One shade the more, one ray the less.

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One shade the more, one ray the less.


Post by Cicada »

PRINCESS enters stage right.

Her generation's taste in music was one she appreciated calling emblematic. It seemed clear to her all the petty, crude tongued villains of this world had blatant symbolism as their calling cards. Such that Princess herself could be purely an abstraction of her own just-so made to be overly-so self-actualized self. Her pursuits of self-betterment being so casually meticulous.

Music that was vapid, indeed, had no less meaning than the most subtle of violin trills. It was a meaning that was shouted, and rose like hot air.

She judged only because she had the sanctity of culture in mind. All these tropes of aesthetic which she flaunted were not just for show. Her prom dress, meanwhile, was exactly that: floaty showmanship in how the midnight black hem skirted her ankle. She was rather proud of her having assembled such a look on such short notice, never mind that skipping prom had been perfectly within her power. She had a superficial construct of geniality to maintain, and she did so with all the gravitas of persona she could exert and then some.

She had one other objective, about as petty to her as anything else she deigned to internally declare beneath her. It forced her heart to race such that she would carefully touch her cheek at odd intervals to wonder if it had grown too hot with the flush of blood.

Violet Quinn was a captivating conversationalist, said nobody ever. Princess agreed with that sentiment not-so aloud, and pretended she could deeper down. She was of course all too aware of where the lens of her club camera would stray when her self-control lapsed. Princess prided herself on her self-control, even when it was violate. Weaknesses all the more assured her of her own strength, such that she obsessed over them like trophies hard-won in her rare moments of vulnerable defeat.

This moment, at least, remained common enough. Faceless restaurant, faceless food. The only face Princess had eyes for was Violet's own. A lock of the silvery platinum strayed into her sight, she brushed it away, touched at the modest chain of glowering silver looped through one of her ears, continued to purposely accidentally indulge herself with her nervous tics. She meant it, or at least she meant to mean to do it even as her hands trembled.

Why was that damn girl so beautiful? A battle cry for the ages.

"But I think," Princess offered her hands warmly, opened across the table and fanned into her most average of the best of her conciliatory gestures. "The edge of the dance circle's just as fun a place to be as it's center. As long as you are there, indulging in the moment. However you could lose yourself in that moment?" A bit of a gospel she was trying to string together there, but Princess knew most people could say a lot if you left them the room to explain themselves. And she, selfishly, wanted to hear Violet, that much louder, that much closer than the booth table stuffed between them.
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Post by Primrosette »

Violet couldn't really believe that she was here with Princess and she wondered if she was in a dream-like land. But no, this was a realistic situation and she knew why she was here with the other girl. It was simply curiosity. The fact that Princess had approached her after she had decided to finish having a great dance with Tanisha and she had gone outside of the school to take a breath of fresh air. She never thought in a her wildest dreams to be asked to go somewhere with Princess. Was this what you would call a date? Maybe, maybe not.

Still, Violet's curiosity had got the better of her and now she was here with Princess.

((Violet Quinn continued from Diamond district in the Jag'))

Violet had not always been good at talking to people. She knew that for a fact. But right now, since Princess had seemed to be more willing to try to talk to her; Violet felt that she had to make an effort and she couldn't let her quietness get in the way of that. She had to stop holding back to say a few more words than normally. She really wanted to see where this would go with Princess and she wanted to know more about Princess. She realized that she never really hung out with the girl before and now was her chance. She couldn't hold back from people anymore.

Princess seemed to be talking about being on the outside of a dance circle and Violet couldn't help but smile at the thought of how she was that person who enjoyed observing the scene of people having the time of their lives. "It feels nice to be able to watch people have fun in different ways, even if you are not involved in the matter." She said simply, resting her elbow onto the table and then her hand cupped her cheek while she was focusing her attention on the girl in front of her. "....It makes me have a warm feeling inside and I don't really know how to explain it. Even if I was alone in my own world of happiness."

Violet hoped that her words were not complicated for Princess to understand. Sometimes she did say things in an odd manner and it made her seem like she was on a different planet. If Princess thought that she was a strange person for commenting like that, then Violet would try to back off of her weird moments of words.
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by Cicada »

Princess tried not to assign gravitas to this outing being the first ever starring just the two of them in a restaurant explicitly chosen to be far away from the haunts of the collective school body- that singular abstract entity perhaps lesser than the sum of its parts. Princess likewise preferred to call her failures 'trying her best', to dress teenage incompetence as the noble goal of self-improvement.

She, at least, was a self-convinced fashionista.

Violet's smile, subsequently, made all her questionable bastardization of the lonely aesthetic of generations of artists past charming in a directly arresting way, such that Princess was suddenly amiable to being the star of a crime scene.

"You were though! The audience is as important as the artist. Audience member being Parker aside." He was a safe enough target for ribbing, given his reputation. Princess could giggle with girlish heartedness as if what she'd said had actually been funny.

