Freedom is a fleeting dream, an ephemeral hope, a transient wish in the wind.

Day 2, post-announcement, 11AM-ish. Open.

Built not long after the community's arrival on the island, the lighthouse was never realistically going to last very long. Requiring many renovations during its lifespan due to less-than-stellar construction practices, the lighthouse eventually met its end during the same storm that capsized the yacht. Now its interior is exposed to the elements with only what's left of its wooden walls able to shield those who seek shelter inside.
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Freedom is a fleeting dream, an ephemeral hope, a transient wish in the wind.


Post by CondorTalon »

((Catherine Zier continued from See You On The Road, Skag!))

It was a strange sight. Hmm, maybe strange wasn't the right word here. Horrifying? That didn't sound right either. Maybe... unsettling.

That seemed like the word, yeah.

It was an unsettling sight that Catherine saw when she stumbled into the lighthouse. Or, well, what remained of it.

She'd been walking for way too long now. She hadn't slept throughout the night, her latest attempt having been interrupted by the arrival of the announcements. It had been as she'd feared, of course. People were killing, and despite her best efforts, she paid attention to every name, every description given. She hoped it wouldn't have to come to this, but it was, she knew, a foolish hope.

At least... well, at least it hadn't been anyone she really cared about. Catherine felt awful for thinking it, but she really couldn't afford to give two shits about people she didn't really know that well. At least Marco wasn't on the announcements in either category. Perhaps he'd calmed down some.

She wanted to find him again, if she could.

Back to present, though... there was this. There'd been a massacre here, she figured. It was a bit of a mystery to her, since nothing in the announcements really matched with what happened here. Catherine scratched her head as frustration started to mount. She didn't want to touch them. She didn't want to leave them here. Anyone could see the dilemma here, if they looked for any longer than three milliseconds.

She thought about what the do for a good several minutes, staring at the bodies until at some point her eyes auto-piloted away from them.

She just wanted to sleep. She didn't want to think about dead bodies. She turned away, planning to head to another room.


But at the same time...

She turned back. The bodies didn't deserve to rot here, trapped on the island.

Like the lobster. Like Marco. Like everyone still alive.

Why did she care? Why was she doing this? She didn't know. It felt right? Was it right?

She started with the one that looked the lightest. She grabbed it under the arms, dragging it carefully from the room, from the building, up to the water's edge. She laid it down gently before looking out into the water.

This... was right. Freedom.

Once she brought all the bodies out, she'd release them.
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Post by Laurels »


Katrina continued to sniffle as she wandered towards the lighthouse. It had been a really rough night for her, and she could hardly find the energy to focus on where she was going. She kept her head down, her Ariana-style ponytail beginning to come undone. She had spent the evening in the woods, trying to take shelter under a tree and refusing to break a fetal position. She had run quite a ways away from the house where Tyrell was killing everyone, scuffing her boots and getting a few small scratches on her. After a restless attempt at sleeping, she awoke to the sound of the announcements, brushing the dirt off her jacket and skirt.

Katrina listened as people were announced as dead or has having committed murder. Turns out Tyrell really did murder Christine Bright by biting her throat out. Then they got to her event. Not only was it awful hearing about how Felix died, but they barely said anything about Katrina. They said she "tested" her weapon on Yuko, making it sound like she intentionally killed Yuko. She couldn't believe she was being framed that way. It was a complete accident, and she knew she didn't mean to kill Yuko. And yet here she was, being made to be worse than she was, and now everyone was going to think she intentionally killed Yuko, or was working with Tyrell to kill Felix and Yuko.

After some more names, it was clear that that was all that had happened. Demetri and Charelle were still alive, so they must have escaped from the house too. Katrina could barely feel any relief. Sure, they were alive, but they were gone, and it was unlikely Katrina would find them again.

Katrina had decided to return to the lighthouse. She didn't know if anyone else was there from yesterday, but it was worth checking. At the very least, she could probably find a place to hide out. She was now considered one of the most dangerous people on the island. There really wasn't much else for her to do now besides hide and not do anything to incur more wrath.

Katrina looked up from her trek as she saw the lighthouse in the distance. She was pleased she managed to find this place again, but that was as pleased as she would be for some time. She could see a girl near the water's edge with what looked to be a body. Katrina's eyes widened. Was it Sven or Zach? Or was it someone from the announcement? And who was the girl standing over them?

Katrina adjusted her bags and moved the nodachi into her dominant hand. She pulled the blade out of the sheath. She had tried to wipe Yuko's blood off on some leaves yesterday, but there was still a bit of a hue on the blade.

