in the midst of all the last minute relationship threads no-one will notice that i'm gay

forum going so fast nobody will see that i look at the kinkmeme

V7 Pregame is on the way! As such this is the place where you can find friends, rivals, romantic partners, hobby groups and much more! You can start planning threads of your own in this forum to sort out any specific relationships you want for your characters, or you can cruise around others' threads looking for something that would work for your character. Please note that V7 Pregame is still in the future; this forum is merely to allow for more direct and focused planning now that class and location details have been revealed.
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in the midst of all the last minute relationship threads no-one will notice that i'm gay


Post by Yugikun »

Hi! Reposting since new board and since I want to properly get into V7 again and stuff like that! Anyway:

Jonathan Meyers has been shafted from foster family to foster family ever since he could remember, Jonathan has adopted a mindset where he feels he needs to push others away from him. He puts up the image of an asshole and a loner, an image that is a far cry from the personality that lies beneath, which is empathetic and nice to a fault. This is mostly because he doesn't want to build connections with people, knowing that he'll eventually be sent across the country to another home and knowing that it's near impossible for him to be able to say goodbye to his friends. However, due to the fact that this is his final year of school, he has started to open up and try to be friends with more people, something that is held back by muscle memory and his previous reputation. His main social avenues are through drama club and through vocal ensemble, which are both hobbies that he picked up because he needed them in a previous school and are ones that he has kept around. In addition to this, he likes being on internet forums, as the people there provide friends for him that won't be gone from his life if he moves. At school, he tries and does decently well, and he is also straight. Other hobbies include singing, helping out around town, and social justice.
[+] Relationships
  • Ji-hyun "Jiji" Christensen (Inky) - First person Jonathan opened up to after she couldn't put up with him trying to be a dick. The two have a very close relationship due to this, with Jiji essentially being Jonathan's bestie even if that isn't necessarily mutual.
  • Joanne Coleman (Cicada) - Yeah, admittedly it sorta hurts when she chews him out for the things he does but he knows she means well. She's his friend, she's willing to try and help him improve and he can't help but like her for that.
  • Jeremiah Widdlestone (Paige) - Admittedly he found it weird that his skin was blue at first but other than that, the two connect pretty well to each other. They've both been through some bad shit because of the foster care system, and given that Jonathan finds it easier to talk to him about those things rather than others.
  • Axel Fontaine (Fenris) - Jonathan was honestly surprised that the two shared a bunch of things in common with each other but hey, now he knows another singer/guitarist who plays video games. Now he has someone he can hang out with on the casual level.
  • Beryl Mahelona (Cicada) - Huh. Jonathan didn't know Beryl was as good at guitar as she was but that's not really a bad thing - its sorta fun playing and talking guitar with her.
  • Djuradja "Jordan" Miroslava Brankovich (Inky) - PUNK ASS BITCHES
  • Apollonia Karahalios (Fenris) - Drama friend. They weren't really that good with each other until after the whole thing with Jiji but they made up and Jonathan was willing to actually open up to her.
  • Dolores "Dolly" Upton (Zarina) - Some girl in choir. She's a person, she doesn't have anything to make her a target, so she's safe Jonathan supposes?
  • Helena "Hel" Fury (Paige) - Fellow gamer. Jonathan sorta wants to get to know her more and be a better friend but he can't help but be EMO and ALOOF around her and literally never speak.'
  • Gyu-ri Christensen (Cicada) - She's his best friend's sister so he supposes that there should be some sort of familiarity between them but... he doesn't know. He finds it sorta hard to talk to her.
  • Dante Valiero (Fenris) - Dante tried to be friendly somewhere back in year nine, Jonathan did as he usually did and now that Dante avoids him he sorta regrets it. Hopes to apologise someday, but does not realize Dante has forgotten about this.
  • Salvatore "Sal" Bonaventura (Skraal) - Person who Jonathan drove away and who he only really wants to apologize to now #16347.
  • Lucas Abernathy (TheLordOfAwesome) - Person who Jonathan drove away because he acted like a masive jackass #1230851
  • Yuka Hayashibara (Maraoone) - wait why does she smile at me i've been bullying and making fun of her hlp what am i supposed to think about this
  • Ivy Langley (Fenris) - Jonathan's honestly just surprised that popular kids like those in the movies actually exist.
  • Ned Jackson (Ryuki) - Jonathan knows that Ned does voices but also knows that Ned doesn't do voices around him. He's got a pretty good guess as to why that's the case.
  • Demetri Futscher (Cicada) - Fun fact: sometimes, Jonathan might imitate disgusting, awful, politically incorrect views if it means that it will drive specific people away from him. This does not reflect his actual views, nor does it indicate that he respects people who have those views.
Looking for:
  • Friends! People he's opened up to (mostly likely if they were the ones who challenged him to or if they affected him enough emotionally in some way or another) or I guess other students who are jerks or punk-ass people.
  • Enemies! Targets! People he tends to single out and do stuff to in order that he can act like a jerk!