"You put it well," and Princess earnestly meant that much as her peers earnestly meant to be churlish nuisances onto society. A hand went to her hair, sorting teased-out waves into the tides of that night's waning moon. She consciously assumed no vanity intended while her bird like preening was processed with zealous awareness of this being her best side and best angle, from which her nose didn't appear quite so squashed.

"Spell it out for me? Indulge me. Yourself."

Princess being the intended beneficiary, of course.
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Post by Primrosette »

Violet blinked at the mention of Parker's name and she remembered that he had been the boy with Willow. Right, those two had been together as prom dates. Was it bad that she had came alone to the Prom? She hadn't thought so at the time and she still didn't now. Also, it seemed that Princess was saying that Parker had been watching her? Not that Violet had a problem with that. She didn't find herself craving the attention but if someone wanted to watch, then she was not going to stop them. As long as they weren't some creep....

"Well, I do see that the audience and the artist can be as equal as one. Hmm.... How to explain it? I always find myself enjoying the positivity of people's bright and lively emotions that seem to be a part of their every day lives. I like to observe people's body language from a distance to see whether or not, they are in a good frame of mind or if they are in the most negative state." She felt like this was the longest time that she had had a conversation with a girl like Princess and she hoped that her words did not sound complicated to the other girl. "I like to see both sides of a person. The positive and the negative. I don't think anyone can have just one and not the other. It is like an artist who has a brilliant talent for being creative and artistic. That artist can also be unable to be sociable with others and thinks that their talent all that matters to them. Sorry, sorry. I'm rambling on for quite a bit, aren't I?"

Violet was smiling more sweetly at Princess and she was resting one hand on top of the other on the table, making sure that her eyes were not going to avert away from Princess'. "So I wanted to know this for a while now." She paused to mull over what she was going to say next and she then decided to just go for it. "I'm just curious. Why did you ask me to come with you here, Princess? I want to know if this is what I think it is. However, I want you to tell me what is going on in your mind right now."
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by Cicada »

Be still Princesses' heart, and all her narrative gumption.

"You're almost too earnest," Princess teasingly complained- at least, she was sure the affectation in her tone was correct, certainty borne of experience. But could she, a mere mortal, say that she had experience in situations like this? She was well-read. And that was, roughly and specifically so, it. "And that's a feeling I know well. People dance, even with two left feet." What was she doing with her own hands? Certainly nothing productive. Katelynne- become among her best of friends, much as Princess ranked her friends as anything more than cold units in metric- wrangled plodding beasts of burden better than Princess did her own dainty fingers. Control, Princess had to have some self control.

But she happened to blame Violet, for making it too hard. Violet certainly had a language to observe with not so much distance between. There were toddlers with superior game faces- not that Princess had come here to play.

She blanched.

"Everyone is a complex hero, I suppose. As for, uh. Why I invited you here?" Princess sounded reasonably nonchalant. But she wondered- was a blush supposed to be palpable on the face? Audible to the world? Wasn't that just supposed to be a trope of dramatized fiction? Reality wasn't supposed to actually be stranger than fiction.

"I'm not allowed to enjoy your company then. Sorry," she murmured with played up grief. "I," she sighed so amateurishly, "just thought I enjoyed your insights and wanted to hear more of them outside of club."

Talk more, ask questions less. Princesses' unsolicited advice, could she have given it. Hard to give advice without eye contact. When had Princess started staring at the table, was a question she would have asked herself if she'd deigned to remember the bit about self control.
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Post by Primrosette »

Violet listened to Princess' words with a humble smile on her face and she knew what Princess meant by being too earnest. Maybe being like that was just something that she grew up on. Which was irony since her father was pretty much a comedian at heart and she was on the opposite side of things. Too serious about things that she was focused on in life. But then she wanted to have a good future for herself and she knew that her parents wanted her to be happy with her choices that she made everyday.

"Ah, no, no. I think it is nice to be able to talk to you like this. I wanted to get to know you more outside of the club. I'm just..." Violet paused on her words for a few moments as she noticed that Princess was now staring at the table like it was more interesting to look at and Violet felt like she might have made Princess feel awkward by her being so direct with her question. "I'm just not very good at socialising with other people and I'm making sure that this year I can get closer to other people. I never thought that someone would invite me to somewhere like this to talk. To be fair, I don't really go out to places much. I... I want to know you more, Princess."

Violet hadn't thought that she would be able to talk like that and she remembered all the times when Princess had been watching her in the photography club. Violet had been oblivious to the stares at first as she never thought that any girl would be looking at her and yes, she had seen some looks from boys in the past as well. Knowing that Parker had been watching was now on her mind for a few seconds. Her mind was now back on Princess. Was this to just hang out as friends? Or was this a date?

