Just keep breathin' and breathin' and breathin'


Built not long after the community's arrival on the island, the lighthouse was never realistically going to last very long. Requiring many renovations during its lifespan due to less-than-stellar construction practices, the lighthouse eventually met its end during the same storm that capsized the yacht. Now its interior is exposed to the elements with only what's left of its wooden walls able to shield those who seek shelter inside.
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Just keep breathin' and breathin' and breathin'


Post by Laurels »

((G016 Katrina Lavell: Start))


Katrina clutched her chest and began to hyperventilate. This wasn't really happening. This couldn't be happening. This really couldn't and shouldn't be happening, and yet Katrina could feel the cold collar around her throat and feel the wind of the sea on her face. It really was happening. Her teachers were dead and she was part of Survival of the Fittest.

Katrina had moments ago woken up outside of what looked to be some kind of lighthouse. She was sitting on the side facing the ocean, meaning that she was close enough that she could have rolled off the edge and into the sea if she wasn't careful. That alone freaked her out. The thought of drowning always terrified her, even if she felt confident enough as a swimmer from going to the pool in the summer. No, but once she felt the collar around her neck and saw the bags near her, she realized it was true. She was a prisoner of Survival of the Fittest, and she was probably going to die.

That panic caused her to immediately scream her head off and find it difficult to keep calm. She could already feel tears streaking down her face. This wasn't supposed to happen. She was supposed to be a star. She was supposed to go to LA and make something of herself. She would inspire millions and make music history, and yet she was on some forsaken island about to die.

Katrina looked around and noticed something lying on top of her bag. She ran over and clutched it. She had seen something like this in movies and TV shows. She was sure Iggy Azalea had one in the Black Widow music video.

"A samurai sword? They want me to kill people with a samurai sword?"

Katrina felt part of the sheath move, and she then grabbed it by the handle and pulled. Soon, a bright, shiny steel blade emerged. It kept going, and Katrina was shocked at how massive the weapon was. She held it upright, feeling the weight of it in her hands.

"Oh my god," she said. "I can't do this. I can't kill people. I'm not Iggy Azalea, I'm not a black widow oh god oh god."

Katrina continued to stare at the weapon. It wasn't supposed to be in her nature to kill people, and yet they thought she could do so with such a weapon? That thought just caused her to cry and wail even louder than before.
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Post by Polybius »

"Hey. Hey!" she shouted "What's going on?!"

Yuko ran around the side of the ruined lighthouse, following the scream.

Yuko Hayashibara - Start

Yuko had woken up in a panic. They were in Survival of the Fittest, all of them. Yuko, all of her friends and classmates that had come along with her on the trip, and worst of all, Yuki and Yuka. She knew before she had even gathered her surroundings that she had to find her sisters. They were out there, alone and afraid, and she had to make sure they were alright. She was the oldest, yeah? They could figure everything else out after.

She was jogging along the beach when she heard an ear-splitting scream coming from the direction of a wrecked lighthouse. It didn't sound like either of her sisters, but she couldn't just leave it be. Someone sounded like they were in trouble, and Yuko wasn't selfish enough to just ignore it.

So she ran around the lighthouse, towards the cliff. As she looked around, she found the girl with cat ears holding a giant samurai sword. Yuko didn't know the girl - Katrina? - very well, but she knew that she looked panicked.

"Is... a- are you okay?"
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Post by Laurels »

Katrina tilted the sword over, studying the shape of the blade. These things were tough enough to take people's heads off, right? Was it likely she'd be forced to use it to completely dismember people? The thought of doing so was starting to make Katrina feel sick. It was bad enough knowing she would never go home and be a star, but to know she might have to do horrible and violent things along the way was pretty sickening.

Before Katrina could do anything else, someone else appeared and spoke. Katrina let out another scream and dropped the sword, stepping back quickly so it wouldn't stab through her feet. She stumbled and fell back, landing on her butt.

She looked up at the girl before her. She was one of those triplets, wasn't she? Katrina knew there were triplets in her school, but she didn't really know who she was or which triplet she was.

"P-p-please don't hurt me," Katrina said. "I-I-I..."

Katrina continued to sniffle and pant. She could barely speak to this girl, which she knew could mean life or death here.
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Post by Polybius »

"Whoa, hey!"

She'd apparently shocked Katrina, which wasn't what she wanted at all. Yuko stopped in her tracks and held her hands up.

"I'm not gonna to hurt you, I promise! I just heard you screamin' and I thought you could be in trouble."

