Dreaming of Futures Ahead

Just some friends having a talk.

The George Hunter High playing fields are made up of a standard high school sized football field with a track around the outside, and a smaller baseball field. There are two sets of three bleachers along either side of the football field with the middle bleacher being much larger than the two on either side. This gives the stadium a rough capacity of around 2,500 when it is fully set up for a game. Students are freely allowed to go on the bleachers before, during breaks, and after school.
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Post by Aura »

Aleks flinched a little bit when Rhonda touched her. She didn't like being touched without warning. In addition, judging from what the other girls were telling her, she had a feeling that she wasn't doing a good job of explaining herself. She didn't just want to up and quit basketball. She had some ideas, but nothing was set in stone yet. She wished that she was better at getting that across.

"I don't want to just stop for no reason. I like playing." She started tapping her fingers anxiously. "If I go to a school that has a team, then I think I'll probably check it out. It's just that, uh..."

And there was the part that she was having trouble communicating. She did like basketball, yes, but it wasn't her top priority. It was somewhere on the list of things that she would be willing to put on hold for a while if it meant that she could get something that she wanted more. But she was worried that just saying it out loud like that might make them think that the team wasn't important to her, which couldn't be further from the truth. They were her friends, and they were important to her. That was a fact.

"It's just... you know..." She tried again to get a statement out there. "I like playing, but if I have to choose between art and basketball, then I'm gonna choose art." She paused for a moment to think over how she said that, then looked to the others for feedback. "Does that make sense?"
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Post by Espi »

Oh, oops. Rhonda felt bad. She was kind of a touchy person and she was kind of thoughtless about other people's feelings on physical affection. She withdrew her hand and pulled away slightly, not wanting to make Aleks even more uncomfortable by being selfish.

On the plus side, Arizona seemed to support what Rhonda had said. Aleks didn't seem to agree, though. It seemed like she was frustrated, so Rhonda probably wasn't actually helping. She was doing a crappy job helping, then, which was really discouraging. Maybe Aleks would be better just talking to Arizona? She didn't want to just walk away, though, that would just make things worse.

"So uh, you want to put the art over the basketball, then?" That made sense, assuming Rhonda wasn't on the wrong track again. "If that's what the important thing is to you, that's good. Well, if it's good for you, you should do that. So...knowing what you want to do is a step, at least."

Rhonda trailed off; she was pretty sure she was rambling, and not giving a straight answer was probably just worrying Aleks before. She unconsciously shifted on the bench a little, not sure what to say.
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Post by Deamon »

"Then what's with the moping?" Arizona said. "It's pretty simple."

She didn't like people quitting. She especially didn't like it when people looked for an excuse. To her, it sounded like Aleks was doing just that.

Shit, she was going to college to study biology. All because she had the amazing idea to become a medical examiner. That was going to be a lot of work. Did she go be all dramatic on the bleachers about it? No. She knew she was being harsh on Aleks. But even so, she was the one making a big deal out of it.

"Just do both unless it becomes too much." She took another look over her shoulder a the pair before turning back to the field.

"It's not fucking hard."
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Post by Aura »

Aleks felt like she was talking in circles. She would say something, then Rhonda would kind of agree, but also kind of disagree, and Arizona would take more of a harder approach. So then Aleks would pretty much restate what she said and the cycle would start over again.

Was she really getting anywhere with this? She felt like she might have been better off not saying anything in the first place. Or if not that, then trying to explain things a little better so that she could have done a better job of avoiding the conversation loop that she now found herself in. But the problem with that conversation loop was that somehow, she needed to find a way out.

"Nothing's finalized yet. I don't even know what school I'm going to." She sighed, exasperation starting to set in. "I've just been thinking about this for a while, and I really want to get my priorities in order ahead of time so I don't have to rush things this summer, you know?"
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Post by Espi »

Rhonda was starting to feel like they were making some progress. Maybe not? She couldn't be sure most of the time. She found her gaze wandering, since she wasn't really sure what to add.

"If that's how you feel, then, you can go with that, right?" The line felt so canned Rhonda almost wanted to cringe at it. Plus, it might sound sarcastic, even though she hadn't meant her tone to be that way. Now she was definitely being unhelpful. "I mean, like..."

Rhonda folded her arms in her lap. "It sounds like you know what you feel about this? If you're thinking about it, that's good, so if you do that and it works, I'm with you on it."

She smiled slightly nervously. Rhonda was very confident that she was making it worse.
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Post by Deamon »

The conversation was going round in circles. Aleks had a solution but she was being weird about it. Rhonda was also not helping. At all.

Arizona let out a frustrated sigh.

"Do whatever you want Aleks." As she spoke Arizona adjusted her position. She lay herself down across the bleachers she was sitting on.

From where she was she looked at her teammates.

"You sound like you're reading a script Rhonda."
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Post by Aura »

Maybe talking about this wasn't such a good idea. Nothing was working out at all. Arizona was pretty obviously annoyed, and Aleks didn't know what Rhonda was doing at all. It seemed like she was trying to avoid upsetting either of them, but it didn't really feel like she was saying anything. At least Arizona was giving her an opinion, even if it wasn't a gentle one.