Anna "Roxanne" Herbert spends her time outside of home trying to separate herself from it, having adopted the "Roxanne" nickname in order to do so. As the oldest child of a very rich and successful family, and having parents who expect nothing worse than the best from her because of this, she has attained stress issues, and has grown to resent and try to avoid her parents, as they frequently get angry at her whenever she goes against their image of her. As such, she tries to avoid her life at home as much as she can, and has adopted a persona to separate herself from the timid and scared girl she is at home. Personality wise, she is calm and reserved - normally choosing to play bass or paint by herself whenever she has free time at school - and is someone that refuses to sit down and let other people just boss her around, her stresses at home causing her to become fairly argumentative or fiery at school. She is straight, and near the top of her class in terms of grade (being scared of what will happen if she comes home with worse), and has joined a band mostly because she had a crush on the main singer. Hobbies for her include playing the bass, photography (to the point where she wants to see if she can be a professional one) playing the flute, playing the piano, busking, painting, and reading.
[+] Relationships
  • Alexander Brooke (dmboogie) - ...Yeah. She likes him. Sorta joined the whole band because of that. She won't dare tell anyone about it though. She's fine being in the background to his spotlight.
  • Beryl Mahaelona (Cicada) - Admittedly Roxanne sorta has to force her into shape with the rest of the band and admittedly she wishes she wasn't so prying into Roxanne's life but... yeah. She can't help but appreciate it, and she can't help viewing Beryl as her friend because of that.
  • Ivy Langley (Fenris) - They know each other from the country club/orchestra and they both respect each other as musicians due to that. They don't necessarily hang out with each other — Roxanne exclusively hangs out with other band members — but they're friendly with each other.
  • Lucas Abernathy (TheLordOfAwesome) - Roxanne had to shut down that bit of Raphael in him but otherwise she can get along with him. Knew a lot more about art and painting than Roxanne thought he would, to her mild surprise.
  • Sierra Cook (TheLordOfAwesome) - Art acquaintance #2. Nothing really more to the two of them than that.
  • Violet Schmidt (CrossBowPig) - A girl Roxanne once helped with photography on the Foot Bridge. She's sorta hoping she can return her book to her at some point. Hopefully that'll strike up another conversation.
  • Tony Arcadi (Aura) - ...Roxanne sorta majorly hopes that she can meet him again. Given that he was the first person she ever performed in private to... she doesn't really know. She just sorta wants that particular fact to have meaning.
  • Axel Fontaine (Fenris) - She gets her times for busking by working around his times and his flirting. He's okay enough at guitar but Roxanne doesn't really care about him other than that.
  • Katrina Lavell (Laurels) - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Not Roxanne's fault that Kat apparently can't take criticism.
  • Charelle Chernyshyova (Cicada) - ...This is the type of music her classmates produce?
  • Gyu-ri Christensen (Cicada) - She's a pretty good singer. Not much else to say, though.
  • Marceline Carlson (Turtle) - Roxanne has a pretty strained relationship with Marceline in terms of the band, she tries to promote ideas that Roxanne is very opposed against and is opposed to the ideas that Roxanne herself tries to promote, which can result in sparks flying between the two of them. She tries her best to be Marceline's friend outside of the band's context, but due to their main connection being 'the band' this friendship can be strained, though.
  • Dante Valiero (Fenris) - Tried flirting with her. Didn't exactly go all too well for him.
  • Demetri Futchser (Cicada) - Thinks he's better at guitar than he actually is. Also thinks that ruining one of her performances is a perfectly okay thing to do, apparently.
  • Andy Silverman (Zarina) - will probably kill him tbh
Looking for:
  • Acquaintances! People who share the hobbies of art or music or photography that she can maybe occasionally talk to and stuff!
  • Enemies and/or people she's pissed off with her perfectionist nature!

