Four Score and Seven Furbies Ago

Midmorning photo op at the Lincoln memorial, and no I do not take criticism (Open)

This famous landscaped park is located near the downtown area of Washington, D.C. It contains the Smithsonian Museums, various national monuments, and small park and garden spaces. The entire area is packed with tourists, and students are supposed to remain in groups as they go on tours and explore.
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Four Score and Seven Furbies Ago


Post by Jilly »


Great, someone walked right in the middle of the shot.


No... too much glare from the sun.


Gah, now it looks like the Washington Monument was his penis. This was gonna be harder than she thought. With a sigh, Katelynne sat up off of the ground and looked through the photos on her camera app, deleting every one of the last 5 shots she just took.

It was such an easy concept, child's play really. Dress Serendipity up in a suit and mustache. Give him a little podium. Give him one or two audience members with the other Furbies she brought pn the trip. Bang, boom, a hilarious but tasteful tribute to the "I Have a Dream" speech. Serendipity was gonna break so many social barriers between man and Furby, and Katelynne was gonna get so much clout on her Insta and Tumblr blog.

The shot just had to be perfect, though, a heroic behind shot that captured the beautiful and powerful reflecting pool backdrop superimposed with the inspiriting spirit of MLK as represented by his Furby avatar. Ugh, why did she gotta be such a perfectionist all the time? Though then again, this is what MLK would want. Probably.

An older lady and a her two kids walked by giving Katelynne "the look" before heading inside the memorial. Katelynne was used to "the look", you really had to be by this point. But whatever, it was fine. They probably couldn't appreciate her genius anyway.

Katelynne just shook her head, repositioned herself, and lied down all the way to the floor again, her shirt and jeans pressing against the ground as she moved into position to give the photoshoot another go.

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Post by Polybius »

It felt good to be alone, sometimes. Of course, he wasn't alone, there were thousands of tourists all around him, but in the crowd he was effectively anonymous. No eyes on him.

Ron Kiser had spent the last few days almost entirely in the company of friends. It was great, of course, but it could get tiring sometimes. Always having to make sure he was acting right and not saying anything stupid, at all hours. Not having his own bedroom. It was all driving him a bit crazy, so Ron decided to take a break and do his National Mall tour by himself. It would be a relaxing day. Also, being alone would give him more room to just focus on the sights. Ron and his family were in DC once before, but Ron was too young and stupid to appreciate the significance of where he was. He'd spent the whole time playing Pokemon or some shit, instead of taking in the capitol of the greatest country on Earth. So utterly embarrassing.

Anyway, now he was treasuring it all. The World War II memorial had been breathtaking, and the Vietnam Memorial was beautiful. He was on his way to the most famous of all, the Lincoln Memorial. As he was making his way across the plaza, he saw something revolting. Some girl was lying on her stomach, right there in the middle of it. And she was photographing a... were those fucking furbies? Was she posing them? At the goddamned Lincoln Memorial!? What kind of freak would-

Oh. Oh no.

It wasn't some random freak, it was that weird girl who talked about horses all the time. Caitlin, her name was. But spelled funny. Kaitlyn? No, that wasn't it...

Fucking god damn it, there went his solitude. What if she saw him? would she want to talk to him? She liked talking, a lot. He did not want to deal with this shit. For a minute, Ron just considered turning back. Visit the memorial later. But that would make him a complete pussy, wouldn't it? All he had to do was walk around her and enter the memorial. She probably wouldn't even see him, she was too focused on her... activity. He could just back up and take a long turn around her. But that would be conspicuous. If she saw, she'd definitely know he was intentionally avoiding her. He just had to keep going. Walk past her, not too close, not too far. Act like he just didn't notice her. Be cool. Be cool.

His hands in his pockets, Ron stepped at a brisk pace towards the memorial. As he got closer to Caetlan, he angled his head up and away from her. Like he was watching something very interesting in the sky, too interesting to notice a small girl on the ground with her furbies.
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Post by Jilly »

All right, finally. Everything was perfect and lined up all pretty like. Katelynne took the shot.

