Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

A lookout point which provides a look at the whole island. Be wary of the fact that with one push, you could go tumbling down the lookout point and fall to your death.
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Post by Kuze* »

Shinya reached down for the boy's bag as Peri and steven walked off ahead of him, Picking it up he slid the cat claws into the bag and pulled out one of the boy's spare shirts, wiping the blade of blood, he carefully slid it back into its sheath, making sure not to impale himself with the blade.

Slinging the bag over his sholdier, he picked up his glasses and slid them back of as he walked towards the look out point following Peri and Steven.

"Alright, alright I'm coming I'm coming"
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

He would arrive at the top moving over the small metal gate in one swift movment and soon his feet would be placed upon the wooden floor of the lookout post. A Glance would be given around it looking for anything of intrest seeing nothing but the bare weak looking walls and a even weaker looking roofing.

His bag would be unslung and fell to the ground with a clatter of metal slamming against cardboard inside of the bag. His back pressed to one of the walls facing the entrance he would slowely let himself slide down into a sitting position.

The Ingram would be unslung and placed beside him as he withdrew the Shuriken star from his pocket and tossed it ontop of the ingram.What would they do now? Where would they go? Shinya had killed and done a very messy job..He made been a little to enthusiastic maybe the game was cracking him already or maybe he was cracking the game? Peri gave it little thought as he sat waiting for the other two arrive but he would call out to both of them.

"What comes Next? Ideas People.."
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

Stevan followed as peri walked up to the lookout. He entered the shoddy building and leant against a wall, His foot up pressing against it. "Me ideas? Look at me what good ideas have i had so far?" He looked down and put his hands into the pockets of his hoodie.

He waited for shinya to arrive, the kid had talent but his methods were way too slow. Some one finds that corpse and identifys it, then when the next announcement comes around everyone will know who did that gruesome scene, and the worst of it is He's chilling with blood boy and freak. Could bring some wannabe psychos there way?

"Well anyway i suggest we move away from here. anyone see's those corpses then us up here they aint gonna feel to safe and if they have a gun bullets will fly"
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Post by Kuze* »

(Blooddy i swear if you pester me through MSN to post ONE MORE TIME I will do something.)

Shinya stopped short of the lookout, and thought ~why am I with the hairtrigger duo, and i cant join a normal group because of what i did , leave them and run, attack than run, or just stay with them~ Glaraing up to the duo he muttered.

"I will out live you teo but for now your just too much of a hassle"

Shinya ran in the oppisite direction of Peri, and Steven and eventually far away from the two.

((Continued in: Drifting...))
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

( Do you mean Bloodmistakes or Bloodyfists? Little details.Nothing is trivial )

He would not even bother to try and stop the stupid long haired boy run away.The boy was carrying two handguns he barely knew how to use aswell as a Katana and listening to his cd player.The boy would be hacked up before the end of the day that would be for sure most likely because the child tried to use the melee weapon against a firearm thinking that he was Blade or something along those lines.

"God Bless his soul" he said with a laugh as he would slowely unload the box`s of ammo out of his bag and begin loading his weapons oncemore.The Ingram would be taken care of in a few minutes and his concealed Colt hadnt been brought to action so far.

A Basic pleasure was taken as a cigarette was slid between his lips and lit.The toxic smoke giving the gentle buzz of self inflicted death before being released.His bag would be pulled onto his shoulders and the strap of the ingram wrapped around his shoulder.

"Come on Fucko we need a new meat shield" he said with a laugh before oncemore making the cherry of his cancer stick flicker.

Weapons loaded,lungs freshly tarred,mind shattered oncemore,trust broken..The Boy was ready for a party.

((Continued in: Truth be Told, the Child was Borne))
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

Stevan sat down and stole smoggy drags from his cancer stick, each breath filled with chemical pleasure. He just sat and watched peri stand over him and get ready to leave. AS peris gestured for him to leave he just grinned at him and toked his cigarette once more. That trusty boom stick of his laid by his feet.

((Continued in: '99'))
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Stevan avatar by Kermit.

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