Gym Class Heroes

Open; Early Morning Hotel Gym Sesh; Tagging MK

The hotel where the senior students are housed for the week of their trip. Students are housed three or four to a room, and rooms are divided by gender. The students have full access to the hotel's facilities, pool, and recreation areas during the day, but there is a strict nighttime curfew, and everyone must be in their rooms by 10 PM each night.
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MK Kilmarnock
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Post by MK Kilmarnock »

"Shiiiiit, don't break the house down with those!"

Having made sure he wasn't about to anally vacate his organs whenever he decided to stand up from the bench, Wyatt let himself catch his breath by walking over to where the newcomer decided he was going to lift weights. Now that he was paying attention, he knew who the guys was. Rather, he knew the kid's name was Parker. Tiny skinny nerd type, thought he was hot shit, actually wasn't, George Hunter had one or two tables full of chickenshits like him.

But on some gut level, Wyatt wanted to respect a guy's willingness to pump up. There was basically next to no ability to currently back up that willingness, but everybody had to start somewhere. Not everybody could be blessed like he was... not even his 'identical' twin. Maybe if Bret had spent less time on his hipster beard and fancy car, he'd be as big. Maybe he'd still have a girlfriend too but... you know. Whatever.

"Well y'know, don't hurt yourself or whatever. Do you bench?" Wyatt asked, crossing his arms and grinning down at the boy who was tiny, by his standards at least. "You're gonna wanna work on your core and chest before you do anything with those arms. The power comes from up here anyway," he brushed his left shoulder with the right hand that he untucked from his stance just long enough to make his gesture. "Or do you REALLY wanna do the arms? 'Cuz those are vanity muscles. Tryin' to impress somebody?"
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
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Post by Deamon »

((Aliya Kimia Nemati making her trip debut))

The lazy part of her had wanted to stay in bed. It had been comfy, if a little cozy due to the bedding arrangements. But hey, she could live with that. It would have been very easy to just stay wrapped up under the covers but she instead Aliya had forced herself to get up. She had told herself that she was going to go to the hotel gym at least once during the trip and it was that time.

Dutifully, but not without complaint Aliya had prepared as quietly as possible in the bathroom. She didn’t know exactly how the hotel gym was setup so she didn’t want to risk anything. Her hair was brushed and tied up in a ponytail. It was due for a wash that day anyway so it made sense just to do it all after her workout. She threw on a tight-fitting tank top and some leggings. The hotel provided a towel off the rack and the water bottle she had brought for the coach was brought onboard. Her headphones were around her neck so she was all set. She’d even brought some protein and her shaker for after. So you knew it was serious.

Once she was prepped she headed out. The handy map that was on the wall opposite the elevators gave her the directions she needed to find her goal. As soon as she walked in though Aliya wasn’t as enthused. It wasn’t Ace or Parker. Ace always seemed like a chill guy. No one ever seemed to have a bad word to say about him. In a high school drama he was a popular kid but fit the ‘one of the good ones’ mold. Plus, she had heard about some of his Swiftball escapades and that just sounded like a good time. Parker was also alright, mainly because Aliya didn’t know much about him. But he was there quietly going through his own workout, nothing wrong with that. But then there was Wyatt.

Wyatt was every stereotype about a jerk jock in the south. Misogynistic? Yes. Racist? Maybe, he certainly had no problems supporting their current president, who was a racist. So potentially a racist or okay with turning a blind eye to it? Yes. Aliya had always tried not to interact with Wyatt much but that was a tough ask since they were both on the wrestling team. Still, she was going to make the best of it. Although she did regret her clothing choices somewhat.

“What’s up y’all?” Aliya asked with a smile as she walked in and headed over to the free weights. Yep, that was probably the most Southern she had ever sounded.
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Post by Buko »

I guess expecting Wyatt to keep a low profile and let Blondie McLovin do his thing woulda been too much, eh?

You don't get that big to keep a low profile tho.

Ace wasn't friends with Wyatt due to his emotional maturity or intelligence and he tended to avoid him outside of the usual activities (working out, making dirty locker room jokes, the occasional post-game beer). He still knew his teammate had a reputation for a lack of restraint and excess. He was a big guy and he had big fun, the problem was that it was hard to get someone that big to stop anything once they got going. He wasn't the most progressive or nuanced of dudes either. A lot of the down marks on Wyatt was just him going too far and not being willing to apologize in being himself.

