Empire of Dirt

The gymnasium is a large section of the building with a huge coyote mural on the outside. It is used for a number of activities; the floor features markings for basketball and floor hockey, and the mobile equipment allows for both of these games to be played, along with volleyball, table tennis, and more. Gym class is usually held inside, and the room is frequently converted into an auditorium for pep rallies and other important school events. Offset from the gym is a smaller weight room with fitness equipment, though it is somewhat out of date. Mats can be dragged into the main room fro wrestling practice. Adjacent to the gym are the pool and a large football field, with a track circling the green. The outdoor twenty-five-meter pool is used by the swim team, P.E. classes that want to break up the pace, and some students looking to escape the desert sun.
Rorick Skyve*
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Post by Rorick Skyve* »

Maxim nodded. He was staring off into the distance, though not really looking anything in particular. It was that particular state, where one's own thoughts somehow managed to override all other senses and thus effectively rendered him blind. His eyes were open, but they might have as well been closed.

He could still push on. To what end, even he wasn't certain anymore. He had given Cristo an incentive to ponder about things, no doubt. Ponder about how he felt about Abby. It dawned on Maxim that maybe he had made a mistake. If the result of Cristo's pondering was what he feared it might be, then Maxim had only himself to blame. He had gone on to pursue a line of questioning without truly thinking about the consequences - out of curiosity, nothing else. Or maybe it really had been jealousy that drove him to this. Wanting to make sure his friend harbored no feelings for that girl, pressing on until all doubts had been erased from his mind.

Well, he had certainly achieved that. Cristo's reaction wasn't that of someone who found Maxim's question to be strange in how ludicrous they were, no. It was evident  that he had hit several nerves, probably even opened the boy's eyes. He had opened the door for Cristo to go and form an even stronger bond with Abby, just like that. And possibly kicked off a chain of events that would make him, Maxim, become irrelevant to Cristo in the long run. Fade away from his life, like a glorified third wheel. He couldn't bear the thought.

Maxim still didn't move, didn't even turn his head towards Cristo. Not even the usual frown was visible on his features, he was just sort of sitting there with a completely apathetic expression on his face. Deep inside, he was completely and utterly disappointed with himself.

"You're welcome." His voice was barely above a mutter.
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Post by backslash »

Maxim looked melancholy, as he often did. It was something that had concerned Cristóbal during the early times of their friendship, but questioning it had only gotten him rebuffed again and again that Maxim was fine, nothing bothering him besides the little everyday things that got to everyone from time to time. It hadn't taken long for him to realize that Maxim preferred that it not be brought up in the first place, so Cristo didn't ask.

He sat and enjoyed the sun and the quiet for a while longer, before sighing and getting to his feet.

"I should go, sorry. I probably need to apologize to Coach Parkinson for running off and I've got class soon. It was nice talking to you, though. Georgia Lee too," he added as an afterthought. He'd have to catch up with her some other time.

Cristo smiled down at Maxim, and it didn't feel forced. "See you later, Maxim."

Lots to think about today, lots to do. It might not be such a bad thing, after all.

((Cristóbal Morales continued elsewhere))
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."
Rorick Skyve*
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Post by Rorick Skyve* »

Maxim turned his head towards his friend, then nodded. "Alright. See you later."

At least he couldn't be mad at Cristo, no reason to. He had only himself to blame and that was far more preferable than the alternative, really. Cristo, he was conscientious, as he demonstrated just now. A bit moony now and then, but not naive or even neglectful. He respected that. More than he could say for most people, even some which he called his friends.

As he watched the other boy walk off into the distance, it struck him almost immediately that he suddenly felt lonely. He was used to being alone, most of the time in his own room, but he rarely ever felt lonely. Never, really. But now that he was no longer in the company of Cristo, he could very well feel it, that blend of incompleteness and subtle longing. Yeah, had to be loneliness. And he was pretty sure he did not like it.

Of course, he could have gone after him, offered to hang around him for some more time. Knowing Cristo, he probably wouldn't have objected. But despite the state he was in, Maxim still feel- well, lazy, as always. He was more inclined to simply leave the ground he was on and go look for a bench somewhere, some place he could rest without dozens of people swarming about. In fact, that sounded like the first reasonable plan he had put together that day.

Moving somewhat sluggishly, he lifted himself off the ground and into a standing position. He glanced in the direction that Cristo had gone off to one last time, then left to accomplish his newest quest.

((Maxim Kehlenbrink, end of pregame))
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