Teresa Rojas is a hedonistic, promiscuous party girl who puts her own fun and enjoyment over the feelings and needs of the people around her. Orphaned at a young age due to a car accident that her parents were in, Teresa was given to her grandmother due to being the closest relative she had left. Although she does care for her grandmother, and did find living at her house fine at first, as she grew older she became bored with the place and its lack of things to do, and she sought to find anything that she could do to quench the boredom that she had. This typically manifested itself in her wanting to throw herself into social interactions, and led to her becoming part of the party scene at her school, a place that she has chosen not to leave since due to the hedonism that developed within her. To her, she feels somewhat empty when she's not having fun or is doing something that she enjoys, and feels that since her life is on a timer that she'd rather focus on what matters to her. This has also created a selfish outlook on life, as since she focuses on her own fun and fails to consider the feelings of others. As mentioned before, is sorta promiscuous. She finds it like a game to get someone who she finds semi-attractive to fall in love with her, and when she succeeds normally dates them for three or four months before moving onto the next person she likes. Is straight. Sorta is flunking class at the moment, due to how little she cares. She'll do work if you ask her too, but don't ask her to commit that much to her grades, or anything. Other hobbies include socialisation (ideally fairly popular, although not in the totally in crowd), dancing, watching Reality TV, listening to music, and playing video games.
[+] Relationships
  • Myles Roux (Zarina) - He was her boy toy for some point in time. They met at a party, she decided to play her game, and hey, she enjoyed it for a couple of months before she got bored and broke it off. She went on, did other things, although she doesn't know what he thinks of her now. To be honest? Doesn't care either.
  • Lucas Abernathy (TheLordOfAwesome) - Former boy toy. She broke it off a couple months ago and he was still cool with her so hey, no point in not being friends. Maybe he wouldn't be a guy who she'd return to but hey, no telling what the future has in stock.
  • Axel Fontaine (Fenris) - Yo. Yo. Yo. This guy. It wasn't really the guitar that drew Axel in but hey, he's still a really fun guy to just like, shoot the shit with. And hey, if he's up for a little more than friendship then Teresa's up for a little more than friendship as well, she likes him a little more than her other boy toys to come back for more.
  • Oliver Lacroix (Skraal) - Turns out hardass gambler dude ain't so hard after all. All Teresa needed to do was cozy up to him a little and then boom - wrapped around her finger. Didn't even need to work for it.
  • Forrest Quin (Deamon) - They'd be besties if Forrest didn't already have besties and if Teresa really cared enough to rank her friends. They're both party people, they both play vidya, they both dated Myles, to be honest they just gel like two things that gel well together. They fit each other pretty well.
  • Charelle Chernyshyova (Cicada) - Bestie #2. Ain't nothin' Teresa does that this girl doesn't do also. Whatever you name, they'd do it together.
  • Blaise d'Aramitz (Paige) - Get along like a house on fire. Maybe more a party friend than a school friend than anything but hey, whenever they're with each other, whenever they want stuff to go down? Yeah. Stuff goin' down, boyz.
  • Zachary Beck (Ryuki) - Another kid who knows how to have some fun. Even if he gets a little annoyed at her nickname for him she's pretty good with him. She even participates in his pranks sometimes. They're pretty funny.
  • Dante Valiero (Fenris) - He was fun to go out with when he made the rounds around to her. Fun enough for her to stick around. Talk. Even flirt a little when he was feeling it.
  • Tanisha Abbey (Laurels) - Party gal. Teresa ain't part of her ho squad but hey, she knows how to have a good time.
  • Joanne Coleman (Cicada) - Ho squad girl #2. Dios help anyone who's in the vicinity when Teresa's squad and the ho squad meet up.
  • Sierra Cook (TheLordOfAwesome) - Party girl, yo. Ain't no way you can fault that.
  • Astor Maradona (Zarina) - They do dance, they talk dance, and hey, sometimes they even dance with each other.
  • Ivy Langley (Fenris) - Teresa finds it sorta funny how Ivy thinks she's manipulating her. Teresa don't care. She just takes her gossip and party stuff and she doesn't need anything else from her.
  • "Skinny" Trevor Sharpe (NAFT) - They both get what they need from each other. Skinny the money, Teresa the kush.
  • Andy Silverman (Zarina) - They play vidya and are both in the social scene. She's smiled at him once or twice in the hallways due to that.
  • Apollonia "Nia" Karahalios (Fenris) - Teresa bought one of her card things a couple months ago. That was pretty neat.
  • Juliette Sargent (MurderWeasel) - Fun to fuck 'round with. Well, more fun to try to fuck 'round with given Teresa didn't get to do much one time she got the chance to but hey, this girl's got a whole year left with Miss Starlet over here. She got time to try again.
  • Marceline Carlson (TurtleTyrant) - Fun girl. Kindred spirit. Ain't as if the two of them ever talked (well, maybe once or twice, she was maybe with Juliette at the pool?) but hey, if talking to her suddenly happened this girl right here wouldn't mind.
  • Max Rudolph (CrossBowPig) - Man, Teresa does not know what's particularly wrong with this kid. All she did was just try to get a little close up to him and he just went off on her for it. Oh well. Least most of her buddies know he's a shithead now.
Looking for:
  • Friends! Teresa is more of a social nomad than anything but she has a couple people she'd dedicate time to hang out with! Be interesting, cool, and/or a PARTY PEOPLE and you'll be right up Teresa's alley!
  • Enemies! Teresa doesn't really care all that much to actively hate people but maybe there would be people who — either through Teresa being an unmotivated shit when they needed her not to be or someone who she used to be in a relationship with — resent her?
  • Maybe even a current boy toy I guess?