...Right in time for the gentle breeze to turn into a full-force gust, knocking Dr. King and his Furby followers over but more importantly causing the tiny box that was the makeshift podium to roll and skid away. "Aw shoot," she cursed to herself, setting her phone next down to the Furbies as she pushed herself off the ground and chased after the box.

It rolled and hit some guy's shoe before finally stopping with the wind that died back down. She looked at the dude's profile and recognized him from school. Ronald, the guy who looked like a Furby.

"I'm sorry," she called out and pointed at the cube at his feet, "can ya get that?"
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Post by Polybius »

He was almost there. But then he felt a gust of wind and something bump against his foot. He pieced together what the object was just in time to hear a high-pitched, accented voice that made his blood run cold.

Ron Kiser wasn't one to blame his problems on anything other than his own failures. But he couldn't deny that sometimes, it just felt like God hated him. He'd just wanted to go see the Lincoln Monument by himself, was that so bad? He bent down and gently picked up the tiny box. He could just silently hand this to Kait-Lin and go about his day, right? But why exactly would be his reason for doing that, fear? Of her? No, if he shied away, he'd probably come off like some autistic loser afraid of social interaction. He was in this, whether he liked it or not, and he had to act like a normal person would.

He turned to see Kayline's face, and the furbies sprawled on the ground behind her.

"What are you doing?" he started, trying to keep the disgust in his voice at a low level. "With all this?"
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Post by Cicada »

There is no shortage of grandeur in this world lost to it's pettiness. This she had decided for herself long ago.

She emerged from the sparse crowd and into the space implied for their little scene and all it's captive audience.

"It looks like a good time," and her tone bright and airy as Washington's most prevailing mid-morning breeze, she continued with a smile effortless as it was thoroughly designed, "and Serendipity is looking as handsome as ever." A name appropriately dressing the moment as the admittedly well-stitched fur plush- an admission Princess was proud to be capable of voicing in a place deep seated, where nobody could hear. Serendipity, it turned out, was chaotic brevity. Princess would have trusted her peers to appreciate that, much as she would have trusted fortune to smile upon the pitiable. Indeed, no one was afforded the luxury of luck. It was forged and made by human hands. Much like this contraption she stooped over to pick up.

Katelynne's garb was perhaps cut of a different cloth from Princesses' own, and Princess made that observation brief, disinterested in the mundane, in the usual implications of social class and grace. Was it without reason that Princess packed her luggage for this trip with all the material wealth she owned which could be conveniently sized to be stowed in an overhead?

To each of her peers Princess would have less words worth of advice than they had ears with which to at least attempt to listen. Katelynne, she could vouch, was at least earnest. Eager to the point of being willing to spirit away Princess to an aunt's ranch over the mere suggestion of feigned interest in her inane hobbies. Ron failed to even show that much passion. Any girl willing to take his hand into her own was worth the weight of his own opinions of his popularity and worth.

She begrudged them only as much as she could spare. Her two cents did not come cheap.

A smile and a giggle was cheaper, easily weighed out to the exact unit of a pound's worth of her flesh.

"Help her out, Ron! Tit-for-tat if you're going to jump straight into the interrogation."

Princess McQuillan could smile with her mouth and with her eyes, and even in the gentle limpness of her wrist. She couldn't really smile, but the genuineness of her demeanor was somewhat discounted in priority. She held a fallen furby in her two hands, then cuddled it to her chest with all the trappings of having ever really cared for the damn thing.
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Post by Jilly »

Katelynne returned Ronald's inquiry with a head tilt and looked straight into his eyes with a bemused, dead expression. Did he really just.... not get it? Has he never read a book? Poor thing.