A date...?
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by Cicada »

The table, she was still staring at the table, of all things. Who on this earth had ever had engaging conversation with the place setting? Likely, someone Princess was yet met in the undefined future of her life, and who would be treated as well as all the others stood to be treated.

Princess looked up. Violet watched, Violet smiled. Violet veni, vidi, vici. Ah. To date she had never come up with a tidbit of history that out of place. That childishly bad. Was it not then, that the wild moor of love that trapped around the human heart like a morass was one that welcomed resistance, to let the hapless sink yet further in? Princess could have sworn up and down that she would have prevailed over the quicksand, but that was merely the her of the past taking to the commander's seat and preaching that she knew what the her of the future should have done, and surely she would have done better. All things considered, this was truly a moment of gravitas as grand as the relatively budget meal spread between them, it was-

To hell with it, who the hell was this piece of trailer trash wearing a pretty dress kidding? Who was she even trying to kid?

Princess wore the most genuinely weak smile she'd ever worn in her life, to date, to remembrance, much as she could remember the days where she always did the same thing and walked the same talk.

Okay, well, she was still probably doing her usual try-hard thing and just pretending that she was having a moment of mortal vulnerability. Method acting. Well. Shoving all of the question of her motive aside, for just a teensy moment, if she jettison her own cynicism?

"Okay," Princess breathed out, for once not measuring her actions so much. As if she had been for any of the past minute of her pubescent flailing? "You got me. You deserve to have a genuine and honest talk." And then she hesitated, and she was pretty sure she hadn't intended to.

"So let me start by saying this, Violet."

So melodramatic. Was this how she always sounded?

"I- ah. Um, I'm... attracted, me, to-..." Fucking hell, fuck it. "I'm a lesbian."


... Aaaand??? Thesis statement? Conclusion? Whole reason she'd come all this way and thrown all her caution to the wind?
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Post by Primrosette »

Violet blinked. She was kind of surprised that Princess would open up about her sexuality with her so quickly and it looked like it took a lot of courage for the other girl to tell her. Violet had known how difficult it had been to open up about being a lesbian and she felt somewhat impressed that Princess was just going for it. Violet had her father's support to be happy with other girls, however, her mother was still finding it hard to accept so they still had a bit of distance between each other. She hoped that her mother would stop being judgemental one day and accept her for who she is. Other reactions from people were both positive and negative when she had told people at school and it wasn't really that surprising. She had been more open about it and she was content with people knowing. Even the people who were asses about it.


Violet wasn't really sure how to process from there. How does one lesbian respond to another one opening up to her? She had never experienced something like this before. She now had both of her hands on the table and she clasped them together into a grip. She bit down a bit on her lower lip and then she glanced at Princess, still smiling at her so boldly.

"Thank you for telling me. That must have took a lot of courage to tell me and I'm just happy that you trusted me to let me know." She said with a nod of her head and then she felt like her voice was getting quieter when her own nerves were kicking in. "I know how hard it was when I had to tell other people about my sexuality as well. Am.... Am I the first to know?"
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by Cicada »

Princess blinked back. If she'd been any less sensible a woman, worldly in how pettily mortal she was allowing herself to be in the fake parallel realm where she still had any ounce of her self-control left, she would have even swooned over that alone. To share a moment with another so lovely, in so simple a code as 'happening to do the same thing at the same time'. Was this not, then, the unfathomably infinite field through which all romantic inclinations perpetually tumbled and careened at terminal velocity?

No, seriously, what the hell was even happening in her brain?

"The first," Princess admitted with a Charybdis-like yawn to her melodramatically grandiose sigh. Her hands crept across the table, only taking territory with the most measured of advances. There was a stunningly little amount of acreage left between their grips becoming one, truly they were the scantly landed peasantry whose gallant tale would have them rise from the depths of human mediocrity and into-... er, somewhere far off her imagination was frantically galloping off to, as if the actual moment was already over and Princess was left with the morning-after daydreams.

", the only," she continued. "I... it was difficult, yes."

Honesty? A calculated appeal to Violet's sympathy? Princess was so far out of her realm of comfort that she could hardly plan for the same step she was presently taking, let alone even one extra step additional. They were both speaking so quietly. Maybe they needed to be leaning in together, closer. Closer- oh, that damn word, it teased Princess so unfairly.

"But- you? How did it make you feel? When you were finally able to declare it to the world- to yourself?"

Her forward smile softened, she managed to at least force herself to not look so pitiably desperate. Twelve odd years of theater, good for at least that much: the last minute token rescinding of her own humiliation. Princess might or might not have taken an interest in Violet's story, but she herself was well on her way to wrapping her own up. She'd be dead, she'd be buried, and she planned her epitaph to read:

'If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more.'
Princess McQuillan
7 of Oct 1999 to 25 of May 2018

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