Welcome To The Fucking Monkey House

The menagerie itself is the most lavishly decorated of the three buildings and has a full walk-through contained within, allowing those who wanted to take in the beauty of the animals up close. The menagerie was formerly used to house monkeys and some other small mammals that have all since escaped following the departure of the island's occupants after they tore a large hole in part of the netting that was used to contain them. Despite this, the menagerie building is still in good condition and the path still takes any guests on a pleasant walk through the plants.
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Post by Namira »

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Post by Melusine »

"Heyyyy..." Danny woke up for a second, "come here often, sexy..?"

Then he passed out, again.
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Post by Namira »

Shauna coughed. A gobbet of blood hit Danny in the face.
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Post by Melusine »

Danny woke up again.

"Yeah..." The blood touched his lips. It tasted odd like the inside of someone's stomach lining. It was interesting since it was a Saturday and he had volleyball practice later. "Just five more minutes, Marie..."

He snorted and moved his hands on Shauna's body. Felt squishy. Weird pillow.
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Post by D/N »

She'd asked them what was bad.

She'd asked them what to do!

Shauna and Danny didn't seem to have any answers. Nikki finished untying the rope around Shauna's belly; that would at least relieve the pressure. And now she could hear Phillip had dropped down from the netting himself so it was time for the four of them to get up and take a deep breathe and exhale and... she guessed be happy at things? How they could be worse.

So Nikki just needed to wait for Phillip to come by and the two of them would help up Danny and Shauna and help them get their wind back and scratch that there goes Phillip.

There... goes.....

Uh, no.


No, she'd said!



"No no no no no hey uh no!" no Phillip was long long gone. Nikki willed herself to pointless jog towards the entrance long enough to confirm that, wasting about four seconds she could have used to do anything else. Like think.



Nikki turned round. She hustled on back to the two lumpy groaners on the ground and stopped a few feet away to see them start spitting and pawing at each other while whispering sweet nothings.

She darted over to the end of her rope and gathered it up and grabbed the first aid kit as she did so and only saw then that Phillip hadn't even bothered to untie it from the pole. So her given weapon was now attached at one end oh about twenty feet in the air. She'd just climb up and get it, huh then?


Nikki yanked at her end of the rope four times and of course that knot wasn't budging and was probably just getting tighter. That was her thing! She'd had the rope! She'd helped with the rope!

She turned back yet again. They were still there.

She didn't stop running. Okay, jogging. Fast-walking maybe. And of course she grabbed her bags first. But point is she didn't stop until she was back home where everything was still positive and safe.

(Nikki Nelson-Kelly continued in You Can't Run Away Forever, but There's Nothing Wrong with Getting a Good Head Start)
Maeve Exley
Jace Perlmutter
Elias Valdivia

Always Remembered:
G123 - Fey Zelenka-Morrison - DECEASED Well So Could Anyone

G080 - Nikki Nelson-Kelly - DECEASED Castles Fall in the Sand

B029: Aiden Slattery - DECEASED Get Off the Floor
G058: Kaitlyn Greene - DECEASED She Knew She'd Found Freedom

G038: Deanna Hull - DECEASED From Sea to Sky
B023: Jesse Jennings - DECEASED From Vision to Glory

G077: Andrea Raymer - ALIVE
B022: Imraan Al-Hariq - DECEASED
B006: Ricky Fortino - DECEASED
G036: Carly Jean Dooley - DECEASED

G045 - Eris Marquis - DECEASED
B104 - Jonathan Lancer - DECEASED
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Post by Namira »

Her eyes shouldn't be shut right now.

There was a really good reason her eyes shouldn't be shut right now. She just needed to remember what it was.

Hands touched Shauna in places she'd really prefer not to be touched and her eyes snapped open like they were pistons. A protest sputtered and died on her lips as she saw the blood on the face of Danny Cham..namnma. Oh god oh god oh god he was dead. She had to do something!


That probably didn't count. Also, wait. He couldn't be dead. He'd just groped her, though from the loll of his head and general floppy ragdollness, he was completely out of it. Shauna would have to give him the benefit of the doubt, especially as the gaps filled themselves in and her plunge played back in her head and she guiltily realised he'd definitely broken her fall. She probably hurt him pretty bad.

Shauna tried to push herself up with her hands and gave a little gasp of pain. Her whole body protested against the movement, and her vision wavered for a second as blackness swam in front of it. The blurriness remained after she blinked a few times, and she belatedly remembered that her glasses had fallen off and probably shattered on the ground. She could definitely feel her feet again now, if the ungodliest bout of pins and needles known to man counted as 'feeling'. The band of agony around her stomach was especially pronounced, and her mouth tasted coppery. She probed around the inside of her mouth and flinched as her tongue touched to an open wound; she'd bitten a big chunk out of the inside of her cheek. Shauna couldn't tell how bad it was, but it hurt.

Grimacing, she turned her head to either side, trying not to imagine her brains sloshing around inside her head as her pounding headache traversed the breadths of her skull. Phillip was... not there. The girl, who Shauna still couldn't think who was, she wasn't there either. Had they both up and left? That... sucked quite a lot. Phillip had helped as best he could and she probably would have broken her neck if it wasn't for his help, and hadn't the girl given the rope over? She thought she remembered something like that being mentioned but admittedly she wasn't thinking super straight. God, her head hurt. Other thoughts were crowding around the edges of her consciousness but she had dealt with quite enough for one month and was starting to kind of check out. She needed rest.

"Danny, Danny," she shook his shoulder gently. "Let's get, let's get inside."

She did her best to rouse him, offered a shoulder for him to wrap an arm around, and then walking wounded her way into the building proper.

((Shauna continued in Sleep Tight))
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Post by Melusine »


He was back here. Danny didn't like that, but he was thankful to be still alive. Not totally, his whole body hurt, especially his face. If he were dead, he wouldn't have this ringing headache but if he weren't alive, he wouldn't have... the possibility of surviving this nightmare? He wasn't sure what he got out of being alive, but he did get something. Danny just had to find it.

"Yeah," Shauna was awake now. Part of him was glad it wasn't Marie, another part wanted desperately to have someone to cling to at night, it was another thing Danny wasn't sure about. "Mo-moving."

His mouth didn't quite follow his brain. It was annoying. Especially when Shauna shook him. It felt like every thoughts bumped against each other, creating new ideas that didn't make sense at all. While that was happening, he was left moaning words that tried to make sense.

"Get there. Yeah, th-thanks."

He could only follow Shauna from now.

((Danny continued somewhere else.))

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