So, yeah, when he approached Parker all friendly like--Ace was mostly waiting with baited breath for Wyatt to give the kid an atomic wedgie or something. Beats doubted he could really stop Wyatt if he wanted to do anything but he figured that the bigger Carter twin would show some hesitance if Ace showed some resistance to putting a kid headfirst in a toilet while on vacation.

Luckily, good ol' Wyatt, ol' buddy, ol' pal was actually being Miss Congeniality today and offered help to the scrawny kid lifting the 20lb dumbbells. Good. Weight training actually kept Wyatt from his worst instincts. Ace appreciated that, he would pretty much have to side with Wyatt in any conflict due to team solidarity. He didn't wanna die on the wedgie hill. Friendly ribbing and trash talk were much more his speed.

'Don't tell this guy shit kid," he said to Parker with a grin, "Just cuz he only curls for girls doesn't mean we all do."

Speaking of which...

Welp, pretty girl in leggings alert! You might've gotten lucky Blondie. He'll leave you be soon, I think leggings might be homeboy's kryptonite.

Ace didn't know Aliya particularly well, but that was par the course for most kids at GHHS outside the athlete (and football specific) circles. She was exotic looking probably because she was actually exotic. Ace didn't really want to admit this out loud, but she liked rap music as well and that caused her to move up a few notches in his mind. He was still trying to get Meilin into the rippity raps to no avail. Girls who liked the same music as him didn't come frequent like flight miles. It gave her some extra credit. It seemed shallow but he created kinship with anyone who he shared common interest with and he didn't mind using those interests like a crutch.

"Nuthin' much Aliya," he said casually as he let Wyatt continue his prodding and poking of Parker, "Chillin' like a villain, liftin' shit in the mornin'--y'know how it be."
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Frozen Smoke
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

He had hoped to be observed, that was kind of the point of proving someone wrong, but he hadn't hoped to be noticed.

It took a lot of effort to not sigh, and far more than that to put an expression that seemed happy to be interrupted, as he turned to the side, arms awkwardly hanging beside him as the weights kept them straight. Wyatt kept talking, going into detail on muscle groups, because apparently that was information that could only be passed down by word of mouth, as opposed to easily Googled if you had 10 minutes and the inclination to do things right.

He was looking for the trick, he realised, after a moment. Wyatt didn't just approach people and offer to help them. It wasn't the kind of guy he was, or the guy he was reputed to be, at least. It seemed out of his range to come over acting all friendly and it not to be a set up for something. Parker had to tilt his head back to look at Wyatt's expression, but he couldn't pick anything unusual out. It still felt wrong to approach it at face value, but it wasn't like turning away help from Wyatt would be received well, and being on his bad side probably wouldn't end well. Better to swallow his pride than his teeth, after all.

"Yeah, I do." there was a pause, and he couldn't help but feel that he was falling into a trap. "'bout 110."

The other guy that Wyatt had been lifting with drifted into the picture shortly afterwards, following along like a happy but lost puppy now that their bro-session had been interrupted, and giving him some additional unasked for advice. Apparently he was not only incapable of lifting weights, but also basic social interaction, fantastic. He was glad to be held in such high esteem. Fortunately he quickly found himself distracted as another person made their appearance known, and drifted to try and get some attention from the fairer sex, not that he could blame him. If anything, he was glad someone more interesting had turned up.

"Yo." he replied briefly, turning to make half a second of eye contact with her before returning to the problem at hand, who was unfortunately not as easily distracted as his companion, and was still waiting for an answer as to exactly why he was lifting.

"Not lifting for the ladies, just trying to keep active - Used to run cross-country, but fucked my leg." He said, trying to brush past it without too much detail, straightening up his slightly crooked stance. He would be lying if he said he didn't consider vanity muscles the point of working out, and that looking good enough to get a bit more action hadn't played into the decision, but like hell was he going to admit that to Wyatt when he had a perfectly good excuse to fall back on.

"Was just planning on doing some curls and calisthenics." he added, rolling his shoulders as best he could with the weights still in his hand.
[+] V7
Relationship Thread!