Yuko still wasn't sure why Katrina had screamed the first time, but she seemed to be physically fine and completely alone. She was just scared, like they all must have been, and she was still in a panic.

"I, uh, I understand you're scared." Yuko said, trying to comfort her. She wasn't good at this touchy-feely stuff, but she had to try something. "Well, nothin' bad's gonna happen when I'm around, yeah? You can talk to me. I'm just trying to survive and find my sisters."
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

((Sven Vee continued from My first thought was, he lied in every word))

It felt silly to open the door when it was barely hanging to the blasted remains of the structure, but Sven couldn't remember doing it. Blame someone else, then. He'd wanted to stay put.

This was already off to a horrible start. Right in front of him was one of the triplets. He didn't care which; they were indistinct and indistinguishable, the smart one, the sporty one, the slutty one? He couldn't recall. He sort of hated them, passively, except for Yuki. Yuki was okay. He considered her an honorary non-triplet, thought of her differently from her sisters and herself as horrible collective unit, not that there was actually anything truly wrong with them. They hadn't chosen to be born as they had, which was more than could be said for what the other girl was wearing.

Sven pushed his sunglasses around on his face a little. It was a good day for sunglasses, nice and bright.

"Uh," he said, "hey."

Not-Yuki had said that nothing bad would happen while she was around, which Sven knew wasn't true, but he couldn't blame her. She was ignorant or lying to herself, but that was pretty rational in this situation. She hadn't accepted her place, her inevitable fate, and maybe for her it wasn't so clear cut anyways. They would search and fight and die for the certainty he already possessed. He envied them, in a way.

"I heard screaming."

The lightsaber hung at his belt, neatly clipped to it by his right hand. Sven really did quite like Star Wars. It was one of the best, purest explorations of Jungian archetypes and Campbell's Hero's Journey out there. He thought he maybe looked just a bit like Mark Hamill, too, after the motorcycle accident when they had to write in him getting mauled by the abominable snowman to explain why his face was all messed up. The sea here was nice, good to stare intensely at, but Sven was one robe short of the proper attire.

Something to scrounge around for, maybe, if no greater purpose presented itself to his brief continued existence.
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Post by Cicada »

((Demetri Futscher: Begin))

It wasn’t like he was so inept that he didn’t know what Survival of the Fittest was. He’d always thought it’d been a bit of a mismatched name though, because none of the previous survivors he’d been aware of in the media had looked like they’d been too far away from the polluted end of the gene pool.

Like, where did that leave his chances of survival? Kinda weird that he was thinking so frankly about his own death but he was pretty sure if he had to calculate it he wouldn’t have given himself good odds. Maybe he’d get a decent over-under on the first kid to accidentally nut on camera when he brushed up against some girl while she was busy torturing him to death. Man, imagine the kinkshaming he’d get drowned with on /b/ for that one. His legacy to the world: ‘he who nuts before his nuts are chopped off’, a brief, poorly written, laggy article on Knowyourmeme.

Fucking hell man. He was probably supposed to be taking all of this more seriously but it all just felt so… empty. He didn’t know how to describe it, honestly. It was definitely an alien sensation.

As he slowly trudged up the last inches of the slope he’d woken up on the bottom of he saw what looked like a bombed out building of some sort- lighthouse or watch tower maybe. Looked like a kind of cool place to find a couple of his classmate’s bodies in. Like- he couldn’t really imagine that. Seeing his classmates like… that. That being the euphemism for… that. Like, he could fucking say it.

Death, it was a euphemism for death. Anyways. He supposed now was the time to burn on more galaxy brain hyper ironic edgy greentexts, while he was busy slowly rounding the body of this blown up lighthouse- when had he decided that- and taking his time because apparently he wanted to enjoy his first day on death island taking the scenic route like he was Soccer Mom #2981 with his two kids Braiyeden and Jehnihfuer. He wasn’t scared of what lay on the other side of these weathered walls, that was for damn sure.

In his hands, the weapon they’d assigned him. The explanation manual they’d attached on how to use the weapon was actually thicker than the Commie book itself- which was actually pretty hilarious, he’d have to give the terrorists props for that he guessed. He could, like...:

> Be the bourgeois
> Establish new classes of oppression by uplifting the proletariat out of the horrific squalor of their present lives
> ‘by uplifting the proletariat out of the horrific squalor of their present lives’
> gru plan.jpg

Well that was kind of crossing the memes a bit too much there-

oh wait no, there they were.

Some of his classmates were still alive. He was pretty relieved, some of that pit in his stomach closed up, and he could have smiled if he didn’t suddenly feel like he’d walked into a scene where he didn’t really belong.