That's all (for now) so have at!
[+] The Present
Image Image Image

B???: Valentin Shulgin — "..." — 0%
PREGAME — Past: | SM: | Present:

G???: Yong Yi "Penny" Yu — "..." — 0%
PREGAME — Past: | SM: | Present:
THEME: Rina Sawayama — Comme Des Garçons (Like the Boys)

G???: Clover Wilkinson-Crowheart — "..." — 0%
PREGAME — Past: N/A | SM: N/A | Present:
THEME: The Killers — Spaceman
[+] The Past
Image Image Image

B003: Jeremy Frasier — "Yeah. No regrets." — 57%
Kills: 2 | Equipped with: Scoped Raging Bull, $1000, Wooden Baseball Bat, Eyepatch, Pancor Jackhammer
PREGAME — Past: ☆ ☆ ☆ | Present: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ | Sadie Hawkins: ☆ ☆
V6: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
THEME: OneRepublic — Love Runs Out

B013: Alvaro Vacanti — "Thank... you..." — 41%
Kills: 3 | Equipped with: MAC-10
PREGAME — Past: ❇ ❇ ❇ | Present: ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ | Sadie Hawkins: ❇ ❇
V6: ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇
THEME: The Megas — The Haystack Principle

G030: Jasmine King — "I win." — 11%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: Brass Knuckles
PREGAME — Past: | Present: ☻ ☻ ☻ | Sadie Hawkins: ☻
V6: ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻
THEME: Luck Ganriki — golden sneer
[+] The Future

Nicholas "Nick Andretti" Andretti — The Mercenary — "Have a problem? I can help you. For a price."
Teddy "Theodore" Berenson — The Crusader — "Be excellent to each other."
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Frozen Smoke
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Joined: Mon Aug 13, 2018 3:50 pm


Post by Frozen Smoke »

Unfortunately both my characters are unlikely to really reach out to Jonathan, but I'm almost certain Faith and Roxanne will know each other! I can see them clashing a bit, but I think ultimately their shared connection to the Ivy friendship group will keep them on the same page, and Faith can absolutely respect her fierce independence too - seeing her as someone fighting the same fight as her in a way. I doubt they'd be close friends, but perhaps friendly acquaintances? Depends on how much Faith rubs her up the wrong/right way in terms of her equally abrasive and fiery personality.

Teresa also has potential intersections with both of my characters, as she has been involved with a lot of Faith's close friends and "friends" like Lucas and Myles. She probably judges Teresa for sleeping around a little bit and using that to 'get popular' (as I think that's how Faith would see it as she's gross), but wouldn't really hold it against her/think it makes her a bad person, just fits with the image of Teresa taking the 'easy way' through things that Faith associates with her given her attitude.