She opened her mouth to educate him when she heard someone call out from the staging area behind. Katelynne turned her head in time to see Princess cuddling Serendipity and chastising Ronald for being curious. She must've gotten here a bit earlier than Katelynne was expectin', but it was all good. Princess was so awesome, though she could be hot like a bull seeing red sometimes. And that was great sometimes but the less fighting the better, especially in front of the children.

"Oh no, Princess," Katelynne called back with a goofy grin and a wave of her hand to try and keep the peace, "It's okay!"

Back to Ronald. Katelynne brushed the stray hairs out of her face and tucked them behind her ears before she spoke. "I'm doin' the Martin Luther King speech. Ya know, 'I Have a Dream'?" She looked back over at Serendipity in his human cradle. On second thought, maybe he did look more like Steve Harvey like she worried about at first. Just great. "It's givin' me some trouble, but..."

"...Anyway, thanks." She held a hand out with an open palm. "Can I have my box back?"
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Post by Somersault »


Sure, maybe she was being a tooootal tourist, but was it really her fault when she'd only been out of Tennessee like three times in her life? And those times were to fricking Charleston. Not exactly Class Central, she had to admit. DC, though, was the fricking capital of the country, and that meant she was here to take some good-ass photos and enjoy herself before it was back to Chattanooga. Back to taking care of lil' Patrice, back to work.

Tonya took a deep breath in and out, sunglasses perched on her head as she stared at the Washington Monument. To be totally honest, she was more than a little bit underwhelmed. It was a tower, with a pyramid on top. Obviously a marvel of architecture, something so crazy-ass no one had never done it before.

Well, she was certainly wrong on that count. There were certainly better sights 'round here, but she wanted some time to get away from talking to people for a bit, get some Tonya Time and find herself, or whatever it was rich white women told themselves when they left to go on a tour of the Caribbean. At least, that's what she gleaned overhearing table-side conversations, and Tonya was certainly not a snitch. just interested in learning about other peoples' lives.

A white and pink striped t-shirt and denim shorts were not exactly the height of high fashion, which was part of the reason why Tonya had been spending so much time looking at other sights rather than herself. Besides, shit was conceited if you spent that much time obsessing about how your hairdo ended up doing.

In any case, it was back to snapping photos. Memories were to be made, and her youth was slipping away from her like a snake through the grass, or water on a dish.

She lifted her phone up, tapping on the screen to get it to look much less like a YouTube video from 2007, when on the camera screen, on the very right edge, she spotted a flash of brown. Turning her head in the very same direction. She had spotted something she had not seen in over a decade, something she was unsure that she would never witness or need, ever again in her life. She spotted a Furby.

A goddamn furby, dressed up like...MLK Jr? Now, there were too many things wrong with that for her to list, but Tonya was definitely on caution caution full red alert. Especially when she saw who was right next to it, like freaking horse-girl Kate-Lynn something-something, who was weird as fucking hell. Now, okay, maybe Tonya had some weird friends too, but Camila and shit? At least they had passions like uplifting impoverished communities, not an admiration of Black Beauty. Next to her, eyebrows like log, wannabe Ron, and Princess, who was pretty alright, to be honest. So, one out of three. Not great, but it could do.

Anyways, if she wasn’t gonna be able to take nice photos, she might as well find out what weird shit was going on, if only for something to rant about to her actual friends later.

“Hey! What are y’all getting up to?” Tonya shouted, waving with phone in hand as she walked over to the group, eyebrow raised.