“Uh-” he pointed at nowhere in particular, the wall, yes, that particular section of crumbling masonry was exactly where he needed to point. “Just like- you know. Checking something out.”

”Don’t mind me- uh. Not a part of this convo.” He kept pointing, just to emphasize.

Why did he sound so loud all of a sudden? Hadn’t they all been talking before he’d bumbled in?

He dropped his hands into his pockets and tried to fix his gaze onto nothing in particular and accidentally caught like, all of their eyes along the way. Optimal maneuvers, right there- he did recognize Yuki though, the girl closest by him that he'd narrowly avoided running over at his cool 2mph speed. Yuki was cool, he’d always enjoyed their after school tutoring sessions. Well like, okay, she had an entire Terracotta Army’s worthy of sister clones, but like, he was pretty sure that one was Yuki. He’d recognize the subtle differences anywhere.
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Post by Ryuki »

B039: Zachary Beck-Start!

“It’s not fair!,” Zach angrily shouted, “It’s not fucking fair!”

Zach had woken up not too long ago. Panicked and livid, he made his way towards the lighthouse from the bottom of the slope.

“What the fuck did I do to deserve this!?”

As he shouted his thoughts, his mind raced. Zach was fully aware that his reputation back home was going to come back to bite him. Someone like Johnny, or Wyatt, or Bret, or some other assholes were gonna find him and smash him like a bug. And there would be nothing to stop them. This wasn’t a school where rules and regulations kept the student body from going completely apeshit. This was a psychotic game created by fucked up people for shits and giggles.

In Zach’s hand was a can of WD-40. Apparently, that was his weapon. What was he supposed to do with this? Fix a leak in one of these terrorist’s pipes? A pipe would have been a better weapon to defend himself with. But even if Zach had a better weapon, could he really use it? Could he really use it on someone? Could he really kill someone? Pushing those questions to the back of his mind, Zach came upon the lighthouse.

From what he saw, a few people were gathered outside the decrepit building. What were they talking about? Who knows, maybe they were planning a murder. Maybe someone had already died and they were gawking at the corpse. Zach really shouldn’t be thinking about that kind of stuff, but in a situation like this how could he not? Curiosity consuming him, he got closer to the front door.

“Hey!,” Zach shouted, “Is someone dead!? Or what!?”
[+] V9
Felicity "Flick" Franklin- Aspiring Chef
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Donald "Don" Douglas- Gamer Geek
Taylor Turner- Tennis Tomboy
Simon Smith- Horror Nerd
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Post by Laurels »

Katrina looked up at Triplet Girl as she tried to assuage her fears. Katrina wasn't sure if she could trust the girl. Wasn't that the point of this? You weren't supposed to trust anyone anymore because the terrorists were putting everyone in the same state of panic and fear. Katrina thought it would help to listen to the girl, but then that guy who killed Ms. Garcia chimed back in, reminding her that it was kill or be killed. Katrina wasn't even sure she could kill yet, and she was already doubting someone trying to help her.

It was then that more people seemed to be coming over. One guy opened the door that was barely hanging on to the side of the lighthouse and emerged. He must have been inside the lighthouse when he woke up or something. Then two more guys showed up from around the side near the triplet. Katrina was still panting, but she had to quickly take in what she could of the boys.

The guy who came out of the lighthouse looked pretty big and chill. She could see he had a plastic sword in his belt, meaning that Katrina with her samurai sword might stand a chance if he decided to do anything bad. The first guy to come around the side was Demetri. Katrina knew he had a bad reputation and was a pretty well-known capital-J Jerk, but he was holding what looked like a pamphlet. The last was some short dude with a can that Katrina knew was known for being a joker. Either way, Katrina was starting to feel a bit better, knowing she was probably the best-armed person here.

On the other hand, it frightened her to think that she was already thinking of this. Even if she had a big bad sword in her hands, that didn't mean she'd win. They could all gang up on her and pin her down, or they could force her off the cliff side. There was a lot of trouble to be found, and Katrina knew her chances of survival were not good no matter what. At the very least, she should make it clear to the others that it wasn't worth trying to kill her. Pop stars did power through life's obstacles on charisma and personality, so maybe she could too.

Katrina crawled over to grab her sword with her good hand. Her other hand tried to scoop up her bags and the sheath. She stood up, holding the sword upright in front of her and keeping the bags and sheath by her side, although she could feel the sheath struggling to stay in her grasp with both sets of duffel bag straps mixed in.

