
Private #Swiftball

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Post by LeslieFranc »

Having the bottle in Cecil's hand finally be taken away gifted him with a small sense of relief. Finally with two good free hands, he wasted no time to get both of them on Declyn. However, the other boy promptly moved, which caught him off guard for a moment, as he thought he noticed some sense of slight urgency from Declyn now, all with the will of someone who knows what they are doing. And yet, something felt off. Cecil wants to know the reason for the change that felt a little sudden, no matter how small and insignificant it seemed. Even when Declyn moved to straddle him and he's back to wishing for more sorts of relief again that made Cecil squirm under him, he patiently waited for Declyn's answer. One hand still remains under his shirt, while the other moved to his side as well, but he didn't slip it under the fabric and instead only held him by his hip.

Cecil found himself not shying away from the hand reaching up to touch his hair, although it's not like he had much of a reason to make sure it stays the same for the rest of the night. Not when it's Declyn's hand touching it. His hand that was underneath Declyn's shirt finally removed itself to reach up to hold Declyn's hand that was touching his hair, his gaze steady as he listens to his response.

He lets out a confused frown at Declyn saying that he was nervous about stripping next to his body. Now Cecil at least prides himself in making healthy choices besides the obvious exceptions (caffeine addiction, sleep deprivation, high stress levels), resulting in a form of physical fitness, especially since there's the implication of what Declyn thinks of his body, but the fact that it made him nervous about his own left Cecil in bewilderment. The idea of Declyn being less than confident about himself seemed like it had already gone obsolete the moment he dyed his hair.

But apparently not.

The reassurance that he hasn't done anything wrong felt good though. Nothing's wrong. And he's happy where he's at right now. That means the only way is to continue forward.

He doesn't want Declyn feeling nervous, that's for sure, so then...

"Okay," he murmured as his hand grasps Declyn's that's on his hair. His head turns to press his lips on his arm, but his eyes remain on Declyn along with what he hopes is a reassuring smile, waiting for Declyn to make his next move.
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That was all Declyn wanted to hear, all he needed to hear. No more than that was required.

His eyes were glued on Cecil’s, and so was his body while the veiled ropes were pulling him in closer, ropes that had also found their way to his lungs, restraining him from getting enough oxygen if one were to judge his breathing that was slowly becoming erratic and heavy at each of the other’s gentle touch. Declyn’s mouth clammed shut and formed a curious straight line when Cecil caressed his arm with his lips, and he wondered how it was possible for someone to be so hot and lovely at the same time. It was driving his lower body region insane, especially in the position they were in.

When he searched for sincerity in Cecil’s smile, he wasn’t disappointed. Declyn felt safe.

Cecil’s hair felt rougher than he had expected. You might as well think he worked as an executive by how tailored his look was, not only his hair but his clothes and usual posture as well. The piercings nearly seemed out of place. As far as he was concerned, they were perfect and completed his style. His other hand cupped Cecil’s jaw, then moved further back until his thumb reached his ear, brushing over his lobe and helix piercing as if he was trying to remove the smallest amount of dust from them to make them shine even brighter.

“I think you’re.... pretty cool.”

The corners of Declyn’s mouth quirked up a little and he buried his face down against Cecil’s shoulder between his own arm and the nape of his neck, staying like this for just a couple of seconds before he lifted his head back up. He tugged on the collar of Cecil’s coat and pulled it back before pulling the sleeves down his arms to take it off him.
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Post by LeslieFranc »

Cecil's smile widened when Declyn's hand moved to cup his face, and when he told him that he thinks he's pretty cool, it turned to a full-on grin. Well, that definitely made him happy. And yet, somehow there was a part of him that was expectant of something more than those simple words, something within him that wanted to crawl up his chest and out of his mouth to say something back to Declyn. Something that may or may not stand asymmetrical to the meaning behind what Declyn said. But at that moment, Cecil only felt and knew a simple fact that came from a simple conclusion: he wants Declyn. In what way, he didn't have enough time to think during those few seconds.

Not when Declyn pulled back his coat to remove it. Cecil tried to assist with the sleeves and pulled his arms free before they immediately started roaming Declyn's body. He went for another heavy kiss as his hands touched Declyn over his clothes, while the other boy started unbuttoning his. At one point they finally broke off just as his shirt was fully unbuttoned and Declyn's mouth was back on his neck. He felt the fabric stripped away from his now bare shoulders before it was the brush of Declyn's lips that replaced them.

For a moment, Cecil had to remind himself to breathe.

Deep breaths and small sounds escaped him as he started to involuntarily lean back ever-so-slightly, right before Declyn suddenly pushed him down on his back. As Declyn's mouth and hands trailed lower, so did Cecil's hands.