“Tryna’ make a furby reenactment of something?”
[+] mona lisas and mad hatters
Appearance Tracker!
[+] a soiled dove finding herself
Image Tonya Collins - Got messy. - Unpretty - TLC
Memories: Child
Pregame: Rain
Prom: Honey
Trip: Furbies
Island: Girl - Way - Delicious - Rakshasa
Tonya by Irina!
Tonya by Ryuki!
[+] a damsel no longer
Image Kelly Nguyen: Couldn't claw back up. - 1234 - Feist
Pregame: Universe - Puppies
Trip: Interesting
Island: Holiday - Play - Down - Robot - Unicorn
Kelly by Mimi!
Kelly by Ryuki!
[+] a sheriff trying to keep the peace
Image Adele Jones: Believed. - Good As Hell - Lizzo
Adele by Mimi!
Adele by Ryuki!
Pregame: Chartreuself - Lair - Collisions
Trip: Down
Island: Hunger - Darwinism - Mario - Lucifer - House
[+] a cowboy looking for something to ride
ImageMike Brown: Spoke up. - Oh, What A World - Kacey Musgraves
Memories: Timog
Trip: Life
Island: Steady - Miles - Dive
Mike by Ryuki!
[+] tumbleweeds
[+] the town crier whispered
Image Keisha Higgins-Bell - Scouring out her next scoop. - Q.U.E.E.N. - Janelle Monae and Erykah Badu
Memories: President - Misery
Pregame: Talmbout - Time
Meanwhile: Wings - Persuasion - Everything
Keisha by Mimi!
Keisha by Ryuki!
Keisha by Kotori!
[+] v8
Ji-won "Daniel" Song is just praying along. - I know that you're a sucker for anything acoustic.
Anna-Lynn "Ashlei" Mercado is staying in the spotlight. - Hit or miss, I guess they never miss, huh?
DeDe Dixon is the best. Definitely.
Pari Shirazi has been wreaking havoc since 2000!
Abby Davis wants to be in the know.
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Post by Ruggahissy »

Lori strolled alone looking at the glistening reflecting pool. She'd lost sight of the other girls and was trying to scan the crowd for them when she saw Katelynne and her weird bullshit.

Lori privately hoped she wasn't wearing anything that could tie her to George Hunter High and started to stride over to tell her that her shit was weird and ask her what the fuck she thought she was doing recreating a pivotal moment in civil rights like it was some kind of joke with ugly Salvation Army toy rejects


.......but then a cute boy in a suit walked briskly by.


And she forgot.

((TIrzah Foss, trip start))

Tirzah was casually pacing around taking in the sights. She watched Lori follow after the guy that looked like he'd be rocking an ankle bracelet for fraud sometime in the next 10 years. Tirzah stuck her hand into a clear bag of gummy bears, shoveling them into her mouth by the handful. Around her neck hung her Canon DSLR with a massive lens attached. Pictures of monuments weren't typically her thing, but she figured she could still try for some nice shots. If anything, the yearbook committee said they'd appreciate it.

Tirzah was wearing a black and white Ouija Board dress with a white, Peter pan collar. She wore a stiff, wide brimmed, circular hat on her head. Tirzah turned and saw the commotion on the ground. She walked towards it, since she recognized some of the kids.

Something about Katelynne's setup just made her giddy.

Tonya had asked the perfect question already so Tirzah just kind of silently stepped into the space at Tonya's side, inspecting the display.
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Post by Polybius »

Quetelyn looked Ron in the eyes, and her expression pissed him off. He knew that expression. She was looking at him like he was some special needs kid, like he had asked something so unbelievably stupid that she couldn't respond. Heat rose into his cheeks, and he instinctively broke eye contact with her. But no, he hadn't done anything wrong, had he? She just thought he was below her, the bitch!

But then things got a lot worse.

Girls from his high school started coming out of nowhere. Bursting into the scene all at once just to make things worse for him. Princess was a weirdo, and apparently already knew K**tl*n's furbies by name (of course they had names). Then Teen Mom had to come in and act like all three of them were in a group together, like he was involved in planning this shit. And to top it all off, Tirzah showed up and... Tirzah was actually alright, and pretty hot, he had no problem with her, but at the moment she was dressed as a Ouija board, so add that to the list of things that were throwing him off.