"Please. Please no one try to hurt me," she pleaded in between gasps for air. "I know they said they want us to kill everyone, but I don't want to die. Not her and not now."

She had to really hope that her charisma and personality points still worked with her red face and tear-streaked face. Maybe she could ride on pity instead.
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Post by Polybius »

Yuko really hoped what she'd said was helping, but she was nervous that anything could set Katrina off again. Which was why she wasn't happy when a bunch of new people arrived, all drawn by the screaming. It wasn't a great assortment, either. Sven was fine, if a little quirky, but Zachary was a jerk who spent his time publicly insulting and humiliating people and posting it to Youtube. And Demetri... God, Demetri... he was friends with Yuki, but there were horrible rumors about his views, particularly towards women. Yuko didn't like her sister hanging around with him, but she trusted Yuki enough not to make a big deal out of it. Still, the twerp bothered her. Anyway, she wasn't optimistic that this particular group would help reassure Katrina.

"Everythin's fine here, no need to worry." she called.

It seemed Yuko was right, because Katrina was now back on her feet and she was pleading for them not to hurt her. Seeing the girl's crying face really made Yuko feel for her. They were all in an unimaginably horrible situation, and of course a lot of them would have trouble handling it. So as someone who was stronger than most, it was Yuko's responsibility to help those people who weren't as strong, right?

"It's okay. None of us are trying to hurt anyone." Yuko said. She turned towards the crowd of boys, and with a hard tone, she added "Right, guys?"

Yuko didn't know what kind of ideas they had going on, but none of them were armed or muscular. She hoped if she was firm with them, none of them would try anything out of line.

An unwelcome idea came to her. Yuko glanced at her bag, at the frightening object she'd discovered stashed inside it; if she really wanted to intimidate them, she had a hell of a card in her pocket. She shook her head, trying fling the thought from her mind. She wouldn't do that, not unless it was absolutely necessary.
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

"I don't want to die him either," Sven muttered, and then paused, thought through what he'd said and tried to make sense of it, and came back with a much more audibly-vocalized, "I mean, uh, I mean don't worry, I'm not, I won't try to hurt anyone."

The others came from everywhere and nowhere, or so it seemed, but mostly it was that Sven's attention had been fixed on the two girls immediately present and his peripheral vision was limited at best. The first guy was awkward, stumbling over his words, skinny and dressed in clothes that made no impression whatsoever on Sven. He could've been anyone, which was quite comforting. The second guy had on a shirt with some doodles on it, but more notably he was tiny and loud and inappropriate, and that set Sven immediately on edge. He naturally couldn't remember their names and had no idea what they were known for.

Was the loud boy's crass behavior what had set the armed girl off to the extent that she was? It actually seemed quite possible. Would the guy know how to deescalate? Would he care to? What would happen next?

It occurred to Sven that such matters really weren't his problem unless he wanted them to be. He didn't.

He rested his hand on the pommel of his lightsaber and squinted as he gave those assembled a once-over from behind his shades. If he wanted to leave, he'd have to walk through them, which he didn't feel like doing. So, instead, he nodded, particularly at the girl with the sword.

"Good luck," he said.

Then he turned right around and went back into the blasted ruins and closed the door.
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Post by Cicada »

... Honestly, Demetri didn't blame him. Dude had it made with a door and walls to his name. No roof over his head, and the humidity felt awful close to a classic Chattanooga rainy day, but rain of that kind was probably a good deal more welcome than a rain of bullets. For sure. It reminded Demetri, of like, the day they'd converted the spare room to Hannah's room and he'd gotten a bedroom to himself. Happiest day of ten year old Demetri's life right there- he'd already been fixing on keeping his autistic midget porn stash strictly to himself. It was like... yeah. A place of your own was freedom, it was safety. This shit right here, this lighthouse? Free real estate.

Demetri shoved his hands in his pockets, processing the rest of the hubbub he was stubbornly staying silent through. Cat Valentine-looking chick was tear-stained to an awkward degree, and he wasn't too inclined to like, say much to her. Didn't even know how to talk to girls in general, let alone ones obviously having catastrophic emotional breakdowns.

"Yeah, Yuki's right. So, you know... You can put the sword down." Uh.. how did he stand in solidarity with the only person here not freaking out? Stand beside her? He wasn't that close to the Hayashibaras. Heaven forbid he'd ever, like, insult the family honor or accidentally initiate into an ancient weeb marriage proposal ritual by talking to one of them too closely. Stand behind her? That was a right back to the whole 'lul this beta bitch' thing that 4Chan was going to be all over on when the footage of his death would be passed around like hentai gifs.

