thought, What a day...
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Post by Kaishi* »

((Continued from: Empty Hallways))

Meri Lennart wasn't as great as she pretended to be.

She wasn't stellar in her grades. A's were nice and all, but when you're at P.J. Gilroy anything lower was immedieate death. What was once a huge accomplishment at her former school, Gerald Ford Middle School, was now just a common place sort of thing. No more pats on the back for straight grades, because that's what you're supposed to get. She didn't have as many friends as she pretended to have. It was all on name basis. One "close" friend, Yukie Kitsuragi, and they were becoming farther and farther apart. Meri thought she was going somewhere by knowing most of the kids in her class group, but because she never allowed herself to go out anywhere with them, nothing happened. Nada, zip, zilch, you've got the friendly friendless Lennart girl with all her buddies elsewhere.

Maybe that's why she had forced herself to sit down in John's booth, right in the seat across from him so she could get a good look at his face. Since he was nobody she recognized, this'd be a start at working up her courage. Go from loser to winner, just add a splash of personality and a pinch of charm.

The smile on her face felt awkward. "Hi, I'm Meri," Her voice, too, sounded forced. It was, strangely, an octave higher than usual. Nerves were getting the best of her. "What are you drawing?" His hand made it hard to see whatever it was that he was sketching. Hopefully, it wasn't anything gratuitous. She leaned in for a better look, and caused a glass to teeter close to the edge of the table. Laughing nervously, Meri sat back down in her chair, holding the cup tightly in her hands.

Smooth... Real smooth.
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"Hi, I'm Meri," Is all that John heard coming from the direction across from him. Who was sitting with him? A girl, obviously kind of nervous of her surroundings, or maybe just him.

"Hi, I'm John." He said, as he glanced back down at his sketch. "I'm not quite sure what I'm drawing... I just... draw."

Pleased with his answer, He continued to go along with his work, then he realized. Could you be any ruder John?

"err... um.. sorry. So, nice to meet you, you waiting for someone?"
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Post by Chase* »

((Continued from: A Lone Soul at the Bar and Grill))

Behind the scenes, in the not-so-glamorous kitchen of Benson's, a greasy cook was arguing with a rather short girl, both leaving the nicer words for the customers outside. Danielle stared up at Fritz, her brows furrowed and her mouth open wide as she rambled on to him about his latest fired employee.

"What am I supposed to do now? I'm an hour over my shift, and Andi was supposed to close tonight!"

Fritz had his arms folded on top of his beerbelly, obviously adopting a stern look at the girl as she went off on him. After all, she was his employee, and she was only letting off steam at him for realizing that she was going to have to find a new waitress. Danielle let off her steam, storming off into the cleaning closet for a sign hanging on the back of the door. Muttering a few choice phrases, including "Fritz" and "the devil incarnate", she carried the sign to the front of the restaurant and hung it on the window.

In the next few days, she would be responsible to hire a new employee, hoping that Fritz wouldn't go off on a firing spree and can yet another girl. This is going to bring a bad reputation to the establishment, Danielle thought.
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Post by Kaishi* »

((OOC: Meri doesn't wear glasses. The only RPC in this scene wearing glasses is Danielle, and she's in the kitchen right now, or hanging a sign on the window.))

"So, you just draw. That's cool!" Meri set the glass back on the table. "No, I'm not waiting for anyone, just wanted to strike up a conversation with, um, you." Why did most guys have to be so mysterious? You ask them the color of their tie, then they'd just say it was a tie, or whatever obvious, witty thing came to their mind. Like, hello, of course John knew what he was drawing. You don't just do something. ...Right? Maybe she was being a little rude, too. Already she was judging this dude and she didn't even know him beyond a name and, Meri guessed, drawing stuff. Oh, and appearance-wise, he didn't look too horribly sickening. A little bit on the older side, though, he looked like a senior or a junior. Definitely not a freshman.

What are you getting yourself into, Mer Bear? She tapped the tabletop, laughing quietly. "I've never seen you around Gilroy, so I'm guessing you don't go there." Another laugh, this one more nervous than the last. "Where do you go to?" There were plenty of schools in their New Jersey county, so she didn't bother trying to guess right.
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Post by baby_g* »

((OOC: No worries. I fixed it *thumbs up*))

Alittle distracted by the yelling going on in the kitchen, it finally dawned on John that the girl was asking him a question. Only, what was it? He heard school. Maybe she was asking him about school.

"Um, yea, school is boring. I go to Hobbsborough. Kind of sucks."

Who was this girl? She looked younger. possibally 15, 16? John was never a good judge when it came to people's ages. Though, she wasn't bad looking, he glanced up from his drawing and gave her the quick 'one two' look up and down. (Though he could only see from the waist up)

"So babe," He began. "I mean, Meri, you sat down to talk to me, tell me something." He gave her a grin, as to show her that he wasn't trying to be sarcastic, he also hoped that she didn't mind the whole "babe" slip of the tounge. He tended to do that alot to girls.