ImageFaith Clementine Marshal-Mackenzie
[+] Pregame
Memories: Making old enemies
Present Day: Making new friends - Playing childish games - Acting like an adult
Oneshots: Tidying up - Coming home
ImageParker Green
[+] Pregame
Memories: Cheaters never prosper - Except when they do - Keeping promises
Present Day: Getting informed - Playing nice - Keeping up appearances - Playing Games - Talking too much
Oneshots: Preparing for battle
Luca Thomas
[+] Pregame
Present Day: Being a team player
Prom: Trying her best
Criticism or thoughts on my writing are welcome and appreciated - always looking to improve! Feel free to poke me on Discord or via PM.
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MK Kilmarnock
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Post by MK Kilmarnock »

"The fuck you say?" Wyatt exclaimed in false anger... at Ace, that was, in response to his comment about only lifting for the ladies. And damn him for being like... fifty? Sixty percent right. Why else should guys strive to look good and act good or whatever? It gets you laid, and ain't nobody arguing that point. It's why girls jogged in yoga pants and bike shorts, wasn't it? If they weren't trying to show off, they'd be wearing something else. Everybody dances around the issue and says 'boo hoo, don't stare', but everybody LIKES to be stared at and noticed for looking good. There was something to be said when most of the people doing the bitching and moaning were fat fucks fighting the good fight from the safety of their bedroom, one hand on a keyboard and one hand in a bag of Doritos.

For punishment of his heinous crime, Wyatt acted like he'd pull Ace by the shoulder into a headlock, something he often did to get his kicks albeit with only slight pressure applied, probably the same amount he'd squeeze Hogan (disregarding the fact that a St. Bernard's neck is probably more durable than a skinny Latin kid's). Nothing Ace couldn't have gotten out of immediately, and the much quicker boy evaded his grasp before it could even be a thing. Attentions still remained, by and large and for better or for worse, on Parker, at least up until Ace had called out the name of a new arrival.

"Oh shit, here she comes," Wyatt heralded. "What's up lady? Catching up on leg day?" Not that she needed it, because that's immediately where his eyes had gone. Goddamn, girl knew how to dress for a trip to the gym. Maybe she'd be working on glutes today. "Or you coming here to spar?" At that, he snatched up Ace in a hackneyed full Nelson, locking that shit in like he was Chris Masters, even playfully swaying the kid from side to side, but he knew Ace was good for it. "Fuck'm up, I got him for ya!"

He had the back of his mind on Parker, maybe some more advice to give him if the kid was willing to listen (110 pounds wasn't bad for a skinny little shit like him, really). But a man had to have his priorities straight, and priority number one was that ass.
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
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Post by Deamon »

The greetings were made, Ace was polite and welcoming while Parker was cordial while doing the bare minimum but that was fine, he may have been a more introverted person. Wyatt however did exactly what she expected of him because he was predictable as the tide. She saw where his eyes went—not like he attempted to hide it—and it made her want to shudder in disgust. Instead, she played it off with a nonchalant shrug.

Aliya fought the feeling down and continued to approach, even breaking into a small smile when Wyatt put Ace in a shit looking full nelson. Her brain moved quickly through the possibilities as she realized she could make something of the situation. With a small shrug and grin she dropped her towel and water bottle on the floor before moving into position, she made a show of wiping her hand on her leg.

"Sorry Ace."


The palm of Aliya's hand connected with the top half of Ace's chest as she chopped him. It was a kind one—she didn't want to fuck him up—most of the noise came from her hand being cupped but it would still sting a little and it sounded convincing. She knew how to chop. One of the girls she trained had gone to Japan to work for Ice Ribbon? She thought it was Ice Ribbon but they had come back having acquired a lot of knowledge on making strikes look real. That was part of the art though. Good wrestling was making it look like a real fight when you were instead just working together. It was something she liked to believe she was starting to get down.

Aliya mimed blowing smoke off her hand and looked at Wyatt.

"What about you big boy? Think you can take one?"
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Post by Buko »

Total class act Carter...

But I guess I ain't friends with you for your class either.

Ace was still breathing a bit heavy, smiling and panting having scrambled out of Wyatt's headlock. He liked rough housing and being physical, there wasn't a pressure to be witty or cool or smooth or whatever. Beats' body had never let him down and as Wyatt hooted and hollered at Aliya he took a moment to breathe deep. A brief respite, Ace shrugged at his buddies comments and boldness--it couldn't be helped. It wasn't malicious. Aliya didn't seem to mind, she looked like she could take care of herself anyway...