"I'm not with them!" Ron snapped at at Tonya, and it came out as a squeak. His mouth felt dry, and his palms started sweating, as he looked from Tonya to Tirzah to Katelynne to... wait, was that Lori walking away from them? Shit! At this rate, with how many people had seen him, "Ron Kiser hangs out with furby weirdos" was going to become front page news. Like he needed another embarassing thing to be worried about before graduation.

No, he had to calm himself. He was cool, it was fine, it didn't matter, he just had to brush it off.

"A-ah, Kate here was taking pictures of her furbies, I was just passing by." Ron turned back to C8line and dropped the box in her outstretched hand. "Here you go. So, uh, what are you reenacting?" Hopefully he'd be able to draw everyone's attention to Kfreakwho'snamehecouldn'tspell, and none of them would notice his nervousness.
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Post by Cicada »

Quick to be defensive indeed. Princess' snap appraisal of the misplaced pettiness of social leeches was thorough. Though, of course, she was not the type to be given to being so brusquely judgmental, so far as she was aware or concerned. The turnover of her thoughts was quick- it had to be, when dealing with the masses.

"He's not with us, yes." Said without malice, said with a gentle nod and smile. As she understood it, he seemed the sort to rarely be with anybody in any particular form of meaning- being with another implied providing value to them, after all. Ask Princess who he was, she'd have little to say and little still to think. It was often the case in these pubescent affairs that those quick to be dismissive were those most worthy of being dismissed. Look at his body language. Rather amateur, in the the opinion of a thespian.

Princess stooped down, put Serendipity back to earth. Katelynne's setup was off-putting, but earnestly so. Fetching, in contrast to other louts without verve or passion of their own, those who Princess devoted little thought to for they were not worthy of it.
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Post by Jilly »

Katelynne watched as it seemed like every dang girl from school crawled out of the woodwork with Tonya the girl that got knocked up; Tirzah a fellow photographer; and that cheerleader who threw mashed potatoes on one of the basketball girls some months back, though she only showed showed up for a minute before running after some tall dark and handsome guy in a suit. But now it was a party! Though, honestly, Katelynne was feeling slightly self-conscious now. It was one thing to be doing something mighty queer in front of a bunch of strangers who ain't ever gonna see you again, but with kids she knew it was a bit embarrassing.

Still though, she came here for a purpose and she would see it through. She graciously accepted the box back from Ronald and flipped it around in her hands, opening the taped up flaps to reveal an empty container. "I really gotta find something to weigh it down," she talked to herself out loud. "I didn't see it was gonna be windy today."

Tonya asked what she was up to, along with an echo from Ronald when he handed her the box back. "Oh, I'm just... you'll see."

Katelynne walked back to the crash site where Princess placed the star of the show back on the ground. Katelynne dug around in one of her pockets and found something to weigh the box down, throwing it inside before sealing it back up and placing it in front of Serendipity and the other 2 spectator Furbies chilling. She picked up her phone off of the ground and presented the setup to the others, her arms flailing around like she was a The Price is Right prize model. "We are breakin' the social barriers between man and Furby today!"
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Post by Somersault »

Well, ‘kay then, seemed like some more people were just sidling up into the whole commotion now, Tirzah coming right up beside her and standing there smiling like a maniac. Tirzah, first, was some kinda pretentious WASPy name, but Tirzah the person was unreliable as shit, and although she seemed nice enough, Tonya wasn’t about to just go and get close to her all of a sudden. In fact, she stepped slightly more to the right, to give them both some space to breathe. Also, some space to go and inspect her outfit, which looked like she was...wearing a goddamn ouija board or whatever, which combined with the hat, made her look like some reject from an urban witches club.

Sasquatch Wannabe started talking again, but Tonya wasn’t really listening. Sure, she was looking at him all-interested like, but all she could wonder about was how for someone so desperate to be liked, he was awful at making people actually like him.. Wasn’t her problem, though, and Princess then quickly asserted it wasn’t hers either, making it clear Ron had intruded on his space. What that space was, she was still hella unclear on, but it was a space nonetheless. Still, she smirked at him, just a little bit, the facial expression equivalent of an aight, and continued standing off to the side.