Hell, he had to look like he was doing something. He turned around and approached the most recent and most loud sperg to join their party, holding up his hands to show: no weapons- except those that brought down the bourgeoisie.

"Easy, dude. No one's dead. We're cool." Zach was like, one of the more approachable dudes back in GHHS, actually had a sense of humor. Evidently it had hard failed him here.
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Post by Ryuki »

Zach recognized that voice. Demetri was one of the more tolerable people to talk to. He at least had a sense of humor.

“Okay, great!,” Zach shouted in response, “I’m coming over!”

As Zach got closer, he bagan to recognize the people better. Yuko Hayashibara was one of those preachy anti-bullying advocates. In other words, really annoying. Then there was Sven, holding a toy lightsaber. Guess Zach didn’t get the worst weapon. Zach could think of a few ideas on how to utilize his can of WD-40, but a toy lightsaber? Zach almost felt bad for Sven. Finally, there was Katrina, who fancied herself a pop idol, who had a sword—


Zach tensed up when he noticed the cat-earred girl had a fucking samurai sword in her hand. Sven had the right idea of heading inside the lighthouse. Zach kept his distance from the group, just in case things go south.
[+] V9
Felicity "Flick" Franklin- Aspiring Chef
Wallace "Wally" Whitaker- Theater Guy
Donald "Don" Douglas- Gamer Geek
Taylor Turner- Tennis Tomboy
Simon Smith- Horror Nerd
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Post by Laurels »

Katrina sniffled a bit. From the looks of it, they weren't going to hurt her. It looked like she was somehow the most dangerous person here despite the fact that she was red-faced and could taste mascara in the corner of her lips from all the crying. The others were pretty much begging her to put the sword away, and one guy decided to just leave the scene rather than deal with this any further. Katrina breathed in a bit.

"Okay. Okay I can do that. I'll put it away. I'll stop waving it around."

Katrina fiddled around so the sheath was now pointing out from the bags. She put the Japanese blade into the sheath and pushed until the handle met the sheath. She then moved it into her dominant hand while shifting the bags over her shoulder.

"Sorry. I didn't want to come off as crazy," she explained. "And I know, I probably do look crazy right now. It's just..."

Katrina sniffled, wiping her tears away on her denim jacket.

"...we're really all going to die here, aren't we?"
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Post by Polybius »

They all... seemed to agree with her. Sven left and Zach didn't say anything at all, but in general they seemed to get with the picture. That was good enough. It really did seem like they were all still in shock, though (and did Demetri just call her Yuki? No, she must've heard him wrong).

Regardless of what Yuko thought, it worked. Katrina calmed down a bit and sheathed the sword. Yuko gave her a reassuring smile as she did. Then she mentioned the thing that was on everyone's mind. Yuko bit her lip. If she looked at it reasonably, they probably were going to die. But... she wasn't ready to give up just yet.

"We- we might not." she said, trying to sound more confident than she felt. "I mean, when we were kidnapped... by this point everyone must've known right away what happened, right? The military must be workin' all around the clock to find us. If... the longer we survive, the more likely it is that they'll find us, right? We just gotta drag it out."

Yuko didn't know if she even believed what she was saying. But they all had to have some hope. Some reason to keep going.
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Having a door between him and the rest of the world made Sven feel more isolated, though the truth was that it actually did almost nothing to insulate him from anything except the visual presence of the others. The wall immediately around the door was more or less intact, which was to say that the wood was warped and cracked and peeling but free of notable holes. That was more than could be stated for some of the other sides of the building; in fact, there were some areas where the chunks torn free looked large enough for Sven to make his way through fairly easily, and he was neither svelte nor limber.

The walls were pretty high, in a few places at least, as if this had once been a tower, but there did not seem to be any way to climb it, and there would be no point in doing so anyways, as there was no longer any form of upper floor. Above was the sky, wide and open, and because of this sounds drifted easily through. He could hear the waves, and due to that he realized they must be near the sea. He could hear the wind, soft, gentle. He could hear one of the barely-attached planks gently slapping the side of the building every few seconds.

He could also hear the discussion outside, but it was just so much more ambient sound. Sven slowly lowered himself back to the floor. That, at least, was generally intact, albeit covered in a thick layer of dust, dirt, splinters, and assorted detritus. He could maybe figure out what it was beneath all that if he dug around a bit, but didn't have the inspiration to do so at present. He pulled his legs into his almost-lotus position, closed his eyes, and took a long, deep breath.

The air here really was good.

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