Girls like talking about themselves, so he figured he was set to give head nods and 'mmhmm's' for the next couple minutes or so. It's not that he didn't want a conversation, he was just waiting for the right... question so to say.
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Post by Kaishi* »

Ack, 'babe' was a good thing right? Meri Lennart had always had a problem deciphering boy talk. 'S'up?' was the worst of it, though, because when a boy said that you'd never know if he wanted you to say 'hey' or answer 'not much'. Meri usually said the latter, got a look, and lost the boy's interest completely. Maybe the same rules applied to being called a babe. Oh, but what could you say to something like that? Simply accepting the compliment wouldn't work. You had to reply, you had to say something witty back at him, play hard to get or something, say something Meri before you lose him!

"Thanks, h-hu-hun-hum!" What. The. Frick. Was that?! Meri covered her face in her hands, trying to figure out what exactly a hun-hum could be. She knew what she had wanted to say, something like hunk because that was a Baywatch sort of thing, but had retracted it and turned it into something beyond humiliating. Good thing that Mister Hun-Hum was focusing on his drawing too, elsewise she probably would've ran out the door to try boosting her confidence with some other guy.

"Okay, uh, I'm a girl, duh," Did that sound rude? Dear gosh, why was this so difficult? "I like music." Bor-ing. "I used to play trumpet a lot. I don't play it anymore, I don't have the time. And, er, oh my god!" Meri slammed her hands on the table, stood up from her seat and leaned over, this time more careful not to knock over the empty glass. "Will you go out with me?"

There. Objective complete.
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Post by baby_g* »

From not paying attention, John clearly missed what was going on, that until  Meri jumped over the table and asked him if he'd go out with her. Was he supposed to say yes? or no? He's a guy, since when does he know what to do. This was pretty straight forward of her to ask, considering the age difference and that they dont even go to the same school, and oh, that they dont even know eachother.

"Um, well.... Meri." He stuttered out, still shocked. "This is very... forward of you. You dont even know my last name."

He looked at her, she was nice on the eyes sure, so what is she doing asking him to go out with her. She's the type of girl that just needs to look at a guy the right way and he'll chase her for sure.

"Let's get the basics out before we jump to anything eh? You might not even like me after you actually find out stuff about me..." John laughed to himself.

"Look, you're really cute. But dont you think it's fair that i know more about you than how you just played trumpet and you like music, and well, you're a girl? I like being a smart ass, I dont get along with male authority figures, I like to draw because it's relaxing. I tend to have a temper when provoked, I live at home with my mom, I was homeschooled for most of my life because my mom's ex husband was a fucking ass hole.... er.. I mean, he was a bad person."

John didn't want to go into full detail about his past, but he figured he got the basics out there. Now, he thought, just wait for her reaction. He didn't want to scare her away, he just wanted to... not rush things.

John looked down at his sketch, it was almost done, to some what ease the shock of what he just said to her, he pushed it across the table so she could see it.

"Look," He said, "I drew the cook over there, not as realistic as I thought it would turn out, but it will do for now."

Maybe she'll like it.....
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Post by Kaishi* »

That sounded fair enough, but it didn't make it any less difficult. Well, atleast he was some kind of rebel punk. That was good, right? Guys of that type were usually nicer, or something, other than their bad mouths. Good for her that he hadn't used it against her yet. That really would've been the finishing blow. Meh, take things as they come. Meri was making progress, at the very least, and the fact he was now showing her his drawing was proof of that.

"Oh, wow, the only thing I can draw is a stick figure." Another point for this John guy. "I guess it's my turn, then, huh?" Okay, think. What would make you sound cooler than you really are? Since he didn't go to P.J. Gilroy, Meri Lennart could practically become a whole 'nother person. "Well, you already know that I go to some schmuck-muck Academy. To tell you the truth, I'm actually not that smart, uh, I just have a lot of free time on my hands." So much, in fact, that she had to pretty much waste it all doing all sorts of odd off-school tasks. Volunteer work cleaning out bedpans, raking leaves for the neighbors, spending time with the elderly, taking extra classes in preparation, entering in a small number of competitions for her resume, etcetera. All done in the course of months.

Pause, thinking... "Some people might think that I'm a quiet person, but I'm really not, especially around my friends. I just get nervous, that's all. Guess it was my low easy-to-take-advantage-of confidence." Meri stressed the advantage part deliberately. "So, John, is the answer no, or not? Please tell me, I have to know soon."
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Post by baby_g* »

Is this girl for real? John thought to himself.

Here is a girl, who goes up to a stranger and askes him to go out with here and she says she's shy?

"Why do you want to go out with me? How old are you? What are you into? How do you know I even have time for a relationship? slow down hun."

