The Farmer and the Viper

A veritable Garden of Eden, the highest point of the woodlands gives way to a large clearing comprised of only a handful of lush trees and a large field of bright wildflowers. Also offering a beautiful view of the island, it’s the perfect place to plan one’s next move and an even lovelier place to die.
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Post by Outfoxd »

Katy barely heard the gunshot. In truth, she was more motivated by the sudden burning in her side. She had the vague notion that she had been shot. The shock mixed easily with her rage, and suddenly she knew someone had to pay. For all of this. And Paris was closer.

Katy surged forward, trailing blood from her abdomen, teeth clenched, hands reaching. Her foot slipped behind Paris's ankles, and in the shove they both tumbled to the ground. There was a brief struggle as Paris tried to regain his feet, but she was on his back, the blood staining both of them and making it easier to slip her forearm around his neck and to block both his carotids. With all the energy Katy had, she locked her palms together and started squeezing, trying to choke this liar to death with her bare hands.
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Post by Ruggahissy »

She pushed hard and he held onto her as they both fell to the ground. The blood from her wound started to get all over him and his hands were slippery as he tried to sort out where he and Katy were. He looked up at her and his eyes glinted. She responded like he thought she would, like an animal.

Suddenly she was squeezing his neck. Her hands were shaking, the grip got weak before getting strong again. She knew she was dying and she was putting her all into trying to take him with her. He put his hand against her shoulder and pushed. His palm was slick with her blood and instead slid down her side, but that didn't matter.


It was his second confrontation with an Iselle. She was just like Iselle right down to the stupid, nasty attitude. But she wouldn't win. He knew she wouldn't no matter how desperately she wanted to drag him down with her.


He laughed as much as he could without behind able to draw breath. It was just silent amused shaking as he looked into her fading eyes.
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Post by Namira »

Sunny's ears were ringing, hands aching from the recoil, eyes wide as she stared. But... but- it wasn't supposed to be loaded! Paris had told her that it wasn't loaded! And now Katy was- oh fucking shit christ that was a lot of blood.

The panic was replaced by well, more panic when the response to being shot wasn't keeling over or screaming or anything like that, instead Katy's grip shifted and she took Paris to the ground in some kind of sweep before beginning to choke him. Shit! Cho hadn't meant to do anything, just calm her down, and now she was shot and STILL flipping out!? What the hell was wrong with this girl - what the hell was WRONG with this fucking situation?

Paris was wheezing, making some kind of noise behind the hands, but couldn't even get enough air to say anything. Help, he had to be asking her for help.

Cho couldn't think of anything else she could do; a running charge forward and she was thundering across the gap, launching her foot towards Katy's head...
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Post by Outfoxd »

If the gunshot wound hadn't slowly sapped Katy's strength, she would have been spurred on to greater efforts by that fucking laugh Paris was giving her. As she was latched onto his throat. That and the other stupid bitch kicked her, right in her fucking face. That completely killed the grip that was already slackening. Katy slid over onto her side from the force of the blow, and finally she found her ability to move had completely left her body.

Katy rolled to her back, staring at the both of them, staining the ground with her blood.  With what strength she had left, she spoke.

"Hope you both rot in hell."

Katy died with her face in a rictus, her anger with her even in death.

Female Student #70-Katy Warren:  Eliminated
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Post by Ruggahissy »

He was starting to lose the feeling in his fingers and feet. He could feel her hold on him growing weaker and weaker, as well as the numbness climb up his extremities. Paris struggled under her and then suddenly- he was free. He drew one huge breath of air and began alternately coughing and gasping. Paris rolled over onto his side and planted both hands firmly on the ground, trying to blink away the black spots in his vision. He rubbed his neck and after a moment, he looked up at Cho with watery eyes.

"Th-thank you."


A young boy with a mess of dark hair and piercing eyes stood in a tiny suit staring stonily at a casket. A beautiful, teary-eyed woman embraced him, not seeming to notice his gaze.  

""My sweet baby,"" she said, stroking his hair. "Everything happens for a reason. We may not see it right away, but it's all part of His plan. Always remember that," she said, crying into his shoulder."

He reached up and hugged her back while still glaring at the coffin. ""I know, mama. I never forgot.""

He got up onto his knees, crouching over and trying to catch his breath. As soon as he was able he got up he stumbled to Cho. In one fluid motion he turned them away from Katy as if dancing and gently took the gun from her. He hugged her, resting his head on her shoulder and trying to catch his breath.