"What? Shit! Getdafuckoff!"

Why am I friends with you, now that I think about it?!

He struggled a bit in Wyatt's grasp, the bigger dude holding him pretty securely. When he saw Aliya approaching he calmed down a bit, she wasn't gonna hurt him too badly and he was much more comfortable taking a hit from her than an overly enthusiastic and ill advised slam from Wyatt in the gym. Ace didn't think his teammate would do something like that but you never knew, there was a little Lenny from of Mice and Men in there.

She was very theatrical with her preparation, making a big show of the whole "spar", Ace appreciated that and it was very much his language. He responded to her show with one of his own.

"DO IT! DO IT! COME ON!", he said in his worst Arnold Schwarzenegger, "KILL ME! I'M HERE! C'MON! DO IT NOW!"

She apologized.

And then she obliged...

She chopped the shit out of him.


He swore in Spanish, it didn't hurt, but it was harder than he expected and it made a crazy ass sound. That was a good one, shit. Even Wyatt seemed to be impressed by the sound of it because he loosened his grip and Ace was finally able to squirm out. He rubbed his chest and shook his head, grinning at both Aliya and Wyatt in equal parts...

"Y'all wrestlers don't play fair! Shit!"

He laughed and rolled his shoulders, responding to Aliya's challenge to Wyatt...

"You don't want none of that homie, she hits like a brick."

A bit of an exaggeration on his part, but hadn't we already established hyperbole and obnoxiousness as parts of the game? He was sure by stoking both Aliya and Wyatt's competitive natures there was more room for amusement on his part. Nothing wrong with fooling around, these days would be short in number soon enough.
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

Parker managed to subdue the urge to flinch as Wyatt's voice rose in volume and lowered in pitch. He wasn't focusing in on him, his eyes had already travelled over to his lifting buddy, apparently having committed an offence against the bro code. Most likely the true offence was being smaller than Wyatt in the presence of a girl he wanted to impress, but whatever, the main thing was that it wasn't him getting "playfought". As long as those two were pre-occupied he could just do his morning routine with slightly nicer equipment than usual, and not get dragged into whatever developed.

He took a few steps to the side, standing on the other end of the station, and began to curl. 10 reps, one set would be enough, just work everything out a little bit then fuck off. He managed not to grunt, breathing in as he pulled up one arm, his right bicep feeling uneasily tight as he did so. He breathed out with relief as the weight dropped a hell of a lot faster. A little faster than he'd intended to.

Okay, 5 reps it was.

He was about to pull up the second rep on his right arm when he heard the slap echo through the room. His head whipped around to look at them, the pair were now grappling, and the girl had hit the non-Wyatt one. He was wondering what the hell was going on until he started listening to what they were saying again, instead of tuning it out. Wrestling. Right, fake fighting. Explained why it was so loud, and why the guy wasn't crying on the floor right now. Seemed like just the sort of thing those two fucks would be interested in, but Aliya, that was a little surprising.

He'd never really heard anything about her, enquiring after people he wasn't forced to interact with and didn't share any interests with wasn't exactly something he felt obliged to do, unlike seemingly everyone else in school. But she didn't seem dumb. Then again, if she was able to sell something that Wyatt and his fuckboy buddy would buy, maybe she had the best approach to dealing with them.

Who was he to judge?

He put the weights back on the rack, quietly. It was the other side from where they'd came from, but there was open spots. If it really bothered the hotel staff, they could sort that shit out, it wasn't his job. He wanted to get some distance from their shit, and adopt the universal symbol of "please don't bother me", and he rummaged around in his pocket before plucking out his headphones and slipping the cord down the front of his shirt. It vibrated in his hands and he had to suppress another sigh as a message popped up on the top of the lock screen.

Nothing was allowed to be easy, was it?
[+] Tavares, Lorenzo
Hey. I’ve got some good bud, wanna meet on the roof to smoke before you shower?
There went having an alibi with people who Myles would consider neutral, unless he wanted to try and talk his way out of doing a good turn for the guy he'd just asked to help him out, which wasn't likely to fly. He wasn't sure if Lorenzo and Myles had beef, but there was a chance of it, but there was no way every single on of Lorenzo's roommates were also going to be unreliable witnesses in his eyes. Now he was going to be disappearing off to the roof. If Myles did have issues with Lorenzo, that would look suspicious.

