This Ain't No Make Believe

Shadowing the coastal city, the woods take up the bulk of the island. The majority of the trees are deciduous in nature and reach breathtaking heights. The elevation of the area varies, supporting both soft hills and steep cliffs. With very little sunlight peeking through the thick leaves, combined with few landmarks, it’s quite easy to get lost here.
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Post by Riki »

Joachim looked up to the girl who played with the coins. He quickly thought about an explanation for his sudden sickness. He tried to imitate the way someone spoke when they were exhausted with short pauses between the words.

"Must be... the combination of that gas... and... running through a forest. I'm an - not an - athletic person..."

Again, things went well for a while, and then something happened. Matt was kept from paying all his attention to Joachim by noticing that there was another bag next to his own. Joachim's heart was beating faster, but he had the feeling like Jaquilyn knew how to handle the situation. Maybe he perceived it wrong from down there on the ground, but she seemed to hold the bag very closely to her, and it seemed that she actively hided the number. Which would mean that this was not her bag. A smile nearly crept on Joachim's face, but he managed to avoid it.

He noticed Jaquilyn appearing before him. It was time to get away now. No mistakes allowed. Nothing that would alert these people. Everything needed to be perfect. Joachim stretched his left hand out - the right one firmly held the knife - and grabbed Jaquilyn's. He tried to make the act look difficult, but not too much, or he figured that the people would notice what was going on.

"Right. Golf Club. I think... we just need to walk slowly, and I'll drink some water, and then we...I will be fine."

He turned his back to Matt and pointed at his bag. He made sure to crouch a bit while doing it, as well as to tremble a bit with his legs.

"Could you get one, please?"

Time would be wasted if Joachim had to put his bag down first. Also, it would keep Matt busy.
[+] Version 6
[+] Version 5
O B014 Joachim Lovelace - Ballistic Knife, MP 18, Obsidian Knife - "It doesn't matter. They lost, he lost, I'll lose. That's the nature of the game."
O G042 Aileen Aurora Abdallah - Pair of MMA Gloves, Golf Club & Table Leg -
B059 David Zimmer - Sabre -
[+] One Day
Hycanthe Eickenhorst
Piet Lick
Cedric Matsumoto [INSPO]
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Post by Outfoxd »

Leona's growing feelings something was off wasn't completely soothed, even though Joachim looked legitimately sick. Her eyes crawled back to the bags, but there was nothing should could really think of that was entirely off.

Joachim seemed to be set to walk it off anyway, so Leona shrugged.

"It's good that you guys found us then, I guess. It'd be nice to have a big, sane group, you know?" She said, address Jaquilyn.
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Post by randomness »

It had taken awhile for Grace to understand what was going on, given all the commotion, but Leona's comment of teaming up seemed like a good idea to her. The two of them were nice enough after all.

"I'll go get it," Grace moved over to Joaquim's bag, searching it for the bottle of water that he needed. Trying to be helpful was far too common for her, but she didn't mind. After all, they'd be much more likely to team up with someone who was helpful after all, right?

"A big group sounds like a good idea to me. Safety in numbers, right?" Grace said. "Besides, with him like this," she nodded vaguely in Joaquim's direction, "A larger group might be useful, wouldn't it?"
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Post by Aura »

Matt nodded to Jaq as she picked up her bag.  He turned his attention back to the other boy, who, while not seeming to be in as much pain as he was previously, still looked pretty rough.  The guy was struggling to stand, and took Jaq's hand, likely so that she could help support him.  He looked like he was doing better, though, he muttered something about being ready to get out of there.  He also asked Matt to get him a water bottle from his bag.

Matt nodded, even though the other guy couldn't see him.  Once he took a couple steps toward the bag, however, Grace had already reached it and pulled out a water bottle for the guy.  Matt took a few steps back to his previous position.  He heard Grace say something about sticking together, since a larger group would probably be safer.  Matt spoke up and gave his opinion on the matter.

"I'm fine if you guys want to stick with us.  It's no trouble, really."
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Post by umop-ap!sdn* »

Joachim was up. Jaquilyn had the gun. Those were really the only things that mattered right now. Jaq could have waited another minute or two for an even better moment, but this one was good enough while their cover wasn't blown.

It would be great if Jo could get his bag away from Grace before they got away, but the importance of the gun far outweighed that of the food in his bad. His knife was in his hand, and Jaq had the food in Matt's bag anyway. They would just have to ration it.

Her mind flashed to all of the secret communications she'd once established with her brother. Feigning a headache. Talking about the weather. Coughing three times. She hadn't forgotten Joachim's signal. It had been all she'd thought about since leaving her starting area, the "nuclear living quarters" according to the map. Her eyes locked on Joachim, she knew if she waiting a better time may not come.