Lower and lower, and then onto the next steps that somehow didn't demand him too much thinking. Perhaps it was still in his nature to be eager to please, but there was no fear attached to this happiness, and at last, he let himself go.
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Post by Kotorikun »

The scent and taste and feel of him were the only things that mattered during the moments where their bodies were tangled up in one another in different ways, creating new memories for them both.

It was only them and no one else.

Declyn was not inexperienced, unlike Cecil, and he was happy to share some of his knowledge with him while he studied every single one of the other's responses and actions. There wasn't much talk, non really, only soft noises that filled the bubble they found themselves in.

Where was this going to leave them?

Declyn was not naive. He knew what he was getting into and their status was something they'd have to figure out at some point. It was something he'd leave for later.

Right now, he was just doing whatever felt right.

Declyn brought his leg up to his chest and rested his chin on his knee after he had pulled his boxers back around his hips, checking the time on his phone. He'd really love to use the bathroom but he figured there was no way of getting there in this state without being noticed. There was worse than dealing with a sweaty shirt and thanks to other measures they hadn't left much evidence anyway.

The bubble dissolved, slowly.

He turned his head towards Cecil and felt himself smile.

".....Parties, am I right?"
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Post by LeslieFranc »

If Cecil were in his own room instead of a guest room in someone else’s house, he would have just closed his eyes and possibly pass out right after what he just did with Declyn. But he wasn’t, so he grasped for that sliver of clarity in his mind to straighten himself up and look around, as if checking if anything at all changed in the midst of that very long moment of just him and Declyn, and maybe even afterwards. Door’s still locked. No open windows. was what his hazy mind first supplied. Messy bed. Cluttered floor? Most of my clothes—

He turned his head back to study Declyn, suddenly overcome with the urge to touch him again, but not like that. Less of that. Something else. Like something…more. That means more.

Cecil looked at Declyn’s face.

Should I hold him?

His eyes dropped to his still-worn shirt, and then to his now-worn boxers. Seeing him at least mostly covered while also checking something on his phone made Cecil realize his own opposite condition: indecent in someone else’s house while absentmindedly observing the quiet room that wasn’t that quiet a few minutes ago. Just like that, entertaining the thought of huddling closer maybe just a bit, just for now seemed like it shouldn’t be his first move, and he immediately reached out for his underwear on the floor along with his jeans, slipping the former on quickly and fishing out his own phone from the latter’s pocket to check the time.

He immediately realized that his pants were still a little bit damp, but he figured he would be still wearing it anyway. Just as he was about to open his phone though, Declyn’s voice cut through his planned action, and Cecil’s head whipped around towards him, almost startled before smiling fondly.

“If I knew it meant being alone in a room with you, I would’ve went to one sooner,” he grinned, his eyes glinting with humor. He gazed back at the pants that was still on his hand and held them up. “Smells like alcohol and sex. Am I doing it right?”
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Post by Kotorikun »

“Hey, I tried. Don’t blame me for being so late." Declyn's gaze sparkled and Cecil's next words turned his smile into an amused smirk, then into soft laughter.

"With all honesty: Yes. You're doing everything right, right now. It almost scares me."

With that he meant hitting that one deep spot in his heart, right there, yes, that spot. A new flower bud he had never seen before, a process of growing. And Cecil was the sun.

He straightened his legs and scooted closer, touching the pants the other boy was holding up like a proud kid who had just caught the biggest fish, just to confirm that they were still not dry. There wasn't anything they could do about it now except get over it. His jacket that was lying miserably on floor had tried its best.

Declyn then leaned his head against Cecil's shoulder, the vibration of his phone causing him to look back at the screen.

Adonis: where u at bitch

Declyn furrowed his brows gently and chuckled.

Declyn: ???
Adonis: Aha-ha. I kid, I kid. I just wanna know where u are
Declyn: 😄
Declyn: bitch
Declyn: Sorry I don't mean it
Declyn: You're a bad influence
Declyn: Sorry you're not
Declyn: I'm
Declyn: Upstairs. Where are you?
Adonis: Sorry, a little bit…. Tipsy right now
Adonis: I’m the bad influence?
Adonis: I only came here because I wanted to see u in ur party zone
Adonis: Upstairs huh? Are u being a good boy?

"I think my friend is drunk," Declyn murmured. Adonis was still typing. How do you even reply to that? Was he flirting? Bad timing. Very bad. Declyn was flailing internally.

Adonis: Uh….
Adonis: Ignore me, ha
Adonis: I’m outside the house, getting some fresh air

Sure. Declyn was being good. Whatever he meant. Improvise. He leaned over Cecil to the nightstand and snapped a photo of the empty cup, holding it in his free hand.