Aleks hunched over, resting her forearms on her knees and looking over at Rhonda. Even if things weren't going the way she wanted, she still wanted to hear her genuine opinions. It was already out there, and she didn't want to just leave things unfinished. She needed the truth.

"Rhonda." She said, giving her friend a serious, yet cautiously hopeful look. "Arizona's right. Can you please tell me what you really think?"
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She knew it. Of course she was, she was so useless. God, Rhonda was the worst friend on the planet. She felt her stomach contract into a painful lump.

They probably didn't even want her here. She was clearly not actually helping, so maybe without her muddling things up Aleks and Zona could actually work something out.

"Yeah, I know." She stood abruptly. Running away made her look so pathetic. She was so useless. "I dunno, uh, good luck, you'll figure it out!"

Rhonda waved back briefly before quickly walking home, trying to pretend she couldn't feel their judging, betrayed eyes burning her in the back.

((Rhonda Lawson continued in Any Ordinary Afternoon))
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Post by Deamon »

And then Rhonda was gone.

Arizona felt slightly bad for her. It was probably her fault after all.

"That wasn't any better." She said to herself from where she was on the bleachers. She watched Rhonda go, her escape being made awkward by the fact they were on the playing fields. Arizona turned back to Aleks trying to assess the girl's emotions. She didn't look particularly comfortable. Arizona reckoned that was probably her fault as well. She wasn't being gentle.

She sat up and spun around to face her friend. Her hand rubbed at her neck as she pulled her hood down off her head. Her hair was probably a nightmare. She'd shower when she got home.

"Look Aleks," She paused to move some stray strands of hair from her eye line. "I think if you quit without trying you're only cheating yourself."

She shrugged and ran a hand through her hair. It wasn't her business. But hey, here she was.
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Post by Aura »

Aleks couldn't help but feel bad when Rhonda walked away. She felt like she could have handled the situation better. No, she should have handled it better. She was going to have to call her later to try to get things straightened out.

However, now that it was just her and Arizona, it might be easier to try to talk to her. Although she wasn't happy about how things went with Rhonda, she could focus on just trying to make one person happy with her answers rather than trying to satisfy both of them. She dug into her mind, running through her memories of Arizona. Out of everything that she knew about her teammate, there had to be something that could get her to understand her point of view.

Her pondering brought something to the front of her mind. Aleks felt like she might be able to explain after all.

"You know how you want to be a medical examiner?" Aleks said, bringing her friend's dreams into the conversation. "That's what being an illustrator is for me. I want it more than anything." She traced her fingers along the edge of her spiked hair. "You know how I feel, right?"
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Post by Deamon »

Aleks was half-right. She wanted to be a medical examiner sure. But she wanted to be a professional basketball player more. She did understand Aleks point though.

"Yeah, yeah. I get it." Arizona said with a shrug. "It's up to you at the end of the day." She rolled her shoulders and stretched her back out. "I can't make the decision for you and I don't have to live with it." At the end of the day, it wasn't her business. Aleks had asked for her opinion but it wasn't her choice to make. Her friend had to do that herself.

She grinned a little as they sat there.

"I chose to do basketball rather than rugby like my parents wanted. So I know that feel."
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Post by Deamon »

They talked for a little while longer. Arizona being softer with Aleks then she previously had been. She cared about her teammate and wanted the best for her. If she could help her figure out what that was she would.

She didn't know what Aleks' final decision would be. At the same time though it wasn't really her business. It was Aleks' life to live as she wanted.

Hell, she had first-hand experience of doing that.

In the end, Arizona had told her not to worry and that she was sure she'd make the best decision. She believed it too.

As she finally left George Hunter High for the day, Arizona popped her headphones back in and thought about the day. She'd have to message Rhonda to make sure she was alright.

But hey, at least she helped one of her friends.

((Arizona Butler continued in D⃣ D⃣ F⃣ H⃣))
Aracelis Fuentes
California “Cali” Fox
Darryl Smith Jr.
Jessica Romero
[+] V7
G047 - Aliya Kimia Nemati - Blowgun w/ 10 Poison Darts - you're nobody till somebody kills you - "I just wanted to talk." - DEAD
G001 - Arizona Butler - Camping Stove - Dead Bxdies in the Lake Part II - ""We got there eventually." - DEAD
B046 - Bret Carter - Weighted Net - Swerve - "I'll just be on my way and we can all continue with our evenings." - DEAD
G022 - Forrest Quin - Ball-gag and handcuffs - DRUGS SAV3D MY LIF3 - "Abe-" - DEAD
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Post by Aura »

By the end of her talk with Arizona, Aleks was feeling a lot better about what she wanted to do. Her choice wasn't set in stone yet, and she would probably wait to hear from all of the colleges that she applied to before she made her final choice, just to make sure that she was fully informed.

But now she had renewed confidence. She was sure that once the time came, she would be able to make the right choice, both for herself and for her art.

Aleks sat alone for a few minutes, flipping through her sketchbook and enjoying the breeze as it blew by. But before too much time could pass, she too left to head home for the day.

(Aleksandra Prudius continued elsewhere...)

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