All of the spoken words were just background noise to the communication she willed Joachim to receive.

It didn't really matter if he came with her. Not now that she was holding this gun. In fact, having him around might mean having to share food. She'd have to deal with the clumsiness he'd portrayed earlier, she would need to protect two people rather than one with the gun.

They were partners, though. She wouldn't be here with the gun if he hadn't helped distract the others. She wouldn't have had the courage to approach them without knowing somebody had her back. Hell, she wouldn't have left the room she woke up in if he hadn't had to take that shit.


Her eyes, while large with frenzy and panic at the change of pace she was initiating, stayed on him for a moment. She offered a slight smile as she shouted the word.

Good partner. Great teamwork. Giant gun. What else could she ask for in this situation?

She dashed. She took off as fast as she could. Her eyes flickering between the ground in front of her and the space before her. Letting herself fall or be slowed was not an option. She just had to breathe and keep her focus.

((Jaquilyn Locke continued in Black Hearts))
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Post by Riki »

These people talked as if they wanted to form a big group right now. That was not exactly what Joachim wanted. In fact, being in a big group would be disadvantageous, aside from the fact they he and Jaquilyn conned them. Well, there was something needed to escape this unfortunate situation. But what could be said to reject that offer that did not seem suspicious at the same time?


Grace got before the bag before Matt did. Did not matter. Matt did not seem to care about his bag at that moment, so everything was fine. Still, as Joachim drank the water and thought about what to say, his body became even more tensed. His heart was beating faster, and a lingering emotion similar to fear was somewhere in his mind. But it was not bad. Joachim would not say that he enjoyed the situation, but it was certainly thrilling.


The code word. If someone said it, Joachim and Jaquilyn would run. He looked at her. A smile on her lips. Joachim smiled too. And he ran. With all the power he could muster. Surprisingly great, it was. He ran. He was close to Jaquilyn, this time. His eyes flickered between the ground and her.

Jaquilyn Locke. She was his partner. It was strange. When he woke up, he felt hollow. But now, he felt alive. Brimming with energy. Was it due to her? Maybe. He'll definetely try to stick around her.

[Joachim Lovelace, continued in Black Hearts]
[+] Version 6
[+] Version 5
O B014 Joachim Lovelace - Ballistic Knife, MP 18, Obsidian Knife - "It doesn't matter. They lost, he lost, I'll lose. That's the nature of the game."
O G042 Aileen Aurora Abdallah - Pair of MMA Gloves, Golf Club & Table Leg -
B059 David Zimmer - Sabre -
[+] One Day
Hycanthe Eickenhorst
Piet Lick
Cedric Matsumoto [INSPO]
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Post by Outfoxd »

And without warning, they were gone. Leona scanned the area, wondering if they had parsed some unseen danger and her, Matt, and Grace just hadn't seen it. But no, they were by themselves.

It took all of ten more seconds for it to dawn on Leona. The heel-tap, the business, the movement.

"Matt, check your bag."
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Post by randomness »

Grace had turned about, the water bottle still held in the air for Joachim to take when he, as well as Jacquilyn bolted.

It made no sense, and she could only stay there in shock for a couple seconds, before realising that she had been left looking like a complete fool holding the bottle in the air.

It wasn't as if anyone had seen anyone or anything about. The only reason that they would have to leave so fast was-

"What. The. Hell. They did something didn't they?" Grace had turned to Leona, the one who was most likely to know what was going on.

"What just happened? What the hell did they just do?" She couldn't keep the anger out of her voice even if she tried. She had half a mind to go off stalking after them demanding for an explanation. But that wouldn't work now. She wasn't even sure if she could see them, let alone catch up with them. All she could do now was to fume here and wait for Leona.
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Post by Aura »

Everything seemed to be going all right.  Everyone seemed pretty calm, and Jaq's friend was getting hydrated.  However, the scene changed when Jaq yelled "forest" for some reason, and ran off into the woods with her partner.  Matt tried to keep an eye on them as they ran, but it wasn't long before they disappeared into the trees.  Matt scratched his head at the turn of events.  Why did they run off out of nowhere?  Did one of them do something to offend them?  He didn't get it.

While Matt and the two remaining girls stood by trying to comprehend what happened, the Magician told him to check his bag.  He complied and walked over to where his bag was laying.  He picked it up and  noticed that it seemed lighter than it had been before.  He set it back down and unzipped it, thinking that something may have gone wrong.  He reached inside and immediately felt something that did not feel familiar, as well as not feeling something that he remembered being there before.  He grasped the unknown object and pulled it out, revealing it to be a fairly large bag of Skittles.  In a panic, he turned the bag on its side and checked the number.


