Mariavel Varella

Events from characters' pasts that occurred outside the timeframe of our current "Past" (be it the day before or nearly a year prior) are posted here. This forum served as a repository for posts ported from the V1 board or summaries of characters as written by their handlers. It has been replicated for the sake of completeness. All IC posts contained here may be read elsewhere in the V2 Pregame archive, often in more complete form. Summaries are unique to this board.
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Mariavel Varella


Post by Mitsuko2* »

At first, we see mariavel as a very sweet girl, as when she is talking to Jhon. Later though, she becomes a real bitch, going so far as to slap a boy for bumping into her. We arte shown her hatred of Jenna Cassidy as they fight in the bathroom, and are soon after shown her crush on Jack Bexley, and her freindship with Seth and Darcy. In the locker room, we see Mariavel's anger take over quickly and she soon comes in contact with a one Walter Smith. She seems to fear the boy, and he takes a rather sadistic interest in her. They part and we quickly see her back in the happy mood, as she shows her freindship with Lavender. at the mall we are shown how she dosn't want to chose between friends, and then how she can become a whole different person in a matter of seconds. This is our first introduction to her two personalaties.
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