Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be*

Missing numerous posts by LaZardo

A private school in Smallstown, New Jersey. Got a genius type character or a character whose parents forced them into a high class kind of school? Then, Gilroy Academy is the academy for you!
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Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be*


Post by Xaldien* »

It was earlier in the day that Kristey's alarm went off.
Practically useless, as she was already dressed and making breakfast by the time it even beeped the first time.

Kristey made a plate of eggs, sausage, and a glass of milk.
She began eating when her mother, Claire, walked into the room.

"Good morning, Kristey."
"Morning, Claire."

Claire looked at her daughter, who didn't even glance in her direction.
"So, I'll be going on a business trip today, I won't be back--"
"--For a few weeks," Kristey finished.

"Right... I'll have my cell phone--"
"Yeah, yeah, call you if I need anything, you left the credit card in my room, blah blah blah, are you quite finished?"

Claire didn't even look at her daughter, before grabbing her briefcase, and leaving.

"I'm pretty sure this place can be run without you," Kristey said, after her mother closed the door behind her.

Now, Kirstey was in the school, playing the piano in one of the rooms. Moonlight Sonata, no less, the one song she plays when she's at a peak of frustration.

She started playing the song faster, and made it seem louder as she thought about the secret her mother kept from her.

Andi... the little fucker who stole my life
She played more furiously.
The childhood I deserved!
She slammed her hands on the piano...
and then it was time to get to class.
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Post by Xaldien* »

The picture of Andi kept showing itself in her head.

That disgusting smile on her face
She could only think of that damn smile.
That fucking smile.

Kristey walked furiously to her class.
She kept walking and repeating his name in her head.
Who are you?
She kept thinking of that kid, the smile on her mother's face, and her life.

And she went into the classroom, sat down, and thought about how she would kill him, if she was ever given the chance.

You'll pay for the life you took from me...
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Post by Serapindal* »

((Continued from: Back to Society))

Francis woke up. He went to sleep again.

Later, Francis woke up again. He got up drowsily, went to the bathroom, went back, and was about to go to sleep again when he saw the clock.

He jumped out of bed. He hit himself on the head while doing that. He rubbed the side of it and swore. He was going to be late if he didn't hurry up!

He quickly put on a beige blazer and some tan trousers, and ran downstairs. He took out a cup of instant noodles from the pantry, and microwaved some water. While it was microwaving, he rushed to put on his socks, stuffed his feet into his shoes, and grabbed the water. He spilled some on his hand, and swore again. The thing was hot. He dumped the water in the instant noodles, took the cup, and ran out of the door. He lived very close to school, only a few minutes away. He ran out of the door with the instant noodles in his hand.

After a bit of running, he started scarfing it down (he didn't bring culinary devices), and ran at the same time. He got to the school, threw the empty cup into some bushes, and ran inside to his class.

He sat next to some angry looking girl who looked like she had something on her mind. (OOC: You know who I'm talking about)

He turned to her, and just said one word.

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Post by Xaldien* »

Kristey put her book down and looked at the boy who just had the nerve to speak to her.

She examined him briefly before looking him, sharply, in the eye.

"What would someone like you want to talk to me about?"
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Post by Serapindal* »

Francis shifted his eyes and whispered,

"Do you know what class this is? I didn't check."
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Post by Xaldien* »

Kristey rolled her eyes, and thought to herself Maybe you should check your schedule fully, you moron.

"It's homeroom. Anything else?"

She gave him less than a second to respond, and then decided to get her water bottle from out of her backpack.

For once in her life, it was disorganized and had to go through it for a few.
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Post by Serapindal* »

Francis just sighed and looked at the ceiling. However, his hand started drifting toward Kristey's pencil. And than it gripped it. Of course, Francis had no idea he was stealing her pencil.
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Post by Xaldien* »

Kristey noticed something.
She didn't even look behind her, or even turned away from her backpack when she threw her arm out, and grabbed Francis' wrist.

She slowly turned her head towards him.

"You have ten seconds to tell me why I shouldn't hurt you."
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Post by Serapindal* »


His eyes shifted to the three fully functional pencils on his desk.

"I was only borrowing it......permanently.....without permission."
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Post by Xaldien* »

Kristey gave him the sharpest look, and her grip on his wrist got tighter and tighter, so much that her nails started digging into it.

"Let this be the first lesson that your thick head can process in this class: Never fuck with people better than you."
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Post by Serapindal* »

Francis winced in pain, and clenched his teeth.

"Aggh, Ye-Yes Ma'am."
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Post by Xaldien* »

Serapindal @ Jul 22 2006, 07:16 PM wrote: Francis winced in pain, and clenched his teeth.

"Aggh, Ye-Yes Ma'am."
Kristey pulled the boy towards her, and looked him square in the eye.
"Pop quiz: What do you think will happen should this happen again?
Remember, this is an open answer, not multiple choice."
Tightening her grip on his wrist.
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Post by Serapindal* »

Francis gulped and winced more in pain.

"Aggh-ahh....none of the above?"
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Post by Xaldien* »

"Wrong answer, you get an F for the day."
She threw him down to the floor, and having let go of his wrist, got on top of him and grabbed his neck.

She was aware that the classmates were focusing their attention on her, in utter horror, but she didn't care.

"I'm not in the best of moods today, but I'll let you make up that quiz for full credit, now, what do you think will happen if this happens again. and the answer is NOT C."

She had her arm in the position meaning she would put him.
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Post by Serapindal* »

His voice quivered, and his body trembled. Only a little though.

"Aggh! It must be all of the above!"
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