Matt was shocked.  Jaq had run off with his bag, and with it, his gun.  He didn't know what her intentions were, and that's what scared him about the situation.  She might be more willing to use it than he was.  With no idea what else to do, he turned toward his two companions and informed them of his discovery in an uneasy voice.

"Guys... this is Jaq's bag.  She took mine."
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Post by Outfoxd »

Leona pinched the bridge of her nose and stared at her feet.  She was more mad that she had fallen for such a simple trick than the implications of the theft.  Granted, she was acting on basic human compassion and it seemed more important to help a fellow than be suspicious.  Too bad the pair had taken advantage of that.

"Yeah, I'm sure."

She held up her right hand, which had two quarters clutched between the knuckles of her fingers.

"The 'sick' one drew the heat."  She made an eye-catching flourish with her left hand to illustrate her point.  

"While she made the switch."  She palmed the quarters and slid them into her sleeve, and made a grand gesture with her now-empty hand.

"Fine bit of misdirection.  I'm almost impressed.  But mostly irritated."

Leona looked off in the direction of where the pair had gone.  

"Well, Matt, if you didn't want to use that gun, I'm sure they will."
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Post by randomness »

Grace was still too angry to be impressed by Leona's magic trick. But the point had been made. The three of them had been conned. The gun was now far away and the perpetuators had dissappeared along with it.

Perhaps it was just her, but she felt as if they had just broken some unspoken rule of basic humanity. Taken advantage of the basic decency they had shown them. This was something that ahe couldn't quite accept. She was angry, and she wanted to see justice done. She knew what ahe wanted to do, feeling certain that this was what she wanted to do now.

"I'm going to try to look for them." she announced, hoping the quaver in her voice didn't undermine her statement. "Are you guys going to come along?"
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Post by Aura »

Matt stuffed the Skittles back into Jaq's bag and zipped it up. Afterwards, he punched the ground in frustration. How could he have been so stupid? Why didn't he check the bags himself instead of assuming that Jaq had taken hers? That was his problem, he was too nice, too trusting. Now, because of him, there's at least one person with a gun that beyond a shadow of a doubt would be willing to use it.

Not to mention, Cassidy was out there somewhere, and there were other people that were willing to play as well. Picturing her alone faced with someone with intent to kill... no. Matt wouldn't let that happen. He refused to even entertain the possibility. He had screwed up already, he wasn't going to let it get worse. He was going to make sure of that.

Grace asked if he wanted to help her track down Jaq and her friend. Matt slung Jaq's (now technically his) bag over his shoulder and shook his head.

"No. I'm going to look for Cassidy. I have to find her before someone like Jaq does. You can come if you want, but I won't stop until I've found her."
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Post by Outfoxd »

Leona gave the smallest of condescending smiles to Grace.

"I admire your nobility, but not your thought process. In what world does chasing someone with an automatic weapon without being likewise armed sound like a good idea?"

She sighed and tugged at the lapels of her jacket.

"At this point I'm more inclined to believe what's lost is lost." She said.

Matt seemed to be broken up about his failing, and Leona's heart went to him. Failure was a bitter fruit, especially when said failure was potentially life-shortening. He stated his intent, and she found herself nodding.

"I'm looking for someone myself. I think following you may be in my best interests for the moment."
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Post by randomness »

The outcome hadn't come as a complete surprise, but it was still more than enough to make her doubt her decision.

What would running after them acheive? She'd probably get herself killed , or at the least in deep trouble. So why did she want to follow them? Did she simply want some misguided revenge or was there something else?

She wasn't sure of the answer to any of these questions. Maybe she didn't want to know.

"Well, I guess we part ways here." Grace gave them a nod before starting off in the direction where the two had left. She looked back, just once, and wondered if this what she should be doing. It didn't seem like such a good idea after all.

(Grace Faraday continued elsewhere)
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Post by Aura »

"All right then, good luck."  Matt returned Grace's nod and watched as she too left the scene.  He wasn't sure if going after Jaq was such a good idea, but he had a feeling that Grace's mind was made up no matter what he might say, so he just let her go.

He turned to the magician girl.  "Well, I guess we should get going now, right?"  Me made sure he had both his backpack and duffel bag securely on his shoulders.  He didn't want to run the risk of losing any more personal belongings after what Jaq had done.  However, one thing still bugged him.  Namely, he still couldn't remember the name of the girl in front of him.  Feeling that trying to work with someone whose name he did not know would get kind of awkward, he decided to take care of that little problem before doing anything else.

"Hey, by the way, my memory's not so great right now, so, um... what was your name again?"
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