"Hey," she called out to the girl. "What happened here?"
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Post by CondorTalon »

Catherine didn't even have the energy to jump in surprise when she heard the voice. She simply turned her head to the newcomer.

The newcomer was holding a sword. Well, wasn't that peachy?

"I dunno," Catherine said, before looking at the body she'd already managed to drag out to the shore. This one had many, many holes in it. She turned her head away, back to the lighthouse. "Something bad," she added.

She turned her eyes to the other girl. The sword had looked rather red. Used. Catherine scratched her head again. Her shoulders were beginning to ache, and that was from one body. This was the biggest workout since... well, ever, and she was only a quarter of the way done.

"Three others," she said, tilting her head in the direction of the lighthouse, "Didn't feel right to leave 'em in there."

Catherine took that moment to sit down. This other girl... had she used the sword to kill someone? She thought for a moment, trying to connect a face to name. Was she Quinn, or was she Katrina? She wasn't currently trying to kill her, and perhaps that was the most important part.

Catherine let out a sigh, rolling her shoulders.

"Think I might need some help," she said, more to herself than to the other girl.
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Post by Melusine »

"There's nothing we can do to bring back Beryl but there's so much we can do to make him regret taking her out of this world. I know you feel like you can't justify how you feel, but I understand what you are going through.

It's pure spite. Simply, you are now living for revenge, and there's nothing that will stop you until you get it. I know how it feels, and I know how scary it can be, but I'm here. I won't leave you until we're done. I didn't know her very well, but you did. So you know better than to cry, you know that it won't bring her back.

So stop crying. You will be able to shed tears whenever you exact revenge on Nick. Then you can cry, and they won't be tears of sadness..."

((Willow continued from here))

"Coleslaw? Coleslaw?! Wh- that shit's disgusting. I'm still not over it. Like... why?"

Willow shook her head.

"Coleslaw was the best thing they could afford and they were like... rich terrorists who thought they were hot shit? This 'organization' or whatever they called themselves sure is.... tragic. Gosh... coleslaw? Coleslaw? Like honestly... that's so pathetic."

She continued to make gagging noises as she walked toward the lighthouse. Her hand was on her taser. Yes, she knew it wasn't a taser, but she also knew it wasn't a stun gun. For the sake of her sanity, it would be a taser, and there's nobody in the world that could change her mind.

"Like... you really want me to murder my classmates for coleslaw? Who would do that? I'm not that desperate. Yeah, I would kill someone for like grocery store sushis, but coleslaw? Save that shit for like day nine when the last thing we've ate was shit in a bowl, gosh."

She turned toward Sierra. She still looked gloomy. Beryl's death was obviously still taking a toll on her. Willow knew she couldn't bring much relief to her. There was also Dante. Probably was some random hook-up that she got too attached. Willow knew Beryl better simply because of circumstances so it was easier for her to feel bad for Sierra. Strangely, Willow didn't feel affected by the announcement. They should have, though. Yuki's sister was killed. That was something she couldn't fathom, but she didn't feel anything about it.

Before entering the lighthouse, she decided to speak to Sierra. She felt like she hadn't done enough, hadn't said enough to her. There was a soft part to Sierra that Willow wanted to see, but she didn't know how to ask for it. Willow just needed to lure it out of its home and then they could really have a conversation.

"Hey," she crossed her arms. "Sorry, I just hate coleslaw. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"
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Post by Laurels »

Katrina looked at the girl and the body on the ground. She couldn't exactly tell who the dead girl was, but she couldn't put it to any of the names on the announcement. She didn't know the other girl's name, but knew she was a musician, albeit more of a punk one. Katrina looked over the girl and the body. If punk girl really did kill this girl, then she didn't act like it. Considering there were apparently three other bodies in the lighthouse, Katrina had to wonder who it was. She left Sven and Zach there, so were they among the bodies inside?

Katrina lowered the sword. She didn't need to threaten this girl, especially if there was a chance more people Katrina knew were dead inside the lighthouse.

"You know what? Sure. I can help," Katrina said.

She sighed.

"I just...I guess just need to know who's in there."
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Post by Ruggahissy »

((Tirzah Foss continued from Tapped Out))

The night had been uneventful. She had managed to find a place in the brush to sleep, which seemed a safer option than a structure or home, which people would flock to. Her sleep was fitful and she was eventually awakened by the sound of the announcements. Tirzah was named, of course, which wasn't too surprising once she got the general impression of what the announcement was supposed to be. The appearance of her name did not bother her, but she still felt a weight when she was reminded of what happened to Toby. Upon reflection, she still felt it was the right thing to do. Tirzah did take notice of the other names and made a mental note to remember them.