If she could have whipped her phone out right then and there, she would have, but something compelled her to stay where she was. Maybe it was out of an innate desire to be a curious-ass bitch, or maybe it was the joy of seeing people flail around conversationally. Either way, she was here, and so she decided she might as well stay. Stay, and be mystified by whatever these weirdos got up to. Well, a weirdo, named Kate-something-something.

“Mmm, mmhmm,” Tonya had murmured in something sorta close to agreement, inspecting the Furby arrangement as Kate-whatever-lyn kept on keeping on with her own rambling. She blinked, too, only to be shaken out of her routine when K-girl began shouting at all, finally bringing up her gaze to see the presentation in in front.

What. The. Flying. Fuck. Was. That.

“That…” She paused while speaking, searching for some way to transfer her thoughts to words. “Has only made me wanna ask even more questions.”

An eyebrow was raised, eyes were widened, and her mind was confused as hell.
[+] mona lisas and mad hatters
Appearance Tracker!
[+] a soiled dove finding herself
Image Tonya Collins - Got messy. - Unpretty - TLC
Memories: Child
Pregame: Rain
Prom: Honey
Trip: Furbies
Island: Girl - Way - Delicious - Rakshasa
Tonya by Irina!
Tonya by Ryuki!
[+] a damsel no longer
Image Kelly Nguyen: Couldn't claw back up. - 1234 - Feist
Pregame: Universe - Puppies
Trip: Interesting
Island: Holiday - Play - Down - Robot - Unicorn
Kelly by Mimi!
Kelly by Ryuki!
[+] a sheriff trying to keep the peace
Image Adele Jones: Believed. - Good As Hell - Lizzo
Adele by Mimi!
Adele by Ryuki!
Pregame: Chartreuself - Lair - Collisions
Trip: Down
Island: Hunger - Darwinism - Mario - Lucifer - House
[+] a cowboy looking for something to ride
ImageMike Brown: Spoke up. - Oh, What A World - Kacey Musgraves
Memories: Timog
Trip: Life
Island: Steady - Miles - Dive
Mike by Ryuki!
[+] tumbleweeds
[+] the town crier whispered
Image Keisha Higgins-Bell - Scouring out her next scoop. - Q.U.E.E.N. - Janelle Monae and Erykah Badu
Memories: President - Misery
Pregame: Talmbout - Time
Meanwhile: Wings - Persuasion - Everything
Keisha by Mimi!
Keisha by Ryuki!
Keisha by Kotori!
[+] v8
Ji-won "Daniel" Song is just praying along. - I know that you're a sucker for anything acoustic.
Anna-Lynn "Ashlei" Mercado is staying in the spotlight. - Hit or miss, I guess they never miss, huh?
DeDe Dixon is the best. Definitely.
Pari Shirazi has been wreaking havoc since 2000!
Abby Davis wants to be in the know.
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Post by Ruggahissy »

So Ron had asserted that he wasn't with the group putting together whatever kind of display this was which Princess corroborated while Katelynne worked on setting it up again. Tirzah looked on at the thing with her head cocked, trying to figure out exactly what it was. The one Furby was in a suit, which was great on its own without context.

Tonya reacted with a kind of bemused, low-key horror. A grin slowly expanded across Tirzah's face and she felt an incredible sense of levity. This thing was camp as fuck and she adored it. It was weird and confusing and she adored it. Ron seemed to be trying to make a break for it.

"I love it," she said, simply.

At that moment she saw a small entourage of men in suits chatting and walking across the plaza. She zeroed in on a man in his late 40's with fashionably greying hair and a sharp suit. Despite appearances and her general flippant attitude most of the time, Tirzah kept up to date with current events and local politics. Her family owned a number of local publications, after all. Tirzah dropped the bag of gummy bears she had been holding, took off her hat, and confidently walked up to the group of men as they came near the Furby group.