He tapped the message, and frowned a little more at the other texts he'd missed. Motherfucker. Lorenzo should've given him at least the respect of assuming he took care of himself. Still, he'd just offered to split the spoils of taking drugs across state lines, so there was only so mad he could be. A victory smoke felt appropriate, and he could deal with letting Lorenzo vent a bit in exchange for that, he just had to get this right.
[+] Tavares, Lorenzo
I'd like to take a shower first if possible - Don't want someone riding in the elevator with us and vomiting my dude.
Nailed it. Now he just needed to work up a bit of a sweat before he headed out.

His headphones played exactly nothing into his ears as he assumed a press-up position, feet propped up on a bench to elevate him in order to put more weight on his arms, and he began to lift himself up and down.

((Parker Green - GOTO thread/Melian Myopics█))
[+] V7
Relationship Thread!

ImageFaith Clementine Marshal-Mackenzie
[+] Pregame
Memories: Making old enemies
Present Day: Making new friends - Playing childish games - Acting like an adult
Oneshots: Tidying up - Coming home
ImageParker Green
[+] Pregame
Memories: Cheaters never prosper - Except when they do - Keeping promises
Present Day: Getting informed - Playing nice - Keeping up appearances - Playing Games - Talking too much
Oneshots: Preparing for battle
Luca Thomas
[+] Pregame
Present Day: Being a team player
Prom: Trying her best
Criticism or thoughts on my writing are welcome and appreciated - always looking to improve! Feel free to poke me on Discord or via PM.
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MK Kilmarnock
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Post by MK Kilmarnock »

Now, Ace should have known what the answer to that was gonna be.

Wyatt was already pumping his shoulders, leaning in, clapping his hands. "Come on, let's go!" he egged Aliya on through the residual laughter still breaking his face up from Ace getting the stuffing beat out of him like a piñata. That smack had some real stink on it. Later, he reminded himself, he'd have to get Ace to pull up his shirt and show off what was no doubt a red welt in the perfect shape of a girl's hand on his chest. But first, he had to get his own battle scars.

Aliya was real cool shit. Wyatt remembered a time snidely laughing from the corner of his mouth when she first tried out for the team freshman year of high school. And then he saw that she actually had some damn skill. Not just skilled, but she was much, much stronger than he'd expect her to be, being a girl and all, which all made a little more sense when he heard through the grapevine that unlike him, she'd been wrestling since middle school. In terms of absolute strength he could probably smash her into the pavement, but that was no way to treat a lady. Even if asked, he probably couldn't bring himself to throw a jab simply out of concern for her well-being. Asking her to hit HIM, however, was a different matter, and he was ready as he could ever be.

He squared up and puffed his chest out, putting his arms behind his back as if trying to execute the fruitless effort of touching his elbows behind him. The position allowed Ace to grab his arms if he wanted, but either way, Wyatt wasn't about to duck out.
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
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Post by Deamon »

Obviously Wyatt obliged her. There wasn’t much doubt that he would. He was eternally predictable. She’d heard some of the talk floating around about some of the stuff he had been getting up to and her main reaction was that it made sense. It fit what she knew about him.

Ace was good natured about the chop and played along with it. It was a nice change of pace. Normally people would get weird, question the reality of it and then refuse to try anything. That made it all the more cool when Ace laughed it off.

Wyatt, for his part, seemed eager to eat a chop to the chest. That didn’t bother Aliya any. She could provide a chop for him any day. The way he’d stared at her when she’d entered the gym went a long way to removing any lingering guilt she felt. He was going to get stiffed.

Parker appeared to have moved off to workout in peace. That made sense, Aliya hadn’t been expecting her gym trip to be going the way it was and it was pretty disruptive.

Still, when a chop was being requested it had to be obliged.

Aliya drew her hand back.


She wasn’t kind like she was with Ace. The noise came from her palm connecting with Wyatt’s chest. It looked and sounded real because it was.
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Post by Buko »

He had pretty much stayed in place, rubbing his shoulders as Wyatt got into position. He knew it, she knew it and Wyatt knew it--he was gonna take the chop. No need to get him in some half ass full nelson. Ace simply folded his arms and prepared himself for the spectacle.

