Where'd you go Psycho boy?

Alone in the fray

A lighthouse, very reminiscent to the one used on the island for one of the BR ACTs. If used well, this could be quite the grand place to barricade one's self in, or gather a large group in.
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Where'd you go Psycho boy?


Post by Bloody_Fists* »

((Continued from: G19 - Stings like a Bitch))

Stevan finally arrived at the light house. He stopped in a clear patch of land surrounded by thick bushes and tree's. Though he couldent see the ocean he could definately hear it. His gun would put on the floor as he dropped his bag and rummaged through it. A bottle of water emerged from the bad, The cap was twisted and lifted away as stevan took a couple of gulps from his precious water supply. He twisted the cap back on and placed his water bottle back in the bag.

His cloths were still covered in elise's blood, No matter how much spit He used he just couldent get the blood stains out. A wquick chill went through his body and a smile appeared on his face as he remembered elises death.

A cigarette was taken from its packet....Only ten more for this pack. His zippo was taken from his jeans pocket and the lid was flicked open, He quickly ran the end of the zippo along his leg to ignite it. The orange flame was brought closely to his white stick as it flared into life and smoke billowed from it.

Maybe i should wait here for a while? see what god brings my way he though to himself. He took some of his spas 12 bullets from out of his pocket and one by one injected them into the great killing machine. With a swift movement of his hand the shotgun would be cocked and ready for any poor unsuspecting bastard who wanted to try anything.

So now he was alone, His ally had left him to walk alone. It has a sense of irony, someone leaves peri and there branded a traitor, peri leaves stevan and its perfectly fine. Who needed an ally, He had a shotgun that would be enough for now but it wont have bullets for everyone of the island.

Stevan wondered when the next announcement would be, Since he joined the bright cheerful fun there hadnt been one, Maybe he would get a good review.
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

Stevan had just listened to the latest report. His so called 'review' wasnt the best but it was a start "Mhm good fun" he would say to himself. Wonder how peri was doing? probally dead by now, the guy didnt look the friendliest with all the bloodstaines.

Stevan didnt like this place, too far awayfrom people and the sea was blowing in a cold wind that was sending chills through stevans spine.
His pack would be once again slung over his shoulder and his cigarette would be flicked into a bush as he picked up his spas 12 shotgun.

Once again it would be time for the freak to move, maybe the hospital would be good, i doubt people would sticfk around ther with all the bullet holes and the nice warm fresh corpse.

((Continued in: Jason's Choice))
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Stevan avatar by Kermit.

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