Declyn: Don’t worry

He included the picture.

Declyn: I finished this cup of watre so I'd say yes
Declyn: Water

A moment later, Adonis replied.

Adonis: Water, huh?
Adonis: Cool
Adonis: Actually, I was wondering if u needed a lift home…?
Adonis: It’s getting pretty late so it’s up to u if u want to come with me or not : P
Declyn: ✌
Declyn: I do actually
Declyn: Can I bring a friend? Is that okay?
Adonis: A friend huh?
Adonis: Sure! Come and meet me out front when u are both ready

"Actually, I just secured us a lift home," he announced. Of course he would have to check if Adonis wasn't drunk but like…. Really, that's exactly what he sounded like when he was sober, too.
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Post by LeslieFranc »

Declyn leaning his head on Cecil's shoulder shouldn't have felt so special, not when they've just went past the point of what were the boundaries of physical contact, but it still was. It was bliss, Cecil felt no shame in thinking that.

However, Declyn was quickly distracted by his phone, and while Cecil still wanted his attention, he quickly reminded himself that he should probably start making himself and the room look decent enough to make sure that he wasn't leaving any evidence behind. While he did not regret doing it with Declyn, he definitely would've preferred it to have happened somewhere he was more comfortable. But he can't do anything about that now, and he was comfortable enough to have still went for it in someone else's house, so he figured this was just gonna be one of those stories he wouldn't tell so easily. Either way, time to do something.

Besides, this casual and comfortable silence actually felt pretty nice, even if they were both occupied with different things.

He busied himself by stretching out his leg to pick up his shirt and then his coat from the floor with his toes while he lets Declyn do his business with whoever he's texting with. Apparently a drunk friend.

Checking his reflection in his phone, he saw no point in trying to style his hair back like before and combed it down with his fingers. With his hair down, he thought looked more boyish.

He quickly adjusted his position when Declyn leaned over to snap a picture of the cup in the nightstand, raising an eyebrow in question but saying nothing.

His pants were the first thing he put on back. Just as he was about to start buttoning his shirt, Declyn was talking to him again, announcing that they already had a ride ready for them.

I thought he was just texting his friend?


He briefly glanced at Declyn's phone then back at Declyn.

"With your drunk friend?" he asked doubtfully.
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Post by Kotorikun »

Declyn nodded in confirmation and let his legs dangle over the edge of the bed before he got up, adding a quick "Coming" to the chat, then gently let his phone fall onto the covers so he would have enough hands to get his jeans back on.

"I'll make sure we get home safe,” he said in an attempt to lift any concerns. “He said he’s tipsy and then he asked if I needed a ride. We’ll see.” An Uber seemed to be the best option considering that Declyn himself had had one too many and he wouldn’t feel good about letting either of the two drive too.

His gaze kept wandering over to Cecil, who was standing at the other side of the bed while he adjusted his clothes. He wasn’t sure if his own face was still red but it felt like it might have gotten a bit more colour yet again. Seeing him with his hair down was what mesmerized him the most since it wasn’t a style he would usually wear (and he loved it). Lastly, Declyn slipped into his shoes and with that everything was back on its place.

He flashed Cecil a big smile.

"Ready when you are!"
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Post by LeslieFranc »

Cecil wasn't exactly feeling confident about letting someone who admitted being tipsy to give them a ride, but Declyn at least tried to reassure him that they'd get to go home safe. He was a bit more worried about the other boy though, considering he was the one who definitely had too many drinks. At worst, they could always call for an Uber.

"Hm, okay," he relented.

Like he said, we'll see, he decided. It was all under control. All good. He can relax.

He finally put on his shoes and grabbed his still damp coat, electing to neatly fold it and carry it on his arm instead of wearing it. Cecil looked back at Declyn, who was giving him this happy and beautiful smile and he couldn't help but smile back so giddily.

God, I can't possibly like him this much, right?

"Sure, let's go!"

Time to open that door and walk out of this house. Leaving the party happened a little later than he expected, but the most important thing was that he very much enjoyed his time here, and that was probably the only thing he wouldn't regret. For now, at least. For a very long time, hopefully.

((Cecil Salazar-Loveless went to Prom, continued in apomakrysmenophobia))
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Post by Kotorikun »

Later that night, they would find Adonis, sober.

He would drive them home, safe.

They would drop Cecil off, first.

Then he'd stop in front of Declyn's house, second.

They would talk. About the night, about Emmett, about what happened, about feelings.

In his room, Declyn would read Camilla's message, smiling.

He would re-read Cecil's messages.

He would feel loved.

[Declyn chronologically continued in Doki Doki Panic]
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