"Excuse me, Senator Dupree?" she said very politely, taking her hat off. She disagreed with many of the polices and political stances of Beau Gunner Dupree (R). However, here was a chance to inject some actual political weight into this Furby reenactment.

"We're on a high school trip. We're students from George Hunter High in Chattanooga. And um, we'd be really honored if you'd take a picture with us," she said pointing towards the group. "It'd make the trip for us, your future constituents," she said with an uncharacteristically restrained manner.
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Post by SOTF_Help »

Senator Beau Gunner Dupree (R) was, in all honesty, quite used to circuses of all kinds happening around Capitol Hill. Not that he would ever say as much out loud, at least while Canon was in office. This, though. This was quite another thing all together.

Senator Dupree cleared his throat as he took in first Tirzah, and then the... eclectic arrangement behind her. However, it didn't take long for him to arrange his expression into a bemused smile. The voting public, or at least those who decided to express themselves in the comments of President Canon's tweets, adored little shows of levity in this troubled political landscape. "I'd love to, missy. I don't get much time to engage with the young people these days. May we borrow your camera for the photo?" Senator Dupree was already gesturing for Arty, his devoted and very tired personal assistant to come forward so that he could act as photographer.

He walked towards the group and arranged himself so that Arty could capture the best angle of the Furbies, while also ensuring that the faces of everyone in the group were clearly visible. A couple of passers-by took notice and snapped additional photos on their phones.
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Post by Polybius »

Okay, okay, looks like things were going okay. He'd made his distance from the situation clear and now the girls were talking about the furby nonsense without him. It was a pretty good turn of events

Oh God

Oh God

It was Senator Dupree. An actual senator, real, living, breathing, and agreeing to take a picture with them. Why?

Ron respected the senator and would be happy to take a picture with him in literally any other situation that didn't involve fucking furbies in suits at the Lincoln Memorial.

"Se-Senator. It's a-an honor to meet you... I-I-I-" he stuttered out, a fake smile plastered on face.

When he'd thought about him playing with furbies being front page news earlier, he'd been exaggerating. Now it was actually going to happen. There'd be a photo of him with the Senator and the furbies and the pack of Hell witches from his school that seemed intent on ruining his life for no reason. The picture would go on Twitter and then it'd go viral and become a meme and Buzzfeed would write about it, then Huffpo, then the Washington Post and soon enough CNN would devote a seven hour segment to dissecting the "Dupree/Furby" photo. He could imagine all the comments on Twitter facebook and Reddit and 4chan: "Who's this weird looking kid that plays with furbies, why is he taking a picture with a senator? What a fucking loser". His life was over. He'd tried so hard these past few years, but due to a few bad strokes of luck it was all crashing down. He'd be the furby boy, for the rest of his life. Nothing else he did would matter.

He wanted to crawl up and cry.

The Senator walked towards them and smiled back towards his assistant, who was pointing the camera at them. Other people were starting to notice, too. It was all coming to an end, and all Ron could do was stand there, frozen, with a dumb smile on his face.

No... no... he wasn't that person anymore. He couldn't be. He'd changed. He wouldn't just let it happen to him. His mind raced, tried to think of ways to get out of this. He blurted out the first solid though.

"Senator!" Ron exclaimed "Would-wouldn't it be good to shoot the picture in the other direction so the monument was in the background?" He gestured wildly at the Lincoln Memorial. "Ye-yeah, we'd prefer that, I think. I mean we don't need th-these, ah, the toys. In the picture. It would dis-dis... distract. R-r-right guys?"

He turned to the girls, pleading. Whether he liked it or not, he'd need their support. Hopefully they'd be able to understand what was at stake here. It was all their reputations, not just his.

Or maybe he was still doomed and he was just pushing it off for a few more painful seconds.

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