Depending on if Teresa finds him attractive, Parker also might be a potential past partner for her, though more likely of the one night stand or similar short time frame as Parker has similar trouble keeping relationships together, but simply doesn't attempt to try in the first place instead. How Teresa feels about that might be interesting, I imagine someone telling her they're not interested in being her 'boytoy' might be an unusual instance for her, depending on how picky she is.

Lemme know what yah think and also oh no I need to port my relationship thread don't I? Damn.
[+] V7
Relationship Thread!

ImageFaith Clementine Marshal-Mackenzie
[+] Pregame
Memories: Making old enemies
Present Day: Making new friends - Playing childish games - Acting like an adult
Oneshots: Tidying up - Coming home
ImageParker Green
[+] Pregame
Memories: Cheaters never prosper - Except when they do - Keeping promises
Present Day: Getting informed - Playing nice - Keeping up appearances - Playing Games - Talking too much
Oneshots: Preparing for battle
Luca Thomas
[+] Pregame
Present Day: Being a team player
Prom: Trying her best
Criticism or thoughts on my writing are welcome and appreciated - always looking to improve! Feel free to poke me on Discord or via PM.
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Post by Yugikun »

I'm almost certain Faith and Roxanne will know each other! I can see them clashing a bit, but I think ultimately their shared connection to the Ivy friendship group will keep them on the same page, and Faith can absolutely respect her fierce independence too - seeing her as someone fighting the same fight as her in a way. I doubt they'd be close friends, but perhaps friendly acquaintances? Depends on how much Faith rubs her up the wrong/right way in terms of her equally abrasive and fiery personality.
Yeah, this works with me. I should probably note (more for others than you specifically) that the only people who really know about Roxanne's family situation are a couple of the other band members but yeah, assuming that it's just because of her general persona/personality I could see them finding out about each other through the shared connection with Ivy and having talked with each other a couple of times because of that.
Teresa also has potential intersections with both of my characters, as she has been involved with a lot of Faith's close friends and "friends" like Lucas and Myles. She probably judges Teresa for sleeping around a little bit and using that to 'get popular' (as I think that's how Faith would see it as she's gross), but wouldn't really hold it against her/think it makes her a bad person, just fits with the image of Teresa taking the 'easy way' through things that Faith associates with her given her attitude.
This too works with me. Teresa wouldn't really care about whether Faith judges her or not and would basically shrug it off and I think Teresa would find Faith's sense of humour fairly funny — she too is also into the offensive sort of humour.
Depending on if Teresa finds him attractive, Parker also might be a potential past partner for her, though more likely of the one night stand or similar short time frame as Parker has similar trouble keeping relationships together, but simply doesn't attempt to try in the first place instead. How Teresa feels about that might be interesting, I imagine someone telling her they're not interested in being her 'boytoy' might be an unusual instance for her, depending on how picky she is.
Teresa would probably have been down for doing some stuff with Parker in the past, yeah. How she feels about someone not being interested in pursuing something further with her generally depends on the way they state it (she doesn't really tend to call guys her boy toys out loud, she's smart enough to keep those particular parts in) but ultimately at worst she just tends to be peeved for a bit and then move on — bad feelings about someone totally mess with her groove.
[+] The Present
Image Image Image

B???: Valentin Shulgin — "..." — 0%
PREGAME — Past: | SM: | Present:

G???: Yong Yi "Penny" Yu — "..." — 0%
PREGAME — Past: | SM: | Present:
THEME: Rina Sawayama — Comme Des Garçons (Like the Boys)

G???: Clover Wilkinson-Crowheart — "..." — 0%
PREGAME — Past: N/A | SM: N/A | Present:
THEME: The Killers — Spaceman
[+] The Past
Image Image Image

B003: Jeremy Frasier — "Yeah. No regrets." — 57%
Kills: 2 | Equipped with: Scoped Raging Bull, $1000, Wooden Baseball Bat, Eyepatch, Pancor Jackhammer
PREGAME — Past: ☆ ☆ ☆ | Present: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ | Sadie Hawkins: ☆ ☆
V6: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
THEME: OneRepublic — Love Runs Out

