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A private school in Smallstown, New Jersey. Got a genius type character or a character whose parents forced them into a high class kind of school? Then, Gilroy Academy is the academy for you!
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Post by Sephy* »

He shook his head, strands of his long brown hair swaying across his face "I'd like you to stay, I can talk to you whilst studying, if you don't mind me being a little distracted"
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Post by Kris* »

A huge smile crawled up Ebony's face as she jumped and sat on a nearby desk. "We should get to know each other better. So tell me, how is Japan like?" she asked crossing her legs. "I bbet its wonderful!"
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Post by Sephy* »

"Japan is..rather hard to explain, it's like a split personality, on one side you have modern Japan, much like modern America, with skyscrapers and lots of cars and noise, but the old Japan is still clung to, we still practice Shinto and wear kimono, and get taught Tea Ceremony in school..."
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Post by Kris* »

"Which side did you live on?" she asked intrested in knowing. She always wanted to go tofar away places. Japan was one of them, beautiful cherry blossoms, kimono's, all very beautiful. "Do they still have geishas in Japan?" she asked.
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Post by Sephy* »

"the place where I lived was very much of the old nature, although obviously we had modern technology" He nodded at her question "yes, although not nearly as many as there used to be apparantly, when I lived in Kyoto i'd see Geisha almost everyday on my way to and from school."
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Post by Kris* »

"Wow! I always wnated to dress up like a geisha. I read 'Memoirs of a Geisha' last month and its completley wonderful. Although theirs lives must have been hard....." she said remembering how Sayuri went thorugh the ordeal she went through.
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He smiled at her enthusiasm "Yes, it must be hard for them, especially when they wear thier full Kimono in the summer heat."
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Post by Kris* »

Ebony nodded. She still wouldn't mind to dress up as one for Halloween or something. Or maybe just for fun. "Well Japan sounds like a dream..." she said stroking her hair. "What do you think about America?" she asked.
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Post by Sephy* »

He shrugged a little "well, much of the andscape is the same, tall buildings and homes, but the attitudes of people are different, it seems like a nice country, although I do miss home and my friends."
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Post by Kris* »

Ebony laughed. "Its nothing like what you described. America is made up of many good and bad people. You stumbled onto one of the good people of this country making you lucky." she said. "Theirs so many factors in this country, so many discriminations, so much fighting, and problems." she said. "Sterotypes, its everywhere....Japan.....Is more of a free country if I'm not mistakened."
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Post by Sephy* »

"Sometimes, it depends where you go, there are shops and resturants that are "Japanese only" and don't allow foreigners in, and any half-Japanese children are bullied at school."
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Post by Kris* »

Ebony didn't like talking about that kind of stuff, it was just too depressing. "But their are many good things about America. The food is delicious! We have theme parks! Oh yes! And there is lovley dances and balls the wealthy have." she said with a dreamy sigh.
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Post by Sephy* »

"If you try to get me to eat a hamburger I will have to kill you" Sasoru joked as he heard her mention food "and in case you wanted to ask, yes, we eat live squid, no we don't eat dogs, that's Korea."
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Post by Kris* »

Ebony laughed. "Squid? Now thats something I won't touch. No octopus either. But I do like lobster, crab, and tuna! I think thats about it in the fish department." she said. "You going to have to eventually eat a hamburger!" she said.
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He shook his head "i'm not eating ground cow intestines fried in lard, it smells disgusting!"
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