John slid his notebook back to his side and continued shading in the lines, occasionally glancing up waiting for her answer.

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Post by Kaishi* »

"I want to go out with you because, well, the oppurtunity's here. You're sitting alone, by yourself, simply drawing. Okay, not alone anymore since I'm here, but yeah." Ah, age. Hopefully he wouldn't lose all interest as soon as Meri said that certain two digit number. Would lying be better? "Honesty is the base of all relationships, so, yeah, I'm fourteen, sorry." The next question was a harder one to answer. She had always judged people on impulse, so, really, Meri had no substantial evidence that he had the time. Or, if he was a weirdo of some sort pretending to be a highschool student. There were books about that kind of stuff happening to girls and, worse, real life news stories, too.

"I know because it's obvious! You're an artist. Artists live on romance." She smiled, pleased with her answer. It made perfect sense. Some of the best poetry, paintings, etcetera had been made by artists in love. And hate and heartbreak, but, hopefully, they'd never get to that point. "I'm into life. I want to live before I die. You seem like you're perfect for just that... Make me live, John. Go out with me!" Her voice raised on the exclamation, loud enough for nearly everyone in Benson's to hear. There was a slight pause in their conversations, glances John and Meri's way, then all the others resumed what they were doing.

"Don't make me make a scene."
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Post by baby_g* »

What the hell?! John thought to himself.

"Listen, you're already making a scene. I dont see how it could get much worse. You're 14, I'm 18! That's 4 year difference hun. How about this, You sit next to me, instead of across, calm down and lets just talk. What do you think we'd do if we went out? Who are you looking to impress? If they're here, then sure, we'll make eyes to make them jealous, sure. But you need to calm down a bit."

Her answer about art and all that jazz was actually pretty convincing. She's a stranger and already knows too much.

"Ah, what ever. So, does what I said sound good for right now? I'm not going anywhere for another couple hours, so we have time."
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Post by Kid* »

((Continued from: The Courtyard))

OOC: Still kind of confused about how these board work... if this isn't supposed to be here, please tell me. o.o

Julia walked slowly into the bar and grill. She looked around, trying to avoid the friendly hostess so she could just sit somewhere for a bit in peace and quiet. She was led to a seat in the end and sat down. Biting her lip on accident, she rubbed her chin and looked down at the menu. It wasn't put together very well, but still, the writing was legible as ever.
Julia sighed and closed it. Maybe she would just get a drink. As she sat there quietly, she thought she heard some people arguing a few booths down, but she didn't care. The world always had talking, no matter if it was hers to hear or not. She looked around.
A woman with a child in one booth. A man and what looked like his father in another. An elder couple, a group of goths, a man and his beer buddies. There were a lot of people. It would be nice if she drew them. She decided to wait until after she got a drink.
The waitress came.
"What can I get you, girly?" She smiled with bubblegum pink lips and a teeny-bopper layered do. Julia put down the menu after giving it a false scan.
"I'll take a coke, please." With that the waiter walked away. Julia sighed and decided to pull out her sketch book. Upon opening it, she noticed the leaf from earlier was still there. "Beautiful..." she mumbled.
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Post by Kaishi* »

((OOC: Ah, sorry, I kept getting distracted by things.))

"Well, if we went out, we'd do the normal boyfriend and girlfriend stuff. Hang out, go to the movies, hold hands, kiss, etcetera." Meri got up from her seat, sighing, then sat down next to John. She made a point to avoid his face. Sitting this close felt uncomfortable. "My parents have an eight year difference, that's double ours, and they're blissful in love. If they can, then we could easily make this work."

Then again, it'd be pretty hard. If they went out for years, he'd eventually have to go to college while she was finishing up highschool. That'd probably be the hardest part about it, ugh. Oh, and the fact that it just looked plain odd for a Gilroy freshman to be going out with a Hobbs junior, sophomore, whatever. Meri wasn't too good at matching ages with the ranks.

"I'm not exactly trying to impress anyone. I just want to try this before I become the loser girl who's never had a boyfriend. People are harsh, you know."
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Post by Kid* »

Julia recieved her drink with a slight "Thanks" attached to it. She sipped out of the straw and tried to put the finishing touches on her sketch. It was of the girl in one of the booths near hers. She has a strange aura about her; depressed, yet, overly hopeful. She was talking to an older boy who looked about Julia's age. Julia didn't really care, she was just trying to find something to draw that had good character for a picture. She finished the drawing and then drank the rest of her soda. She sighed and left the tip.
"I don't want this picture..." she mumbled. She ripped it cleanly out of her sketchbook and placed it on the table. After packing her stuff back up, she finished her soda, gathered up the picture and walked away. She approached the girl's table and put the picture on the tabletop, walking away as quick as she could so she wouldn't have to associate with them.
On the sketch, it showed the girl and on the side was written, "From a loser to a winner."
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