B013: Alvaro Vacanti — "Thank... you..." — 41%
Kills: 3 | Equipped with: MAC-10
PREGAME — Past: ❇ ❇ ❇ | Present: ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ | Sadie Hawkins: ❇ ❇
V6: ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇
THEME: The Megas — The Haystack Principle

G030: Jasmine King — "I win." — 11%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: Brass Knuckles
PREGAME — Past: | Present: ☻ ☻ ☻ | Sadie Hawkins: ☻
V6: ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻
THEME: Luck Ganriki — golden sneer
[+] The Future

Nicholas "Nick Andretti" Andretti — The Mercenary — "Have a problem? I can help you. For a price."
Teddy "Theodore" Berenson — The Crusader — "Be excellent to each other."
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Location: there is a man standing behind you


Post by Yugikun »


(charelle is also up for relationships i'm just too lazy to put her there)
[+] The Present
Image Image Image

B???: Valentin Shulgin — "..." — 0%
PREGAME — Past: | SM: | Present:

G???: Yong Yi "Penny" Yu — "..." — 0%
PREGAME — Past: | SM: | Present:
THEME: Rina Sawayama — Comme Des Garçons (Like the Boys)

G???: Clover Wilkinson-Crowheart — "..." — 0%
PREGAME — Past: N/A | SM: N/A | Present:
THEME: The Killers — Spaceman
[+] The Past
Image Image Image

B003: Jeremy Frasier — "Yeah. No regrets." — 57%
Kills: 2 | Equipped with: Scoped Raging Bull, $1000, Wooden Baseball Bat, Eyepatch, Pancor Jackhammer
PREGAME — Past: ☆ ☆ ☆ | Present: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ | Sadie Hawkins: ☆ ☆
V6: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
THEME: OneRepublic — Love Runs Out

B013: Alvaro Vacanti — "Thank... you..." — 41%
Kills: 3 | Equipped with: MAC-10
PREGAME — Past: ❇ ❇ ❇ | Present: ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ | Sadie Hawkins: ❇ ❇
V6: ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇
THEME: The Megas — The Haystack Principle

G030: Jasmine King — "I win." — 11%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: Brass Knuckles
PREGAME — Past: | Present: ☻ ☻ ☻ | Sadie Hawkins: ☻
V6: ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻
THEME: Luck Ganriki — golden sneer
[+] The Future

Nicholas "Nick Andretti" Andretti — The Mercenary — "Have a problem? I can help you. For a price."
Teddy "Theodore" Berenson — The Crusader — "Be excellent to each other."
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Super Weegee
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Joined: Fri Aug 17, 2018 6:14 pm


Post by Super Weegee »

Late, I know, but the more the merrier!

Jonathan: I doubt that Matthew would really know him up until their last year, but they can talk about video games and various forums. If he knew about the singing, he could introducing new songs to Jonathan to try to see if he can sing them well.

Blake...wouldn't like him, to put it mildly. Considering that Blake started trying to get people he doesn't like into trouble during the beginning of his junior year, I think that Jonathan's not going to let his guard down around him. Depending on whether or not Blake gets targeted, I can see Jonathan being one of those people that Blake, well, tries to get into trouble (framing attempt optional, up to you).

Roxanne: Matthew: "Who?"

I can see Blake helping Roxanne with any problems with her classes as well as talk about literature and the like, but I think that it would be more of a working relationship instead of a personal one.

Teresa Rojas: Considering that Matthew loves to play games, listen to music, and watch TV, it's hard for me to not see them being friends.

Blake is a part of the ROTC and focuses on his public image, so I can see her trying to get him into a relationship with her. You can decide on whether or not she's successful and if it's ongoing, considering that he wouldn't know about her previous short-term relationships (he dislikes half of them, and doesn't really know the other half).
V8 Relationships Thread
Brook Peterson
Lula Gray
[+] V7
V7 Appearance Tracker
ImageMatthew Hunt drawn by Ryuki and Kotorikun - Profile
Memories: 1 2
Pregame: 1 2 3 4
Trip: 1 2
V7: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Image Blake Davis - Profile - "...You knew..."
Memories: 1
Prom: 1
V7: 1 2 3 4
Any thoughts or criticisms on my writing are welcome and appreciated! Feel free to message me on Discord.

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