"You saved me, Sunny. Thank you."

Behind her his two hands were working, flipping open the revolver's chamber and removing the extra bullets. He flipped the chamber back into place and withdrew both hands. The right hand had the gun and the left one quietly placed the bullets into his pocket.
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Post by Namira »

Sunny's foot was numb. It was hard to plant it on the ground.

Katy had outright cursed her- them with her dying breath. Cho's family, or at least her mother and maternal grandparents, had taught her the concept of karma. She wasn't sure if she believed in it, but if want went around, came around... then she was going to be due some retribution.

Cho looked down at Katy's body and the coughing, spluttering Paris. She wanted to go and check and see if he was okay, and found herself frozen. She felt like she was going to just throw up right there. The gun had been loaded- she didn't... how had the gun been loaded? Paris had told her he'd taken all of the bullets out - that thought kept circulating over and over. That wasn't supposed to happen, everything about it was wrong.

But she'd done the right thing, hadn't she? Katy had wound up trying to KILL Paris, if Sunny hadn't done something, he would've been strangled to death. It was the right thing to do, it was the right thing to do...

Great. Killing people, the right thing. What was she, some kind of supremacist?

Paris got up and wound up coming to her. Swung them around. Sunny didn't want to be swung around. She wanted to keep looking; to look away was to just ignore that it had happened, and it had happened. She leaned into the hug anyway.

"You're... you're welcome. Christ."
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Post by Ruggahissy »

He took a step back from her and held her face in his hands. "Are you, okay? You're not hurt are you?"

He looked her up and down, felt her arms. She looked frightened and worried. He sighed in relief. "You're fine. Just shaken up, I think. It's alright. We're okay."

He looked down at the gun in his hands. Slowly and a bit clumsily he managed to get the barrel open and revealed that there was nothing inside. He looked back up at her and gently handed her the empty gun.

"It- I must have made a mistake. There must have been on left in the barrel or I missed one or something. My goodness, you could have accidentally hurt yourself. I'm so sorry Cho."

He leaned his head forward on her shoulder and took a few big breaths, trying still to catch up on not being able to breathe for those few moments.

"But you must be an angel. You saved me. You saw, we were nothing but nice to her, polite. We offered to help her and she tried to kill me."

He lifted his head and with his hand he held onto her free hand and squeezed. "Your name might come up on the announcements, but if we see anyone I'll tell them what happened. I'll tell them that you saved me and she tried to kill us out of nowhere. I'll look after you."

He started towards the bags and pulled her hand with him, bidding her to follow.

"Don't worry. As long as you're with me you'll be safe."
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Post by Namira »


Fine, good, and all right died in her throat. Cho really didn't feel any of those things right now.

"Not hurt," was all she could truthfully conclude, though Paris had drawn his own conclusion already. A violent shiver ran down her spine for a moment as he talked. A slim part of Sunny almost thought that maybe it was a good thing that Paris had made a mistake, or else she wouldn't have been able to...

A wave of nausea swept up Cho's body and she had to clench her teeth to stop herself from throwing up. What the actual fuck, though? Yeah, sure was great that she'd been able to shoot someone and then kick them in the head so hard she wasn't sure if she'd broken a toe.

"Yeah," she said quietly. "I saw."

She wanted out of here. It'd turn out okay, right? There'd be... some kind of solution to all this, some kind of operation by the marines or... something, and she'd just stick with Paris until it all blew over.

And then Cho would go home and solve world hunger, then cure cancer to boot.

((Sunny Lee continued elsewhere))
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Post by Ruggahissy »

Paris hugged her closely again, wrapping one arm around her back. With the other hand he gently held the back of her head and squeezed briefly, looking at the dead girl not too far away. He let go of her and held up a finger to signify she should wait a moment.

He walked over to the girl and rolled her face up. He next went to her nearby bag and started looking through the contents. He moved a few things over to his bag, food and the medical supplies. In addition to those vitals, he found something else very interesting. There were three black looking canisters with instructions. Half a smile pulled at his face which he quickly shoved down as he placed them in his bag.

He pulled out a spare shirt from her bag and laid them over the girl.

"Good riddance," he muttered to himself, eyes closed and hands clasped together. He stood and brushed himself off, slinging his bag over his shoulder and taking Cho's hand to lead her away. ((Continued in Rio Bravo))
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