This morning she'd awoken and decided maybe it would be worth going to the areas where people might go so that she could find who she was looking for. She tightened her grip on the strap of her bag and had Toby's gun in the other hand. However, upon approaching the lighthouse, it looked like they were all girls, and were possibly looking over what might be a body,

They seemed busy, so they probably wouldn't be down to give her directions. She immediately swung her leg, turning her around the way she came and walked away.

((TIrzah Foss continued elsewhere))
My twisted humor 🪢
Make him laugh so often 😉
My honey bee 🐝
Come and get this pollen 🌹
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

((Sierra Cook continued from Left, Right, Left, We All Fall Down))

Sierra was left adrift in a sea of emotion following the announcement. These emotions had formed a swirling vortex that engulfed her thoughts, rending her a hollow husk that wandered without purpose as she stewed. In but two sentences uttered by a coward behind a microphone, she had learned that two of her friends had died. Two friends, only spared a single sentence to explain how they died so casually that it made the hurt even worse. She had to live with the fact two of her close friends, that Beryl and Dante, were dead.

She had no idea why anyone would have wanted to hurt either of them, but they did all the same. Dante was one of the sweetest, most charming guys she had ever known, and while he might not have been the brightest he most certainly didn't deserve to get murdered by some coward like Blaise. But it was Beryl's death that shook her the most. Out of everyone, Beryl was the person she felt the closest to. Beryl was her best friend and together the two had been through so much together that the thought of her not being in her life anymore was unthinkable.

At least it was until a few hours ago.

Sierra couldn't think of another time she had cried so loud and so openly than when she learned the news that her best friend and former girlfriend was not only killed but killed by someone they both had dated. What was her last memory of Beryl? Having her broken at prom and then spending every day afterwards avoiding her rather than sitting down with her and talking about what happened. She didn't even remember why she felt the need to avoid her best friend for so long, only that she did and now years of love, friendship, and words unspoken all dashed away. She didn't even get to say goodbye, or I love you, or I'm sorry to her before she died. If she were there with her or with Dante, perhaps none of this would have happened. Perhaps both of them would still be here with her.

If only she wasn't gallivanting around the island with a complete psychopath stealing from people, maybe she could have been looking for her friends and could have protected them. All she had to show for it was foolish pride and a lot of regret.

Even as she traveled on with Willow as she rambled on about Coleslaw. Her companion had tried to help her get through her grief, but ultimately it just made Sierra angrier and colder inside. She had largely tuned her companion out, only vaguely heeding her words but otherwise going through the motions to keep marching onward. Eventually they reached the lighthouse, stopping just outside it.

"Make me feel 'better'?" Sierra said in a low voice; almost hollow if it weren't for the trace bit of venom in her words. "Not sure there is much you can do to make the pain of knowing two of my closest friends — one of whom was my best friend — got murdered yesterday. You are welcome to try though."
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Post by CondorTalon »

"Well, I... I couldn't tell you," Catherine said quietly.

Catherine didn't really know any of the bodies, couldn't identify them by name. She couldn't really identify the girl in front of her, but assuming that she had used the sword, gotten a kill with it, it could have really only been one of those two.

But yeah, the most important part was she wasn't trying to kill her. She wasn't asking any accusatory questions about why Catherine was handling dead bodies, which was good, because Catherine wasn't really in a position to answer that question herself.

"Are you... looking for someone in particular?" she asked idly, as she plucked a few blades of grass from the ground. She hoped not. She didn't know if she could ask the other girl to touch the body of someone she knew.

Maybe it was good that Catherine didn't know any of the ex-people inside. It was easy to be aloof here, to be detached.

More importantly, it was easier not to be burdened with the knowledge that her friends were dead.

Catherine rubbed the grass between her fingers, before letting it fall to the ground. She wondered if that aloofness made her a bad person in this situation.
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Post by Melusine »

"I-" Willow looked down. She bit her lip. "I'm sorry."

She scratched her neck. Sierra was way more affected than what Willow originally had thought. While the wound, on the outside, was tiny, on the inside, it obviously spread throughout Sierra's body. The infection had reached everywhere, and the girl was questioning her world. Willow had made a mistake.

Putting her hair behind her ears, Willow made eye contact with Sierra. Her effort to be kind wouldn't be for nothing, after all. But she needed to try harder, she couldn't just let Sierra suffer like that and act as if everything was okay. She spoke softly, like she always did, but this time her emotions could be heard through her tone.

"Would you like a hug?"