Wyatt was his buddy, his teammate, he was helping Ace get ready for college--sure, he could be a jerk, but whatever...his pain wasn't amusing. Laughing at Wyatt's expense would be wrong, amoral, just a total buzz kill dude. He was a good teammate, a decent guy and an okay friend, Ace had to be the same.

His mind flashed to a few seconds ago, Wyatt gripping him in his big tank arms and shaking him like a rag doll...

Aliya's blow connected with a loud smack--it seemed harder and louder than the blow that she had given to Beats. He did not hide his excitement....

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Post by MK Kilmarnock »

Little Big Show up in here wound back, and Wyatt had a twinge of regret that he knew there was no time to do anything about.

The crack rang through the gym like a gunshot. For her size, Aliya packed some serious power. Actually, the size of her hand probably wasn't even doing him any favors because all that force was on less surface area. See, Physics wasn't an entirely useless class... it was only useless the other 95% of the time it wasn't talking about something practical.

There was that moment following the impact where he just felt cold, like he'd been tickled by a sharp breeze. Then- ah, there it was, the shooting, searing pain just a whipcrack later. Wyatt jumped and cackled a shrieking, high-pitched laugh from the very genuine pain that had caused him. His knees didn't come down together, rather, it looked like he danced a little jig. He landed and turned, walking in a tight counterclockwise circle before coming back around and pulling down on his tank top in order to reveal the mark. "Shiiiiiiit shit shit, would you look at that?" he breathed. "That's gonna leave like a perfect hand print, lookit that shit, it's already red!" And indeed, Aliya had left a perfect outline of her hand in red on Wyatt's chest.

But he kept on smiling, even with one eye squinting in order to bear with the stinging pain. Good looking AND strong, and into physical shit. He wouldn't mind letting Aliya slap him around some more and get a little rough in other ways. Fucking somebody on the team probably had the risk of introducing weirdness, like how you weren't supposed to rail your co-workers. But then, wrestling was already over, and school was practically over too. Was Aliya dating somebody?

Eh. He didn't actually care. Whoever it was could stand on the sidelines for the shit he gave.

"That was good fuckin' shit. You trying to be the next Flair?" He asked Aliya. Without waiting for a response, he turned his hand back across his chest as if he was winding up for a knife-edge. "Yo little Ace-ito," he said with extra emphasis on the name, like how he'd hear one of the Guerreros say it back when he was real little and watching wrassling as a kid. "Let me give you one!" He didn't mean it, expecting Ace to back out of the way. All in good fun.

Everything was good fun. Soak it up while it lasts.
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
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Post by Deamon »


Worth it.

Worth. It.

Then, now, forever.

In a pleasant surprise, Wyatt was cool with it. In fact, he seemed to find it funnier than when she'd given one to Ace. All in all, it was the perfect crime. As Wyatt revealed the mark Aliya couldn't help laughing herself. She had spared no expense leaving a perfect imprint on her teammate's chest, through his top even. There was no doubt in Aliya's mind that if she did that to someone in a match she would be getting a receipt. But this wasn't a match and Wyatt didn't seem to care. Cool. That was what he got for staring at her like a creeper, although it seemed the meaning behind her force was totally lost on him. She couldn't say she was surprised.

Wyatt asked her a question and Aliya gave a casual shrug.

"Not-" Oh never mind, it wasn't a question to be answered.

Aliya took a step around to end up next to Ace and gave him a small nudge in the side with her elbow.

"Yeah Ace, let him hit you with one of his bear paws."
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Post by Buko »

He couldn't help but laugh at Wyatt and Aliya's prodding, but really, let Wyatt hit him? Did they think just because he was a football player he had taken too many blows to the head? He had spent the last four years of his life avoiding getting hit by Wyatt--he wasn't 'bout to change course now.

He decided to play it cool, well, mostly.

"Yeah, well, while this was fun and all," he looked towards Aliya and grinned, "I'm 'bout as likely to let dude put hands on my chest as you are, I'm good on that."

He blew a kiss mockingly and winked at Wyatt.

"You know the vibes Papo, you wanna hit me, you gotta catch me son--that shit ain't changed just because we in DC."

At that point he felt a twitch in his legs, he didn't think Wyatt would give chase among gym equipment but you never knew. It wasn't smart to write checks your ass couldn't cash with the Carter's, they fought each other for crying out loud.

Luckily, he thought, Wyatt didn't want broken ankles to go with his hand print, that was a bad start to a vacation in any sense of the word.

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