It was better than nothing.
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Post by Laurels »

That was a really good question. Was Katrina looking for anyone in particular? There wasn't anyone on the announcement who really stood out to her, although she wasn't sure if the dead girl here was someone who was on it or not. But what about her friends? Other musicians at school? Sure, there were some she probably wanted to see, but she doubted any of them wanted to see her. After all, she was a murderer now. Nothing else about her character or history mattered now. She was a villain in their history books, just like Aaron Burr in Hamilton. Katrina sighed.

"Not really," Katrina said. "But I guess it'd be good to know who else is in there."

Katrina sheathed the nodachi. There wasn't any point in fighting with this girl or being scared of her. Being scared is what got Yuko and Felix killed. She could at least try to do something good now that she was probably hell bound.

"So, I guess we should get moving. Should we go back?"
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

"Look, I get you are trying to help," Sierra sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration. "But I really don't need this right now. So let's just keep moving."

Sierra moved closer to the entrance of the lighthouse, but as she got close she went still. She looked around for a moment, then closed her eyes and listened carefully. For a moment she thought she was mistaken but then it became clear that, no, she wasn't and that she could faintly hear people talking on the other side. Sierra's eyes narrowed and backed up away from the entrance and readying her gun, aiming at it.

"Someone's here." Sierra said grimly to Willow.
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Post by CondorTalon »

Well, a break was a break, she guessed, no matter how short.

She still didn't feel ready. Still, those bodies weren't going to move themselves (and if they did then suddenly the scope of the situation had changed dramatically).

(Like, zombies, right?)

Catherine stood up, wiping the grass off of her hands.

"Yeah," is all Catherine said.

They were only going to get heavier from here. And she was just... well, tired. After this was done she just wanted to sleep. To not care about anything else, fuck any psychopaths running around, and just get some decent shut-eye. We all want things we can't have.

Catherine headed back inside, to the room that housed the bodies.
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Post by Melusine »


That was the noise that came out of Willow's mouth. It was a mix between a death rattle, a toddler being told 'no', and Willow being disappointed by Sierra. She just wanted to hug Sierra. Willow didn't care about the random losers running around, she just wanted to feel some heat from another human being.

Willow was on pain medication, so her entire body felt numb. She hated it. It felt strange because she still felt the pain, but at the same time, she felt on another plane of existence. It was annoying, and it wasn't an enjoyable situation. A little hug would go a long way even if it revived the wound in her chest. She would have to do it herself, again.

"Alrighty," she pulled out her H&K P11. "I won't kill them, but if you do, please don't get blood on me."

She crossed her arms, ready to follow Sierra.
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Post by Laurels »

Katrina followed Catherine into the lighthouse. She sighed and tightened her grip on the sword as she did. She had no clue what she was walking into here. She didn't know if Sven or Zach would be here, or if it was anyone from the announcement. She still didn't know if Catherine was being entirely truthful, but she was seriously hoping she was. After yesterday's accident, Katrina didn't want to go further down this slippery slope.

As they entered, Katrina looked around. The first ones she saw were a boy and a girl. She didn't really know them that well, although she was sure she might have seen them around school or had a class with them. Suddenly, the names came to her: Philip and Bree. They weren't on the announcement so their deaths must have been fairly recent. It looked like someone shot them quite a bit.

It wasn't until she noticed the third body that Katrina really felt sick. She could recognize the blonde hair and the jacket instantly.

"Mikki," Katrina blurted.

She stared at the dead girl. How could she not recognize Mikki? Sure, the girl really disliked her back home and made it clear how much she disliked her, but she didn't deserve this. She didn't deserve to be gunned down by some maniac, not when she had so much to offer the world of EDM. Not when there was still time for her and Katrina to finally make peace and maybe collaborate. Katrina wondered if maybe they'd have become friends if they tried to work together and combined Katrina's awesome singing voice with Mikki's sick beats. Put out something a la Clean Bandit or something.

Now that'd never happened. The world was now without a promising musician, and that was a tragedy, as she saw it. Even if the other girl could be a bitch to her at times.

Katrina covered her mouth and sniffled. She could feel tears welling up in her eyes.

"How could this have happened?" she asked Catherine.
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

"Right, well, stick close and be careful." Sierra said, her grip tightening on the gun.

She moved forward towards the entrance, being sure to keep her aim steady. She entered the room and spotted two people inside and aimed at them. She opened her mouth to yell at them to not moved but immediately stopped as she viewed the room and saw three dead bodies within. Sierra's composure began to crack, her aim lowering as she study the scene and growing paler at the sight of it.

"What the fuck happened here...?" She muttered, backing up slightly.

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